MACS wrote:Got a call from the shipping company. Movers will be here Wednesday between noon and 4. They'll call when they are 1-2 hours out.
Lady on the phone said it shouldn't take them more than 2-4 hours? Really? Okay... Granted, we're not moving a whole house full of stuff and the wife and I already have about 10 boxes of stuff packed, but if it's just 2 guys? 2-4 hours?
When we moved my ex wife's grandparents many years back, they hired a moving company to pack them up and load the stuff up. We did purge and sift through items that they didn't need for their new place weeks ahead of time. We did some prepackaging of other stuff that was deemed important and irreplaceable.
The bulk of the stuff was left for the moving company to deal with. If memory serves me, they had 4 or 5 guys and packed up a whole house, a 3 BR split level ranch including all the furniture and $hit. Took them about about 6 hours to clear out the place. They were pretty efficient.