Crushed by Santa.
Total Damage Is As Follows:
My Father cutter
My Father ash tray
My Father lighter
(Do you see what he did there...
"Luke I'm Your Father")
Echo1 Paracord bracelet
Lord Byron's Smokers Candle
She said no dice, the garage was as close as I could get to inside, lol.
All Things Jerky Pit Smoked Summer Sausage
All Things Jerky Garlic Summer Sausage
Many Pastures Garlic Alpaca stick
Many Pastures Jalapeno Alpaca stick
5 bottles of hot sauces
Trinidad Habanero Pepper Sauce
Baron West Indian Hot Sauce
Dave's Gourmet Insanity Sauce
Mo Hotta - Mo Betta Red Savina Habanero Hot Sauce
Melinda's XXXtra Hot Habanero Sauce
Whiskey Acres Bourbon
LFD Chisel Double Ligero x2
LFD Chisel Cameroon Cabinet
LFD Chisel Coronado
E.P. Carrillo INCH Maduro x5
Bait Fish 4x44 5pk
Cupido Tuxedo 9/15
601 Reserva Limitada Maduro x2 3/15
Aging Room F55 Quattro
LFD Double Ligero 3x50 super shorty
Drew Estate "FERAL" 2015
A. Fuente Anejo Reserva Xtra Viejo 2/15
La Aroma De Cuba 7/15
Tatuaje Exclusive Series The Jackal 7/15
Pardon 1964 Anniversary Series
Ramon Allones Habana CC 7/13 x2
Allones Extra Limited Edition CC 2011 6/11 x2
Hoyo De Monterrey Habana CC Churchill 6/11
Camacho Corojo - Monarcha 2003 crop, packed 2006
I'll try to post a pic later, need to get it resized first.
Thank you very much Napalm Claus... I'm left speechless and without a porch.