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Noob Trade Thread #48
Huzza3045 Online
#151 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
Huzza3045 wrote:
Got the package ready and label printed. Should drop it off at USPS within the hour and it'll be heading your way, Corey!

9434 6361 0553 6359 8852 30

Tracking indicates the eagle has landed
corey sellers Offline
#152 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2011
Posts: 10,861
Yes Sir Huzza , great job 3 Pieces of chocolate down already. You did a great job nice selection here.
Southdraw Manzanita great smoke
La Aurora cameroon nh
La Aurora Corojo nh
RYJ 1875 nh
La Aurora 115 nh
La Aurora cameroon nh
Crowned Heads serie E nh
Warped Chinchalle great smoke
La Aurora107 nh
La Aurora Connecticut nh
A box of old Kentucky Chocolates 3 gone already
Caramel creme coffee from coffee times
cool azz clock from Crowned Heads

Thank you sir I look forward to them all I will hopefully get you a package out this upcoming weekend .
corey sellers Offline
#153 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2011
Posts: 10,861
Forgot the ones inside the clock haha
Quick Draw nh
Punch nh
Warped Maestro Del Tempo nh
Warped Corto nh
Warped Cloud hopper great smoke got some resting maybe I should send you a few aged
Warped Flor Del Valle nh

Awesome job brother
Huzza3045 Online
#154 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
Glad you liked it! Old KY chocolates are some of the best in the country in my opinion. They go great with a solid smoke :)
JGRAZ Offline
#155 Posted:
Joined: 10-31-2022
Posts: 2,138
Nice job Huzza.
Looks like Corey’s too a beating last couple of days
jeebling Offline
#156 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Huzza, excellent stack of never-hads for your FOG, I mean VET. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! Lol
Cheno Offline
#157 Posted:
Joined: 06-06-2019
Posts: 2,226
Great hit!
delta1 Offline
#158 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 29,605
To be honest, when I saw that Telecaster was assigned as my "noob", I knew that he had shed his noobiness long ago and is now a full fledged vet himself. So I was anticipating something different from him, although I would have been perfectly satisfied with a typical noob side of the trade. Since he came aboard, he's been sending out RAOKs of great cigars and useful handmade tools to many CBid brothers, including me. He did so again, exceeding what a noob would usually send, or what a vet would expect in these exchanges.

I've just finished a 3 week vacation in the Hawaiian Islands and returned to a much anticipated SFR from my "noob." During the first few days there, around June 15th, my wife texted that I had a package from Ben, a name that I'm familiar with, having done a few exchanges with Telecaster. I was aware that Corey had paired us up. I asked her to put it in my end table humidor and I'd open it when I got back. Tele's package haunted me several times during the next couple of weeks, arousing my salivary glands as I imagined the goodies in the box.

Here's what my crazy "noob" sent, justifying the anticipatory drooling over the past few weeks:

Rockwell triple torch lighter, certified dangerous

Cigar Paradise Generation
Cigar Paradise Silver Collection
My Father Flor de las Antillas 10th Anniversary, 2022, coffin, (had and liked this)
Nomad S - 307
Rojas Bluebonnet
Rojas Statement
Small Batch Whipped Cream
Southern Draw Anniversary Rose
Tatuaje Tattoo 10 Miami, (liked this)
The Wise Man El Gueguense, (liked this)

Three of these I've had and liked. The other seven are never hads. I am looking forward to smoking all of them and am sure they will all be enjoyable. Thank you, Ben, for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I'm going to have to take some time to send my end out and will post up a tracking number when it's en route.
Telecaster52 Offline
#159 Posted:
Joined: 04-22-2022
Posts: 906
That one doesn't count delta.
I was supposed to ask what you wanted.
So lets start over.
Hi delta what would you like for your nOOb to send you?
jeebling Offline
#160 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Another splendid hit Tele and Delta definitely deserved that smacking.
delta1 Offline
#161 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 29,605
Telecaster52 wrote:
That one doesn't count delta.
I was supposed to ask what you wanted.
So lets start over.
Hi delta what would you like for your nOOb to send you?

Cigar Paradise Generation
Cigar Paradise Silver Collection
My Father Flor de las Antillas 10th Anniversary, 2022, coffin
Nomad S - 307
Rojas Bluebonnet
Rojas Statement
Small Batch Whipped Cream
Southern Draw Anniversary Rose
Tatuaje Tattoo 10 Miami
The Wise Man El Gueguense

and a "cheap plastic throw away" torch lighter...not

I know this is much more than a vet should want or ask for...the expectation is usually a fiver of some middling cigars that a noob would consider "good ones", like a Torano, Camacho, Alec Bradley, Romeo and Julieta, Man O War or Henry Clay...I vaguely remember sending out something like that for my first Noob-Vet trade...

you've more than exceeded my wants, Tele!!! Sit tight, I have some work to do...
Huzza3045 Online
#162 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
delta1 wrote:

I know this is much more than a vet should want or ask for...the expectation is usually a fiver of some middling cigars that a noob would consider "good ones", like a Torano, Camacho, Alec Bradley, Romeo and Julieta, Man O War or Henry Clay...I vaguely remember sending out something like that for my first Noob-Vet trade...

you've more than exceeded my wants, Tele!!! Sit tight, I have some work to do...

Damn, shots fired. I love RyJ 😅
corey sellers Offline
#163 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2011
Posts: 10,861
There is better out there I will show you .
jeebling Offline
#164 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Huzza3045 wrote:
Damn, shots fired. I love RyJ 😅

Duly noted, Bernardo. Me too. Have you tried either one of the AJ Fernandez blends? Very nice and surprisingly well balanced. I thought they were going to be head erasers but they’re excellent.
Tiver Offline
#165 Posted:
Joined: 08-22-2019
Posts: 650
jeebling wrote:
Duly noted, Bernardo. Me too. Have you tried either one of the AJ Fernandez blends? Very nice and surprisingly well balanced. I thought they were going to be head erasers but they’re excellent.

Bernardo Think I like that one. Let's go with Bernardo.
Huzza3045 Online
#166 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
jeebling wrote:
Duly noted, Bernardo. Me too. Have you tried either one of the AJ Fernandez blends? Very nice and surprisingly well balanced. I thought they were going to be head erasers but they’re excellent.

Sounds good to me. I, Bernardo, will need to give it a try next time I see a fiver of it on sale.
delta1 Offline
#167 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 29,605
don't be a pet and let someone name you, Fernando!!!
jeebling Offline
#168 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Robert, the Diamond Crown Maximus Churchill No. 2, 19 year old cigar didn’t survive the decades. Unfortunately it was severely cracked and the wrapper was so far gone that it was sticking and tearing off onto my moist fingers. It was sticking to my lips and disintegrating. I do thank you for sharing a 19 year old cigar with me. That is a tribute to your generosity. Thank you.
rfenst Online
#169 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 40,059
jeebling wrote:
Robert, the Diamond Crown Maximus Churchill No. 2, 19 year old cigar didn’t survive the decades. Unfortunately it was severely cracked and the wrapper was so far gone that it was sticking and tearing off onto my moist fingers. It was sticking to my lips and disintegrating. I do thank you for sharing a 19 year old cigar with me. That is a tribute to your generosity. Thank you.

I'll make it up to you next time. Did I send you an El Rey Del Mundo?
You sure it was the Diamond Crown and not Jamie Garcia or someone else's from Pepin ?
jeebling Offline
#170 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Robert, thank you but there’s nothing to make up. You sent me awesome cigars that I’ve enjoyed very much. The Diamond Crown was simply a bust because, I think, those are the odds for a cigar that is old and has some mileage in the postal service. I’m quite sure this was the cigar I smoked. I keep all of my gift cigars labeled and segregated and I’m very careful about that. You did not send an El Ray del Mundo. I’ve never had one. Is that a brand that is still made in Cuba but also made outside of Cuba? They look inexpensive and there is a guy on the internet that loves them because he thinks they are much better than the price suggests.

In any event, you certainly have nothing to make up. You sent me some very fine cigars. I still have one left. I can’t recall the brand. It is a Corona and you suggested that I let it rest several months before I burn it.

By the way, how are you feeling today? You’ve had issues with your sinuses and have had a visit to the doctor for pain treatment. I hope the treatments are doing you good.
Palama Offline
#171 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2013
Posts: 25,102
jeebling wrote:
Robert, thank you but there’s nothing to make up. You sent me awesome cigars that I’ve enjoyed very much. The Diamond Crown was simply a bust because, I think, those are the odds for a cigar that is old and has some mileage in the postal service. I’m quite sure this was the cigar I smoked. I keep all of my gift cigars labeled and segregated and I’m very careful about that. You did not send an El Ray del Mundo. I’ve never had one. Is that a brand that is still made in Cuba but also made outside of Cuba? They look inexpensive and there is a guy on the internet that loves them because he thinks they are much better than the price suggests.

In any event, you certainly have nothing to make up. You sent me some very fine cigars. I still have one left. I can’t recall the brand. It is a Corona and you suggested that I let it rest several months before I burn it.

By the way, how are you feeling today? You’ve had issues with your sinuses and have had a visit to the doctor for pain treatment. I hope the treatments are doing you good.


Now all you need is a spreadsheet! fog
jeebling Offline
#172 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Conan, you said it brother. I don’t mind paying for the software and I can probably remember how to edit a simple spreadsheet. I have all of my paper receipts but I don’t have count of what I’ve smoked already. I suppose I could jump in with a good old fashioned inventory. A heads up on column and row headers from a brother who has gone through trial and error would definitely help. 😉
Sunoverbeach Offline
#173 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 15,460
I only Excel news blends/sizes so I can avoid repeats in my label scrapbooks.

You never go full Conan
jeebling Offline
#174 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
lol. Cue izonfire
danmdevries Offline
#175 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2014
Posts: 18,563
jeebling wrote:
Conan, you said it brother. I don’t mind paying for the software and I can probably remember how to edit a simple spreadsheet. I have all of my paper receipts but I don’t have count of what I’ve smoked already. I suppose I could jump in with a good old fashioned inventory. A heads up on column and row headers from a brother who has gone through trial and error would definitely help. 😉

I didn't start my spreadsheet till late February when I realized while putting away a tenski that came in the mail right next to the tenski i already had, I had to keep track somehow.

So I went through and took inventory of everything. I checked back at all my online orders and thankfully everything was still fairly fresh in my mind since I'd only started buying again in November, so I was able to go back and enter price paid, date purchased n stuff. While doing all this I also started printing off a spreadsheet with the dates in cells, cutting out the squares and taping them on the cellos.

I also went back in the whatchu smoking thread and started another spreadsheet to enter all of that stuff to keep track of what I smoked and how old it was and a brief note and rating. I try to keep it updated via my phone while smoking but I put every cigar on the thread with a lil note so I can go back and update the spreadsheet.

Once I got over that hump, it's been easy and gratifying to keep up with it. I look forward to data entry and labeling when I get new boxes in.

I also keep another one with my wishlist. It's pretty much just a list of things I've had that I want to buy in a box. I mark down what I paid per cigar for the single or fiver I tried them from so I know if the box price is worth it.

Also, I keep them in Google sheets so I can update inventory and other things as I smoke a cigar. This way I always have an accurate inventory.

Palama Offline
#176 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2013
Posts: 25,102
jeebling wrote:
Conan, you said it brother. I don’t mind paying for the software and I can probably remember how to edit a simple spreadsheet. I have all of my paper receipts but I don’t have count of what I’ve smoked already. I suppose I could jump in with a good old fashioned inventory. A heads up on column and row headers from a brother who has gone through trial and error would definitely help. 😉

The columns I use:

Frontmark 1
Frontmark 2
Country of origin
Where purchased / received from
Order date
Received date
Smoked date
Note 1
Note 2

Of course ymmv and you may want to add more columns. BigGrin
jeebling Offline
#177 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
danmdevries wrote:
I didn't start my spreadsheet till late February when I realized while putting away a tenski that came in the mail right next to the tenski i already had, I had to keep track somehow.

So I went through and took inventory of everything. I checked back at all my online orders and thankfully everything was still fairly fresh in my mind since I'd only started buying again in November, so I was able to go back and enter price paid, date purchased n stuff. While doing all this I also started printing off a spreadsheet with the dates in cells, cutting out the squares and taping them on the cellos.

I also went back in the whatchu smoking thread and started another spreadsheet to enter all of that stuff to keep track of what I smoked and how old it was and a brief note and rating. I try to keep it updated via my phone while smoking but I put every cigar on the thread with a lil note so I can go back and update the spreadsheet.

Once I got over that hump, it's been easy and gratifying to keep up with it. I look forward to data entry and labeling when I get new boxes in.

I also keep another one with my wishlist. It's pretty much just a list of things I've had that I want to buy in a box. I mark down what I paid per cigar for the single or fiver I tried them from so I know if the box price is worth it.

Also, I keep them in Google sheets so I can update inventory and other things as I smoke a cigar. This way I always have an accurate inventory.

Thanks, Dan, good stuff. Also, I hadn’t considered Google sheets, that might be more convenient for me with my iPad.
jeebling Offline
#178 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Palama wrote:
The columns I use:

Frontmark 1
Frontmark 2
Country of origin
Where purchased / received from
Order date
Received date
Smoked date
Note 1
Note 2

Of course ymmv and you may want to add more columns. BigGrin

Thanks, Conan. Pro-tips always appreciated thumbs 👍🏻
delta1 Offline
#179 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 29,605
My apologies to my cherished noob, Telecaster52. Due to a lingering illness, my response to your offering has been delayed. That doesn't excuse my negligence in delaying this notice to you. I must wait until my illness has cleared so that I don't send anything that may sicken you. I'll let you know when it is on its way.
Telecaster52 Offline
#180 Posted:
Joined: 04-22-2022
Posts: 906
No problem brother. I haven't ran out yet.
Not even low.
Hope you get well soon.
Huzza3045 Online
#181 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
Corey hit my porch hard. Like, really really hard. I don’t recognize half of the sticks, so it’ll take a hot minute to get myself organized. Please standby for damages in the next 2-3 hours
Huzza3045 Online
#182 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
A package with Corey's name landed on my porch today. At first, I thought "well... maybe its just a big box. Perhaps its not that full". However, as I picked up the box and felt the stone-like weight of the package, I knew I needed to go onto amazon and buy some more storage immediately.

* = Had before
AF Heminway Between the Lines
AVO Heritage
AVO Nicaragua Fogata (x2)
AVO South American Ritmo (x2)
Ashton VSG Sungrown
Balmoral Serie Signaturas Paso Doble (x2)
Black Works Studies Green Hornet
Blanco Liga Exclusiva de Familia Maduro (x2)
Caldwell L&F Scooby Snax (x10)
Comacho Liberty Series 2015
DTT Mi Querida
Diesel Original (2x)
LFD 1994
LFD Air Bender (x3)
LFD Cabinet Cameroon (x2)*
LFD Double Ligero (x5)*
MF La Promesa*
Oliva MB 3 (x3)*
Room 101 Cool Chief Arrow (x3)
Room 101 Daruma (x20; yes… he sent an entire box)
Sinistro Honor Among Thieves
Sinistro Last Cowboy
Tatuaje Black (x2)
Tatuaje Cojonu 2012
Tatuaje Limited DB Capa Especial
Viaje Big Kahuna
Viaje Birthday Blend
Viaje Farmer Bill Hatchet
Viaje Farmhand Andre
Viaje Honey & Hand Grenades
Viaje Late Harvest
Viaje Mrs. Hatchet
Viaje Pina
Viaje Platino
Viaje Skull and Bones “?”
Viaje Stuffed Turkey
Viaje Summerfest
Viaje Ten Plus Two and a Half* (I am so thrilled this is in here, I thought I'd never smoke another one)
Viaje White Label Project
Warped Serie Gran Reserva 1988

6 cigars I could not identify despite my best attempts
Viaje – tan label, red/white/black leaves
Viaje tan label, black leaves
Cigars wrapped in gift wrap (2x)
S&S Member Exclusive (2x)

1x PerfecDraw
1x Xikar Vitara Lighter (beats the hell out of the amazon special one I got)
1x Vertigo Cutter

A total of 91 cigars (+ or - 5, maths are hard). Mostly NHs and all of the one's I've had are favorites of mine. Whats more, most of them are aged from before 2020. Thank you Corey! Idk what spawned this level of generosity. As a fellow BOTL, I am immensely thankful. As a clinician, I am wondering what meds they need to put you on!
corey sellers Offline
#183 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2011
Posts: 10,861
Candy cane is the gift wrapped by Viaje. Exclusivo and probably Flash bang .
corey sellers Offline
#184 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2011
Posts: 10,861
S and S you got a treat there

2016 and 17 Tat Saint and Sinners
JGRAZ Offline
#185 Posted:
Joined: 10-31-2022
Posts: 2,138
These Vet packages are out of hand.

I've mentioned before the vets here treat us noobs very well. I'm happy to be here and I hope that one day we can all make them proud when we get our own noobs

🍻 to all of you
LeeBot Offline
#186 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2020
Posts: 2,503
DAM! That's devastating, Corey. Nice.

Gotta go buy more storage! LOL LOL LOL
Huzza3045 Online
#187 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
My wife was literally like "when are you going to tell those nice fellas to leave you alone"

jeebling Offline
#188 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Corey, excellent beat down on Bernardo. That was violent.

I agree with John. Not only are the packages incredibly YUGE but I’m still getting cigars I’ve never even heard of.
Cheno Offline
#189 Posted:
Joined: 06-06-2019
Posts: 2,226
I see Corey has toned down a little bit when sending bombs...
Sunoverbeach Offline
#190 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 15,460
Go on. Tell the nice fellas to leave you alone. See how that plays out.

Nice walloping, Corey
JGRAZ Offline
#191 Posted:
Joined: 10-31-2022
Posts: 2,138
Cheno wrote:
I see Corey has toned down a little bit when sending bombs...

This is the toned down version? Ay, Dios Mío
Tiver Offline
#192 Posted:
Joined: 08-22-2019
Posts: 650
Looks like Huzza's gonna get a chance to explore a few different cigars and with multiples really get some things figured out

Nice package Corey

jeebling Offline
#193 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Tiver wrote:
Looks like Huzza's gonna get a chance to explore a few different cigars and with multiples really get some things figured out

Nice package Corey

Very true, Tiver. Huzza, I’m not sure what your experience with LFD is but I’m curious how you will like them. I have a few fivers that I purchased in the Spring but I haven’t burned any of them. Corey sent me some well seasoned LFDs and they are incredible. I’m wondering if our palates will align on the LFDs as closely as they have on some of the other brands such as La Aurora.
delta1 Offline
#194 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 29,605
Hey Telecaster52! My part of the trade has finally flown the coop. I hope you don't mind that I packed some extra stuff, which was intended to be a strike back in the nOOb Rebellion. Since these were gonna be shipped during the same time frame, I thought I'd be efficient and put everything into one bigger box.

I've forgotten which cigars belong to which bombing purpose. There were about 15 cigars and some stuff for the nOOb Rebellion strike I sent as punishment for instigating that whole sorry affair.

The other 36-37 cigars and goodies and swag are for the Noob/Vet trade. Again, I've lost track of which cigars were purposed for the Vet trade and which were for the nOOb Rebellion.

USPS #9505 5145 7585 4202 9119 86, EDD: MOn, 7/22.2024
Huzza3045 Online
#195 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2022
Posts: 979
jeebling wrote:
Very true, Tiver. Huzza, I’m not sure what your experience with LFD is but I’m curious how you will like them. I have a few fivers that I purchased in the Spring but I haven’t burned any of them. Corey sent me some well seasoned LFDs and they are incredible. I’m wondering if our palates will align on the LFDs as closely as they have on some of the other brands such as La Aurora.

I know I’ve really liked the double ligero, although I have to be very careful with the next ones because the last one knocked me on my azz (smoked it way too quick). I also enjoyed the LFD Cammie you sent and it was good, but I think I like other cammies better (e.g., the preferido and the Aladino)
jeebling Offline
#196 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Right on, thanks Huzz
This1taken Offline
#197 Posted:
Joined: 07-15-2024
Posts: 1
Hey, I’m not sure how this works, but I’d like to try as I’ve just started a decent little collection.
Tiver Offline
#198 Posted:
Joined: 08-22-2019
Posts: 650
This1taken wrote:
Hey, I’m not sure how this works, but I’d like to try as I’ve just started a decent little collection.

There is a thread called nOOB/PIB

Read up on the last ten pages or so and get an idea.

The rules are repeated throughout the thread. Probably check the first page, but they get repeated now and then.

Post in that thread and in some others. Post an introduction. Say hello. Don't be shy, but you might go through a little hazing. It happens to everyone and is all in good spirit (usually)
corey sellers Offline
#199 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2011
Posts: 10,861
Wrong forum noob you will need trade credit first and need to be here awhile . Check the rules on the first page of this topic .
jeebling Offline
#200 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
Tiver wrote:
There is a thread called nOOB/PIB

Read up on the last ten pages or so and get an idea.

The rules are repeated throughout the thread. Probably check the first page, but they get repeated now and then.

Post in that thread and in some others. Post an introduction. Say hello. Don't be shy, but you might go through a little hazing. It happens to everyone and is all in good spirit (usually)

+1 on what Tiver said. You will get some hazing and it is meant to be all in fun. Just get a thick skin and whatever you do, don’t get all butt hurt in the beginning.
You will absolutely need to introduce and get to know the brothers here and then you will absolutely need to establish credibility and reliability and that will require more than just a single trade. If you sent a bunch of dog chit, we aren’t going to play with you. Having said that, we would love to have another noob in our ranks. I’m still a noob by the way.
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