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Why DeSantis Has to Run
frankj1 Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,320
RayR wrote:
If you were smart, what goes unsaid is what should set off alarm bells.
Of course, you would deny that encouraging children for Trans grooming doesn't exist, and never existed. Pathetic!

Since you are not the least bit outraged at the modern-day Dr. Mengele's performing genital mutilation, that raises a question since you are Jewish. Outside of male circumcision, I thought any form of genital mutilation, including chopping off dix, female circumcision, etc.. is considered bodily mutilation and forbidden under Jewish law.
Or are you from some long-lost WOKE tribe where those laws don't apply? Think

I would be outraged...if it was actually true.
It's not.
Really. Not true.

btw, your mentor David Icke (who espouses the insane belief in ancient alien extraterrestrials breeding with humans to create the very lizard people you are obsessed with) has a smidge of anti-Semitism as well.

As for you, I'll just write it off to how easily you can be misled...for now.
But I'll keep in mind your advice about what goes unsaid setting off alarm bells.
RayR Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,057
frankj1 wrote:
I would be outraged...if it was actually true.
It's not.
Really. Not true.

Oh sure, Frank. It's not true because you choose not to see it.

frankj1 wrote:
btw, your mentor David Icke (who espouses the insane belief in ancient alien extraterrestrials breeding with humans to create the very lizard people you are obsessed with) has a smidge of anti-Semitism as well.

Here we go AGAIN with the David Icke chit, straw manning at its finest.

How about Leftist Lizard Peep Climate Czar John Kerry, who said back in January he and his WEF globalists are like “extra-terrestrial”, a "select group of human beings” chosen to save the planet? Surprising admissions come out of the mouths of Lizard Peeps who consider themselves the chosen people to rule the Earth.

frankj1 wrote:
As for you, I'll just write it off to how easily you can be misled...for now.
But I'll keep in mind your advice about what goes unsaid setting off alarm bells.

Well, you can try to write me off as misled, but yes you should heed my advice.
frankj1 Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,320
below is an example of me cutting you some slack for being easily led to hatred I ignored it until now...
he sure seems like a super cool guy to be quoting to represent your views.
A Talmudic Scholar you ain't. But neither is your idol Lew Rockwell who promotes the author below...

ray posted:

I heard it's PATRIOTIC or something...AlLeGeDlY

Slavery in America Was Resurrected in 1913

By Paul Craig Roberts

April 15, 2023

Just as Jews claim exclusivity as holocaust victims of WW II ...

RayR Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,057
frankj1 wrote:
below is an example of me cutting you some slack for being easily led to hatred I ignored it until now...
he sure seems like a super cool guy to be quoting to represent your views.
A Talmudic Scholar you ain't. But neither is your idol Lew Rockwell who promotes the author below...

ray posted:

I heard it's PATRIOTIC or something...AlLeGeDlY

Slavery in America Was Resurrected in 1913

By Paul Craig Roberts

April 15, 2023

Just as Jews claim exclusivity as holocaust victims of WW II ...

So you had to jump to another thread for ammo huh? You took PCR's wurds out of context, one sentence only out of a paragraph. There's nothing untrue about what he wrote, it's historically factual and you can't even challenge it, which Is why you didn't comment on the article in that thread.
Your failed attempt at propaganda, I mean comon' Franky, accusing others of hate with no basis in fact? That's very LEFTY.

rfenst Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,750
DeSantis’s Legislative Record

His pitch for 2024 is that he delivers results, without all the drama.

WSJ Editorial Board

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has a reputation as a cultural brawler, ready and willing to throw a right hook at Mickey Mouse, the College Board, the national press. To many GOP voters, it’s part of his appeal. But as Mr. DeSantis readies a 2024 presidential campaign, what deserves to get more attention is the agenda he recently helped usher through Tallahassee.

Mr. DeSantis is blessed with Republican supermajorities in both chambers of the Legislature, so he can’t claim total credit. Some planks of his platform are controversial among conservatives, and others could prove politically unpalatable to a national electorate. Yet there’s no denying that Mr. DeSantis gets things done. “The way we run the government, I think, is no daily drama, focus on the big picture, and put points on the board,” he once said.

Here’s an assessment of what the Governor has been touting lately:

• Taxes and spending: Florida has no income tax, but it does have a 6% sales tax, and there are new exemptions for such “family-focused” items as “diapers, wipes, children’s clothing, cribs, and strollers.” The state’s latest $117 billion budget is up about 6%, which is far from tight-fisted, and Mr. DeSantis’s office is boasting about $1 billion for Everglades restoration and water protection. But the state fisc is sound because revenue is flush from rapid economic growth.

• Education: School choice will become universal, as the Legislature eliminated income and enrollment caps. Each family is eligible for about $8,700, with priority going to households at or below 185% of the poverty line. Meantime, the state is spending more on pay for public-school teachers, this time a bump of $252 million.

The Legislature also passed a constitutional amendment, which voters could approve in 2024, to change school boards into partisan bodies, so elections would have ballot lines for Republicans and Democrats.

• Crime: The death penalty no longer requires unanimity. Eight jurors out of 12 can recommend it, provided that every juror agrees the crime involved at least one aggravating factor. The Legislature has directed the state Supreme Court to create a uniform statewide bond schedule for bail releases. If new information comes to light after an accused criminal is let go, any party may move to reconsider pretrial detention.

• Public unions: Dues may no longer be automatically deducted from the paychecks of many government workers, but must be paid directly by each member. This gives workers discretion and puts the onus on unions to persuade members. If the share of dues payers falls below 60%, the union could face a new election, and stronger union audits and financial disclosures are required.

• Immigration: The Legislature’s response to President Biden’s border failure was to impose new burdens on Florida employers. Businesses with more than 25 workers must now use E-Verify to check employment eligibility, or else they can be fined $1,000 a day. E-Verify is far from reliable, and the law could have a negative impact on the state’s economy, especially in construction, agriculture, hotels and restaurants. Florida will also refuse to recognize out-of-state driver’s licenses issued to illegal immigrants.

• Abortion: The Heartbeat Protection Act bans abortions at six weeks, with exceptions up to 15 weeks if there is a police report or other documentation to substantiate rape, incest or human trafficking. This is a political gamble that is sure to be attacked by Democrats if Mr. DeSantis gets the GOP nomination.

• Tort reform: If a plaintiff is found to be more than 50% responsible for his own injuries, he no longer is able to recover damages. Other invitations to legal abuse, such as “one-way attorney fees,” are eliminated. Florida is still too friendly to tort suits, but this is an improvement.

• ESG: State and local investment decisions must focus on maximizing returns, not factors related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

• Disney: The former Reedy Creek Improvement District around Disney World, which had been largely self-governing, is now the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, with board members appointed by Mr. DeSantis. The Governor says this is nothing more than denying a company special government privileges. He has a point, but his brawl with Disney has become distractingly personal.

• Guns: Floridians will no longer need a permit to carry concealed weapons.

No politician can please everyone. Yet this is a notable record of conservative governance in action, especially for a state that five years ago was politically up for grabs. Mr. DeSantis won in 2018 by a mere 32,500 votes, or less than 0.4%. In 2022 he won by 19 points.

Mr. DeSantis will need a broader agenda for national revival when he enters the presidential race. But his Florida record of accomplishment will appeal to Republican voters who want a President who can successfully govern.

My guess is WSJ (and FOX) won't be endorsing Trump again.
8trackdisco Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,239
To “liberal” for the Trumpsters.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,806
You wouldn't vote for him for President rfenst. Even though you've lived and benefited from his leadership in Florida during the plandemic.

Tears in a rainstorm.
RayR Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
You wouldn't vote for him for President rfenst. Even though you've lived and benefited from his leadership in Florida during the plandemic.

Tears in a rainstorm.

He probably should join TEAM MAGA, they are running attack ads on DeSantis.
rfenst Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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DeSantis bans diversity, equity and inclusion in Florida colleges

Orlando Sentinel

As protesters chanted in the background, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law Monday a hotly contested bill that dismantles diversity, equity and inclusion at Florida’s public universities and colleges.

The governor called DEI “a distraction from the core mission” of colleges during the ceremony at New College in Sarasota, a school that DeSant

“If you want to do things like gender ideology, go to Berkeley,” DeSantis said. “But for us, with our tax dollars, we want to focus on the classical mission of what a university is supposed to be.”

The law also bans courses that “distort significant historical events,” teach “identity politics,” or are “based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, or privilege are inherent in the institutions of the United States and were created to maintain social, political, or economic inequities.”

Andrew Gothard, president of the United Faculty of Florida, which represents more than 25,000 faculty members across the state, said providing students with the chance to learn about a variety of subjects and perspectives is “a bedrock of democracy.”

“The government has no role in banning or censoring subject matter in higher education,” Gothard said in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel last month.

Democrats, who opposed the bill in the session that ended May 5, blasted DeSantis for signing it.

“Indoctrination drives the DeSantis agenda not because he is worried educators are indoctrinating students, but because they aren’t indoctrinating them with HIS ideology,”
state Sen. Shevrin Jones, D-Miami Gardens, said in a statement. “This is sadly the latest example of government overreach into Florida classrooms as his administration continues its authoritarian assault on ideas and information.”

Earlier this year, DeSantis remade New College, a small liberal arts school of about 700 students, by appointing a majority of conservatives to its board, including Christopher Rufo, a member of the Manhattan Institute who helped devise the plan to dismantle DEI across the nation.

They quickly fired the college’s president Patricia Okker and replaced her with former House Speaker Richard Corcoran, a staunch DeSantis ally, with a compensation package of $699,000 a year.

At Monday’s ceremony, Corcoran thanked the governor and Legislature for $35 million in new funding for the school this year, about $50,000 per student. He said New College had already banned DEI and changed its curriculum to focus on “values” and “technology.”

Corcoran also joked that the protesters chanting outside the
ceremony were upset with him for shutting off the air conditioning in the dorms, not the changes at their school.

Noting that DeSantis is known for saying “Florida is where woke comes to die,” state Rep. Spencer Roach, R-North Fort Myers, added, “When you hear what’s going on outside, that’s what it sounds like when woke dies.”

He ruined that honors college (for exceptionally bright/uniquely talented students) by appointing people he could count on to do it. And, with a BIG political payback. What president of a 700 student university, without experience, makes $700k? Why would Desantis enrichen such a small school with $35 million/$50k per student?
MACS Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,113
What ever happened to teaching English, Math, Science and History?

Meanwhile our education system falls further and further behind the world because we're teaching gender identity and critical race theory. It's well past ridiculous at this point.
HockeyDad Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,336
New College is and always has been a joke.
RayR Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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I heard teaching English, Math, Science, and History is inherently racist if not taught by LEFTY professors.
Brewha Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
DeSantis plainly knows what bait to use. Find something the far Right can rally around to hate and fight.
The more preposterous the better.

Here we go:

LGBTIQA are destroying our country, our kids, our guns, our gun sights, our lite beer!
They are the reason your tires are low and taxes are high!
God will smite us all unless we drag the evil, vile Micky Mouse thought the streets in chains - just not the kind of chains that "funny guys" like.
We must protect Free Speech by keeping our children from hearing the whispering of Satin himself! Spoke by a demons in dresses (with whiskers sticking out from under their pancake makeup!!!)!

He's kinda like Ronald McDonald - that clown could sell some sh1t.
Brewha Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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the real question I have is this; Is the Right so stupid that they would nominate Trump over DeSantis?
RayR Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Brewha wrote:
the real question I have is this; Is the Right so stupid that they would nominate Trump over DeSantis?

All I can say is anybody that who voted for Pedo Joe has no business calling anybody stupid.
Brewha Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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If only that were all you could say...
RayR Offline
#67 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
If only that were all you could say...

Do you want to CANCEL me?
rfenst Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,750
HockeyDad wrote:
New College is and always has been a joke.

Know anyone who went there? The 5-6 I know of are uniquely and well educated, heavily tend to have graduate degrees from other good to great schools, and function at a high level. than most of us.
ZRX1200 Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,772
If you aren’t a registered republiCANT why would you care about a primary other than who is more beatable?
HockeyDad Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,336
rfenst wrote:
Know anyone who went there? The 5-6 I know of are uniquely and well educated, heavily tend to have graduate degrees from other good to great schools, and function at a high level. than most of us.

Nope. Never even seen a resume from there.

People went there because it was pass/fail grading. That was the draw.
rfenst Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,750
HockeyDad wrote:
Nope. Never even seen a resume from there.

People went there because it was pass/fail grading. That was the draw.

That's not the true draw because they still have to work their azzes off. It ain't UF, but it is also for a different type of student with greater potential in a different type of learning environment/
HockeyDad Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,336
rfenst wrote:
That's not the true draw because they still have to work their azzes off. It ain't UF, but it is also for a different type of student.

I work with engineers and computer scientists. Those aren’t coming from New College and their 800 students.

New College of Florida is a public institution that was founded in 1960. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 632 (fall 2021), its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 110 acres. It utilizes a 4-1-4-based academic calendar. New College of Florida's ranking in the 2022-2023 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, #76.
rfenst Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,750
The No. 5 Public National Liberal Arts College - U.S. News & World Report
Wanto have a cut and paste war over this, LOL?
HockeyDad Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,336
Mine also came from US News and World Report! Same ranking, different criteria.

Yours is just “Top Public Schools”. Yours throws out all the private schools.

Mine is “National Liberal Arts Colleges”

Let’s not oversell New College as something more than it is.

#76 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie)

#5 in Top Public Schools

#49 in Best Value Schools

#40 in Most Innovative Schools (tie)

#52 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Let’s compare it to….


#3 in National Universities (tie)

#4 in Best Value Schools

#2 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#6 in Aerospace /Aeronautical / Astronautical
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#5 in Biomedical
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#5 in Chemical (tie)
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#8 in Civil
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#5 in Computer
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#4 in Electrical / Electronic / Communications
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#4 in Environmental / Environmental Health
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#9 in Industrial / Manufacturing
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#4 in Materials
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#3 in Mechanical
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#1 in Computer Science (tie)

#3 in Artificial Intelligence

#7 in Biocomputing/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology

#5 in Computer Systems

#5 in Cybersecurity (tie)

#4 in Data Analytics/Science (tie)

#4 in Mobile/Web Applications

#4 in Programming Languages

#5 in Software Engineering (tie)

#3 in Theory

#18 in Writing in the Disciplines

#30 in Study Abroad (tie)

#8 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects (tie)

#9 in Service Learning (tie)

#56 in First-Year Experiences (tie)

#12 in Senior Capstone

#14 in Co-ops/Internships (tie)

#6 in Best Colleges for Veterans

#36 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie)

#5 in Most Innovative Schools

#282 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

See the difference?
deadeyedick Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
Posts: 17,281
DeSantis better start running harder. Just saw Jacksonville voted in the 1st Demo mayor in like 30 years. DeSantis backed candidate lost. When interviewed MACS said " well, I went fishing and forgot to vote". d'oh!

I keed, I keed.
Brewha Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
8trackdisco wrote:
To “liberal” for the Trumpsters.

He need to be charged with a felony - to shore up his base....
rfenst Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,750
HockeyDad wrote:
Mine also came from US News and World Report! Same ranking, different criteria.

Yours is just “Top Public Schools”. Yours throws out all the private schools.

Mine is “National Liberal Arts Colleges”

Let’s not oversell New College as something more than it is.

#76 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie)

#5 in Top Public Schools

#49 in Best Value Schools

#40 in Most Innovative Schools (tie)

#52 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Let’s compare it to….


#3 in National Universities (tie)

#4 in Best Value Schools

#2 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#6 in Aerospace /Aeronautical / Astronautical
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#5 in Biomedical
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#5 in Chemical (tie)
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#8 in Civil
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#5 in Computer
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#4 in Electrical / Electronic / Communications
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#4 in Environmental / Environmental Health
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#9 in Industrial / Manufacturing
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#4 in Materials
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#3 in Mechanical
At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate

#1 in Computer Science (tie)

#3 in Artificial Intelligence

#7 in Biocomputing/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology

#5 in Computer Systems

#5 in Cybersecurity (tie)

#4 in Data Analytics/Science (tie)

#4 in Mobile/Web Applications

#4 in Programming Languages

#5 in Software Engineering (tie)

#3 in Theory

#18 in Writing in the Disciplines

#30 in Study Abroad (tie)

#8 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects (tie)

#9 in Service Learning (tie)

#56 in First-Year Experiences (tie)

#12 in Senior Capstone

#14 in Co-ops/Internships (tie)

#6 in Best Colleges for Veterans

#36 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie)

#5 in Most Innovative Schools

#282 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

See the difference?

Of course I know the difference and understand its heavy science and technology offerings. But, that is not the right environment for other people, including myself.

For example the very best part of my business schooling wasn't Michigan or UF. It was UCF, which doesn't rank anywhere near the other two schools! A small, under-rated school at the time.

Alternative/Different types of schools and environments fit some people's needs better and they shouldn't have to pay to go out of state to get what they need- that other students are entitled to.

Different strokes for different folks. YMMV.
rfenst Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,750
Ron DeSantis is not a conservative | Commentary

Orlando Sentinel: Opinion
Let’s get one thing straight: Ron DeSantis is not a conservative. He is often called that by supporters and opponents who don’t want to seem extreme. Still, his agenda pushes far beyond anything traditionally known as conservatism. And his War on Disney is a clear example of this.

The genius of the American Founders, drawing on the political philosophy of John Locke and others, was to create a limited government that respects a sphere of privacy into which government does not intrude. The invention of a written constitution is a symbol of that. To achieve this, separation of powers and checks and balances are defined in writing. And so is the Bill of Rights. Our Constitution exists to keep the government from doing whatever it wants. It is designed to limit governmental action.

This concept of limited government is expounded brilliantly by Justice John Marshall in the classic Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803). He says that when the people established the Constitution, they chose to limit the powers of government. “To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing, if these limits may at any time be passed by those intended to be restrained? The distinction between a government with limited and unlimited powers is abolished if those limits do not confine the persons on whom they are imposed.”

Ron DeSantis is attacking businesses in Florida for one reason: they disagree with his opinions about social policy. This is not the action of a conservative. He is intolerant of the mere existence within his state of different perspectives. He doesn’t want to count on being able to persuade people to agree with him, so he resorts to economic and political force to achieve his goals.

The leaders of the Disney corporation support gay rights and the rights of others who identify their genders in ways that are not popular. But it is not the government’s job to root out opinions that political leaders consider bad. DeSantis is welcome to his opinions, but apparently, he does not believe that others are welcome to theirs. Disney has now gone to court to defend itself. We will see what happens.

Corporations should be allowed to operate according to their leaders’ or shareholders’ consciences. That means they should have the right to support gay rights and gender orientations that the governor rejects. And beyond that, corporations have the right to put their resources behind efforts to change the law. That’s what limited government is all about. And that is, in fact, what conservatives in the United States once championed.

In a recent speech in Charleston, South Carolina, DeSantis said: “A free state means you’re protecting your people from the left’s pathologies across the board.” But as Conor Friedersdorf points out in his excellent article in The Atlantic, this is not freedom. It is not the business of government to fight “woke ideology” or any other set of political opinions “across the board.” As governor of Florida, DeSantis can certainly work with the state Legislature to affect government policies, but he has now stepped over the line in attacking Disney’s right to free speech. Limited government gives people the freedom to disagree and to promote their opinions passionately.

Freedom of speech is vital to limited government because it is crucial to protecting a private sphere from governmental action. The overturning of Roe v. Wade was one dramatic step in eliminating this private sphere, and the implications of this decision are being felt throughout the country. Now we are seeing an assault on an equally important part of the private sphere.

Freedom of speech is more than freedom to hold an opinion quietly to oneself. It is the freedom to say what you believe and say it loudly. And it is the freedom to work with all your might to promote your beliefs. The so-called war on woke that DeSantis champions is a frontal assault on freedom of speech, and it is disturbing that so many people fail to see this. We can only hope that Disney’s constitutional rights will be protected in court. If DeSantis succeeds here, where will it end? Do we really want to live in a country where unpopular political opinions are rooted out everywhere? I certainly don’t.

In Marbury v. Madison, Justice Marshall warns us that we will find ourselves threatened by unlimited government if governmental powers and actors are not held in check. DeSantis is embracing the idea of unlimited government. We have a word for that, and it is not conservatism. It is called totalitarianism.
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