Well, I guess I was a bit late. Secret Santa hit me today.
Sam Leccia Luchador El Castigo (nh)
Asylum Insidious Maduro 764 (nh)
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Epicure (nh)
Man O' War Ruination #2
Drew Estate Nirvana Toro
A. Fuente Classic Hemmingway
Padron Damaso Corona (nh)
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Churchill
Padron 3000 (nh)
Flor de Gonzales 90 Miles Churchill
EP Carillo Selection Oscuro Pirimides Royal Torpedo (nh)
Kristoff San Andreas Churchill
Diesel Unlimited Maduro d.4
La Historia by EP Carillo El Senador (nh)
Room 101 Daruma Gold Roxxo
Perdomo Lot 23 Robusto
A. Flores AFR-75 San Andreas Maduro Sublime (nh)
Tatuaje El Triunfador No. 4 Robusto (nh)
Alec Bradley Coyol Robusto (nh)
Padilla San Andreas Robusto (nh)
Quesado Tributo Robusto (nh)
And a 2-pack of White Owl Strawberry Cigarillos
Along with a Tactical Pen (only thing missing on this sucker is somebody to stab, but I'll probably find that on my own)
Credit Card Sized 11 Function Multi-Tool
Antique Calipers, yes they are cool
Telescoping SpiderMonkey Tattoo cigar tube
Yucatan Sunshine Habanero Pepper Sauce
Maker's Mark Bourbon (yum)
Genuine Lake Chelan Shot Glass (This and Maker's Mark for Christmas)
Seattle Chocolates Toffesalt Dark Chocolate Truffle Bar (already caused 2 broken fingers)
Olympia Coffee Roasting Company Holiday Blend (smoothing over the hurt feelings from the broken fingers)
Decals from Cigar Daddies, Motorsports Of Olympia, Spidermonkey Tattoo
Sticker from Brown & Sons Cigar Shop
And 500 Nisqually Havana Tobacco Seeds and Growing Instructions.
Santa, you are insane and incredibly generous. Thank you very much!