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Last post 6 months ago by RayR. 32 replies replies.
Donald Trump | The Savior of Nobody
RobertHively Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976

This guy is an Ex-Navy Seal, redneck from north Georgia, marathon runner, rugged individualist.

I really enjoy this guys Navy stories, especially the ones from the BUDS training school. Arguably the toughest training to complete within all the branches of service. If you scroll through his vids you can see all of his training certificates and awards from the Navy.

Like him, I said NO. No to medical tyranny, no to economic tyranny and the like. The wife and I started over again at age 40. We have spent the last two years making this 44 acre farm great again. Lol!

If you want to know who is going to make your life better, get up and go look in the mirror. You, the individual, will make your life better, without having to pick the "best of two evils" or sacrificing your rights or principles.
RayR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Robert, your opinions are very individualist, selfish and probably racist.
Gubmint says only it can make your life better through socialism tyranny.
Mr. Jones Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,517
I will look Eeeeeeeeeeemmmmm' up and listen...

RobertHively Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
RayR wrote:
Robert, your opinions are very individualist, selfish and probably racist.
Gubmint says only it can make your life better through socialism tyranny.

Check this guy out when you get a chance.

He is running for president of Argentina. I watched this clip a few weeks ago and the first thing I thought was: This guy hates leftists more than Ray. Lol!
RobertHively Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
Mr. Jones wrote:
I will look Eeeeeeeeeeemmmmm' up and listen...


No problem Jonesy. I used to love listening to my grandfathers Navy stories. He served in the Pacific theater in WW2. Got the purple heart and all of that...

This guy protected Obama whenever he made trips overseas. His Seal team coordinated with the secret service...

RobertHively Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976

What Trump accomplished for the people:

*Red flag laws. To paraphrase, take the guns due process later.

*Bump stock ban

*2 trillion Cares Act, 8 trillion added to overall national debt

*Direct stimulus to the American people (and subsidiary corporations of USA INC) which started this entire cycle of inflation- a hidden massive tax increase brought to you by the Federal Reserve bank.

*Never did lock up those Clintons, you know, his friends Bill and Hillary. Trump wont be locked up either. Neither was Obama or Bush Jr.

*But he was, at the very least, complicit in locking DOWN this country, causing hundreds, if not thousands, of small businesses to fold.

*Pushed the "vaccine" poison injection, Said he wanted to be known as the "Father of the Vaccine"

*And the coup de grace: He encouraged all those half wits to go over to the Capitol complex on Jan 6th. That was a complete psyop that included numerous FBI agents, informants and Trump himself. Now many of those people are going to rot in jail for years, for a pre planned riot?

He sounds like a version of Joe Sanostra that can complete a sentence and walk up a flight of stairs. Meet the new boss, same as the old? "Politics is show business for ugly people."

Now, to put all of that into context you have to remember that there aren't any real elections in this country. The president is selected as the CEO front man of "A Federal Corporation" (28 U.S.C. § 3002(15). Been that way since 1871. The CEO of USA INC works for the Federal Reserve Bank (1913), a private corporation, which in turn works for the World Bank and so on. It's a Ponzi scheme. Their goal is to make money off of, and control, the people of this nation. They do this by using the warfare/welfare state model. Look it up.

So how much of Donald Trumps "accomplishments" that I mentioned above, weren't actually his accomplishments, and were going to happen anyway? I'd argue most of them. What would have happened if he made the mistake of thinking that he was actually in charge? See John F. Kennedy. The CIA is the militia for the central bank and the FBI is the Gestapo, whose job is to suppress the people. The IRS collects the money.

Of course there's way more to it than that, like the influence of the UN, WEF, Wall Street, multinational corporations, big pharma, lobbyists, think tanks... there's a lot of stakeholders and moving parts for a corporation with an army. This is the "rot" to the "core" that the Navy Seal guy was talking about in the link that I posted. For historians, this is the empire in decline stage.

So like I said in the OP, all you have is you, and I'll add friends and family if you're lucky. The more you can divest yourself of the system, the better off you will be in the long run. Because when they finally implode this current system(who knows when), the new system that they offer you will be even worse.

Exiting Frank's grid in 3, 2, 1..................................................................................
Stogie1020 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,463
^It's like Jonsie and RayR had a love child, but with proper grammar and punctuation.
RobertHively Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
Sorry, Stog. Let me translate all of that for you.

iT'S tHe jACOBins






Mr. Jones Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,517
#7 stogie 1020

If "frankj1" would ever come back from Florida????

He would nominate ur #7 post as a "contender" in
The running of the top funny posts of the month?
Season? Or maybe...yr???
Mr. Jones Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,517
#8 RH 's
Post is a close #2 to #7

RH the interpreter...
RayR Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
RobertHively wrote:
Check this guy out when you get a chance.

He is running for president of Argentina. I watched this clip a few weeks ago and the first thing I thought was: This guy hates leftists more than Ray. Lol!

Javier Milei is an anarcho-capitalist libertarian. He is currently the leading presidential candidate. The guy is no BS, I laughed when he said, "you can't negotiate with lefttards".
Ain't that the truth. LOL LOL LOL

Mr. Jones is probably jealous of his hair.

Mr. Jones Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,517
My hair is "EPIC"...
RayR Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Hildog goes full Demo-Commie, wants MAGA EXTREMIST CULT MEMBERS formally de-programmed, probably in the Ministry of Love re-education camps.

Hillary Clinton calls for ‘formal deprogramming’ of Trump ‘cult members’

Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called supporters of former President Donald Trump “cult members” who require “formal deprogramming” while explaining in a CNN interview why Democrats needed to defeat the Republican front-runner and his allies.

More w/ Video...
RobertHively Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
RayR wrote:
Javier Milei is an anarcho-capitalist libertarian. He is currently the leading presidential candidate. The guy is no BS, I laughed when he said, "you can't negotiate with lefttards".
Ain't that the truth. LOL LOL LOL

Mr. Jones is probably jealous of his hair.

This sounds familiar...

"Prosecutor files case against Argentina's frontrunner Javier Milei days before presidential election"
RayR Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
RobertHively wrote:
This sounds familiar...

"Prosecutor files case against Argentina's frontrunner Javier Milei days before presidential election"

Ya, sounds like another bananas republic I know.

Imagine that, just saying that Argentina's tanking fiat money peso is "not worth crap" is a criminal offense and “a severe affront to the democratic system.” Sounds just like trumped up charges that American lefttards would concoct about "right wing extremists".
RayR Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
The world turned upside down, an ANCAP was elected as president in spite of the best efforts of the Marxist-Leninists.

Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina

Dale Steinreich

Amazing result, but don’t expect much. As The Wall Street Journal avers, he’ll face lots of headwinds from the usual suspects:

…labor unions, social movements, and the powerful left-leaning political forces in congress, the biggest bloc in that body, and in provincial and municipal governments. It means that Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist who became known to millions through TikTok and YouTube but had no entrenched movement of his own, will have to rely on a coalition with centrist and conservative political factions who would likely moderate his more radical proposals.

It left out the U.S. national security state, which helped drag its Marxist-Leninist pal Lula over the finish line in Brazil. And then this, which is hardly a surprise:

Milei won despite heavy state spending on promoting Massa, whose face was plastered onto fliers and posters on buildings and roadsides around the country, while Milei mostly campaigned on social media.

In some ways it’s worse with a “victory” like this because if he completely fails in his fight against the hydra with a thousand heads (very likely), then the state/state-media/progressive spin is, “Well, there you go. This proves that libertarian ideas don’t work. Milei only won because we had a bad economy because we didn’t spend and inflate and micro-manage enough.” That’s why liberty revolutions should always be peaceful secessions from the grassroots up. You kill a bad tree from the roots, not by climbing to the top and sawing from there on down. Did you hear that, MAGA?

RobertHively Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
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People are saying that he's Argentina's version of Donald Trump but idk. He seems way crazier than Trump to me.

Trump is more of an establishment "bidness" man, not a coked up (aLLeGedLy) anarchist.

You see Milei swinging that chainsaw around during his campaign rallies? lmao
ZRX1200 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
^ Trump IS an establishment business man.

Of 15-20 years ago….and the left wants to pretend he didn’t use ANY policies that were used by Bush, Clinton or Barry Soetoro.

You CANNOT be allowed to to stop the blind progressive rocket ship to reshape AmeriKKKa. You will be sent to a camp.
RayR Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
@RobertHively: Trumps mean tweets are nothing compared to Milei. And the lefties call establishment Trump an EXTREMIST because he doesn't totally go along with their socialist agenda...just a little way Laugh Milei is more accurately Argentina's version of Ron Paul who is also an anarcho-capitalist.
What do you have against anarcho-capitalists anyway.? You're not allowing yourself to be moved by scary leftist definitions of words, and anti-capitalist leftist babble, are you? Say it ain't so Robert!Eh?

From Tom Woods:

"You've surely heard the news: Javier Milei, a member of Argentina's Chamber of Deputies, was elected president of Argentina -- and it wasn't close.

The circumstances -- a poverty rate at 40 percent, and inflation at a crippling 140 percent -- were ideal for someone like Milei, who holds ideas some people might have considered "extreme" just a few years ago. But as one of my daughters put it as we discussed the news, if the "normal" ideas are clearly not working, what's the harm in trying the so-called crazy ones?

Milei describes himself as an anarcho-capitalist, and one of his dogs is named after Murray Rothbard. He's made no bones about wanting to shut down one department after another. And yes, I know we've heard that one before, but the point is this: he pledged to make radical changes in a good direction and a considerable majority of people in effect said they had no problem with it.

It's appropriate that he should have a dog named after Rothbard, because not only does he believe in Rothbard's ideas when it comes to liberty and economics, but he also adopted the strategy of libertarian populism that Rothbard recommended. As Fernando Chiocca pointed out on the Mises Institute's website, instead of politely debating the ideas of the other side as the well-behaved libertarians would have had him do, Milei roundly denounced them in ways that awakened the public instead of putting them to sleep.

And let's put it this way: he is not exactly naive about the left.

From a recent media appearance:

"If you think differently from them they will kill you!... You can't give sh** leftists an inch. If you give them an inch they will use it to destroy you.... You don't negotiate with trash because they will end you!... We're not only superior economically, we are morally superior, we are aesthetically superior, we are better than they are at everything. And that triggers them. And since they can't beat us with real arguments, they just use the repressive apparatus of the state, with loads of taxpayer money, to destroy us. And yet they're still losing!... Leftists are losing the cultural battle. For the first time ever, they are cornered."

On foreign policy Milei seems to hold conventional opinions -- opinions I would consider disqualifying in the U.S. But I'm not particularly concerned about Argentinian foreign policy, so I can overlook them.

Now, to anticipate the black-pilled response, let me clarify: even if Milei were a complete phony, the landslide victory of someone who ran on an unmistakably libertarian and populist message remains significant. As Jeff Deist put it, "This is not about Milei or his views -- but about the perception of his views and the willingness of millions to vote for him based on those perceptions."

So let's wish Argentina the best and hope that some good comes out of all this."
RobertHively Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976

It aint so, I dont give sh*t leftists an inch. Not even a mask. :)

I think of Ron Paul as an anti war, anti police state, pro freedom, pro free market libertarian. If that equals anarcho capitalist then so be it. Havent read much Mises or Rothbard...

There are differences between Milei and Paul. Ron Paul isn't involved with the WEF, he disagrees with both the Ukraine/Russia war and the Israel/Palestine war, he's anti covid "vaccine" bio-weapon and he most definitely didn't swing chainsaws around and scream during his rallies.

I hope Milei successfully disbands the central bank and puts the country on the gold standard. I think he's talking about using U.S. fiat money as the currency for Argentina though, so a different central bank. That's a far cry from the audit/end the FED Ron Paul days.

As with all politicians, campaign talking points don't mean much. (see post #6) So we'll see.

You think Milei was elected in that Bananas Republic? "Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him." -Albert Pike
RayR Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Considering the current events in Argentina, one thing that has been on the minds of some Americans including myself for many decades is what will it take for even a slim majority to wake up and say we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore.
With an incomprehensible and exploding national debt and the continuing march of inflation and taxation caused by anti-free market government and FED policies, what is it going to take? The progressive policies of Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole for a very long time have been a disaster. The policies of Trump and the Republican Party as a whole for a very long time have contributed to the disaster or at best been bandaids on a festering wound.

The United States Needs Its Own Javier Milei

Connor O'Keeffe

On Sunday, the populist Austrolibertarian Javier Milei was elected president of Argentina. In the United States, the reaction ranged from concerned curiosity on the part of the political establishment to enthusiastic celebration across the populist Right—including, notably, some economic nationalists. Several renowned libertarians also brought attention to some of Milei’s many flaws, such as his views on geopolitics.

Milei’s libertarian skeptics make many good points. And odds are a man with a legislature stacked against him will not be able to address Argentina’s many problems without some political backup. But still, there is much to admire about Milei’s rise and plenty to learn from his campaign’s bold, spirited rhetoric. Because our country is also in desperate need of a similar course change.

Many Americans are in a tough spot right now. Eighty years of inflationist monetary policy has made life more expensive. And the heavy government involvement in many of the most important sectors—including healthcare, housing, education, and energy—has made it harder for younger Americans to afford the same lifestyles as previous generations.

Further, the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of interest rates has left the American people heavily in debt, low on savings, and forced to weather the recurring nightmare of the boom-bust cycle. Meanwhile, as Washington’s decades of foreign intervention predictably blow up in its face, politicians are calling on the American people to fork over an ever-increasing amount of money in the futile effort to sustain an unchecked global empire. All while, at home, the government remains unable or unwilling to protect the lives and property of millions of Americans.

We may not yet have a poverty rate over 40 percent or inflation north of 140 percent like Argentina, but we’re on a trajectory that leads straight to that kind of economic ruin. It doesn’t have to be this way. We know the way out.


RayR Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
RobertHively wrote:

It aint so, I dont give sh*t leftists an inch. Not even a mask. :)

I think of Ron Paul as an anti war, anti police state, pro freedom, pro free market libertarian. If that equals anarcho capitalist then so be it. Havent read much Mises or Rothbard...

There are differences between Milei and Paul. Ron Paul isn't involved with the WEF, he disagrees with both the Ukraine/Russia war and the Israel/Palestine war, he's anti covid "vaccine" bio-weapon and he most definitely didn't swing chainsaws around and scream during his rallies.

I hope Milei successfully disbands the central bank and puts the country on the gold standard. I think he's talking about using U.S. fiat money as the currency for Argentina though, so a different central bank. That's a far cry from the audit/end the FED Ron Paul days.

As with all politicians, campaign talking points don't mean much. (see post #6) So we'll see.

You think Milei was elected in that Bananas Republic? "Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him." -Albert Pike

OK, I believe you, Robert. Just checking that you weren't captured and taken to the Ministry of Love for any re-education.
So you've got to read this. This guy Milei isn't some guy that fell off the turnip truck

An interview with Javier Milei

The transcript of his meeting with our journalist

Sep 7th 2023

JAVIER MILEI, an Argentine presidential candidate, spoke to The Economist on September 4th in Buenos Aires. The conversation, which was automatically translated, has been lightly edited for clarity.

The Economist: Tell me about your intellectual trajectory. How do you define yourself ideologically and what does it mean to you to be a libertarian?

Javier Milei: I decided to study economics when I was [...] ten years old, when [former Finance Minister Alfredo] Martínez de Hoz’s currency board programme exploded in 1981.

When I started university Argentina went into hyperinflation. As a result of that situation I stopped playing football, which I played professionally, and I dedicated myself to studying intensively.

The Economist: Did that hyperinflation personally mark you?

Javier Milei: Yes, exactly. Obviously, like all Argentines studying economics in Argentina, I was trained as a sort of mixture between post Keynesians [the theory of John Maynard Keynes] and structuralists. Later, when I did my first master’s degree, which I did at IDES [Institute for Economic and Social Development], I studied different aspects of Keynesianism. And I was [disappointed] by the errors and the lack of solid explanations of what was happening in the economy.

When I did my [second] master’s degree at [Torcuato Di Tella University] I had already become a recalcitrant neoclassicist. That is, I was a faithful devotee of “real business cycle theory.” And since everything has an end, in 2008 my worldview fell down. There I went back to re-studying Keynes and I went back to re-studying [Milton] Friedman.

In this whole process, where I started to reconvert and to reconsider what I was doing, I basically decided to dedicate myself ultra-intensively to the study of economic growth in order to detach myself from the situation at that moment.

And I was quite happy with that until I came across the Angus Madison series, which basically shows, when you look at the GDP per capita between the year zero of the Christian era and the year 2000 it has the shape of a hockey stick. Between the year zero and the year 1800 GDP per capita only grows around 50%; but in the last 200 years, between 1800 and 2000, it multiplies nine times. And this is happening in a context where the population has almost multiplied by seven.

So that implies the presence of increasing returns in microeconomic terms. That means that you have a concentrated market structure. And, according to conventional economic theory, that would be bad. And yet it is a situation where not only the quality and quantity of goods and services that we had made the average individual on the planet live better than how emperors and pharaohs and kings had lived, but extreme poverty went from 95% to about 10% in that period. So how can neoclassical theory describe that as a bad thing, or call it market failure?

After that, a person from my team handed me an article by Murray Rothbard called “Monopoly and Competition,” an article of about 150 pages. After three hours, when I finished reading it, and after teaching microeconomics for about 25 years, I said: everything I taught in the last 25 years on market structures is wrong. And that’s when I started to convert to the Austrian school [of economics] and, reading Rothbard, I became an anarcho-capitalist.

The Economist: What does it mean to be an anarcho-capitalist?

Javier Milei: You are a liberal, in fact the definition we work with is that of Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr., which is: “liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others, based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, liberty and property”.

And in that context, you understand the state as a criminal organisation. Because you don’t pay taxes voluntarily, you pay them at gunpoint.

So there is a discussion of a moral nature, I would say, about rejecting violence, about rejecting the advance [of the state] on property. The state finances itself with taxes, and taxes [the Spanish word for tax means ‘imposed’], clearly are called that way because they are not voluntary. So the state is an apparatus of coercion which has a monopoly of force. And like everything that has a monopoly of a legal nature, it always ends up causing damage.

So we understand the state as a criminal organisation, a violent organisation that lives by stealing from honest people. And [we believe that] society functions much better without a state than with a state, I mean, on an ideal level.


RobertHively Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976

I used to listen to Lew Rockwell a lot back in the day, and Ron Paul too. Rockwell would go on about how the state has a monopoly on violence, and how the state should be abolished. Paul talked about volunteerism, or a voluntary society where bureaucratic coercion isn't tolerated. Free markets etc.

Sounds good to me, pure freedom. My next thought, however, was, most people don't want to be free. The majority of people want the state to solve all of their problems for them from cradle to grave. They want the state to provide a man in a costume with a gun, at the dial of a phone, they want the state to do their killing for them overseas, they want "a chicken in every pot." Name it... So they turn to the politician, who promises the world and delivers nothing.

Most people want the illusion of freedom, which comes with none of the risks of actual freedom. Each generation wants the state to do more for them--and the bureaucratic police state obliges, while taking more rights and freedoms every step of the way.

People would have to care about libertarian ideals before any significant changes could be made. Ain't happening. The west is weak and decadent. We want bread, circuses and WWF politics. It's the empire in decline stage. History really does repeat. Practice volunteerism and assert your rights at the individual level, that's really it. Non compliance is key.
RayR Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
THis is HUUUGE. Another political earthquake as a right-wing extremist Netherlands Firster sails to victory. Lefties were left in shock and sobbing. Crying

Only a right-winger can storm to a comfortable victory in an election and then be labeled a “threat to democracy” by the losers.
Soberano Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 12-15-2022
Posts: 1
RayR wrote:
Robert, your opinions are very individualist, selfish and probably racist.
Gubmint says only it can make your life better through socialism tyranny.

Ray Well said!
RayR Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Soberano wrote:
Ray Well said!

Stick around Soberano, it's only your first post in a year, but you could become a real troublemaker and a threat to duhmocracy like me. Just put some effort into it.
RobertHively Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
Well, that didn't last long...

Milei went from swinging chainsaws, to being (s)elected, to having lunch with Bill Clinton in NYC--all in the same week.

frankj1 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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who paid?
ZRX1200 Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
They have a secret card that debits the Hut Theft fund.
RobertHively Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976

The CIA?

He looks scared in this pic:

Clinton and the other guy are laughing. Prolly showed him the the JFK files.Mellow
RobertHively Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
2nd pic down
RayR Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
RobertHively wrote:

The CIA?

He looks scared in this pic:

Clinton and the other guy are laughing. Prolly showed him the the JFK files.Mellow

I suspect the Amerikan leftist thugs attempted to bribe Milei.
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