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What'cha BRIAR and COB azzhats smoking 100,000?
desolbones Offline
#3301 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2007
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#3402 (?)
SG~Black XX, inna MMMac
back to pg 1
SteveS Offline
#3302 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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marc palanzo wrote:
Cornell & Diehl Sansepolcro

SteveS wrote:
At Marcs suggestion, I bought a tin of this ... Marc, I must thank you for this one ... it's outstanding and is everything you said it was ...

One thing of note about the Sansepolcro is that it's rather on the dry side ... I took a ziplock baggie, lightly misted it with distilled water and put a bunch of this tobacco in it ... after it took on enough moisture to have a rather velvety feel, I tried a bowlful ... wow, what a difference that made ... it burned far cooler and had less bite to it ... a really superior experience ...

Bur Offline
#3303 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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3403 - Carter Hall in a new to me basket apple with a small bowl.
3404 - DE Gatsby Luxury Flake. Rolled out and packed then DGT'd for about 6 hours. Burned really well and even smoked fast no real tongue bite
marc palanzo Offline
#3304 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2006
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3305 - McClelland Navy Cavendish in a Savinelli Bing
3306 - Gawith & Hoggarth Dark Flake Scented in a 1970's Dr. Grabow Westbrook
SteveS Offline
#3305 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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L.J. Peretti Park Square in a Peterson's Kildare
Bur Offline
#3306 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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3308 - Bur's Scraps and Crap in a cob
3309 - Captain Black in the cheapo briar the sampler came with. Pretty good pipe tho
patrickh44231 Offline
#3307 Posted:
Joined: 09-24-2009
Posts: 1,510
162. C&d campfire just got into piping guys :) thanks to a botl guy. Pretty good stuff so far. Always grew up thinking cob pipes were a gimmick prop or something. Just ordered a sampler from mmc now too.
patrickh44231 Offline
#3308 Posted:
Joined: 09-24-2009
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Edit shoulda been 3310-
Salmoneye Offline
#3309 Posted:
Joined: 01-18-2011
Posts: 163
3311 - Peterson Irish Flake
SteveS Offline
#3310 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning in a Sydney P. Ram
Bur Offline
#3311 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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3313 - John Bull English Blend, last of that pouch.
SteveS Offline
#3312 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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G L Pease Telegraph Hill in a Peterson Killarney
patrickh44231 Offline
#3313 Posted:
Joined: 09-24-2009
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3315 frog across the pond
Bur Offline
#3314 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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3316 Bur's Scraps and Crap Non-FDA or Kalifornia Approved Blend
SteveS Offline
#3315 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Bur wrote:
3316 Bur's Scraps and Crap Non-FDA or Kalifornia Approved Blend

What's in the blend, Bur? ... just the odds and ends leftovers from other stuff you smoke ??
Bur Offline
#3316 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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Pretty much that, and bits and pieces of cigars (clipped heads, busted up ones, etc). I think about one-half of my local shpo's scraps/sweepings went in it too
SteveS Offline
#3317 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Well, I guess it does have the virtue of being rather inexpensive ... nice going if you enjoy it ... that, after all, is the whole point of smoking ...

Mark Twain used to say his favorite cigars weren't at all fancy ... so much so that they didn't have little 'belts; on them ...and he was known to smoke more than a dozen a day ... that, in addition to the pipes he also enjoyed to the extent that he was pretty much smoking during all of his waking hours ...

My favorite quote from him:

"As an example to others, and not that I care for moderation myself, it has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep and never to refrain when awake. I smoke in bed until I have to go to sleep; I wake up in the night, sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes three times, and I never waste any of these opportunities to smoke."
Bur Offline
#3318 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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Love that quote, and yes, I stay on the cheaper (ok tightwad) end of our hobby! I haven't taken to nubbing my cigars or sticking them in the pipe yet. I have thought of trimming some churchillls down into "pipe plugs" both to experiment and rarely have time to smoke anything longer than a robusto lately.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
SteveS Offline
#3319 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Bur wrote:
I have thought of trimming some churchillls down into "pipe plugs" ...

I've done that ... and, while I encourage you to go ahead with the experiment, I found that, for me, it less that successful ... so much of the flavor of a cigar comes from the wrapper, but that influence is very limited if the cigar is cut and a bowl-size "plug" is smoked in a pipe ... too much of the flavor then comes from the binder ... well, for me in any event ... but, don't accept my experiment for yourself ... after all, since taste is such an individual thing, your opinion is the only one that counts for you ...
hoyodude Offline
#3320 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
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3317 - I found a few flakes of SG Full Virginia Flake that had been tucked away for over a year with one of my favorite cobs. Finishing it now, absolutely excellent.
SteveS Offline
#3321 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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hoyodude wrote:
I found a few flakes of SG Full Virginia Flake that had been tucked away for over a year ... absolutely excellent.

That's a good blend and that year of aging is a real bonus
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3322 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake. Creamy molasses but more on the Carmel side. I'm getting more.

Peter Stokkebye Luxery Bulls Eye Flake. Kinda of the same. But mellowed on all accords. Love the presentation. The rest of the OZ. will make a great gift.

My second try at quasi-aromatic blends. (Not sure if these have toppings or not). I gotta say, I'd been missing out.

Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3323 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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Back to back

3320 Frog Morton on the Town. Good stuff.
3321 my first bowl Eva! Of Mr. Dunhill Night Cap. Wowzers!! I would compare this to the fullest strength cigars you got.

If you think that your goto Nic Hitter cigar is lacking these days. Go smoke a bowl of Night Cap and hold on. Maybe have a sweet beverage close by.

So I packed one up, trickle method, got it charred good and started reading. I'm building cabinets in the kitchen so I was reading up on pocket hole cabinet facing techniques. Well.... I was reading, and not paying attention to my cadence. All was smooth and smokey. Nothing alarming.
When about 10 minutes into the bowl. My head started spinning. Instantly I knew what was up.

I slammed my coffee and filled my mug up full of water. On the second mug of water the spins slowed. But the shakes started. Partly due to slamming half a cup of joe. But hey, it was good coffee.

I was gonna have to ride this one out. What's color is this one?
Brown Dragon?

Dunhill Night Cap. Fun for the whole family.
Bur Offline
#3324 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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Laughing at you, not with you.

Well not right now, but about five days ago I was powering through a bowl of something and started having a nic hit. After the first really bad one where I nearly puked in my car, knew to step away, like you hydrate, and fired it back up about half an hour later.

But yeah, how "Night Cap" helps ya get to sleep after smoking it a bit fast seems odd to me, but I haven't tried it yet.
Bur Offline
#3325 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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3322 - Country Squire (Jackson MS shpo) Choctaw

One of the blends my Dad smoked and I bought/got in trouble for having as a teenager
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3326 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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3323- Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake. I'm running low. This is becoming my new favorite.

The CAO line although has a nice room note, doesn't taste all that great. I think all the toppings really hurt the burn. Almost like an accelerant, causing the tobacco to scorch.

I'm starting to understand why many people prefer not to smoke them. It takes a sense of skill to control not to burn them to hot.

This was my downfall when I smoked a pipe in college. Got tongue bite one night bad after a pub crawl bender. Never turned back

That ^ and I though I had tried the best.

captain black royal.

Small town tobacco outlet for ya
Bur Offline
#3327 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
Posts: 5,638
3324 - Bur's Scraps and Crap This bowlful definitely had lots of cigar caps/scraps from cracked cigarillos. Pretty much like smoking a cee-gar
3325 - Pippa's Vanilla Cavendish Blend
ZRX1200 Offline
#3328 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,534
3326~ PS LTF with some Semois on top, very nice.
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3329 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Semois on top.

What is this Sorcery! I haven't seen or heard about this yet.

Which Semois? Reserve Du Patron?

That sounds like a good tobacco

Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3330 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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3326 - PS LNF ~ NH. This seems to be a pinch sweeter than the LTF. This little 1oz. Sampler isn't gonna last long.
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3331 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
Posts: 2,999
Bur wrote:
3324 - Bur's Scraps and Crap This bowlful definitely had lots of cigar caps/scraps from cracked cigarillos. Pretty much like smoking a cee-gar

Are you needing some more baccy? Every time I see Bur's Scraps and Crap d'oh!
Are ya low?Beer it's been long overdue...
Whistlebritches Offline
#3332 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,248
3327~PS LNF ......cracked open a jar from 2/13,don't let anyone tell you this doesn't age well.Most VA's with this little perique just make me crave more perique and I usually add some.This LNF is exquisite as is
SteveS Offline
#3333 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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G L Pease Temple Bar
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3334 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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3329 Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding Special Reserve. English Balkin blends are good.
Whistlebritches Offline
#3335 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
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3330~Three Friars from 4/14.........another that ages quite well
Bur Offline
#3336 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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3331 John Bull Proper English and Five Brothers mixed together

Any other pipe baccy cut like Five Brothers? Always a bit shocking after using others to pull out "strings"
hoyodude Offline
#3337 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
Posts: 4,395
Yes, there are. Daughters & Ryans Three Sails and Gawith & Hoggarth Dark Birds Eye jump to mind.

3332 - G&H Brown Twist Sliced in my Little Devil Cutty.

Bur wrote:
3331 John Bull Proper English and Five Brothers mixed together

Any other pipe baccy cut like Five Brothers? Always a bit shocking after using others to pull out "strings"
ZRX1200 Offline
#3338 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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3333~ Sixpence

Excellent! !!
opelmanta1900 Offline
#3339 Posted:
Joined: 01-10-2012
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3334 - morning bowl of Bill Bailey's Birthday blend...
SteveS Offline
#3340 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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4noggins Prairie Wind
opelmanta1900 Offline
#3341 Posted:
Joined: 01-10-2012
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3336 - Anglers Dream... not bad at all...
SteveS Offline
#3342 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Orlik Golden Sliced
Bur Offline
#3343 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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Catching up from not posting for weeks

3338 - Bur's Scraps and Crap Blend
3339 - John Bull Proper English Blend (a go to favorite)
3340 - Local shpo house English Blend
3341 - Edmund G. Robinson Blend, last of the tin I was gifted when I joined the Seattle Pipe Club (used to travel to Tacoma a lot and they meet in Fife WA)
Bur Offline
#3344 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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And no, I'm not low. I think I figured out last night I have enough cigars for 3-4 years and pipe baccy for at least that long if I can stay off this devil site. If I start bidding again I'll never smoke what I've got.
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3345 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
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3342 - C&D Chopped Cigar Leaf
3343 - GH Happy Bogie
3344 - SPC Plum Pudding special reserve
Hillbillyjosh770 Offline
#3346 Posted:
Joined: 02-09-2014
Posts: 2,999
Bur wrote:
Catching up from not posting for weeks

3338 - Bur's Scraps and Crap Blend
3339 - John Bull Proper English Blend (a go to favorite)
3340 - Local shpo house English Blend
3341 - Edmund G. Robinson Blend, last of the tin I was gifted when I joined the Seattle Pipe Club (used to travel to Tacoma a lot and they meet in Fife WA)

I've got Some Hillbilly Trash Hash... it's a smooth Latakia blend. Kinda like Bobs Chocolate Flake... but without the chocolate.

Bur's Scraps and Crap sounds delicious!!
Bur Offline
#3347 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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Hillbilly-did you purpose blend your Hash? Mine is more leftovers, scraps, clipping off cigars if I remember-truly scraps and crap. Tends toward an "English-cigar blend" as I don't smoke a bunch of aromatics although I did this weekend:

3345 - PS 17 English Luxury Blend
3346 - Pippa Vanilla Cavendish Blend
Ewok126 Offline
#3348 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
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3347- Smokers Pride Black Cav
3348- McClelland M-95 Dark Cherry Cordial

Both thanks to HillbillyJosh, I thank you brother. I did not realize how much I missed this until now.
SteveS Offline
#3349 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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L. J. Peretti Park Square
frankj1 Offline
#3350 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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SteveS wrote:
L. J. Peretti Park Square

has a Bostonian sound to it
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