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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
RayR Offline
#1501 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
The FBI tried to hide this bribery scheme from the American people? Say it ain't so! This is America, land of duhmacracy which is being threatened by far right-wing white supremacist racist fascist extremism the LEFTIES say.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1502 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Pedo Joe: Son, put Xi on the phone.

Crackhead Hunter: You want me to put him on the phone, what are you going to talk about?

Pedo Joe: The Weather?

Crackhead Hunter: The Weather Big Guy?

Pedo Joe: Yeah, whether or not I'm gittin ma money!!!!!!

Joe Biden's perfect phone calls

A president once defended himself from an impeachment inquiry by claiming to have made a “perfect phone call” concerning the Bidens and Ukraine.

We may not be there quite yet, but we are entering that territory once again.

President Joe Biden spoke multiple times on the telephone to his son’s business associates, a former Hunter Biden business partner told a House panel.

This was said to have occurred when the younger Biden was affiliated with a Ukrainian energy company and his father was vice president and an Obama administration point man on Ukraine.

One congressional Democrat who heard the testimony more or less confirmed the particulars but said this was nothing untoward.

The elder Biden didn’t talk business, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) assured reporters on Monday.

Instead, Joe Biden engaged in “casual conversation, niceties, the weather, what’s going on” when his son put him on speakerphone for his friends and business partners.

Approximately 20 perfect phone calls.

This falls well short of proving the worst allegations against the president, though it doesn’t exactly refute them, either.

It does suggest that the wall of separation between Hunter Biden’s business dealings and his father’s public life is rather less robust than originally advertised — long before the father’s donors and commission appointees were purchasing the son’s artwork.

Much like the gradual shift from the Hunter Biden laptop going from not real to not a big deal, the White House goalposts have slowly moved from the Bidens never talking shop to them never being business partners.

Congressional Democrats are left insisting, perhaps correctly, that Hunter Biden was simply creating the illusion of influence derived from his father’s name and power.

But prior to Devon Archer’s testimony, it was easy to argue that the worst thing the elder Biden could be accused of was not being forceful enough in telling his son to knock it off. It was also possible that Joe Biden was simply not sufficiently aware of what his wayward son was doing.

The phone calls suggest that Joe Biden was at least somewhat aware of his son’s activities. They also indicate that Joe Biden played a role, unwittingly or not, in helping his son create the illusion of influence in the first place.

Making himself available for these calls, even if only the weather was discussed, would help Hunter Biden make claims of influence that went beyond his surname. And Hunter Biden, at least, was paid handsomely for it.

House Republicans are now going to set out to prove that it wasn’t an illusion and that there was real access being sold. This could turn into another impeachment, or it could simply leave the same handful of committees pressing for answers.

All this is happening against the backdrop of Hunter Biden’s plea deal for tax and gun crimes falling apart, while his father is gearing up for a possible rematch with former President Donald Trump, who will surely use these revelations to rehabilitate further his own Biden-Ukraine phone call.

Trump will also use any questions swirling around the Biden family to lessen perceptions of the justice and severity of his own legal problems.

And it is indeed difficult to imagine the Democrats now defending Joe Biden singing the same tune if the president’s name was Trump.

But Democrats who once seemed confident there was no "there" there with the Hunter Biden saga now sound like they are phoning it in.

But Trump isn't cutting it anymore. Quick...release the UFO's!!!!
RayR Offline
#1503 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Hunter threatens his Chicom partners with pay me the money or I'm gonna have my daddy whose sitting right next me beat your azz. That's classic mob shakedown tactics of the First Crime Family.

I hope the UFO peeps 🛸 are friendly and civilized and would do the earth a favor by abducting all the lizard people 🦎 and dump them on some desolate prison planet far far away.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1504 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

Just in case it wasn’t clear what Hunter Biden was doing when he put his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on the speakerphone during business meetings, even Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer calls it an “abuse of soft power.”

According to designated Democratic apologist Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), Joe Biden had no idea who was on the speakerphone in Paris or Dubai or Lake Como, or wherever it was that Hunter introduced his father to shady foreigners who were showering him with millions of dollars and lavish gifts like a $50,000 Hublot watch, which Archer says Hunter got from the Ukrainians.

No, the VP would just talk about “the weather” after Hunter introduced him to “Vadym” or “Nikolai” or whoever. He wasn’t talking about balance sheets or where to place the oil rigs, so that makes it quite OK.

Seriously, whom does Goldman think he’s kidding?

Archer was careful choosing his words to the Oversight Committee on Monday and in a subsequent interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Facing a one-year prison sentence over a fraud conviction, Archer has been bombarded with death threats since news broke that he was cooperating with congressional investigators. The father of three has tried to tell the truth while trying to survive at the center of a brutal tug-of-war between Congress and the White House.

But no matter how desperately Democrats and their media handmaidens try to spin Archer’s testimony, he has changed the game.

Prez had a role

As he told Carlson, it’s “categorically false” that Joe Biden had no role in his son’s business or knowledge of it: “He was aware of Hunter’s ­business. He met with Hunter’s business partners.”

Now Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence operation is undeniable, despite his nearly three-year litany of lies.

Even while being scrupulously careful, Archer’s testimony was damning.

He described how Joe was “the brand” of his family “business” and was used to send “signals” of power, access and influence, whether on speakerphone or meeting in person. There were dinners at Café Milano in Washington, DC, with Hunter’s benefactors from Ukraine, Russia and China, breakfasts at the vice presidential residence in DC, handshakes on the sidelines of Beijing meetings. Ultimately, it was this access to VP Biden that sent millions of dollars flowing into Biden family coffers.

Goldman tried to make hay over the word “weather” in Archer’s response to a question about what Joe Biden talked about in those 20 speakerphone calls with Hunter’s foreign business associates.

“I think that the calls were, that’s what it was,” Archer said Monday, according to a source familiar with his testimony. “They were calls to talk about the weather, and that was signal enough to be powerful.”
It wasn’t the content of the calls, in other words, but the fact that they were made. That was the “signal.”

The call was “enough,” Archer told Carlson in an interview to be released Thursday on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, after a teaser was aired Wednesday. “In the rearview, it’s an abuse of soft power …

“That’s the … second-most powerful man in the world … The prize of being able to have, whether it’s on speakerphone or in person, to have that person in direct contact with, [whether] you’re talking about weather or politics or what have you, that that’s the important [thing] … There’s no relevance in asking the vice president about the gas, you know, revenues or anything. [The call is] enough and the prize is that contact and that access.”

Archer states the obvious, that Hunter’s value to corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying him and Hunter $83,000 a month apiece, was his access to his father, the VP.

He was asked by Carlson about an urgent email sent to him and Hunter on May 12, 2014, from Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi demanding to know “how you could use your influence to convey a message, signal, etc., to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions.” At the time, Burisma was aggressively being investigated by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

Archer explained what “signal” means in a corrupt country like Ukraine. “It’s almost like, you know, the shakedown … they’re using a common term to them and sending back here to us and say, ‘I hope we’re protected’ kind of thing …

‘Shokin a threat’

“So Shokin is taking a close look … at Burisma. There were allegations that some of the … deposits or some of the reserves were not, you know, authentically acquired … Shokin was considered a threat to the business … You’ve got to get the signals to the government. I think anyone in government is always a threat and always trying to shake down these businesses that were highly successful.”

Archer hedged by saying that he was told by Burisma executives that Shokin himself was corrupt and “there was a big push by European leaders, the Atlantic Council, etc., to fire Shokin because he was corrupt … It certainly wasn’t made clear to us at the board level … that that was a favor to be done … I wasn’t involved in Shokin or any of this.”

But ultimately, Archer concluded, Shokin “was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of Nikolai [Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky], a house, some cars, a couple of properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of these assets …

“And then [Shokin] was fired and then somehow Burisma was let off the hook.”

Asked if Burisma executives were trying to leverage Hunter’s relationship with his powerful father, Archer said, “Yes, there was constant pressure to send signals to leverage all of his, you know, his dad included.

But the Biden brand, the DC insider relationships to help Burisma survive …

“It was that ability to help on the geopolitical stage, keep them out of trouble, keep them out of investigations, unfreeze assets [and] unsuccessfully, you know, unfreeze visas.”

That brings us to the speakerphone call in Dubai late in the evening of Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, in the middle of Shokin’s aggressive investigations when, after a Burisma board meeting and dinner, Hunter and Archer went to the Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach for a drink. While there, Pozharskyi phoned to say he and Zlochevsky needed to speak to Hunter urgently. When they arrived at the bar, they asked Hunter to call his dad.

In Archer’s testimony, he said he did not hear the call that night because Hunter and the Ukrainians moved away from the table, so he could not say if they called Joe, just “DC.” But he was told by Pozharskyi that it was Joe they called in DC. Despite attempts by Democrats to confuse the issue, it is obvious that the one powerful person in DC whom Hunter phoned directly at any time was his father.

And he told Carlson the Ukrainians regularly asked Hunter to get his dad on the phone.

“I did not listen to a particular call where they spoke. But I know that the request was made by Vadym [Pozharskyi] a lot.”

Ultimately, said Archer, “I do believe that, at the end of the day, Burisma wouldn’t have stayed in business so long if Hunter was not on the board.”

Ain’t that the truth. By Joe Biden’s own admission, he flew to Ukraine a few days after that fateful Dubai speakerphone call, and threatened the Ukrainian government that he would withhold $1 billion in US aid unless Shokin was fired. Three months later, Shokin was gone, and as Archer said, ­Burisma was off the hook.

Lefty, keep on defending him. Even AFTER knowing he's lying!
RayR Offline
#1505 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Joey B. needs to be brought up on charges of Conspiracy to defraud the United States immediately, otherwise there is no rule of law. Throw some thought crimes in there too because that's what LEFTY would do. ram27bat
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1506 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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What did China and Ukraine get for their money????

Biden Energy Secretary Secretly Consulted Top Chinese Energy Official Before SPR Release, Sales To Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Energy Giant

US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, whose catastrophic handling of US energy policy will be one of the most memorable and dire consequences of the Biden era, engaged in multiple conversations with the Chinese government's top energy official just days before the Biden administration announced it would tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to combat high gas prices in 2021, the same China whose Hunter Biden-linked energy giant Unipec, which we previously learned had bought millions of barrels from the SPR release.

Granholm called China National Energy Administration Chairman Zhang Jianhua, a longstanding senior member of the Chinese Communist Party, for a half-hour one-on-one conversation on Nov. 21, 2021. Granholm’s calendar also shows an earlier phone call had been scheduled with Jianhua for Nov. 19 but a rep for the former Michigan governor said the first call never took place. Then, on Nov. 23, 2021, the White House announced a release of 50 million barrels of oil from the SPR, the largest release of its kind in U.S. history at the time.

According to Fox News, Granholm's previously-undisclosed talks with China National Energy Administration Chairman Zhang Jianhua — revealed in internal Energy Department calendars obtained by Americans for Public Trust (APT) and shared with Fox News Digital — reveal that the Biden administration likely discussed its plans to release oil from the SPR with China before its public announcement in the US: yes, China's Communist Party learned what Biden would be doing before the US did.

"Secretary Granholm's multiple closed-door meetings with a CCP-connected energy official raise serious questions about the level of Chinese influence on the Biden administration’s energy agenda," APT Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland told Fox News Digital, an "energy agenda" that can be summarized with just one chart:

"Instead of focusing on creating real energy independence for America, Granholm has been too busy parroting Chinese energy propaganda and insisting ‘we can all learn from what China is doing,’" Sutherland continued. "The public deserves to know the extent to which Chinese officials are attempting to infiltrate U.S. energy policy and security."

Hilariously, in response to the leaked calendar, in a statement the DOE said the meeting was broadly part of the agency's effort to combat climate change, but didn't share what was discussed at the meeting.

"Solving the climate crisis means engaging with competitors and allies in clear and substantive discussions — especially among the nations emitting the most carbon pollution into the atmosphere," a DOE spokesperson told Fox News Digital. "We must all address the transnational challenge of climate change to our planet."

It was unclear just how the DOE is "solving climate crisis" and "addressing climate change" by engaging with China when Chinese CO2 emissions are double those of the US and rising exponentially...

... but that's irrelevant since the DOE - like every other aspect of the Biden administration - was lying.

As part of its announcement in November 2021, the White House said it was releasing oil from U.S. reserves in conjunction with "other major energy consuming nations including China." However, President Biden said in remarks after the announcement that China "may do more as well" and Granholm told reporters during a press briefing that China "will make its own announcement."

What happened next will shock nobody: instead of releasing oil stocks, China aggressively increased its own reserves, and even bought fuel from the US. Meanwhile, SPR releases have weakened U.S. national security and bolstered foreign adversaries' "geopolitical leverage" according to Republican leaders.

"China ramped up its purchases of crude oil from Russia and the United States to boost its own reserves, even as oil prices surged and President Biden called for a coordinated release," House Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., and former GOP Rep. Fred Upton wrote to Granholm last year.

"As a result, China may now control the world’s largest stockpile of oil, with total crude inventories estimated at 950 million barrels," they added.

In addition, the White House and Department of Energy has been heavily criticized for allowing SPR sales to flow to Chinese state-run energy companies. The White House then fired back in July 2022, arguing that its hands were tied since it is legally required to sell SPR oil to the highest bidder, even if said bidder will be the US adversary in the next world war... then again, with China purchasing influence over the so-called US president through his son, this too should not come as a surprise.

As noted above, the Biden administration has sold at least six million barrels of oil from the SPR to Unipec, an affiliate of the state-controlled China Petrochemical Corporation with extensive connections to Hunter Biden. Jianhua, who met with Granholm in 2021, served in a leadership role for years at the China Petrochemical Corporation, Reuters previously reported.

From September 2021 to July, the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded three crude oil contracts with a combined value of roughly $464 million to Unipec America, the U.S. trading arm of Chinese state-owned oil company Sinopec, according to a review by The Epoch Times of the DOE documents. A Chinese firm with ties to Hunter Biden had made an investment in the national oil giant.

The sale would tap 5.9 million barrels in total from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to export to the Chinese firm. The latest contract was unveiled on July 10, consisting of 950,000 barrels sold for around $113.5 million.

The two most recent sales to Unipec came out of an emergency drawdown of the U.S. oil stockpile, initiated under President Joe Biden on March 31, 2022 in what he said would offset the loss of Russian oil in global markets and tame rising fuel costs at home.

The Unipec contracts have been a subject of heavy criticism since the firm’s connections to the younger Biden came into focus a year ago. Republican lawmakers and analysts have said that the selling of oil reserves to foreign adversaries such as China is at odds with U.S. energy and security needs.

Sinopec, the parent organization of Unipec, has been linked to Hunter Biden, through the state-backed Chinese private equity firm BHR Partners, which became a stakeholder of Sinopec in 2014.

Hunter served as a founding board member of BHR from 2013 through April 2020. His firm Skaneateles also held a 10 percent stake in BHR, which his lawyer said has been divested as of November 2021. On BHR’s 2021 annual report released in June, however, Skaneateles was still listed as a shareholder.

At the time of the SPR sale to Unipec, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) said the sale demonstrates the current administration’s “rank incompetence.”

“The Biden White House obviously didn’t see a problem with loading millions of barrels from our strategic reserves onto tankers bound for foreign countries, which likely explains why they don’t see a problem selling our emergency crude oil to a Chinese gas company with ties to Hunter Biden’s investment firm,” he told The Epoch Times.

"China is profiting from President Biden’s political abuse of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve," Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Ranking member John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said earlier this year. "Meanwhile, America has become more vulnerable to true energy and national security emergencies."

Overall, Biden has ordered the Department of Energy to release a total of about 260 million barrels of oil stored in the SPR since taking office to combat record fuel prices hitting American consumers. In late March 2022, the president announced a draw-down of a million barrels per day from the SPR after Russia invaded Ukraine, roiling global energy markets. The SPR drain, which has offset multiple OPEC+ output cuts, has been instrumental in pushing the price of oil - and thus gasoline - lower, however at the expense of draining the strategic US reserve to 40-year lows.

The SPR's level has fallen to about 346.8 million barrels of oil, the lowest level since August 1983, according to Energy Information Administration data released on July 28. The current level is also 43% lower than its level recorded days prior to the November 2021 release.

The Senate overwhelmingly supported an amendment to this year’s annual defense bill barring future oil exports to US adversaries China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. In a letter to Granholm last year, Republican lawmakers warned that Beijing and Moscow were both buying up oil from the US.

“The Biden administration is depleting the nation’s petroleum reserves, while allowing OPEC, Russia, and China to gain geopolitical leverage over the United States,” wrote then-House Committee on Energy and Commerce ranking member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and then-House Energy subcommittee ranking member Fred Upton (R-Mich.).

“As you know, in November 2021, President Biden announced a 50-million-barrel release from the SPR that was supposed to be in tandem with other importing countries, including China,” the lawmakers told Granholm. “In reality, China ramped up its purchases of crude oil from Russia and the United States to boost its own reserves, even as oil prices surged and President Biden called for a coordinated release.”

“As a result, China may now control the world’s largest stockpile of oil, with total crude inventories estimated at 950 million barrels,” they added.

Granholm's just released calendar from Nov 2021 can be found below.

Quid Pro Quo

RayR Offline
#1507 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048

And Joe and Kamala are the centerpiece.
Try not to laugh or cry or puke...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1508 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
‘Bidenomics’ Has Been A Disaster

The president helped create inflation, high energy prices, and stifling interest rates. Jobs? Not so much.

After 40 years of “trickle-down economics,” Joe Biden says, “Bidenomics is just another way of saying restoring the American Dream.”

It’s not often that a politician openly pledges to bring the country back to a time of crippling inflation, high energy prices, and stifling interest rates. But this president is doing his best to keep that promise.

Unsurprisingly, “Bidenomics” is failing to gain traction among voters. This has caused consternation in the media. One thing to remember, though, is that “Bidenomics” isn’t really a thing. Unlike, say, “Reaganomics,” which helped bring about the largest expansion of the middle class in world history, the president does not subscribe to any coherent or tangible set of economic theories or principles. The White House defines its economic policy as being “rooted in the recognition that the best way to grow the economy is from the middle out and the bottom up,” which is just platitudinous gibberish.

“Bidenomics” encompass anything and everything that’s convenient for Democrats. And in this moment, it’s convenient for them to take credit for merely letting people go back to work. Biden, who once claimed that the Democrats $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” plan cost “zero dollars,” isn’t exactly a math whiz. But when he says stuff like “13.4 million jobs have been added to our economy” under his watch, more than “any other president in a full 4-year term,” anyone with even a passing familiarity with the events of the years preceding 2023 knows it’s a lie of omission.

The notion that presidents “create” jobs is itself a fantasy. In this case, though, Biden supported efforts to shutter private businesses during the pandemic, basically closing down the entire economy, not only while running for president but after winning office. When Florida, and other states, attempted to ease some restrictions, President Biden told them to “get out of the way” so that people could “do the right thing.” The pressure exerted on states to “do the right thing” was immense.

All of which is to say that the president and his allies had far more to do with destroying jobs than creating them. We don’t need to relitigate the efficacy of COVID policy here, but approximately 10 million of the jobs that Biden now brags about overseeing are just people coming back to workforce after state-compelled lockdowns.

Then again, if “Bidenomics” had meant doing absolutely nothing, it would have been the president’s greatest political accomplishment. But that would have meant allowing a crisis to go to waste. Instead, what “Bidenomics” did help create was the biggest four-year inflationary spike under any president in 40 years.

By the time the “American Rescue Plan” was passed, there was already too much money chasing too few goods. Tons of people warned about the consequences of dumping more money into the economy. Even when inflation began inching up, Biden dismissed it — “no serious economist” is “suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” he said. Democrats, of course, wanted to cram through a $5 trillion progressive agenda spending bill. So when inflation became a big non-transitory political problem, the Biden administration began arguing that more spending would help ease inflation.

Again, the vital to remember about “Bidenomics” is that it makes absolutely zero sense.

Only after inflation became a political issue did the Democrats rename “Build Back Better” the “Inflation Reduction Act.” It still contained all the historic spending, corporate welfare, price-fixing, and tax hikes, but, more importantly, it also still had absolutely nothing to do with mitigating inflation.

Let’s not forget that “Bidenomics” also helped initiate the highest gas prices in history. The president signed a slew of executive orders pausing government leases on public lands, shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, and stymieing drilling in the Gulf of Mexico over concocted “social cost of carbon” externalities, among other restrictions. Despite the uncertainty of the post-pandemic economy, all of this was done in the first weeks of his administration.

None of this is to even mention the hundreds of billions “Bidenomics” “invested” — the enduring euphemism for spending money we don’t have — in social engineering projects that would force us to abandon modernity in the name of “climate justice.” This brand of spending was based on a (misguided) moral prerogative, not any kind of prudent economic decision making, to say the least.

A writer in the New Yorker recently asked, “Why Isn’t Joe Biden Getting More Credit for a Big Drop in Inflation?” Probably because there is no “Bidenomics” policy that has helped lower inflation. Quite the opposite. We’re still trying to recover from the president’s economic policy. It’s the Fed that was compelled to hike interest rates at a level not seen in 30 years to inhibit economic growth partly due to government-induced inflation. It, not Biden, brought down inflation.

Presidents who oversee strong economies, often benefitting from the luck of history or existing policies, will see fewer jobs “created” during their terms because space for growth is limited. Biden was given more economic headroom than any president in history — and blew it. That’s the real legacy of “Bidenomics.”

Dummies want more of this.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1509 Posted:
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Posts: 55,801
Does Ukraine Have Kompromat on Joe Biden?

Throughout the Trump presidency, the mainstream media constantly suggested that Russia had so-called "kompromat" on the president—embarrassing materials used as a weapon of influence through blackmail. We all remember the daily deluge: "Does Russia have Kompromat on Trump?" CNN asked. "A Russian Word Americans Need To Know: 'Kompromat,'" Greg Myre wrote at NPR, concluding that "Russia may have compromising material on President-elect Donald Trump." The Guardian agreed, writing there was "apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on Trump... that happened during Trump's trips to Moscow." Jonathan Chait wrote in New York Magazine that Russia had "secret leverage over Trump," and "a great deal of incriminating information was confirmed," a claim reiterated by the BBC in an article called "Russia and the art of 'kompromat'." The Washington Post was obsessed with the conspiracy theory, publishing numerous articles about it, as did the Daily Beast with a steady stream of articles. Even the New York Times promoted the conspiracy theory that Russia had kompromat on the President, based on a brief meeting attended by one of Trump's sons in Trump Tower. Entire books were written on all the kompromat that the Kremlin supposedly had on President Trump, which were eagerly cited across mainstream media.

And what was this kompromat that Russia had over Trump, per our august media institutions? Putin apparently had sex tapes of Trump with prostitutes peeing on him.

It seems so ridiculous that anyone—let alone our most august media institutions—believed this in hindsight. We now know that the pee tape stemmed from Hillary Clinton's campaign. But the kompromat conspiracy theory was essential for the Democrats' narrative that Russia possessed boundless influence over the president.

For the Washington Post, the (made-up) kompromat meant Trump was "an agent of Russia." For CNN, it meant Trump was a "Russian asset." The exact same talking point was repeated ad nauseam across the media in places like The Atlantic, The New Republic, Slate, Wired, and nightly on MSNBC. The specific nature of the kompromat or how Trump was a Russian agent or asset was never fixed or established, and depended upon the creativity of journalist imagination. Max Boot perfectly captured the zeitgeist in an article for the Washington Post entitled, "Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset."

All the kompromat talk swiftly ended the moment Joe Biden became president because surely no foreign government could have any dirt on him. This left no one to ask the obvious question: Could Ukrainian officials have kompromat on Joe, given all the allegations of his corruption in Ukraine?

It's a much more reasonable question about Joe Biden than it ever was when posed as a certainty about Trump. After all, Hunter Biden was paid many millions of dollars by the shady Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, despite having no qualifications for the job that anyone could point to beyond being the son of the Vice President at the time—which proved fortunate when his father fired the general prosecutor of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, who had begun an investigation into the Burisma-Hunter gravy train.

And yet, in obvious contrast with their obsession with Russia's kompromat on Trump, the mainstream media has lined up to dismiss the corruption allegations against Biden as a nothingburger. This has been no easy feat, and yet the media has valiantly obliged, arguing repeatedly that Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma for reasons that had nothing to do with the fact that his father was the Vice President at the time overseeing U.S. relations with Ukraine—and that Joe did not have any knowledge of his son's highly lucrative business dealings. And they would have you believe Vice President Biden fired Shokin because Shokin was corrupt.

The latest evidence exposes the media's talking points as pure propaganda. On July 31, 2023, Devon Archer testified to the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability about both Joe's relationship to Burisma and why he fired Shokin. Archer was Hunter Biden's close friend who served alongside him on the board of Burisma. Under oath, Archer testified that Burisma paid Hunter millions of dollars solely because his father was Vice President. Burisma would have gone out of business without "the brand" and the brand was Joe, Archer testified. Per Archer, Joe Biden was involved in the racket; he was put on speakerphone in business meetings at least 20 times.

Archer also testified that Shokin was fired by Joe not for being a corrupt prosecutor but for investigating the millions of dollars Burisma was paying Hunter, whom the company owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, said was stupider than his dog. In subsequent interviews, Archer has even more clearly confirmed that Shokin was fired for pursuing Burisma's enormous payoffs to the Biden family.

All of this is well-known to Ukrainian officials. Shokin himself released a video directly rebutting Biden loyalists in the American media, in which he explains in detail why Vice President Biden threatened Ukraine's president with holding back critical American aid if Shokin was not immediately replaced with a dud.

This is Viktor Shokin. He is the Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden accused of being corrupt and had removed.

In this video he responds to accusations that his investigation into Burisma was dormant or that he was corrupt. He tells the truth about why he was removed as prosecutor.…
— MAZE (@mazemoore) August 4, 2023

"The depiction of these investigations as dormant has nothing to do with reality of the facts," Shokin said. "Mr. Biden was told that we were going to start questioning his son and others, Archer and others, all involved in the Burisma case. And everyone understood very well that this fight was going to end badly for them... Biden had understood what was looming... We were about to reach the outcome of this case. Having understood all this, Biden used all the unofficial means at his disposal... Biden was acting on behalf of his own interests, for his family... Joe Biden had reason to fear that all this would eventually fall on his son."

For his pains, Biden replaced Shokin with a new prosecutor, who promptly closed the Burisma investigation.

Nothing that has emerged recently has the shock value of a pee tape. But perhaps that's because it's all true. It is also consistent with the materials found on Hunter's notorious laptop, which contains emails from Burisma executives pleading with Biden to use his influence to stop the pressure on them by Ukrainian officials.

Unlike the pee tape and other unsubstantiated charges of Russian kompromat against Trump, the evidence is robust that Joe Biden abused his power as Vice President to massively enrich his family through influence peddling. The Vice President successfully threatened to withhold financial aid if the Ukrainian president did not immediately put to bed an investigation exposing the Biden racket.

Despite the evidence of Biden's corruption in Ukraine, the Zelensky government has not outed Joe for his sordid history in his country. But why would Zelensky need to expose Biden? At tremendous American cost, Biden is leading the largest war since World War II to help Ukraine.

Yet as American public support for it dries up, one cannot help but wonder how much freedom President Biden has to step back from this immense war effort, even if he wanted.

One thing is for sure: If President Trump were waging this kind of massive effort on behalf of a foreign power, America's legacy media would be calling him a foreign asset.

Newsweek magazine telling you what I've been telling you all along...If the DNC is accusing Trump of anything it's because they're already doing it!!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1510 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Where's all the Lefty's with the "But but but Trump did this"? You'd think they'd be pissed that "someone" is daring to follow the Money Trail back to the crackhouse!

House Republicans Release Bank Records Showing Over $20 Million In Payments To Biden Family, Associates

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday revealed over $20 million in payments they claim foreign actors from places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan sent the Biden family and their associates while Joe Biden was vice president.

Hunter specifically received millions from Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev while father Joe was VP, the committee found.

The records show Baturina wired $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a shell company belonging to Hunter and Archer, in February 2014.

Three-quarters of a million dollars was then transferred directly to Archer, and the rest was used to fund a new company, Rosemont Seneca Bohai.

The bank record shows a transfer of $3.5 million on February 14, 2014 and a transfer of $2.7 million to Rosemont Seneca Bohai on March 11, 2014. -Daily Mail

"During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as ‘the brand’ to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself. And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered," said committee chairman James Comer (R-KY).

"It’s clear Joe Biden knew about his son’s business dealings and allowed himself to be ‘the brand’ sold to enrich the Biden family while he was Vice President of the United States."

In one instance, Kazakh oil oligarch Kenes Rakishev wired $142,000 to Hunter Biden's shell corporation to buy a new Porsche (which Hunter bought the next day), before a dinner was set up between the oligarch and Joe Biden, bank records show.

The president's son photographed himself smoking crack in his Porsche while driving through a residential area to the airport in June 2018

And on March 25, 2014, there were two separate transfers for $2.2 million and $200,000 respectively into the Rosemont Seneca Bohai account, which Hunter and Devon Archer used to receive other personal payments such as those from Burisma. The committee says Hunter then transferred the money into another Rosemont Seneca Bohai account that he and Archer were able to access.

After this, then-VP Joe Biden attended a dinner with Baturina, Hunter, Archer and others at Cafe Milano in Washington DC.

And guess who was left off Biden's list of sanctioned Russian oligarchs? Baturina.

The committee also says they have proof that Archer and Biden were paid $1 million each for their role on Burisma's board, or $83,333 per month.

Nothing to see here, just energy expert Hunter Biden raking it in from the company has father would later protect by forcing Ukraine to hire its head prosecutor.

The committee has subpoenaed records from six different banks and have received thousands of records regarding the shell corps, but have not 'yet' subpoenaed bank records for the Biden family.

On Tuesday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called on President Biden to "give us his bank statements."

All that money was going for uniting riiiight?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1511 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

An exclusive Gateway Pundit report by Benjamin Wetmore and Patty McMurray
Special Thanks to Phil O’Halloran and Lori Skibo for their contributions and assistance with this story. The two election integrity activists obtained a copy of the State Police report and began investigating the story in June. Phil O’Halloran, now Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party’s Election Integrity Committee and Lori Skibo, Director of the MI GOP’s Poll Challenger Program, brought it to our attention and are assisting with our research of this story.
* * * * * * * * * *

On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Mr. Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.

The following is from the MI State Police report:

On 10/16/20 Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch and Deputy Clerk Kimberly Young contacted the Muskegon Police Department after noticing irregularities in voter registration applications received both in person and by mail.

The Muskegon city clerk became suspicious when the female, (whose name is redacted in the first part of the police report, but then later, is unredacted), hand-delivered thousands of voter registrations to her office, many of them in the same handwriting.

On 10/20/20 (deadline day for in-person voter registration applications) the suspect retumed to the *Muskegon City Clerk’s office to deliver additional registration forms in person. Meisch estimated that (suspect) brought an additional 2500 forms. Meisch contacted the Muskegon Police Department and Detective Logan Anderson and Captain Shawn Bride conducted a non-custodial interview with the suspect.

Meisch stated that in her opinion a quantity of the voter registration forms were highly suspicious and possibly fraudulent.

Meisch’s opinion was based on the fact that numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer and upon initial examination, addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent.

Meisch investigated further and found that phone numbers on multiple forms were erroneous and signatures on multiple forms didn’t appear to match signatures on file with the Department of Secretary of State. Examples included an address in the and another in the [REDACTED]

Those addresses do not exist in the Muskegon City house numbering system. Another form listed 80 W. Southern Ave which is the address for Muskegon High School and is clearly not a residence.

Later in the report, the name of the female suspect was unredacted.

The MI State Police investigator assigned to the case spoke with the female suspect who explained that she was being paid $1150/week “to find un-registered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.” The only problem is, the handwriting on the voter registrations was the same on several of the registrations and many of the addresses were non-existent or fake.

MI Attorney General Dana Nessel, who is currently attempting to prosecute 15 senior citizens and the former MI GOP co-chair for casting an alternate set of electoral votes in the 2020 election, asked the MI State Police to join the Muskegon Police and AG’s investigation of the potentially massive, multi-city voter fraud operation.

Two members of AG Dana Nessel’s Criminal Investigation Division were assigned to the operation, yet curiously, she failed to mention the investigation to the public. To this day, Dana Nessel is still claiming there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Michigan, despite the fact that she knew her office and the office of her friend, Michigan’s crooked SOS Jocelyn Benson, were involved with the MI State Police in a large scale investigation that took place across the state before it was taken over by the FBI.

Corey Ames, a MI SOS analyst CONFIRMED “a quantity of the forms they found in their investigation “are clearly fraudulent.” MI SOS Jocelyn Benson also claimed there was no widespread voter fraud in Michigan and neglected to mention the investigation to the public.

Today, The Gateway Pundit and our close friends from Michigan are exposing this damning report. The evidence from this investigation exposes criminal election fraud involving thousands of fraudulent ballots in Michigan by an organization that set up temporary offices in several swing states prior to the 2020 election.

This explosive investigation was covered up and buried from the public, until today.

It should be noted that after documenting these crimes and investigating for weeks, the Michigan police turned their investigation over to the FBI who promptly buried the findings. Once again, the FBI apparently took no action—more on that in an upcoming report.

The police in Muskegon were investigating voter fraud in October 2020, a month prior to the general election. The FBI failed to follow-up on the alleged election crimes according to Michigan election investigator Phil O’Halloran. O’Halloran is now the Election Integrity Chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

The police report has redactions throughout, but not all names were redacted. The police report names ‘GBI Strategies‘ as the organization running the scheme. The Tennessee-based group is heavily connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaign committees. The released report also names “Brilus” as a primary person involved.

The police report from 2020 revealed that GBI Strategies has been in operation since 2014. And, the investigators found that GBI Strategies was paid $1,571,386 by the Doug Jones for Senate campaign back in 2018. That was just one race they were involved in.

The investigators also found that GBI Strategies was paid $188,000 by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in 2018. (paragraph 11)

The employees at GBI Strategies were being paid $15 an hour or $120 a day. (paragraph 8)

A woman interviewed by police said she was paid $1150 per week and given a rental car. She said she was given a “reloadable pay card.” (paragraph 3)
Police reported that hundreds of pre-paid cards from “different” companies, along with “dozens of new (burner?) phones were found in the Southfield raid in Michigan.

The police report noted that there were numerous job openings listed in Flint, Michigan and Regional Field Manager postings in Washington DC and Chicago, Illinois. This group had branches across the nation.

During their investigation, the police also found partially completed voter registration forms and police found “pelican cases in the room with semi-automatic rifles joined with suppressors and optics and customized pistols.” One case had “4 rifles and 4 pistols.”

The police report claims these weapons were determined to be legal and lawful after calling in the ATF to inspect the weapons.

The affiant (witness who filled out the affidavit) first witnessed minivans moving from a hotel in Grand Haven to the location of the business, a former California Eyecare location. The next day Detective Luker was notified. He went to the address where he found a bag of trash filled with information on employee agreements.

The affiant believed the records found at the location were crucial to determining the crime of Election Fraud Forgery and determining who may be criminally liable and who may have profited from the fraud.

The affiant later obtained a copy of the Mukegon PD Report 2020-19124 authored by Officer Foster with a supplemental report by Detective Logan Anderson along with a copy of the search warrant of the business location.

This next paragraph from the police document reveals that Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch and Deputy Clerk Kimberly Young first contacted the police on October 16, 2020.

Meisch and Young contacted police after receiving multiple “State of Michigan Voter Registration Application” forms which in their opinion appeared to be fraudulent. According to the report, Meisch based her opinion on the fact that some of the addresses on the applications appeared to be invalid or non-existent. Also, some of the phone numbers were invalid and some signatures did match those on file.

Meisch also noted that the handwriting on the ballots appeared to be the same with a similar signature and ALL OF THE BALLOTS appeared to come from the same company with two locations in Southfield and Auburn Hills.

Meisch told police some of the forms were dropped off in person to the Muskegon City Clerk’s office by a black female who identified herself as Brianna Hawkins. Miss Hawkins said her employment entailed registering voters and helping them obtain absentee ballots.

Meisch estimated that the leftist organization delivered approximately 8,000-10,000 voter registration forms to the Muskegon City Clerk’s office and provided a sampling of 42 suspected fraudulent applications to Officer Foster for examination. Meisch stated they identified by viewing her Facebook profile.

Employee Brianna Hawkins dropped off between 8K -10K registrations in ONE day!

The investigators found that “a number of voter applications forms were clearly fraudulent.”

The report notes that police found, “Dozens of new phones” and “Hundreds of pre-paid payment cards” – these items were clearly considered suspicious by the police in the report.

Also in the report: the left-wing ballot organizing group had suppressors (Silencers) and automatic weapons for some odd reason.

Nearly three years later, President Trump faces multiple prosecutions because he ‘fraudulently’ pursued ‘baseless’ claims of voter fraud according to prosecutors and the mainstream media. Trump won the Michigan vote in 2016 by 15,000 votes but suspiciously lost to Joe Biden by 150,000 votes four years later, despite increasing his vote share in neighboring Ohio. 16 Trump Presidential electors in Michigan are being prosecuted by far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, because, according to Dana Nessel the controversial Michigan AG, they ‘fraudulently’ believed that there was systemic voter fraud that was not being properly investigated.

The released police report has redactions throughout, but not all names were redacted. The police report names ‘GBI Strategies‘ as the organization engaged in what the report suggests is widespread, systemic, voter fraud in multiple locations around the state. The Tennessee group is heavily connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaign committees. The released report also names “Brilus” as a primary person involved.

The police report also notes that the organization used rental cars around the state as part of its deployments, naming several of the field locations for their operations. On election night, a suspicious 3:30 AM van delivering the Biden Ballot Dump in Detroit at the facility formerly known as the TCF Center was accompanied by a vehicle registered to a rental car company.

The Gateway Pundit previously obtained the video and broke the story.

The Gateway Pundit has always reported that there were unanswered statistical anomolies within the absentee data. Repeated trends across the state of Michigan that appear to show systemic voter fraud among absentee ballots.

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit: “My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens. Many were sent to people who had moved out of state.” These ballot applications, if turned back in, would cause a live ballot to then be sent to that address by the clerk. Both the ballot applications and the live ballots were not seriously checked for a ‘signature match’ because Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson purposefully advised clerks to illegally assume and presume the signatures were a match.

This tip from Muskegon clerk Ann Meisch, who has been the City Clerk of Muskegon since 2007, was referred to the FBI. Clerk Meisch has been a City Clerk for other Michigan cities for 17 years before that. There’s no evidence the FBI did anything with this investigation. And in fact, the Bill Barr appointed DOJ attorney overseeing election fraud cases was notorious for political persecution against conservatives.

We have more coming on our investigation. Stay tuned.

Be interesting to see how the presstitutes try to bury this story!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1512 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
It's leaking into the media!!!!

Multi-Million Dollar GBI Strategies LLC – The Target in the Unearthed 2020 Michigan Police Report Involving Election Crimes – Was Dissolved in Tennessee in 2017

GBI Strategies LLC, the Democrat related entity included in 2020 police report in Michigan related to election fraud, was dissolved in Tennessee in 2017.

How does this happen?

GBI Strategies and its apparent head, Gary Bell, is listed in the police report from 2020 recently uncovered by The Gateway Pundit.

On October 8, 2020 a person dropped off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications in Muskegon, Michigan. City Clerk Ann Meisch obviously noticed.

Per a review of the voter applications, it was uncovered that:

numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer
addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent
phone numbers were erroneous
signatures didn’t match

On October 16 the Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate.

On October 20 the same person brought in another 2,500 forms.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office got involved on October 21. Two members of AG Dana Nessel’s Criminal Investigation Division were assigned to the operation, yet curiously, she failed to mention the investigation to the public at any time since.

Michigan State Police got involved and an investigator assigned to the case spoke with the female suspect who explained that she was being paid $1150/week “to find un-registered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.”

After documenting these crimes and investigating for weeks, the Michigan police turned their investigation over to the FBI which promptly buried the findings.

In the report the police named ‘GBI Strategies‘ as the organization running the scheme. GBI Strategies LLC is:

connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaign committees.
has been in operation since 2014.
was paid $1,571,386 by the Doug Jones for Senate campaign back in 2018.

This group had branches across the nation.

‘GBI Strategies‘ was engaged in what the report suggests is widespread, systemic, voter fraud in multiple locations around the state.

The police found at one location (Southfield) in Michigan –

partially completed voter registration forms
“pelican cases in the room with semi-automatic rifles joined with suppressors and optics and customized pistols.”
A case with “4 rifles and 4 pistols.”
“Dozens of new phones” and “Hundreds of pre-paid payment cards.”

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit:

“My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens. Many were sent to people who had moved out of state.”

On Wednesday, The Gateway Pundit followed up the report with information on the head of GBI Strategies.

GBI Strategies LLC is a left-wing campaign consulting company run by Gary Bell with a mailing address in Alexandria, Virginia. A quick online search also shows that GBI Strategies, LLC is located in Tennessee. Gary Bell has a limited presence online. He keeps a low profile despite his impressive resume.

According to Compmo Group Gary Bell manages over 70 “organizing operations” in 20 states and lends logistical and consulting support to another 7 states.” Bell also has links to a wide variety of far-left political groups, including the DSCC, DNC, Black PAC, IBEW and SEIU to name a few.

A query done by The Gateway Pundit confirms that FEC filings show far-left Black PAC organizations paid GBI Strategies $11,254,919 in 2020.
More anomalies of GBI Strategies LLC were reported here.

GBI Strategies LLC is currently hiring employees. Per a review of Job Searcher we know that there are currently multiple openings at GBI Strategies at multiple locations around the US.

One individual who worked for GBI Strategies LLC in Flint, Michigan, during the 2020 Election per his LinkedIn profile is Edwin Pierre. He apparently still works as a Regional Manager at GBI Strategies.

According to one business site, GBI Strategies LLC is reportedly currently located at 8241 Floral Spring Dr, Cordova, Tennessee (outside Memphis). Gary Bell Cossett is reported as the owner.

A query of the Cordova, Tennessee location shows a house with two white vans parked in the front. (Note that it was white vans that were identified on Election night in Detroit containing boxes of ballots that were unloaded under the election center long after the polls had closed. These do not look like the same white vans but why two white vans at this location?)

GBI Logistics LLC is also located at 8241 Floral Spring Dr, Cordova, Tennessee. This company reports one truck in operation. This company address shows the Cordova, Tennessee location with a mailing address of 5809 Fifer Dr, Alexandria, VA 22303-1916.

5809 Fifer Dr. is a duplex (2 units, any combination) property built in 1950. The building is 896 square feet – it’s tiny. Gary Bell is associated with this address along with 40 individuals.

The duplex address is the same address that GBI Strategies used when expenditures were reported by Black PAC to GBI Strategies LLC.

We now have more information and questions on GBI Strategies LLC.
The state of Tennessee shows that GBI Strategies LLC was dissolved as a going concern in the state in 2017.
GBI Strategies Business Inactive Tennessee 2017
The more we know about GBI Strategies LLC, the more questions there are.
MACS Offline
#1513 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
Well... people been wanting proof. How we supposed to get it if the FBI does nothing? Or worse, buries it?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1514 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
"And coming in at #8 in this week's countdown is a little ditty called "Bish Can't Speak" by Pedo Joe and the Crackheads. I'm Casey Kasem and this is America's Top 40 countdown this week"

Biden calls Grand Canyon one of world’s ‘nine wonders’ full of ‘ironic’ species

President Biden mistakenly called the Grand Canyon one of the world’s “nine wonders” and “a haven of ironic species” during a Tuesday speech in Arizona at the start of a swing through the Southwest.

“Folks, it’s not hyperbole to suggest that there is no national treasure, none, that is grander than the Grand Canyon,” the 80-year-old said. “The Grand Canyon — one of the earth’s nine wonders, wonders the world — literally, think of that.”

In fact, the 6,000-foot-deep Colorado River gorge is one of the seven wonders of the natural world, as determined by the non-profit group Seven Natural Wonders.

Biden belatedly recognized his error, telling his audience a few moments later: “As a matter of fact, I said nine. It’s one of the seven wonders of the world.”

It’s unclear how Biden made the mistake, though later in his speech an apparent teleprompter-reading snafu resulted in him hailing the region’s “ironic” wildlife — when he clearly was supposed to say “iconic.”

“These lands also support a range of ecosystems and plants from savannas, to sagebrush to ponderosa pine — a haven of ironic species like bats, bison, bighorn sheep and nearly 450 kinds of birds, including the bald and golden eagles,” he said.

Biden was speaking about his designation of 1.1 million acres near the canyon as a national monument, restricting the mining of valuable uranium in the process.

Biden’s decision to set aside large amounts of federal land near the Grand Canyon wasn’t met with universal acclaim.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said the designation would “have detrimental impacts [on] Utah’s miners and ranchers” and likely would become a “political football tossed back and forth as presidential administrations change.”

“Ranchers… who graze their cattle on the public lands on the Arizona Strip, will be faced with burdensome restrictions or be prevented from using the land altogether,” Romney said in a statement.

“The Arizona Strip is one of the most productive uranium mining districts in the country. By eliminating this important source of uranium, President Biden has increased both our dependence on Russia and China and our ultimate carbon footprint, while decreasing our energy efficiency.”

Supporters photograph as President Joe Biden signs a proclamation designating the Baaj Nwaavjo I'Tah Kukveni National Monument at the Red Butte Airfield Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023, in Tusayan, Ariz.Later in Biden’s speech an apparent teleprompter-reading snafu resulted in him hailing the region’s “ironic” wildlife — when he clearly was supposed to say “iconic.”AP

Biden already is the country’s oldest-ever president and is running for a second term in next year’s election, despite polls detecting broad concern about his mental and physical fitness.

He will be 86 if he completes a second term in 2029.

A Washington Post-ABC poll released in June found that just 32% of voters believe Biden has the mental sharpness needed to be president — versus 54% who said the same of Donald Trump, 77, the former president and frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

Biden, who currently faces no serious challenge for the Democratic nomination, and Trump are essentially tied in general-election polling.

The RealClearPolitics average of recent polls gives Biden a popular vote advantage of just .9%, suggesting narrow margins in swing states that determine the Electoral College outcome.

More Joe just being Joe. But, hey...that uranium that we sold away because Cackles thought it was a good idea just doubled eh???
RayR Offline
#1515 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Those teleprompters are a bummer the way they spit out the wrong words all the time. Ironic, ain't it? Huh
frankj1 Offline
#1516 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,315
there are rumors circulating that the right wing experts on tampering with ballot counting machines have hacked the teleprompters.
Prove me wrong.
#1517 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,438
So it’s the 9th wonder of the world? The 8th is how he pulled the vote in record breaking fashion with less campaigning than those running for President of the PTA.
RayR Offline
#1518 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
frankj1 wrote:
there are rumors circulating that the right wing experts on tampering with ballot counting machines have hacked the teleprompters.
Prove me wrong.

It sounds like another one of your CrAzY conspiracy theories Frankie. 🤪
frankj1 Offline
#1519 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,315
RayR wrote:
It sounds like another one of your CrAzY conspiracy theories Frankie. 🤪

RayR Offline
#1520 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Here's something that is not one of Franks CrAzY conspiracy theories. That lyin' Biden, he's really something.

Five stories Joe Biden told about the family business that turned out to be untrue

By John Solomon and Steven Richards
Updated: August 14, 2023 - 12:00am

New evidence exposes several falsehoods -- from the ‘Russian disinformation’ laptop that wasn’t to Chinese money the First Family netted.

In a colorful exchange last week with a journalist, Joe Biden snapped when asked about recent testimony from family friend Devon Archer that the president had met and talked on the phone with his son Hunter’s business partners. “I never talked business with anybody. I knew you'd have a lousy question,” the president fired back at Fox News’ Peter Doocy.

“Why is that a lousy question?” Doocy asked.

“Because it’s not true!” Biden exclaimed.

The exchange was extraordinary, not just for its tense atmosphere, but also because the president and his surrogates have moved the goal posts after years of claiming he had never engaged with Hunter Biden’s business clients.

The change in message reflects a harsh reality: there is now significant evidence and testimony that undercuts the seminal claims Joe Biden made about his family’s overseas business to get elected in 2020 and to deflect from a burgeoning scandal since.

In the 2020 presidential debate, for instance, Biden said: "My son has not made money from China. The only guy who has made money from China was this guy," he said, directing his comments at Trump.

Those who have exposed those falsehoods say Americans should expect the story to get even darker in the coming months.


DrMaddVibe Offline
#1521 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Thanks Joe!

China Abandons Clean Energy Goals Making US Efforts Painful And Pointless

Bidenomics and the EPA have America on a path of inflationary and environmental madness that’s all pain and no gain...

Painful and Pointless

Please consider the Heritage Foundation article China Abandons Paris Agreement, Making U.S. Efforts Painful and Pointless
Three Key Takeaways

China has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of going along with the Western push to net-zero.

EVs are not emissions-free, because they need electricity to charge them, and electricity generation creates emissions.

All these costs will result in no reduction in global emissions. The EPA has America on a path to all pain and no gain.

It was a bad week for anyone who thought China would cooperate on emissions reduction. President Xi Jinping reiterated that his country would set its own path on the issue and not be influenced by outside factors, according to the Washington Post and Bloomberg. This contradicts Xi’s 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to reduce its carbon emissions at the latest after 2030.

This should not be news, because Xi gave the same message last fall. In October 2022, he said that China would not abandon coal-fired power plants before renewables could substitute for the lost fossil fuel.

In April, the EPA released a proposed tailpipe rule that would require 60 percent of new vehicle sales to be battery-powered electric by 2030, and two-thirds by 2032. And in May, the EPA proposed a power-plant rule that would require most power plants to sequester, or bury, 90 percent of their carbon emissions, or go out of business by 2040.

These rules would result in tens of billions of dollars in annual costs to the U.S. economy—and with no reduction to global emissions, if China replaces U.S. emissions with its own emissions.

EVs are not emissions-free, because they need electricity to charge them, and electricity generation creates emissions. Even the EPA states in the proposed rule that “we expect that in some areas, increased electricity generation would increase ambient SO2, PM 2.5, ozone, or some air toxics.”

The power-plant rule would raise the cost of electricity just as the EPA plans to have millions of new EVs access the grid. Sequestering 90 percent of carbon emissions on such a large scale has never been done before, and it is not an “adequately demonstrated” technology. The only proven option for a power plant to comply with the proposed regulation is to close down.

The rule would remove power from the grid at a time when America needs more power for planned electrification, and it would likely cause more blackouts. Blackouts can have serious consequences, including death, especially if they occur during periods of unusually high or low temperatures when power is most needed.

In addition, higher costs of electricity will have adverse economic effects. Prices will rise, manufacturing will go offshore, and layoffs and unemployment will increase. All this will lower GDP growth and reduce Americans’ standard of living.

The EPA has America on a path to all pain and no gain.

Second Thoughts in the EU

Because of rising costs to achieve climate goals, the EU is having second thoughts .

Also, support for the Green party in Germany is crumbling and support for Marine Le Pen is rising in France.
Behold, the Rise of the Anti-Greens

Please consider my July 24, 2023 post Behold, the Rise of the Anti-Greens

A major revolt is underway in the EU. Citizens have finally had enough of Green nonsense. The latest polls provide all the evidence you need.

The German AfD party is now polling 22 percent ahead of every party other than Union (CDU/CSU).

None of this should be surprising. The costs of the EU’s climate change mandate are soaring and people have had enough of it.

Electric Vehicles for Everyone?

On July 19, I asked Electric Vehicles for Everyone? If the Dream Was Met, Would it Help the Environment?

My follow-up post was What Do MishTalk Readers Think About “Electric Vehicles for Everyone?”
Math Does Not Add Up

The EV math does not add up in the EU or here. But the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), better known as the Eurozone, has economic debt brakes and budget rules that make matters more painful for the 20 EMU countries.

In the US, deficits pile up as do the economic impacts of a massive wave of Bidenomic regulations and mandates.

We pretend that deficits don’t matter and mainstream media not only looks the other way, but is in on the act with countless fearmongering stories.

As a direct consequence, the US is riding a huge wave of inflationary and environmental madness. The only way to stop it is for Republicans to oust Biden in the next presidential election.

A reader ignorantly commented “My Tesla S can easily over a hundred miles per gallon equivalent. As utilities get cleaner so does my car. ”

I replied: Well la de da.

Where did the minerals come from for your battery? At what cost? At what cost if everyone stupidly did the same?

At what environmental cost to extract the minerals.

At what cost to build the infrastructure so everyone can plug in?

No one has ever scaled EVs to estimate the mining costs and infrastructure costs if everyone did the same thing.

It’s like all these free money experiments of giving people money to see if it makes their lives better.

No one has ever scaled EVs to estimate the mining costs and infrastructure costs if everyone did the same thing.

It’s like all these free money experiments of giving people money to see if it makes their lives better.
Zuckerberg Supports Universal Basic Income

For discussion, please see Zuckerberg Supports Universal Basic Income

Anyone remember when President Trump got us out of that insanity? Pony up!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1522 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Pedo Joe is gutless F#ck!

No, "We're praying for them and help is on it's way", no, "Our thoughts and prayers go out to our fellow Americans dealing with this tragedy" and especially no "Aid is on it's way".....NOOOOOOO.....Ukraine needs more US taxpayer money!

No comment is the new "Present"
RayR Offline
#1523 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
There sure are a lot of bad things said about the GREEN THEOLOGY in that article.

Did you ever notice how much The Church of Clean Energy resembles The Church of Scientology?
It's just an orchestrated scam to plunder and enslave people.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1524 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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The very 1st black lesbian woman spokesman for the White House is really Pedo Joe!!!!

'Historic' Biden Spox Makes Surprising Announcement

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made a shock announcement on Tuesday, when she tweeted:

"When I ran for President, I made a promise that I would leave no part of the country behind."

In addition to being both stunning and brave, Jean-Pierre has kept this a secret until now. This is peak humility, folks.

For some odd reason, however, the 'historic' spox then deleted her announcement!

Which is really strange, because now nasty rumors are spreading that she forgot to log into Biden's Twitter account, and that Biden himself is a Twitter fraud.

— Paul Hookem 🇺🇸 (@PaulHook_em) August 15, 2023

Wrong account bro
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) August 15, 2023

Don't worry Karine, we've got your back. Slay queen!

And of course, if we are to assume that every single POTUS tweet is actually Karine, and not our 80-year-old commander-in-chief who can't complete sentences, even when using a teleprompter, we're even more impressed.

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 15, 2023

I knew Dirty Mophead was a plant...well, has the IQ of one. Prolly the smartest Black lesbian female Pedo Joe knows.
RayR Offline
#1525 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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So, Karine Jean-Pierre is FAKE TWITTER BIDEN huh?
I knew there was someone out there pretending to be Biden's brain on the social media Internets.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1526 Posted:
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OK, Since You Asked: Conservatives Provide Biden With List Of Failures He Asked For

During a speech about the so called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ ironically, Joe Biden challenged anyone to “Name me a single objective we’ve ever set out to accomplish that we failed on,” prompting critics to provide entire lists.

“Name me one in all of our history. Not one!” Biden screamed during the speech, which also incidentally came on the second anniversary of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, which saw the deaths of 13 American military personnel in a Kabul.

Biden, on the second anniversary of his botched Afghanistan withdrawal:

"Name me a single objective we've ever set out to accomplish that we've failed on! Name me one!"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

It’s not much of a challenge:

— Kyle Nish (@Wasatchbay) August 16, 2023

Ok, @JoeBiden, since you asked:

— Schools will open in 2021
— Will spend $7 of every $10 in education funding on “pre-school only”
— Masking only to last 100 days
— Will never mandate vaccines
— Don’t worry about “vaccine passports”
— Will always defer to “the science”
— CDC…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 16, 2023

Energy independence.
— TheMrTTT (@themrttt) August 16, 2023

I name 2: immigration & inflation
— VVT (@VicTentiu) August 16, 2023

— Amac (@alanmcmullen11) August 16, 2023

— D. R. Duncan (@DannyDu80181406) August 17, 2023

Joe gets really angry when reality enters the chat.

A few fails:

"We're going to shut down the virus!"
"We're going to cure cancer!"
"We're going to help the middle class!"
"We're going to pay off your student debt!"

And who can forget:

"We're going to build back better!"
— And Don't Call Me Shirley. (@Meme_Behavior) August 16, 2023

The rest of the speech was full of the usual outright lies about the economy:

BIDEN, as prices are up and real wages are down: "Bidenomics is just another way of saying 'restoring the American dream!'"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

BIDEN: "No one making less than $400,000/year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. It's a commitment I've kept so far!"

FACT: Biden has *already* raised the tax burden on Americans making as little as $20,000/year.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

Biden claims he "cut the federal deficit by $1.7 trillion," then immediately claims he "cut the debt $1.7 trillion."

Neither of those things are true.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

Biden brags the Bidenflation Scam is "helping families save thousands of dollars in energy bills" — with tax credits for heat pumps and solar panels.

FACT: Americans are paying $2,250 more in increased energy costs since Biden took office.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

Biden says "wages are growing faster than inflation" — but real wages are down 3% since Biden took office
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

Biden brings out the creepy whisper: "Guess what? [Bidenomics is] working."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

Elsewhere during the speech when he wasn’t angrily yelling or creepy whispering, Biden tried to entice children to join him for ice cream:

cc @AMBERAlert
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 16, 2023

Afterwards he snaked out of a side door to avoid the press again:

Did Biden leave through the side door so he didn't have to walk by reporters?
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 16, 2023

So many failures...that's just Joe being Joe!
RayR Offline
#1527 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
It's just Joe's dementia driven narcissism speaking as don of a criminal syndicate.
His handlers who rely on the perks and plunder of being members of the mob hang around him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear reinforcing his belief that he is the greatest benevolent dicktator there ever was.
RayR Offline
#1528 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Vacation Joe is off again, this time to Tahoe and burning a ton of climate changing fossil fuels to get there. Then it's off to Hawaii to see what a dystopian world is going to look like under Bidenomics.

Joe Biden Takes Off For Another Weeklong Vacation – This Time in Lake Tahoe – Without Answering Questions From Reporters (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Aug. 18, 2023 9:20 pm

Joe Biden on Friday evening took off for another weeklong vacation without answering any questions from reporters.

Since taking office, Joe Biden has spent more than ONE YEAR – 373 days – 39.7% of his presidency on vacation with no visitor logs.

Biden will spend time in Lake Tahoe before flying to Maui to tour the damage from the wildfires.

bencounter Offline
#1529 Posted:
Joined: 07-07-2023
Posts: 204
thanks for all your hard work

'workin' joe' has our back
ZRX1200 Offline
#1530 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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So Robert L Peters???

The new Carlos Danger?
#1531 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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ZRX1200 wrote:
So Robert L Peters???

The new Carlos Danger?

Was going with Ron Mexico given his love for the open border, but that was taken so Bobby L. Dicks it is!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1532 Posted:
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What A Steel: Biden Scrambles To Sell Off Trump's Uninstalled Border Wall Before 'Finish It Act' Passes

Looking for a good deal on steel fencing material that could otherwise help maintain America's border (and therefore national security?) Look no further!

The Biden administration has been hawking sections of Donald Trump's border wall on a government military surplus website called GovPlanet - where they've auctioned off 81 batches of square structural tubing and steel columns since April, the Daily Mail reports.

Meanwhile, illegal border crossings (of future Democrats) hit the second-highest level on record in July.

Last Tuesday, the Biden administration sold 700 28 ft. long hollow beams in five separate lots for $212 each, netting $154,200 according to the report.

13 more lots are set to be auctioned on Aug. 23 and Aug. 30.

According to Republicans, up to $300 million of taxpayer-funded wall components have been left to rust since the Biden administration took over.

To address this, the Democrat-led Senate passed a Republican-sponsored bill last month - the "Finish It Act," aimed at forcing the administration to extend the wall. The legislation will force the federal government to use the leftover materials on new wall construction - or hand them over to Texas to use for their own border defense inittiatives.

Instead, the Biden administration is rushing to liquidate the wall leftovers before the GOP-led House can pass a matching version of the bill and make it law, the NY Post reports.

"This sale is a wasteful and ludicrous decision by the Biden administration that only serves as further proof they have no shame," the bill's sponsor, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MI) told the outlet, calling the move "outrageous, behind-the-scenes maneuvering."

"Leaving the border open to terrorists while selling border security materials at a loss is Bidenomics in a nutshell," saic co-sponsor Tom Cotton (R-AR).

"The pennies made from selling the border wall will not be enough to pay the families who suffer from a criminal act committed by someone who crossed our open borders during the Biden administration," said Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)

According to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the move to sell the materials is "reckless."

"Our borders continue to be overrun by an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants, turning every district into a border district, and compromising our national security," she said.

The GovPlanet auction schedule picked up markedly in May, when Wicker first introduced the Finish It Act, and increased again this month, days after the Senate’s defense bill passed on a bipartisan vote.

A DOD spokesman identified the tubes, held in an outdoor storage lot in Pima County, Ariz., as “excess border wall materials.” -NY Post

According to Lt. Col. Devin T. Robinson, who 'used Defense Department lingo for the process of consigning military surplus items to commercial resellers or the trash heap' (per the Post), "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers … has already transferred approximately $154 million worth of the roughly $260 million of bollard panels and other materials."

One insider told the Daily Upside that GovPlanet has been instructed to keep quiet about the border-wall connection.

"We are legally not allowed to mention these are the border wall materials, or we could lose our jobs," said the source.

And while the lot listings scrupulously avoid identifying the tubes’ original purpose, viewers of the company’s Instagram page weren’t fooled.

“Good for building a wall,” a user called honest_jake wrote Aug. 3 under a GovPlanet Instagram post touting the sale of “industrial steel tubing” — an entry that was deleted from the social media site Friday.

“Why don’t you put that up instead of selling it,” added Brian Prewitt. “This is why tax payers are just about done paying taxes.” -NY Post

"The federal government needs to be utilizing every tool in the toolbox to secure our border," said Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ), who slammed Biden for his "refusal to act."

"Instead of putting these materials to their intended use, they have been squandered, first collecting dust in the desert and now being auctioned off."

Speaking of reckless...anyone else look at the levels of where our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is sitting at today? Military munitions...depleted too? Enlistments in all branches...down. Uranium mining almost shutdown thanks to Buyden's closure of land near the Grand Canyon. China ramping up...Russia struggling with a pissant yet sovereign nation but still using their military outright...and we've got this idiot in office. Those supposed 81 million voters need a slap in the mouth.
#1533 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,438
Might as well sell off the scrap pieces since we don’t have the money to finish what we’ve started…or claimed we didn’t have it but sent many more billions to the Ukraine instead.
RayR Offline
#1534 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
"Those supposed 81 million voters need a slap in the mouth."

A good spanking would be better, that's close to where their brains are, but I doubt it would slap much sense into them. Spanking
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1535 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Because of all the links to accounts and YouTubes in this article, I'm just posting the link to it.

This guy is the WORST US President EVER. The media now sees it. They're not his shield anymore. The gloves are off. They've held the trench for him and peddled his lies. Everyone can see them now. If you don't, get another booster. They're working quite well for you with your Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome.

Cracking jokes, offering $700.00 chump change, tying up the island for a grandstand Comedy Tour? This is what we have in DC representing us and the World? Hey Stupid, don't forget to pop in to Cali on your long plane ride back to the mainland and give 'em a dose of your unifying jokes.

RayR Offline
#1536 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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The mumbling bumbling tone-deaf dicktator visits the former kingdom that was stolen from the native Hawaiians. I think he even co-opted the banyan tree from the natives as a symbol of hope and change under progressivism. And what about flyin' in those Biden's limousines and his executive helicopter? That must have took a lot of climate changin' fossil fuels that he otherwise wants to deny to the lowly proles.
#1537 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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When asked about this horrific tragedy could only muster up “no comment”, then takes two weeks to get there and only after the backlash of finding two for 2 vacations to then show up and crack jokes about the hot ground, tells lies about a kitchen fire almost burning his Corvette (the one with all of the classified documents secured in it), then falls asleep at a function honoring the locals. Can it get any more embarrassing? How would the media cover this if it were the guy with mean tweets?
RayR Offline
#1538 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Well at least Joey got LAYED in Hawaii.
#1539 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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RayR wrote:
Well at least Joey got LAYED in Hawaii.

And yet he forgot about that 85 seconds later…Herfing
frankj1 Offline
#1540 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,315
Leied, as in rayed
ZRX1200 Offline
#1541 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Now land developers are trying to get paid.

*rubs hands in democratic fundraising*
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1542 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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JGKAMIN wrote:
Takes two weeks to get there and only after the backlash of finding two for 2 vacations to then show up and crack jokes about the hot ground, tells lies about a kitchen fire almost burning his Corvette (the one with all of the classified documents secured in it), then falls asleep at a function honoring the locals. Can it get any more embarrassing? How would the media cover this if it were the guy with mean tweets?

Just watching the wheels come off in friendly territory tells me Pedo Joe is going to be back in his basement running a campaign on all the good things he's done for America. The DNC will put their rabid "pitbull" out on the road...Kameltoes! Then blame her if he loses!!!!!!

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

Where are those 81 million useful idiots now? Stand off those "Build Back Better" hats.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1543 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
Leied, as in rayed

That's funny right there.

RayR Offline
#1544 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
DrMaddVibe wrote:
That's funny right there.


Ya, I heard there is a Right-Wing conspiracy theory out there that the Maui wildfires were started by the Air Force Research Laboratory on Maui and not by the Climate Change Crisis. Left-Wing Fact Checker types worked quickly to dispel so-called baseless claims.

Maui fires spark baseless conspiracy theories about directed energy weapons | Fact check

Hannah Hudnall

The claim: Maui wildfires were caused by directed energy weapon
An Aug. 12 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) shows four aerial pictures of the Hawaiian town Lahaina before and after the recent wildfires.

"The island of maui before and after doing the DEW," reads the text above the pictures, using an acronym referencing directed energy weapons.

The post garnered more than 200 shares in four days. Similar versions of the claim have been shared on Facebook, Instagram and X, formerly Twitter.


Another consiracy theory is Oprah started the fires so she could buy up more property on the island for cheap.

Was Oprah's Home Spared From Maui Wildfires? What We Know


Since a number of large wildfires spread across the Hawaiian island of Maui, leaving death and destruction in their wake, questions have been raised about how Oprah Winfrey's getaway ranch on the island had been spared from the infernos.

The famed presenter has owned a property on the island since 2003, and was spotted last week bringing supplies to a shelter for victims of the fires. But conspiracy theories have circulated online that hers was among the homes of the rich and wealthy to be conspicuously spared from the blazes.


#1545 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,438
RayR wrote:
Well at least Joey got LAYED in Hawaii.

On the topic of Hawaii, why are we not hearing about the many missing children as well as their families? The numbers have been severely underreported so far, by now you no longer have a rescue mission, they’re gone. Can we get a number? And somehow the people that were so concerned with kids being brought into this country willfully and illegally then separated from their coyotes, I mean families, they don’t seem to care about our own kids actually perishing in a fire.
RayR Offline
#1546 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
JGKAMIN wrote:
On the topic of Hawaii, why are we not hearing about the many missing children as well as their families? The numbers have been severely underreported so far, by now you no longer have a rescue mission, they’re gone. Can we get a number? And somehow the people that were so concerned with kids being brought into this country willfully and illegally then separated from their coyotes, I mean families, they don’t seem to care about our own kids actually perishing in a fire.

So, you sense hypocrisy and duplicity from the left?
YES! You are right sir. Laugh

ZRX1200 Offline
#1547 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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They have a more accurate number, they just haven’t revised to 110-114 number. The excuses and torn of the responses in the press briefings, and that dude who got hostile with the mayor gets stalked??? Strange MF Days man. When you see let’s go Brandon in Hawaii, things aren’t normal.
#1548 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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Sadly, the people that would report the children gone are gone as well, so I don’t know what to tell anyone that thinks 115 is accurate with well over 1000 missing for over 2 weeks.
RayR Offline
#1549 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Ya, Something smells fishy. 🐟🐠🐡
#1550 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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RayR wrote:
Ya, Something smells fishy. 🐟🐠🐡

If the mean tweeter was in charge there’d be an up to the minute ticker going on every channel on the dial with the numbers blaming him for every casualty…kind of like that Covid counter that seemed to disappear when he left office….Think
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