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What'cha BRIAR and COB azzhats smoking 100,000?
t33bone Offline
#3151 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2007
Posts: 27,374
zody Offline
#3152 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3165 - Habana Daydreams, Rossi stubby apple
3166 - GL Pease Triple Play, SMS meearschaum churchwarden
3167 - Habana Daydreams, Rossi stubby apple
zody Offline
#3153 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
Question for anyone.
Is it normal or ok that i need to use a pipe cleaner or more to soak up moisture that's making my pipe gurgle as I'm smoving through a bow?
Or am I doing something wrong?

I've been using the sipping method of smokingl mark palanzo suggested which has been giving me much better results0
ZRX1200 Offline
#3154 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,555
No, happens to me sometimes too, mostly on my smaller pipes and with wetter VaPers.
ZRX1200 Offline
#3155 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,555
I cover the bowl with my fingers, and whip snap the mouth piece end. Then wipe the end with a napkin/paper towel.
marc palanzo Offline
#3156 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
zody wrote:
Question for anyone.
Is it normal or ok that i need to use a pipe cleaner or more to soak up moisture that's making my pipe gurgle as I'm smoving through a bow?
Or am I doing something wrong?

I've been using the sipping method of smokingl mark palanzo suggested which has been giving me much better results0

Yes, it's normal. Sometimes it's the pipe and sometimes it's the tobacco. I prefer my tobacco on the dry side. Don't by afraid of crispy tobacco - especially Virginias.
zody Offline
#3157 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
ZRX1200 wrote:
I cover the bowl with my fingers, and whip snap the mouth piece end. Then wipe the end with a napkin/paper towel.

Simple and really effective, thanks brother!! Pipe cleaner usage WAY downHerfing
zody Offline
#3158 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
marc palanzo wrote:
Yes, it's normal. Sometimes it's the pipe and sometimes it's the tobacco. I prefer my tobacco on the dry side. Don't by afraid of crispy tobacco - especially Virginias.

Yeah, most of what I'm liking are Va/Per or Va/KY blends, even when they seem dry they still give of moisture when I really get down into the bowl..
zody Offline
#3159 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3168 - Habana Daydreams
3169 - GL Pease Triple Play
3170 - GL Pease Triple Play
3171 - GL Pease Triple Play
3172 - Samuel Gawith Black XX kendall twist
3173 - C&D Bayou Night
zody Offline
#3160 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3174 - Peterson Irish Flakes
3175 - GLAD Pease Triple Play

Trying to go easy on the tongue, but these flake and rope blends I've been getting are so dam good!

Anybody got some recommendations on some non VA blends that are in the stronger side? I love strong full flavored blends.
ZRX1200 Offline
#3161 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,555
C&D Exhausted Rooster
H&H Mac Baren Old Dark Fired.
marc palanzo Offline
#3162 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
zody wrote:
Yeah, most of what I'm liking are Va/Per or Va/KY blends, even when they seem dry they still give of moisture when I really get down into the bowl..

I think it's because Virginias have a higher sugar content. Try some Virginia really dry, crispy even and tell me what you think. I've found there's no sacrifice to flavor.

If you want something that's punch you in the face strong, try Old Joe Krantz. There's some Virginia and Perique in it, but it's burley based.
zody Offline
#3163 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
marc palanzo wrote:
I think it's because Virginias have a higher sugar content. Try some Virginia really dry, crispy even and tell me what you think. I've found there's no sacrifice to flavor.

If you want something that's punch you in the face strong, try Old Joe Krantz. There's some Virginia and Perique in it, but it's burley based.

I've seen it, going to try it. I've been checking around and seen that some burley blends are azz kickers, some of them are sneaky strong apparently.

ZRX1200 wrote:
C&D Exhausted Rooster
H&H Mac Baren Old Dark Fired.

Check on the Old Dark Fired, it's awesome!
Saw the Exhausted Rooster, almost got a tin. On the list now.

3176 - Samuel Gawith St James flake
3177 - MacBaren Bold Kentucky
3178 - Peterson Irish Flake
3179 - Olson Holiday '03
marc palanzo Offline
#3164 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3180 - Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake
zody Offline
#3165 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3181 - C&D Bayou Night. Working on curing a briar calabash.
zody Offline
#3166 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3182 - C&D Bayou Night
3183 - C&D Bayou Night
zody Offline
#3167 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3184 - GL Pease Triple Play
3185 - GL Pease Triple Play
3186 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3187 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
zody Offline
#3168 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3188 - GL Pease Triple Play
3189 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3190 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3191 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3192 - Night Train
3194 - Night Train
3195 - MacBaren Dark Roll
Bur Offline
#3169 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
Posts: 5,638
3196 - John Bull English Blend

Only got a pouch and a half left and think this has been discontinued. Its one of my favs and gonna miss it when I'm out.
zitotczito Offline
#3170 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2006
Posts: 6,441
3196-HU Tobacco-Director's Cut-Fantastic
3197-HU Tobacco-Director's Cut-Fantastic
3198-HU Tobacco-UP Haymaker-Very nice VA
marc palanzo Offline
#3171 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3199 - SG Full Virginia Flake in a Country Gentleman cob
3200 - GLP The Virginia Cream in a Savinelli Bing's Favorite
zody Offline
#3172 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3201 - C&D Old Joe Krantz, great recommendation from Marc palanzo!
3202 - C&D Old Joe Krantz
3203 - C&D Old Joe Krantz
3204 - H&H Frenchy's Sunza B@tches
3205 - Samuel Gawith XX Dark Kendall Twist
3206 - GL Pease Jack Knife
zody Offline
#3173 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3207 - C&D Exhausted Rooster, thumbs up recommendation from ZRX1200, only tried a little but man smells and tastes great.
3208 - C&D Old Joe Krantz, blend really grows on you
3209 - Peter Olson Holiday '03
3210 - GL Pease Cumberland
3211- Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
marc palanzo Offline
#3174 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3212 - smoking my first bowl of Samuel Gawith Sam's Flake - a very nice Virginia/Turkish/Oriental blend
ZRX1200 Offline
#3175 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,555
3213~ Mac Baren H&H Vintage Syrian.
marc palanzo Offline
#3176 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3214 - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake in a cob.
zody Offline
#3177 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3214 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3215 - GL Pease Haddon Delight
3216 - Maclaren Old Dark Fired
3217 - Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky
3218 - C&D Old Joe Kranz
3219 - C&D Bayou Night
3220 - Samuel Gawith St James Flakes
3221 - H&H Frenchies Sunza B@tches
3222 - MacBaren Bold Kentucky
3223 - Petersons Irish Flake
marc palanzo Offline
#3178 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3224 - McClelland 24 Matured Virignia
zitotczito Offline
#3179 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2006
Posts: 6,441
3225 - HU Tobacco Sunset in my Tekin Meer
3226 - HU Tobacco Haymaker
3227 - HU Tobacco Zulu Mixture
zody Offline
#3180 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3228 - Samuel Gawith Black XX Kendall Twist
3229 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3230 - MacBaren Dark Roll
3231 - Samuel Gawith St James Flakes
3232 - Gawith & Hogarth Brown Irish X
marc palanzo Offline
#3181 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
zody wrote:
3228 - Samuel Gawith Black XX Kendall Twist
3229 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendall Twist
3230 - MacBaren Dark Roll
3231 - Samuel Gawith St James Flakes
3232 - Gawith & Hogarth Brown Irish X

someone's a Gawith ho.

3233 - Orlik Golden Sliced in the Savinelli Rusticated Bing
I'm Batman Offline
#3182 Posted:
Joined: 01-08-2015
Posts: 394
3234 - Lane 1-Q
3235 - Bayou Sarah (local blend in baton Rouge, LA)
hoyodude Offline
#3183 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
Posts: 4,395
3236 - Gawith & Hogarth Sliced Brown Twist with a good pinch of perique in my Savinelli Antique Shell. It's been awhile since I've smoked this stuff, forgot how tasty it is!
marc palanzo Offline
#3184 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3237 - Samuel Gawith Sam's Flake
3238 - G.L. Pease Navigator
3239 - Orlik Golden Sliced
Plowboy221 Offline
#3185 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2013
Posts: 5,311
3240-Butera Pelican
zody Offline
#3186 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
marc palanzo wrote:
someone's a Gawith ho.

Maybe a little.

3241 - Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Kendal Twist
3242 - Gawith and Hogarth Brown Irish X
3243 - Gawith and Hagarth Black Irish X in a cob - 1st cob, made for a nice smoke with this!
3244 - Samuel Gawith St James Flake
3245 - Hearth and Home Freight Train
3246 - Cornell and Diehl Bow Legged Bear
3247 - Cornell and Diehl Three Friars
3248 - Cornell and Diehl Old Joe Krantz
3249 - GL Pease Jack Knife
3250 - OLD CAO Old Iron Sides latakia, been napping for the last 12 years
3251 - GL Pease Cumberland
3252- Cornell and Diehl Bayou Morning Broken Flake
zody Offline
#3187 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3253 - Cornell and Diehl Burley Cake #1
marc palanzo Offline
#3188 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3253 - McClelland Red & Black -wow
3254 - McClelland Red & Black
3255 - Capstan Blue Flake
Bur Offline
#3189 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
Posts: 5,638
Fixed the count
3257 - John Bull English Blend on the commute from work to the VFW Post
3258 - John Bull English Blend while talking to the grillmaster during steak night. So slow I didn't have to help cook, but got a free rib-eye and drink chip anyway!
marc palanzo Offline
#3190 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3259 - Captain Earle's Honor Blend
3260 - GL Pease Jack Knife
3261 - Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug
marc palanzo Offline
#3191 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3262 - Samuel Gawith St. James Flake
3263 - Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake
tonygraz Offline
#3192 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,990
3264 - Lane RLP-6 that just arrived today. Neighbor came home at about the same time and almost hit a bear in the driveway. Said it ran into the back yard. Finished my smoke- but found it to be a bit lacking in taste.
zody Offline
#3193 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
3265 - H&H French Frenchies Sunza B.i.t.c.c.h.e.s
3266 - Samuel Gawith Black XXX Kendall Twist
3267 - Gawith & Hogarth Brown Unsuited Irish X
3268 - Samuel Gawith Lake Country
3269 - Cornell & Diehl Three Friars
3270 - Cornell & Diehl Habana Daydreams
Bur Offline
#3194 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
Posts: 5,638
3271 - Edward G. Robinson

Probably have a bowlful of Samuel Gawith St James Flake on the way home, should start airing it soon.
marc palanzo Offline
#3195 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3272 - Rattray's Marlin Flake
Plowboy221 Offline
#3196 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2013
Posts: 5,311
3273- DE Harvest on Hudson
marc palanzo Offline
#3197 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3274 - Capt. Earle's Honor Blend
3275 - Capt. Earle's Honor Blend
Whistlebritches Offline
#3198 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,251
3276-Prairie Wind
3277-Cool Hand Fluke
marc palanzo Offline
#3199 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
Posts: 2,786
3278 - Capt Earle's Honor Blend
3279 - Rattray's Old Gowrie
3280 - Rattray's Hal O' The Wynd
3281 - G.L. Pease Fillmore
Whistlebritches Offline
#3200 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,251
3282-Anni Kake
3283-Anni Kake
3284-Love this stuff
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