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Border Crisis
MACS Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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I’ve spent the last twenty years of my life dealing with the issue of immigration — first as a reporter in Texas, then as an intelligence officer in the Texas government, and now as a Fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies.

I’ve been all over Texas, Mexico, and Central America. I’ve pretty much seen it all. But I’ve never seen anything like what I’ve seen since January 2021. No one has.

According to US government data, some eight million people have illegally entered the United States from 2021 to 2024.

These are the people we know about. But it’s hardly the whole story.

Another 2 million must be added to the total. These are the “gotaways,” the ones seen by border agents but never apprehended, and the ones who enter the country through a myriad of other ways. That brings us to a grand total of 10 million illegal crossers in three years — an average of 300,000 every month since Joe Biden was inaugurated president.

That is the greatest mass movement across national borders in US history, and maybe the greatest in human history. And they’ll keep coming if we continue our current policies. That’s not a guess. That’s a guarantee.

How can I say that? Because I know why they’re coming. They’ve told me. Over and over and over again.

It’s not because they fear political persecution in their home country.

It’s not because they fear the drug cartels.

And it’s not because they fear their abusive husbands.

Sure, some fraction of migrants fit those descriptions, but the overwhelming majority are coming for a much more obvious reason: To work and make money in the world’s richest country. Simple as that.

It’s an economic calculation. Risk versus reward.

If the reward of entering the US is greater than the risk of deportation, migrants will come.

And not just from Mexico or Central America, but from almost every country in the world. In the last three years, they’ve come from 150 different nations including China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mauritania, Haiti, Cuba, and Venezuela.

They are drawn to the US by what Spanish-speaking migrants call “La Invitación,” an invitation to a banquet of generous government benefits and economic opportunities unavailable to them in their home countries.

Illegal immigration has been a major issue in the US for over twenty years. It’s one of the reasons Donald Trump was elected in 2016. He promised to stop it, and he made significant progress.

He extended the border wall — although his efforts were hampered by liberal judges and a Democratic Congress.

He instituted a “remain in Mexico” policy which forced migrants to wait for asylum claims to be decided while still in Mexico.

He fully empowered border and immigration agents to detain, deport, and expel illegal immigrants back across the border.

With the chances of getting into the United States diminished by these policies, migrants figured the trip wasn’t worth the cost:

The smuggling fees of ten thousand dollars or more to cross the border…

The time involved in traveling thousands of miles (much of it on foot)...

And the dangers of being robbed, raped, or killed along the way.

But when the new Biden Administration took over in 2021, the calculus changed. The trip was now worth the cost.

Border agents became like Walmart greeters; deportation officers were chained to their desks; most anyone who showed up was guaranteed entry. Unaccompanied “children” under 17, parents with children, and pregnant women were able to “skip the line.” Documentation to prove any of these claims was either not required or minimal.

The odds of entry spiked.

It didn’t take long for “the word” to get out. The border was open.

Imagine this real-life scenario. A Guatemalan migrant is let right into the country. He sends a selfie — everyone has a cell phone — back to his family and friends in his village.

Now imagine that scenario playing out thousands of times a day. What do you think the reaction is going to be?

It’s going to be like the California Gold Rush. A mass movement of people toward a single goal: to get across the border.

And once they achieve that goal, then what?

Then, they have to be housed, fed, and cared for.

Their children, most of whom speak little or no English, have to be educated in our public schools.

When they get sick, where do you think they go? If you’ve been to an emergency room lately, you know where.

And then there’s the crime. We know almost nothing about the people we’re letting in. It’s inevitable that some are bad actors. Given the millions entering, that’s a lot of bad actors. Some Americans like Georgia college student Laken Riley have already paid for this with their lives.

And I haven’t even mentioned the billions of dollars all this costs us, the American taxpayer.

This is what we’re dealing with now. The effects in five, ten, or twenty years are unknown.

Can we stop this historic flood?

Yes, we can. All we have to do is reverse the risk/reward calculus.

We did it from 2017 to 2021.

The real question is: do we want to?

That’s up to you.

I’m Todd Bensman, author of Overrun
DrMaddVibe Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
It's not a crisis. This was all manufactured by the DNC and this administration was the funnel to make it happen.

When (not if!) we're attacked again you don't have to look too far as to who to round up.

This is a total dereliction of duty and completely against the oath of office for the Commander In Chief. I view it as impeachable. The GOP went after the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats, well...subverted not only their duty to the nation but law and failed to even hear the case. Imagine that. It happened.

So, sit back. Keep the powder dry and the weapons oiled.
MACS Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
DNC Policies:

Banking - ID required
Airport - ID required
Doctor - ID required
Pharmacy - ID required
School - ID required
Gun store - ID required
Fishing - ID required
Hunting - ID required
Daycare - ID required
Drinking - ID required
Smoking - ID required

RayR Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Oops...did his handlers let him off his leash again and talk without a teleprompter?

Biden Calls Illegals Crossing The Border “Hispanic Voters”

Steve Watson
11th May 2024

“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters”

In a telling slip of the tongue earlier this week, Joe Biden referred to the unprecedented rise in illegal immigrants entering the US as an “influx” of “Hispanic voters.”

During an interview with a Spanish radio show, Biden was talking about the border crisis, and stated “It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters, or Hispanic – Hispanic citizens, who want to become citizens.”

DrMaddVibe Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Just Joe being Joe.
Speyside2 Online
#6 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
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I'm soooo thrilled we may bring over Palestinians in a fast track manner bypassing the minimal protocol we have now. Though I do think if that happens I will invest in timers, controls, switches and such. They will be in great demand.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Speyside2 wrote:
I'm soooo thrilled we may bring over Palestinians in a fast track manner bypassing the minimal protocol we have now. Though I do think if that happens I will invest in timers, controls, switches and such. They will be in great demand.

I think I'm going to invest in 30.30, 30.06 and another AR pistol!

Speyside2 Online
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,530
Oh, what border? It seems we don't have those anymore. I have read about them in history books though.
Burner02 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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I wonder how many of the perps that will be involved in the next 911 type attack have been let in during the past three plus years under Biden's lack of leadership. I'm guessing all. I know, some of you are thinking I can't prove it and you are right. But you can't disprove it either.

I saw some info yesterday that in four years under Trump, there were 14 encounters with suspected terrorists at the border. Under Biden in three and a half years there have been 350 plus encounters. Makes one wonder how many suspected terrorists are in the million and a half plus got-a-ways.
RobertHively Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
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Border? Think
#11 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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Burner02 wrote:
I wonder how many of the perps that will be involved in the next 911 type attack have been let in during the past three plus years under Biden's lack of leadership. I'm guessing all. I know, some of you are thinking I can't prove it and you are right. But you can't disprove it either.

I saw some info yesterday that in four years under Trump, there were 14 encounters with suspected terrorists at the border. Under Biden in three and a half years there have been 350 plus encounters. Makes one wonder how many suspected terrorists are in the million and a half plus get-a-ways.

Bingo, and that is one of the key pieces most seem to overlook when discussing the situation. It started with those from Mexico and other parts of Central America and then you had those filtering in from China, Africa and other parts via our Southern border.
Speyside2 Online
#12 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,530
Our border patrol needs maybe 10 times the funding it presently has. Redirect money from the 300 agencies that do nothing and have been recommended for closure for a very long time. Put an expert of border control in charge. Do not appoint a federal yes man or a state yes man. Let the expert best use the funding to fix this. Account for every last dime of the money. There should be no federal or state oversight comities. Ice needs the exact same set up. Also pass a law for immediate deportation. Those who do need political asylum need to do this properly. There should be an expedited process that is efficient. Also, sanctuary cities need to be federally defunded.

Just my thoughts.
deadeyedick Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
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Pretty sure Biden thinks the border is for his boarders.
MaduroJorge Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 03-27-2023
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Applause Applause
deadeyedick wrote:
Pretty sure Biden thinks the border is for his boarders.

Applause Applause
Abrignac Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,496
Speyside2 wrote:
Our border patrol needs maybe 10 times the funding it presently has. Redirect money from the 300 agencies that do nothing and have been recommended for closure for a very long time. Put an expert of border control in charge. Do not appoint a federal yes man or a state yes man. Let the expert best use the funding to fix this. Account for every last dime of the money. There should be no federal or state oversight comities. Ice needs the exact same set up. Also pass a law for immediate deportation. Those who do need political asylum need to do this properly. There should be an expedited process that is efficient. Also, sanctuary cities need to be federally defunded.

Just my thoughts.

1) Which agencies would make your top 10 list?

2) Considering we have never had strict border control, what are your criteria for defining an expert?

3) Without oversight how do we account for every dime spent?

4) What do we do with the deportees if their home country refuses to accept them?

Speyside2 Online
#16 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,530
I misspoke when I said 300 agencies. When reading the 2023 the Government Accountability Office report it is easy to see that 10s of billions of dollars can be saved by eliminating overlap, fragmenting, and redundancy. This is where the money would come from.

I have no idea how to define an expert in an area that I know very little about. I expect there are national security experts who do.

Government oversight committees always have agendas. I suspect a new government accounting office would be far less likely to have an agenda.

Countries would take back their people who are not dissidents. The dissidents we would keep. First, we would use diplomacy to get countries to take their people back. Second, we would withhold aid to any country that would not take their people back. Third we would give the illegal aliens the option of returning home the same way they arrived here or being confined in an ICE detention center for the rest of their lives. Illegal aliens do not have the rights that American citizens or legal aliens do. This is harsh solution, but we have laws that are not being enforced. If the laws were enforced, we would not have a problem of this magnitude. No one has the right to illegally enter our country.

There are about 11,400,000 illegal aliens in our country, a certain percentage of whom are terrorists and spies. Let's go small and say the number is 1%, this would be 140,000 people. I am not good with this number, of course the number could be far greater or far less. I have presented a potential updated system, good, bad, or indifferent.

Perhaps you could add constructive criticism of changes, specific ideas or an entirely different alternative in reference to my thoughts.
Burner02 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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Illegal Crossings At Northern Border Set To Break 2023 Record
By Spencer Lindquist, May 17, 2024,

Illegal immigrant crossings on America’s northern border with Canada are on track to break the previous record, which was set just last year.

Customs and Border Patrol agents recorded 9,460 illegal crossings on the northern border thus far in the 2024 fiscal year, which began in October 2023. The figure is already nearing the record set by the 2023 fiscal year, when 10,021 illegal crossings were recorded.

With five months remaining in the 2024 fiscal year and summer on its way, illegal crossings on the northern border are poised to surge past last year’s record. The Swanton Border Patrol Sector, which covers New Hampshire, Vermont, and parts of New York, has been one of the busiest areas on the northern border. Some residents along the northern border have resorted to carrying firearms to ensure their personal protection after witnessing groups of illegal immigrants coming across the border.

The surge of illegal immigrants on the northern border comes as the United States has experienced record-breaking surges of illegal immigration under the Biden administration, with over 9.5 million nationwide encounters and 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant gotaways recorded under his term.

The drastic increase in illegal crossings on the southern border have resulted in some Border Patrol agents from northern sectors being reassigned to the south, leaving America’s border with Canada increasingly vulnerable.

The foreign-born population present in the United States has also spiked to a new high under Biden at a whopping 51.6 million, an increase of 6.6 million since the Democrat took office. The increase has been primarily driven by illegal immigration.

Immigration has now become one of the most important issues for voters as we near the 2024 presidential election, with multiple polls finding that voters consider illegal immigration to be one of the biggest issues facing the country.

Biden currently faces widespread disapproval among voters for his handling of the border crisis, with one recent poll finding that Americans trust former President Donald Trump more than the Democrat incumbent to handle immigration, while other polls have found that Americans are in favor of Trump’s plan to deport illegal immigrants.

Abrignac Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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Speyside2 wrote:
I misspoke when I said 300 agencies. When reading the 2023 the Government Accountability Office report it is easy to see that 10s of billions of dollars can be saved by eliminating overlap, fragmenting, and redundancy. This is where the money would come from.

I have no idea how to define an expert in an area that I know very little about. I expect there are national security experts who do.

Government oversight committees always have agendas. I suspect a new government accounting office would be far less likely to have an agenda.

Countries would take back their people who are not dissidents. The dissidents we would keep. First, we would use diplomacy to get countries to take their people back. Second, we would withhold aid to any country that would not take their people back. Third we would give the illegal aliens the option of returning home the same way they arrived here or being confined in an ICE detention center for the rest of their lives. Illegal aliens do not have the rights that American citizens or legal aliens do. This is harsh solution, but we have laws that are not being enforced. If the laws were enforced, we would not have a problem of this magnitude. No one has the right to illegally enter our country.

There are about 11,400,000 illegal aliens in our country, a certain percentage of whom are terrorists and spies. Let's go small and say the number is 1%, this would be 140,000 people. I am not good with this number, of course the number could be far greater or far less. I have presented a potential updated system, good, bad, or indifferent.

Perhaps you could add constructive criticism of changes, specific ideas or an entirely different alternative in reference to my thoughts.

As far as an alternative, I say we begin by across the board spending cuts by a defined percentage. Say 5-10% the first year then gradually increasing those cuts by small amounts until annual budget deficits are eliminated and a realistic plan to reduce the accumulated debt is put into practice.

As far as eliminating and consolidating redundancies let the agencies figure out what has to be cut meet their departmental budget. They will make the changes or once their budget is spent they shut down and the employees should be put on unpaid furloughs until the beginning of the next fiscal year.

The optics of jailing someone for life because they entered the country illegally is bad. In theory it may sound good but we are a nation of immigrants so I doubt a majority of people would go along with that idea. We could send back some of them but in reality it will be a small percentage. So we need to think forward about closing the borders and face the fact that many illegals that are here are here to stay. On the other hand we need to rethink doling out cheese to illegals as this enhances the desire to come here.

The current GAO does a damn good job at keeping tract of money spent. But, its Congress’s enumerated power to spend money. So like or not there will be oversight committees in Congress to peek over the shoulder of agencies spending the money allocated to them by dissecting GAO accounting data. Unfortunately it’s also easy to bury diverted funds in what is probably hundreds of thousands of pages of line item spending reports. That’s why it’s years down the road before scandals are discovered.

I’m sure there is overlap. It’s bound to happen when you have a $7 or $8T budget. Not sure what the net savings who be when trying to realign things. Seems like when the realigned the military bases some years ago to eliminate overspending on those things the result was far less than originally advertised.

I certainly don’t have all the answers, but all too often the cost to tear something down in the hopes of rebuilding it into a more streamlined and efficient operation never seems to achieve the desired result.
Speyside2 Online
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,530
Read the report, it is rather interesting. The first report was 2011 I think, recommendations put into effect have saved about 600B according to the 2023 report. They have never suggested tearing down. They point out where and how to save, somewhat based on an economist type of view.
Abrignac Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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Speyside2 wrote:
Read the report, it is rather interesting. The first report was 2011 I think, recommendations put into effect have saved about 600B according to the 2023 report. They have never suggested tearing down. They point out where and how to save, somewhat based on an economist type of view.

Is this the report you’re referring to?

I just read it. It paints some rather broad strokes and seemed to be without details. I’d be interested in seeing the data that drove the report.

Edit: Overlooked the pdf links. Gonna take a deeper look.

Abrignac Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,496
Interested report. How the hell does a storage space design that utilizes an elevator to move provisions between decks specify an elevator that is unable to accommodate a standard sized pallet jack or whose height is less than the height of an average sailer?
Speyside2 Online
#22 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,530
I thought you would find it interesting. I did.
Burner02 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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U.S. Navy Commander: ‘Russian, Chinese’ Nationals Trying To Enter U.S. Navy Bases In America Every Week
By Daily Wire News, May 26, 2024

Adm. Daryl Caudle, Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, said during an interview late last week that foreign nationals are attempting to enter U.S. Navy bases multiple times every week.

Caudle made the remarks during a Friday interview on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” when asked about a recent story out of North Carolina where foreign nationals were caught near where some of America’s top special forces operators live and train.

“Well, you know, this thing of our military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more,” he said. “This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we’re stopping these folks at the gate.”

He said that it was happening “at least” two to three times per week “and this is just Navy alone where we’re seeing folks try to come in.”

“And usually the cover story is ‘I’m a student, you know, I’m here, I’m an enthusiast. I want to see the ships.’ That type of thing. We have to turn them around,” he said. “And typically we get NCIS involved with those. And we get biometrics when possible. But yes, there’s been an uptick.”

He said that the foreign nationals often have passports and papers with them when they are caught.

“But they’re in no way shape or form authorized to be on our base,” he said. “And it’s really hard for us to tell the underlying motive for these type of cases. Wow, that’s, that’s stunning. It is. It’s got to be a concern.”

“This is Russian, Chinese,” he added. “Is comes from all all these different nations. We’re seeing an uptick in it.”

HockeyDad Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Prolly just took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
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