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Last post 1 day ago by MACS. 634 replies replies.
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#601 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
There never was any "data"!

Oh my

Isn't that weird?
RayR Offline
#602 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,043
Ya, it's pretty weird.

That double-talking disinformation weasel!

And as a reward, he's getting $350,000 Per Year in retirement pay.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#603 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
3 Big Covid Whoppers Fauci Confessed To Congress This Week

Fauci confirmed many of the worst fears of those in the medical community who spoke out during his reign of terror.

If Dr. Anthony Fauci thought retiring from his nearly-half-a-million dollar government position would end questions about his disastrous policymaking, he was sorely mistaken. This week, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases faced tough questions from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and his answers confirmed many of the worst fears of those in the medical community who spoke out during his reign of terror.

Although his 14-hour testimony was behind closed doors, the subcommittee provided an overview of the most salient points that were covered and promised to make a full transcript available soon. Here are the three most notable takeaways and how they can be addressed moving forward.

1. They Were Not Following ‘The Science’

First, Fauci admitted that Covid-19 policies were not grounded in science, confessing that the six feet of social distancing, “sort of just appeared.” Anyone who was ordered to stand an arbitrary distance apart on a jet bridge only to be packed into a plane face to jowl had reached this commonsense conclusion long ago. But it was a stunning reversal for the man who had become so closely associated with pandemic-era policies that we were assured were “following the science.” It was also reminiscent of Fauci’s last spring’s walk back on the efficacy of masks, years after denouncing those who opted not to wear masks of, “actually propagate the further spread of infection.”

Fauci also ignored data about the role re-purposed generic drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine could play treating Covid, while pushing expensive new treatments like Remdesivir, which the World Health Organization just concluded did little to help people hospitalized with Covid and could even do harm. Ditto the role of natural immunity or herd immunity. It was always the Fauci way or the highway, and that meant vaccines.

2. Vaccine Mandates Backfired

That brings us to point two. During his congressional testimony, Fauci finally conceded that Covid vaccine mandates could make people more broadly vaccine-hesitant. Using the levers of government to force citizens to take an untested vaccine rushed to market under the banner of “warp speed” was never a wise idea. Accusing dissenters of “spreading misinformation” and subjecting them to loss of livelihood and mass ridicule compounded the error.

Fauci was right about one thing: the obsession with Covid vaccines undermined trust in public health authorities, which is crucial to any functioning society.

3. Denying Obvious Learning Loss in Children

Lastly, Fauci still refuses to accept accountability for his mistakes. He said he’s still “not convinced” lockdowns hurt kids, despite children suffering an “unprecedented drop in performance” in math and reading scores. According to the federal government, reading test scores among nine-year-olds fell to their lowest point in 30 years, while math scores fell for the first time ever. No one expects perfection from their leaders, but the stubborn refusal to look in the mirror and take responsibility is more than just arrogant — it’s harmful for the ability to fix the problem.

Moreover, reports from the subcommittee did not mention Fauci saying anything about Covid vaccine injuries, or the fact that the government’s compensation program has been a debacle.

At the end of his 40-year reign atop the bio-medical industrial complex, health care spending in the United States is far higher than other high-income countries, yet our health status as a nation is one of the worst among advanced health economies. Our life expectancy has plummeted to 76.4 years, a two-decade low. We have the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions. Since 2021, excess mortality amongst U.S. citizens, especially amongst the youngest and healthiest sectors, suddenly rose to unprecedented levels not seen outside of wartime. Nowhere do we see evidence of our public health agencies investigating which of the ill-conceived Covid policies is driving this catastrophe.

Even without the pandemic, it’s clear that a change is needed. If there is a silver lining, Covid thrust many intrusive and illogical policies to the forefront. Almost everyone remembers sitting in their homes watching faceless government officials – many who had never been elected or appeared on a ballot – issue sweeping mandates with the full force of government.

Doctors who dared dissent faced numerous threatening and delicensing actions by medical boards who exercised their autonomy and freedom in treatment decisions. Our so-called “sin” was spreading “misinformation” that is now looking better by the day.

These actions have left physicians adhering to dictated treatment protocols out of fear rather than using time-honored, individualized approaches that would produce the best outcome for their patients.

Congress deserves credit for holding Dr. Fauci to account. Hopefully, this is the first in a series of hearings. He was right: public health should be guided by science, and not the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. With time, we are learning that he was the one most guilty of adhering to the latter while ignoring the former, and this cannot happen again without more severe consequences.

Remember when this POS was dignified? Those that held him in esteem need a good wake up call, if they can even be saved! This man not only use American taxpayer money, but made it legal to change definitions of long standing medical terms, but outright LIED to all of us. He did it during the AIDS epidemic but COVID1984 ! How many still believe this crap? Why? You already know you've been bent over a barrel and used. No lube too, because you forgot about the Constitution that was there to save you. You even went so far as to gaslight and guilt those that chose to offer up a more cautious approach...the very same treatment that 1939 Germany faced. Did you stop? No! Have you looked in a mirror lately? No? It was easy to listen to expert TV opinions and preach them as fact! Now, that the "facts" have been shown to you...look at you all. No, you wanted to give up your homes, board some trains and travel to this Shangri-La they told you existed. Sound familiar? It should. They have a playbook. It's been used over and over and over. Still don't see it? Look towards the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!
BuckyB93 Offline
#604 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,320
The guy should be stripped of any and all awards, PhD's, professional status, licensing, pensions and so on. He should be tried in a court of law for what he has done, what he has lied about, what he propagated. He has tainted his profession and others. He violated The Hippocratic Oath and so many other professional ethics while poisoning the principle of "follow the science" along the way.

I don't know how he can sleep at night knowing what he has done (he knows what he has done even though he claims not to). He's a pathetic human being.
KingoftheCove Offline
#605 Posted:
Joined: 10-08-2011
Posts: 7,683
Well they say hindsight is 20/20.
That said, reading thru this thread, from the beginning, is fuqin hilarious.
The absolute blind ignorance, and pure gullibility of a few members here, is simply…………………..stunning.

Head in the sand, while rolling up their sleaves for booster number three or four.
To each their own I suppose….
Brewha Offline
#606 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
I’m just glad we have DMV here to save us all…..

HockeyDad Offline
#607 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,326
Brewha wrote:
I’m just glad we have DMV here to save us all…..


Well you get it completely wrong.
MACS Offline
#608 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
HockeyDad wrote:
Well you get it completely wrong.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#609 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
Brewha wrote:
I’m just glad we have DMV here to save us all…..


All you had to do was read the articles with an open mind and you wouldn't have been a proponent of the CDC. Did you? No. You quoted liars, thieves and professionals that werebought and paid off.

All you had to do was say no. You complied and carried water for them belittling anyone you could. Its all here. You'r screeching about masks, killing grandma and people that aren't vaccinated shouldn't be allowed medical care.

Pathetically wrong, but do you ever state you were dead f@cking wrong about the entire Covid-19 plandemic? No. Even as Pope Fauci walks back his blatantly wrong takes you still pontificate about everyone else that tried to tell you so.

Seeing you post this up shows everyone how wrong you still are. You think thats a putdown? Hell no. You're the dumbazz that STILL buys what Pedo Joe serves up. Forced shots that never worked and an EV that isn't up for primetime. Its a glorified golf cart that you choose to make fart. That's the depth of you. Being wrong while you swirl around the trendy toilet bowl following people that should be in chain gangs cleaning highways. You still gleefully parade about with your stupidity and inability to actually employ critical thinking skills.
Brewha Offline
#610 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269

And in your dreams

You can see yourself - as a profit

Saving the world

The words from your lips: "I just can't believe you are such a fool!"

DrMaddVibe Offline
#611 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
Brewha wrote:

And in your dreams

You can see yourself - as a profit

Saving the world

The words from your lips: "I just can't believe you are such a fool!"


You're a blithering idiot.
Brewha Offline
#612 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
DrMaddVibe Offline
#613 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
Weaselcock Fauci throwing others under the bus because he's unwilling to relent to his falsified behavior.

Anthony Fauci Exposes Yale's Gregg Gonsalves As Academic Activist Who Fakes Data Claims

Update: Gonsalves (aka '4G') has been scalped, and has deleted his account since this article was originally published.

Former White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted in a congressional deposition last week that the federal government’s COVID guidance for six-feet social distancing was not based on scientific evidence, stating under oath “it sort of just appeared.” Fauci's testimony came during the second day of his closed-door deposition before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and echoed a similar comment made by former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb.

"The six feet rule was arbitrary in and of itself," Dr. Gottlieb said during a September 2021 appearance on "Face the Nation" while discussing COVID guidance. "Nobody knows where it came from. The six feet is a perfect example of sort of the lack of rigor of how CDC made recommendations."

Curious to see who had promoted this arbitrary rule that “sort of just appeared”, I began searching news articles and social media and ran across an expert declaration on Yale’s website, filed by Gregg Gonsalves with the School of Public Health and Yale Law School. Gonsalves also writes regularly for multiple media outlets, including The Nation where he is their public health correspondent. “Data from China indicates that the average infected person passes the virus on to 2-3 other people at distances of 3-6 feet," Gonsalves claimed in a legal filing.
Every medical crisis is AIDS

In case you’re unaware of Gregg Gonsalves, he’s a 1980s AIDS activist who later in life attended university and then, for some reason, got hired by Yale. But having honed his talents in advocacy, he retains a street activist’s indifference for scholarship and a pugnacious skill in diagnosing every medical crisis as AIDS in the 80s.

1980s Flashback:

Ebola? That’s AIDS, Gonsalves told NPR.

Opioid epidemic? AIDS again, he told New York Times.

How about Monkeypox? Do you need to read this Gregg Gonsalves essay, or is the evidence not clear? Hello, it’s AIDS!

And when the COVID outbreak began, physicians scrambled to study a never before seen virus, struggled to understand how it spread, and argued over how to best stop it.

Meanwhile, Gonsalves offered up another 1980s flashback performance. Can you hear Madonna pumping in the background? Papa Don’t Preach: it’s AIDS all over again.

Speaking to Vox, Gonsalves explained that “Trump’s handling of the crisis feels like an eerie callback to the 1980s, when then-President Ronald Reagan chose to ignore early warnings about the threat from HIV/AIDS.”

With Trump now posing as Reagan with a bad tan and orange hair, Gonsalves then donned a white coat and prescribed a New York Times article as treatment to manage a respiratory virus that had nothing to do with HIV. “Unless we figure out how to sort of move toward what the New York Times called for the other day — a national lockdown of sorts,” Gonsalves told Vox, “We’re just going to see cases increase and emergency rooms and ICUs across the country be filled to capacity.”

On social media, Gonsalves continued arguing for lockdowns, before complaining that he was being mischaracterized as pro-lockdown. And then cycling through this flip flop once again.

It’s the logical consistency of a small-minded hobgoblin.

Which brings me back to Fauci and the “it just sort of appeared” science for six-feet social distancing.
Protestors don’t need data

In a March 2020 expert declaration under penalty of perjury, Gonsalves claimed, "Data from China indicates that the average infected person passes the virus on to 2-3 other people at distances of 3-6 feet." The declaration apparently supported legal claims that prisoners were at risk of COVID injury and should be released from the hoosegow.

But if you examine Gonsalves’ writing carefully (apparently, he didn’t) you’ll see he cites medical support for his 3-6 feet claim with footnote #7.

But when you go to footnote #7, you find Gonsalves doesn’t cite actual medical evidence; Just as when he argued for lockdowns in Vox, Gonsalves’ medical proof is a news story in the New York Times.

Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with science and how experts rank research, but nowhere in the medical literature do you find “newspaper article” cited as credible evidence. Please see this explanation at Mt. Sinai Medical School, if still in doubt.

But it gets even more odd.

When you read the New York Times article, you find there is no “data from China” as Gonsalves claims. The only proof the newspaper article provides for “six feet social distancing” is—get this—an artist’s drawing.

In short, Yale’s Gregg Gonsalves filed a legal declaration that made a medical claim based on a newspaper article—and that newspaper article doesn't contain any evidence as Gonsalves claims.

Quite the expert, no?

To understand how this meets Yale’s academic standards, I emailed Gonsalves, asking him to explain.

Read the rest here:

* * *

Aaaand, he's gone:

Laughable how dumbazz Brewie got took again! And again...and again!

Who needs to play Whack-A-Mole when we have that guy?
RayR Offline
#614 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,043
Rand Paul says Fauci belongs in jail for lying to Congress. I agree.
And then there's that Chicom collusion thing.
RobertHively Offline
#615 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,994

CDC Officially Changes COVID Guidelines To Whatever Your Uncle Frank Said About It Years Ago

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After a new meta-analysis of COVID data, the Center for Disease Control has updated its guidelines to just do what your hillbilly Uncle Frank said to do four years ago.

"After tasking dozens of the best minds in science to review hundreds of studies, we have determined that Uncle Frank was right the whole time," announced C.D.C. director Dr. Mandy Cohen. "Basically, just treat it like the flu. So, um, sorry about that whole 'you can't be with your dying husband' deal. Our bad."

According to sources, Uncle Frank had said the exact same thing back in 2020 when the whole COVID thing began. "Despite no formal medical or epidemiological training, Uncle Frank has somehow managed to continually stay a step ahead of the C.D.C.," said researcher Dr. Stan Makowski. "Frank's sage advice to 'let 'em stick ya with that there vaccine only if COVID might kill ya' has now been backed up by a large body of research. He also prophetically called for people to 'forget about that dumb social distancing crap, just stay home if you're sick'. Such an incredible mind! Uncle Frank's brilliance knows no bounds."

The C.D.C. has now officially changed all of its guidelines to match Uncle Frank's recommendations for COVID, as well as all other infectious diseases. For his part, Uncle Frank has declined all offers to take a position with the C.D.C., reportedly saying, "Those swamp things would have to drag my cold, dead body out there, I'll tell ya that right now."
#616 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,437
Babylon Bee strikes again…
Mr. Jones Offline
#617 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,532

OR 2021?

WHEN THAT P.O.S. Faucci was invited to the OSCAR CEREMONY?



ID LOVE TO "kneecap" that loser midget weasel **** with a solid ASH/WHITE OAK LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BAT and make him L.I.M.P.


BuckyB93 Offline
#618 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,320
And yet, the taxpayers are paying him $400,000/yr for his pension. The guy should be in jail for all his lies he perpetuated many of them were on the headlines for years and even doubled down on them while under oath, his kickbacks from foreign countries and the pharmaceutical companies, ethics violations, impersonating a real medical doctor, illegal distribution of funds and grants and so on.

I have no idea how he can live with himself. His morals must be in the dumpster.
BuckyB93 Offline
#619 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,320
Six one NINE!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#620 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
New Report Details Horrifying Cost Of Fauci's Failures

In the post-pandemic period of Covid, there’s now a concerted effort to comprehend and explain the damage that was caused by our capitulating to the hysterical overreaction and overreach of the ‘experts.’ There’s a long list of policy failures to examine; mask mandates were a disaster that accomplished absolute nothing of value, but instead led to tremendous harms, many of which continue today.

Children were forced into masks for years on end, millions of people still wear masks when traveling or inside stores and restaurants, permanently convinced of the deliberate falsehood that masks are effective prevention tools. Perhaps most disturbing is that healthcare workers in blue cities are often still required to mask. Some hospitals have required masking continuously since 2020, while others are now enforcing rolling mandates based on the delusions of administrators and expert authorities.

Research into the economic cost of many of our Covid policies and mandates is still ongoing, but a new, extremely detailed report on school closures has created a horrifying context for just how damaging Anthony Fauci’s advocacy was during the pandemic.

All of Our Covid Policies Failed

The research begins with an obvious acknowledgment of the failures which occurred due to Covid mandates. Despite wildly different policies, there was virtually no difference in outcomes between countries.

“From the available evidence, it is difficult to identify the specific responses to the pandemic that led to better outcomes,” they write. “Countries clearly responded to the challenges in very different ways, from essentially no school closures (Sweden) to multiple years of closures (Uganda and Indonesia). Yet, simple statistics such as the length of school closures or overall health policies cannot explain much of the variance in outcomes.”

Lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports…none of it mattered, nor does it explain the variance in outcomes between countries. Why? The obvious answer is that none of these policies had the slightest chance of preventing transmission of a highly infectious respiratory virus.

Instead, the likely explanation for variance in outcomes comes down to differences in accounting for Covid cases and deaths, underlying health and age demographics, or pre-existing immunity from exposure to similar coronaviruses, which was almost certainly the reason why countries in Asia performed much better than Western countries during the early part of the pandemic, but was conveniently ignored in favor of “experts” maintaining the wishful thinking that “mask culture” was responsible.

Regardless of the explanation, the fact that there is no consistent factor to attribute better outcomes to is in itself an indictment of our Covid policies and mandates. If it’s impossible to define why a country did better or worse than another country, there should be no justification for continued restrictions. If only someone had told Fauci or his allies in the public health establishment in 2020-2021, but instead they forcefully criticized any opposition who understood the reality, such as Florida governor Ron DeSantis.

School Closures Caused Unimaginable Harms

The researchers spent most of their time attempting to assess the many harms caused by one of the pandemic’s most inexcusable policies: school closures. And the results of their estimates are jaw-dropping.

“Based on the available research on lifetime earnings associated with more skills, the average student in school during the pandemic will lose 5 to 6 percent of lifetime earnings,” they found. “Because a lower-skilled workforce leads to lower economic growth, the nation will lose some $31 trillion (in present value terms) during the twenty-first century. This aggregate economic loss is higher than the US GDP for one year and dwarfs the total economic losses from either the slowdown of the economy during the pandemic or from the 2008 recession.”

That’s not a misprint: $31 trillion.

Teachers unions, Fauci, the CDC, and politicians have all ensured that the American economy will be decimated in the next century because they refused to admit they were wrong about all of it. As cost of living skyrockets thanks to rampant inflation, also caused by our incompetence and malicious, purposeful ignorance, children forced to learn under school closures will be irreparably set back, which will cost them hundreds of thousands if not millions of earned income throughout their lives.

It’s easy to suggest that maybe these harms may be erased or mitigated over time. The researchers addressed that too, yet they failed to provide much hope for the future.

“Finally, we provide a few observations about recovery from the learning losses. History suggests that these losses are likely to be permanent unless the schools become better than they were before the pandemic,” they conclude.

With wholly incompetent political activists like Randi Weingarten controlling schools, disgraceful DEI policies infiltrating every aspect of public education, the lack of acknowledgment from Fauci and other organizations that Covid mandates were a failure, and the complete ideological capture of the education system, it’s impossible to reasonably expect that schools will ever “become better than they were.”

The damage they caused is locked in – forever.

Once Again, Florida Provides the Alternative

Importantly, the results of school closures varied per region. In far-left states such as California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois, school closures persisted well into 2021.

But Florida was one of the few states, and perhaps the only large one, to make reopening schools a priority, despite the objections of teachers unions and media outlets that attempted to label the governor as “DeathSantis.”

And it’s going to pay off, relatively speaking. A figure presented in the research shows that Florida’s economic state loss in GDP is nearly equal to Pennsylvania, despite a population that’s nearly 75% bigger than Pennsylvania. And California’s estimated losses, roughly $1.3 trillion, are more than 116% higher than Florida, much larger than the population difference. Similarly, New York’s economic losses far exceed Florida’s, despite a smaller population.

DeSantis followed the actual science, listened to competent outside expert advisors, and as a result, when compared to other major states, Florida is set to massively benefit in the future. It is yet again another clear indictment of the blue states that chose to follow the Fauci blueprint into economic disaster.

And make no mistake, this is a disaster.

No Accountability for Failure

The researchers compared the learning loss train wreck to the 2008 recession, showing that the Covid response is responsible for substantially more damage than even that economic cycle.

“The lopsided attention to the business-cycle losses from the 2008 recession and from the pandemic is startling once we see the comparable pandemic learning loss figures,” they wrote. “The economic losses from the loss of human capital are fully six times the total losses from the 2008 recession, which was labeled the largest recession since the Great Depression.”

This is staggering. Six times the total losses from the 2008 recession, already considered one of the worst in modern economic history. All because Fauci and his band of “experts” seized an opportunity to enforce their agenda of control onto a compliant society. And also because they refused to admit failure when many were desperately trying to expose them.

It’s an inexcusable, historic set of decisions with lasting consequences both in soft cultural terms and harder economic ones. A $31 trillion loss is the loss of GDP exclusively from school closures. That doesn’t even account for the loss of business income, the years-long setback in terms of new business, or the loss of GDP from adults who gave up on career plans or other pursuits out of despair or lack of opportunity.

The damage the “experts” caused is incalculable. But the attempts to calculate it has resulted in absolutely horrifying estimates.

And not one of those responsible is willing to acknowledge it.

Where are the Cbid Karens of Kovid now? Smug ****. You've been proven to be liars and the puppets of liars pushing known lies and keeping the lying plates spinning!
BuckyB93 Offline
#621 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,320
I wouldn't label the folks that bought into the chaos as liars. They were lied to and carried the torch. I still think they are smart folks but for some reason they didn't toss out the penalty flag or challenge the mainstream mentality. Maybe they were sucked into the BS that we were being fed from the media and the corrupt government. Maybe their livelihood was at stake to take the bait {shrug}.

There was plenty of signs and fact that the COVID "facts" were actually a lie that was fertilized by the media, the government, big pharmacy, and so on. Lots of coverup that has been swept under the carpet. Folks would claim that Fauci was a great Dr but in reality, hes a politician - fact not opinion.

Vaccines have been redefined as a result of this stupid $hit - fact, not opinion. The COVID SHOT is not a vaccine. It is a research drug that doesn't work - fact, not opinion.
The death toll is truly not as large as they said - fact not opinion.

Where are all those death beds, ships, frozen trailer trucks and stuff that were claimed to be needed to keep humans alive and to deal with the dead? Total scam.

Sadly none of the folks that pushed the COVID vaccine will be held accountable.

On another note: If the COVID shot was so successful (cough) and was and so great (double cough), we are now in 2024... why don't we have any other approved mRNA drugs? Surely the pharmacies must have made some ground in the past 5 yrs or so

DrMaddVibe Offline
#622 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
BuckyB93 wrote:
I wouldn't label the folks that bought into the chaos as liars. They were lied to and carried the torch. I still think they are smart folks but for some reason they didn't toss out the penalty flag or challenge the mainstream mentality. Maybe they were sucked into the BS that we were being fed from the media and the corrupt government. Maybe their livelihood was at stake to take the bait {shrug}.

When does critical thinking kick in and when do you realize the "emperor" wears no clothes? I guess...some will be forever told what to believe.

That's lying in my book Bucky. Even after facing contradictory evidence they STILL clung to the Fauci bull****. There's STILL people wearing masks walking around because of what they did. Are they all here? No! The ones that were...most of them skeedaddled like the feather plucked chickens they are. See ya, would NEVER wanna be ya...Lights are still on!

That's the only point of your post I disagreed with. They knew they were wrong. Couldn't admit it. Even if they kept up the charade, it was proven in front of their faces. I suppose they were just too high strung and I'm afraid the strain was more than they could bear. What with all the "Follow the Science" and "LOL" posts...they could still be chasing them. Farewell, sayonara suckers.
#623 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,437
BuckyB93 wrote:

The death toll is truly not as large as they said - fact not opinion.

Odd, we used to have the death ticker running on every channel, then all of a sudden it stopped being broadcast to us right after the last election. d'oh!
MACS Offline
#624 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091

Dexamethasone, eh?
BuckyB93 Offline
#625 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,320
I remember reading somewhere that if there was a currently accepted and approved treatment/drug that is effective then the fast tracking and allowing emergency use for a newly concocted treatment/drug would be revoked. In other words the FDA can't authorize shortcuts to get it new treatment released if there is already something out there that is safe and effective.

You think the pharma groups, the FDA, the CDC and so on wanted that to happen? Nope. Too much money on the line. Too much ego on the line. Too much politics on the line. Let's push this experimental drug through and do everything we can to scare everyone to take it. If we can't scare them then let's do everything we can to force everyone to take it using OSHA as our vehicle of control - they almost achieved that but the Supreme Court stopped that bull$hit.

Then we can raise our hand in victory, pat ourselves on the back, and fill up the money vaults. Pssst... by the way, we can and have pushed though legislation that says we cannot be held liable if there are any negative effects so we can write our own check and won't be punished if any consequences pop up.
MACS Offline
#626 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
And folks wonder why I do not trust the government AT ALL for any bit of information... and trust the media even less.
MACS Offline
#627 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091

Another Doctor's opinion...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#628 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
Remember when the so called "experts" talked over and down to anyone and everyone with their patented bulletproof line "Follow The Science"? Like they were to be trusted because they "were in charge"...yeah, about that...

Scientists Backtrack, Admit Proposed Virus Experiments Could Have Been Done In China

Scientists with close ties to China and the U.S. government is now saying that risky experiments he proposed—which some experts believe could have led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2—may have been done, deviating from earlier statements.

Another scientist involved in the proposal also says he doesn’t know if the work was done.

“To the very best of my knowledge ... the work hasn’t been done,” Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, told a congressional panel this week.

Mr. Daszak, however, admitted that he doesn’t know whether scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China have done the proposed experiments.

“Do you know if the WIV started this work?” he was asked during a U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing in Washington.

“No,” Mr. Daszak replied.

“Then you can’t say that the work was not done,” Mitch Benzine, the staff director for the panel, said.

“There is no evidence of the work being done. There is no evidence that WIV started it,” Mr. Daszak said.

Has he ever asked Shi Zhengli, a top scientist at the WIV, whether she carried out the proposal?

“No,” Mr. Daszak acknowledged.

The proposal in question, dubbed Project DEFUSE, was submitted in 2018 to the U.S. government as EcoHealth and its partners, including WIV, sought to take viruses from bats, reverse engineer them, and add features. Some outside scientists say the proposed work could have led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) declined to fund the proposal, expressing concerns that adding features to coronaviruses could create a dangerous virus.

After the proposal was leaked to the public in 2021, Mr. Daszak and EcoHealth have said definitively that the proposed experiments never took place.

“The DARPA proposal was not funded. Therefore, the work was not done. Simple,” Mr. Daszak told The Intercept in 2022.

“The proposed research was never done,” EcoHealth added in a recent statement.

Ralph Baric, a University of North Carolina virologist who was also listed in the DEFUSE proposal, also said in newly disclosed testimony that he did not know whether the proposed experiments were conducted.

“Certainly not by my group,” Mr. Baric told the subcommittee. “I don’t know what China did.”

Mr. Baric and Ms. Shi have created chimeras, or combination viruses, among other work together.

“There was no evidence that they were doing this kind of work,” Mr. Baric said. “Well, there was evidence that they were building chimeras using WIV1 as a backbone, so they were doing some discovery work about the functions of spike genes of zoonotic strains that they discovered later on, but I don’t know if they did any of the engineering or anything.”

WIV1 is a bat coronavirus that was found in China.

Mr. Baric also claimed he had forgotten about DEFUSE so he didn’t discuss it while meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top U.S. government official, on Feb. 12, 2020.

Mr. Daszak said Wednesday that DARPA later returned to EcoHealth “to try and fund portions” of DEFUSE, but no lawmakers pressed him on that disclosure.

‘They’ve Always Been Truthful’

EcoHealth separately for years funneled grant money from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to Wuhan researchers, including money that funded experiments that increased the virulence of a bat coronavirus.

Asked how his group verified information about those experiments, Mr. Daszak acknowledged it relied on statements from the WIV. “I have no other way to verify,” he said.

The scientists in Wuhan “have always been honest with us,” he added later. “They’ve always been truthful. There’s never any untoward, underhand things going on. I have no reason to think that they were under pressure to lie. There’s no indication of that.”

After the pandemic started, WIV researchers refused to hand over laboratory notebooks and other files to EcoHealth after the U.S. government asked for the records, resulting in the government debarring WIV from receiving U.S. grant money.

“Nearly two years have passed since the NIH first requested that WIV provide the requested information and materials, and yet WIV has still failed to do so,” a debarment official wrote to Ms. Shi.

In comments on a draft of the DEFUSE proposal, Mr. Daszak said that some of the work would be done at the Wuhan lab.

“If we win this contract, I do not propose that all of this work will necessarily be conducted by Ralph, but I do want to stress the US side of this proposal so that DARPA are comfortable with our team,” Mr. Daszak wrote in one comment. “Once we get the funds, we can then allocate who does what exact work, and I believe that a lot of these assays can be done in Wuhan as well.”

Mr. Daszak told Mr. Baric in a May 27, 2021, email released by the subcommittee that Ms. Zhengli said culturing of animal viruses was being done under biosafety level two conditions, or one level below that applied in many other countries.

“We checked with Zhengli, who let us know that she used ‘BSL-2 with negative pressure and appropriate PPE.’ I also know that they are stricter now on SADS-CoV... ever since you showed it was able to infect human airway epithelial cells,” he wrote.

Mr. Baric responded by saying Mr. Daszak was “being told a bunch of [expletive].”

“BSL-2 w[ith] negative pressure, give me a break,” he wrote, adding later, “You believe this was appropriate containment, if you want but don’t expect me to believe it. Moreover, don’t insult my intelligence by trying to feed me this load of [expletive].”

I just want to know when someone is going to swing by their neck for committing Crimes Against Humanity because so far, they're all getting away with this crime.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#629 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
Follow the Science all the way to the gallows!!!

EcoHealth Alliance Grants Suspended and Formal Debarment Procedures Begun

Many years too late, but better late than never.

The Department of Health and Human Services is cutting off all funds and initiating procedures to ban the EcoHealth Alliance from getting federal money for at least three years. However, HHS may extend that period based on the seriousness of the violations.

The violations are very serious.

About damn time. Now, prosecute him. Toss him in jail and throw away the key. Tar and feather him. Put him in the stocks.

It is impossible to overstate how important this move is. It is a formal acknowledgment by The Department of Health and Human Services that the EcoHealth Alliance--which has been funding gain-of-function research that violates American law and almost certainly created the COVID-19 virus--is an outlaw entity with which the US government should have nothing to do.

Peter Daszak, its CEO, is one of Tony Fauci's best friends. He conspired to funnel money to Dazsek and has repeatedly lied about whether the organization engaged in prohibited activity. HHS has not directly implicated Fauci, but their conclusion that EcoHealth violated federal rules makes him a perjurer, having lied to Congress multiple times.

As if we didn't already know that.

The suspension and debarment stem from the investigation of the House's Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. The hearing with Daszak was fascinating because we witness a true sociopathic liar doing what he does best. A man who killed millions and can defend his record proudly is something you rarely see.

I hope to never see it again.

"EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Peter Daszak should never again receive a single penny from the U.S. taxpayer. Only two weeks after the Select Subcommittee released an extensive report detailing EcoHealth's wrongdoing and recommending the formal debarment of EcoHealth and its president, HHS has begun efforts to cut off all U.S. funding to this corrupt organization. EcoHealth facilitated gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China without proper oversight, willingly violated multiple requirements of its multimillion-dollar National Institutes of Health grant, and apparently made false statements to the NIH. These actions are wholly abhorrent, indefensible, and must be addressed with swift action. EcoHealth's immediate funding suspension and future debarment is not only a victory for the U.S. taxpayer, but also for American

national security and the safety of citizens worldwide. "The Select Subcommittee's investigation into EcoHealth and the origins of COVID- 19 is far from over. Dr. Daszak and his team are still required to produce all outstanding documents and answer the Select Subcommittee's questions, specifically related to Dr. Daszak's potential dishonesty under oath. We will hold EcoHealth accountable for any waste, fraud, and abuse and are committed to uncovering any illegal activity, including lying to Congress, NIH, or the Inspector General," said Chairman Wenstrup.

All the worst actors during the pandemic have been defending Dazsak and the EcoHealth Alliance, including working behind the scenes to hide information from Congress and muddy the waters. Attacking Dazsak was equivalent to attacking Science™ itself.

These men too should be tarred and feathered.

Dazsak initiated the DEFUSE grant, which proposed creating a coronavirus that almost precisely matches the COVID-19 virus that caused the pandemic. Scientists involved in the proposal have testified that they don't even remember the project despite the virus erupting slightly more than a year after the proposal.

They are liars too.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology was a prime recipient of EcoHealth Alliance funds. It is also the institution that Dazsak slated to create his frankenvirus.

As I have argued many times, the best and almost only thing Republicans in Congress can accomplish in this session is pushing forward the oversight investigations. Their slim majority makes passing legislation nearly impossible, but the subpoena power gives them enormous leverage to pry information out of reluctant agencies and organizations.

It's too early to know how far-reaching the results will be; stopping the flow of funds is a big step but only a first step in creating accountability.

A Republican president, House, and Senate will be necessary to press forward, and a Republican Attorney General can start putting the malefactors in jail for violating laws and committing perjury.

Let's get it done!
jeebling Offline
#630 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 2,018
Lying under oath should be a punishable offense. They used to call it perjury. Now they call it Democrat protected testimony.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#631 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA, ‘he is too smart’ to get caught

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic published evidence ahead of a hearing that explains the senior scientific adviser to then-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci actually bragged about helping Fauci evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The adviser, David Morens, admitted in his own communications to intentionally evading FOIA by using a Fauci’s private Gmail address or just handing him documents in person, according to the newly disclosed emails.

The 35-page report on Morens includes previously unreleased emails including:

An April 21, 2021 email shows Morens contacted EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, whom Morens has described as his “best friend” and a U.S. taxpayer conduit for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as Boston University and New England Biolabs researchers.

The subject line references “CoV research in China, GoF, etc.,” referring to EcoHealth-facilitated coronavirus research at WIV that could make a virus more transmissible or dangerous. The National Institutes of Health recently admitted it funded gain-of-function research under that definition but not a stricter regulatory definition.

“PS, i forgot to say there is no worry about FOIAs,” Morens wrote. “I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble.”

A May 13, 2021 email to the same recipients referred to “our ‘secret’ back channel” by which Morens connected Fauci to a journalist named “Arthur,” apparently to discuss the feds’ preferred narrative that SARS-CoV-2 emerged naturally rather than via lab leak. The email cited an article on the message board Virological.

Gerald Keusch, associate director of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory Institute at BU, emailed Daszak Oct. 25, 2021 to relay a phone conversation with “David,” who is “concerned about the privacy of text” and email sent and received on his “government phone” because they “could be FOIA’able.”

“Tony has told him not to be in touch with you and EHA for the time being,” Keusch wrote. Morens relayed that Daszak should get his story straight on EcoHealth’s claim that NIH locked it out of the system when it tried to file its year-five progress report that disclosed an arguable gain-of-function experiment.

Earlier in the day, Morens told Daszak “i will be meeting with Tony about this later on.” The subject line of the thread was “Draft response to Michael Lauer,” deputy director for extramural research at NIH.

Morens also told Daszak that Fauci and then-NIH Director Francis Collins are “trying to protect you, which also protects their own reputations,” apparently meaning against allegations that U.S. tax dollars passed through EcoHealth funded research that may have led to SARS-CoV-2’s emergence.

The subcommittee said it found emails that revealed “likely illegal” practices, including an April 2020 email in which Morens shared a “new NIAID implementation plan” with Daszak and an August 2020 email in which Daszak mentioned a “kick-back” to Morens after NIH awarded $7.5 million to EcoHealth.

More lies from The Science.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#632 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
The Contrarians Were Right About Covid Hysteria

And the fearmongers did irreparable damage.

If you head over to “The Federalist” entry on Wikipedia, you will find, among other smears of our little operation, a “COVID-19 pandemic misinformation” section. It’s a sad reminder of how authoritarians misuse the idea of “misinformation” to quash debate and control the conversation.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic,” Wikipedia contends, “The Federalist published many pieces that contained false information, pseudoscience, and contradictions or misrepresentations of the recommendations of public health authorities.” According to Media Matters for America,” the entry goes on, “The Federalist published articles calling on the government to quickly end social distancing directions, and to open businesses again.”

To begin with, even if Federalist writers had turned out to be completely wrong about lockdowns and social distancing, calculating the tradeoffs of public policy and forming opinions that conflict with public-health officials isn’t any kind of “misinformation.” It’s the way we debate in an open society.

Public-health officials are preternaturally risk averse. They see the world through the prism of safety, often ignoring— among many other factors—personal freedoms, economic consequences, and social disruptions. Safetyism can lead to some of the worst infringements of individual rights. That is why we don’t live in a public-health dictatorship.

Or rather, why we didn’t until Covid.

The thing is, though, most of the time our writers weren’t wrong. It is now indisputable that shutdowns inflicted deep harm on children and destabilized the economy. It is also highly unlikely that, after it was clear Covid variants would continue to spread, keeping businesses closed for months saved lives.

And “social distancing” rules were definitely bunk. Fauci admitted as much in a January interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. “It sort of just appeared, that six feet is going to be the distance,” he explained.

“It sort of just appeared” doesn’t sound like the vigorous inquiry we were promised by the self-ordained pontiff of “science.” Yet anyone who dared to tread within, say, five feet of another person was accused of being in a “death cult” and often censored on social media.

One of the problems was that Fauci could never admit to being unsure of anything. Remember when he told Americans, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” and then, months later, he wanted us wearing two of them at the same time. Yet governments almost always enacted his every suggestion.

Fauci also admitted to lying about the threshold for herd immunity because “polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine.” Worse, when three scientists — Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford — released the “Great Barrington Declaration,” questioning the efficacy of lockdowns and warning, among other things, about the damaging “physical and mental health impacts” of closing schools, Fauci colluded with others to suppress the document, plotting a “quick and devastating published takedown.”

Read the declaration. They were right. He was wrong.

In any event, one of Wikipedia’s citations allegedly proving The Federalist spread social-distancing “misinformation” was written by an academic physician from an Ivy League institution who wrestled with ways to help flatten the curve. The piece is logical and cautious. It begins like so:

COVID-19 is severe. There is no doubt about that. We are now also learning that it is not a matter of if but when many of us will get coronavirus, whether we develop symptoms or not. Our only hope is to ‘flatten the curve,’ relieve stress on the medical system, and wait for a vaccine.

That sounds exactly like the framing of public-health officials before “flatten the curve” evolved into “shutter your business and shut up.”

Another Wikipedia footnote regarding “false information” leads to a completely factual opinion piece that points out that Zeke Emanuel, then named to Joe Biden’s Covid task force, had spent years arguing that people older than 75 were a suck on our resources and the elderly should be vaccinated last. Pointing out this person’s ugly positions was well within the norms of debate.

In another instance of alleged misinformation, a Federalist founder is accused of attacking the “prominent analysis from Imperial College London.” More like infamous analysis, as the model turned out to be a dubious guesstimation. Maybe it’s Wikipedia that needs a misinformation entry?

Now, I’m not contending everything The Federalist published about Covid turned out to be correct. But the alleged misinformation articles on the site are normal pieces of contrarianism. We need more of that, not less. Recall that Facebook, pressured by the government, banned any mention of the Chinese lab-leak theory, which is now widely believed to be true.

Sure, there are limits to skepticism. Reflexive disbelief of everything is no better than the opposite. It often manifests in conspiratorial thinking. But it is clear now that no one undermined trust in our public-health institutions like those who used rickety “science” to shut down businesses, churches, schools, and speech.

I really hope the next time this hysteria gets all whipped up people remember how hard they were duped, punished, lied to and the freedoms tossed to the side so Power could be wielded over them and hammered into them.

They won't though. Some NEVER learn.
#633 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,437
“Herd immunity”, that’s all you heard about for awhile until the numbers approached those levels and then it went away never to be discussed again. Other things that went into obscurity, probably from January 20, 2021 on were the Covid death counts that scrolled every news channel with responsibility for them going on the guy with mean tweets.
MACS Offline
#634 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
Flu cases disappeared, too... lol. Some of us were paying attention. Others got fooled and would rather remain fooled than admit they fell for the bullsheit.

And someone left the boards and won't come back because they were vehement about how much they were right and we were wrong... and they don't want to face it. They didn't know sheit.
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