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Last post 1 day ago by DrMaddVibe. 635 replies replies.
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bgz Offline
#501 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
BuckyB93 wrote:
Why would you voluntarily get a Chihuahua? If you have an urge to do so, text me and I'll talk you off the ledge.

I can see if it's a dog that a friend had and they can't take it with them if they moved or something and the rat dog needed someplace to go other than a shelter... other than that or something similar, I'd never be in the market to buy a Chihuahua or any small ankle biting dog. I'd pick a cat first.

I sure as hell wouldn't take a Pomeranian bowling

Ok... if I ever get a runt dog (which is unlikely)... I'll name it Ray... even if it's just a wiener dog.

And that clip... ya, we had Lebowskis team with Walter on the back with the caption "Mark it Zero".

RayR Offline
#502 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
I am doing here what the SCOTUS is supposed to be under federalism, a constant irritant to untrammeled power and BS.
If Frank and Ben have to shake their legs and feet when I post, like I'm biting their ankles...then I'm doing good things.
MACS Offline
#503 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
This is very interesting.

More studies showing that natural immunity is more effective than the shots.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#504 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,901
And some people say Jesus wasn't Jewish. Of course he was Jewish! 30yrs old, single, lives with his parents, come on! He works in his father's business, his mom thought he was God's gift, he's Jewish! Give it up!
- RW
DrMaddVibe Offline
#505 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
When you're following the Science, don't forget to turn on the GPS to Follow The Money!

Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH

An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

“We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski told reporters in a telephone news conference on May 9.

“We draw that conclusion because, in the first five years, there has been $134 million that we have been able to quantify of top-line numbers that flowed from third-party payers, meaning pharmaceutical companies or other payers, to NIH scientists.”

The first five years, from 2010 to 2014, constitute 40 percent of the total, he said.

“We now know that there are 1,675 scientists that received payments during that period, at least one payment. In fiscal year 2014, for instance, $36 million was paid out and that is on average $21,100 per scientist,” Andrzejewski said.

“We also find that during this period, leadership at NIH was involved in receiving third-party payments. For instance, Francis Collins, the immediate past director of NIH, received 14 payments. Dr. Anthony Fauci received 23 payments and his deputy, Clifford Lane, received eight payments.”

Collins resigned as NIH director in December 2021 after 12 years of leading the world’s largest public health agency. Fauci is the longtime head of NIH’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), as well as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden. Lane is the deputy director of NIAID, under Fauci.

NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins holds up a model of the coronavirus as he testifies before a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee looking into the budget estimates for the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the state of medical research, on Capitol Hill on May 26, 2021. (Sarah Silbiger/Pool via AP)

The top five NIH employees measured in terms of the number of royalty payments that they received while on the government payroll, according to a fact sheet published by Open the Books, include Robert Gallo, National Cancer Institute, 271 payments; Ira Pastan, National Cancer Institute, 250 payments; Mikulas Popovic, National Cancer Institute, 191 payments; Flossie Wong-Staal, National Cancer Institute, 190 payments; and Mangalasseril Sarngadharan, National Cancer Institute, 188 payments.

Only Pastan continues to be employed by NIH, according to Open the Books.

“When an NIH employee makes a discovery in their official capacity, the NIH owns the rights to any resulting patent. These patents are then licensed for commercial use to companies that could use them to bring products to market,” the fact sheet reads.

“Employees are listed as inventors on the patents and receive a share of the royalties obtained through any licensing, or ‘technology transfer,’ of their inventions. Essentially, taxpayer money funding NIH research benefits researchers employed by NIH because they are listed as patent inventors and therefore receive royalty payments from licensees.”

An NIH spokesman didn’t respond by press time to a request for comment.

Andrzejewski told reporters that the Associated Press reported extensively on the NIH royalty payments in 2005, including specific details about who got how much from which payers for what work, that the agency is denying to Open the Books in 2022.

“At that time, we knew there were 918 scientists, and each year, they were receiving approximately $9 million, on average with each scientist receiving $9,700. But today, the numbers are a lot larger with the United States still in a declared national health emergency. It’s quite obvious the stakes in health care are a lot larger,” Andrzejewski said.

He said the files Open the Books is receiving—300 pages of line-by-line data—are “heavily redacted.”

“These are not the files the AP received in 2005 where everything was disclosed—the scientist’s name, the name of the third-party payer, the amount of the royalty paid by the payer to the scientist,” Andrzejewski said. “Today, NIH is producing a heavily redacted database; we don’t know the payment amount to the scientist, and we don’t know the name of the third-party payer, all of that is being redacted.”

Federal officials are allowed to redact information from responses to FOIA requests if the release of the data would harm a firm’s commercial privilege.

The undisclosed royalty payments are inherent conflicts of interest, Andrzejewski said.

“We believe there is an unholy conflict of interest inherent at NIH,” he said. “Consider the fact that each year, NIH doles out $32 billion in grants to approximately 56,000 grantees. Now we know that over an 11-year period, there is going to be approximately $350 million flowing the other way from third-party payers, many of which receive NIH grants, and those payments are flowing back to NIH scientists and leadership.”

Fauci and Lane told AP that they agreed there was an appearance of a conflict of interest in getting the royalties, with Fauci saying that he contributed his royalties to charity. Lane didn’t do that, according to Andrzejewski.

The governing ethics financial disclosure form in the past defined the royalty payments as income recipients received from NIH, which meant the recipients weren’t required to list their payments on the form.

But Andrzejewski said NIH has refused to respond to his request for clarification on the disclosure issue.

“If they are not, none of these payments are receiving any scrutiny whatsoever and to the extent that a company making payments to either leadership or scientists, while also receiving grants … then that just on its face is a conflict of interest,” he said.

Open the Books is a Chicago-based nonprofit government watchdog that uses the federal and state freedom of information laws to obtain and then post on the internet trillions of dollars in spending at all levels of government.

The nonprofit filed a federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit seeking documentation of all payments by outside firms to NIH and/or current and former NIH employees.

NIH declined to respond to the FOIA, so Open the Books is taking the agency to court, suing it for noncompliance with the FOIA. Open the Books is represented in federal court in the case by another nonprofit government watchdog, Judicial Watch.

Booster up!

Fauci bucks depend on it!
RayR Offline
#506 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Collusion! Fascism! Dirty Deeds! Corruption! Graft!

Some people are OK with it. Blink
Stogie1020 Offline
#507 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,513
Brandon is wondering how he get's his 10%...
Sunoverbeach Offline
#508 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,901
In politics, absurdity is not a handicap.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#509 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Acting NIH Director Admits Appearance Of Conflict Of Interest In Secret Royalty Payments To Fauci, Scientists

Undisclosed royalty payments estimated at $350 million from pharmaceutical and other firms to Dr. Anthony Fauci and hundreds of National Institutes for Health (NIH) scientists do present “an appearance of a conflict of interest,” according to the agency’s acting director.

Dr. Lawrence Tabak, who took over as NIH Director following the December 2021 resignation of the agency’s long-time leader, Dr. Francis Collins, told a House Appropriations Committee subcommittee that federal law allows the royalty payments but he conceded they don’t look ethical.

Rep. John Moolenaar (R-Mich.) told Tabak that “right now, I think the NIH has a credibility problem and this only feeds into this, and I’m only just learning about this. People in my district say ‘well, so-and-so has a financial interest, or they don’t like Ivermectin because they aren’t benefitting from that royalty …

“You may have very sound scientific reasons for recommending a medicine or not, but the idea that people get a financial benefit from certain research that’s been done and grants that were awarded, that is to me the height of the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

In response, Tabak said NIH does not endorse particular medicines, but rather “we support the science that validates whether an invention is or is not efficacious, we don’t say this is good or this is bad … I certainly can understand that it might seem as a conflict of interest.”

Moolenaar seemed taken aback by Tabak’s response and, while pointing to Fauci, who was also testifying, said “truthfully, I would say you’ve had leaders of NIH saying certain medicines are not good.”

Tabak said such statements by NIH are based on clinical trials that are supported by the agency.

Puzzled, Moolenaar then asked Tabak, “but if the agency is awarding who is the beneficiary of the grant, who is doing the trial, and there is somehow finances involved, that there is a financial benefit that could be accrued if someone’s patent or invention is considered validated, do you not see that as a conflict or at least the appearance of a conflict of interest?”

After conceding that there is an appearance of a conflict of interest, Tabak suggested to Moolenaar that “maybe this is the sort of thing that we can work together on so that we can explain to you the firewalls that we do have, because they are substantial and significant.”

Moolenaar’s reference to Fauci was in regard to his telling the Associated Press in a 2005 article that first brought the NIH royalties issues into the headlines that he had donated his royalties to charity.

But the issue faded from the headlines after 2005, and is only now getting renewed attention as a result of revelations first reported on May 9 by The Epoch Times that documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by a nonprofit government watchdog show an estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalty payments from pharmaceutical and other private firms to top NIH executives, as well as to hundreds of the agency’s health scientists and researchers.

The $350 million in royalty payments were made between 2010 and 2020, according to Open the Books, the nonprofit that took the NIH to court when it refused to acknowledge the group’s FOIA request for documents.

Collins received 14 payments, Fauci received 23 payments and his deputy, Clifford Lane, received eight payments, according to Open the Books.

Adam Andrzejewski, the founder and president of Open the Books, told The Epoch Times Wednesday that NIH continues to withhold important information about the royalty payments, including the names of particular payers and the specific amounts to individuals at NIH.

“With tens of billions of dollars in grant-making at NIH and tens of millions of royalty dollars from third-party payors flowing back into the agency each year, NIH needs to come clean with the American people and open the books. We need to be able to follow the money,” Andrzejewski said.

“We believe transparency will revolutionize U.S. public policy. There is no better example of this than the third-party (think pharmaceutical companies) payments to NIH scientists. Every single outside payment to a government scientist could be a conflict of interest,” he added.

The Moolenaar-Tabak exchange took place during a hearing on the Biden administration’s 2023 budget request.

Rep. Neal Dunn (R-Fla.), who is also a surgeon, told The Epoch Times that “it’s no secret that the agency needs reform. Their many issues were exacerbated and highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Providing the public with transparent access to how the NIH is spending taxpayer dollars and reaching their decisions is a basic responsibility, and they must be held accountable. Now more than ever, we must commit to reforming our federal health agencies and restoring America’s trust in public health.”

But it's totally cool to completely shut down a nation's economy, and follow the Science.

LOL! Weird.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#510 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,901
The problem with political jokes is that they get elected.
- Henry Cate
DrMaddVibe Offline
#511 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801

Fauci Suffers "Much Worse" COVID Symptoms After 'Paxlovid Rebound'

Fully-vaxx'd and double-boosted mask-admirer Anthony Fauci is suffering.

The 81-year-old reportedly had 'mild symptoms' and of course he 'said the words'...

Of course, Fauci followed the CDC guidelines and ingested the government-blessed treatment - Paxlovid - due to his age and possible risks from the virus.

So, that should have been it right?

But no. During an event at Foreign Policy’s Global Health Forum, Fauci admitted he had not had a good experience:

“After I finished the five days of Paxlovid, I reverted to negative on an antigen test for three days in a row,” Fauci said Tuesday .

“And then on the fourth day, just to be absolutely certain, I tested myself again. I reverted back to positive.”

Interestingly, Fauci admitted:

"...this is becoming more and more typical based on more clinical studies..."

As Bloomberg reports, large numbers of patients have reported the phenomenon, often called Covid rebound or Paxlovid rebound, of returning symptoms after taking a full course of Pfizer’s drug.

While Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourlasaid in May that doctors could prescribe a second course of treatment to such patients, US drug regulators have said there’s no evidence that a repeat will help.

However, Fauci said he started taking a second course of Paxlovid after experiencing symptoms “much worse than in the first go around.”

Now near completion of the five-day oral treatment, he said he was still enduring symptoms but felt “reasonably good.”

Finally, as we reported less than two weeks ago, Pfizer stopped enrolling in a clinical trial for Paxlovid for standard-risk COVID-19 patients after the latest results suggested the drug did not reduce symptoms or hospitalizations and deaths to a statistically significant degree.

Watch the full interview below: (forward to around 5:26:00):

Not exactly encouraging news...

Get boosted...weird.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#512 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,901
Aging gracefully is like the nice way of saying you're slowly looking worse.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#513 Posted:
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Biden tests positive for COVID in 'rebound' case, doctor says

President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 in a "rebound" case on Saturday, according to the White House.

"As described last week, acknowledging the potential for so-called ‘rebound’ COVID positivity observed in a small percentage of patients treated with PAXLOVID the President increased his testing cadence, both to protect people around him and to assure early detection of any return of viral replication," White House Doctor Dr. Kevin O'Connor said.

O'Connor said in the letter that Biden tested negative for COVID-19 on Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, and Friday morning, but tested positive on Saturday morning by an antigen test.

The doctor says that the re-infection represents "rebound positivity" and said that Biden has not experienced a reemergence of symptoms, and there's no need to restart treatment.

Biden will, however, begin "strict isolation procedures," according to O'Connor.

Biden tweeted on Saturday afternoon that he will continue working.

"Folks, today I tested positive for COVID again. This happens with a small minority of folks. I’ve got no symptoms but I am going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. I’m still at work, and will be back on the road soon," Biden said.

Biden tested negative for COVID-19 on Wednesday after contracting the virus last week, prior to the announcement on Saturday afternoon.

A White House official told Fox News that contact tracing is now underway since Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again.

Previously, White House press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that it didn't matter where Biden contracted the coronavirus.

"Look, I don't think that matters, right? I think what matters is we prepared for this moment," Jean-Pierre said on July 21.

He was previously seen at several White House events without a mask since testing negative for COVID-19 on Wednesday, including at a roundtable discussing the economy on Thursday.

Dr. Marc Siegel, Fox News medical analyst and professor of medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center said it's not a good look for President Biden.

"Not a good look for a president who talks about mandates. He has played too loose with this," Siegel said.

Double vaxxed, double boosted...contracts Covid...goes on what Fauci says is the silver bullet with Paxlovid and comes down with Covid days later.

And Pedo Joe does what Pope Fauci says after that?

Still being played. Please tell me how great this "vaccine" is again. If I give my dog a rabies shot...duh...I took the vax for polio and to polio. Oh, the Biden regime changed the definition?
J&K11 Offline
#514 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2021
Posts: 55
Stop thinking and just get in line for your 5th booster with a side of monkeypox vax. Im with the government and I'm here to help.
Brewha Offline
#515 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
Wait - he was thinking???
HockeyDad Offline
#516 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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"I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden. I will be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue the next chapter of my career," ~ “The Science” Fauci.
RayR Offline
#517 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Not soon enough for the devious and incompetent bureaucrat with not one but three bureaucratic titles. And what's a greater insult is I am“The Science” Fauci. will he'll still be sucking on the taxpayer's teet with a federal pension greater than $400K
ZRX1200 Offline
#518 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,770
I feel so lost now that Science has announced his retirement.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#519 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Bawhahhahahaaa....rot in hell Fauxchi.

I hope we're able to strip his pension and put him in prison.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#520 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I feel so lost now that Science has announced his retirement.'re TW???
RayR Offline
#521 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
I heard TW has a Fauci Altar in his hut.

In government, no bad deed goes unrewarded. Dr. Deborah Birx's revealed last month that she and Fauci lied to Trump and the people about the efficacy of the vaccines and stupid authoritarian mandates and of course, numbnuts Biden doubled down on the lies.

Dr. Fauci Announces Retirement In Hopes Of Avoiding Accountability For His Lies

AUGUST 22, 2022

Americans know Fauci as a fraud who has done irreparable harm to our people and our nation. Will he be held accountable?

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director and face of the country’s pandemic response Anthony Fauci just revealed plans to retire this December. He is not waiting until January 2025 as he had previously announced — a sign he may be trying to “get out of town” before the bill comes due.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#522 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
My gov!!!

Soon to be your President!

RayR Offline
#523 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
DrMaddVibe wrote:
My gov!!!

Soon to be your President!

I love the chuck the "little elf" thing, there's nothing like a good elf toss.
Fauci does look like an evil beady-eyed little leprechaun who wants to steal your gold.🧝
DrMaddVibe Offline
#524 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
RayR wrote:
I love the chuck the "little elf" thing, there's nothing like a good elf toss.
Fauci does look like an evil beady-eyed little leprechaun who wants to steal your gold.🧝

and did!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#525 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Dr. Fauci Can't Remember Basic Facts About the Pandemic, yet He Still Shows up on TV

On Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on Face the Nation to wag his finger at Americans about their holiday plans. The idea that he was going to exit stage left after his final press conference was too much to hope for. In his appearance, Fauci once again ignored basic principles of immunology to advocate for his preferred totalitarian policies.

When Margaret Brennan asked him whether or not schools would have to close coming out of the holidays, Fauci went into weasel word mode. ” I don’t know, Margaret, I am not sure. When you talk about shutting down schools, there is always the collateral effects.” Fauci must be referring to the devastating learning loss that may impair a generation of children and hit low-income students the hardest. He continued, “So you have to balance, and you do it in real time depending on the viral load of disease in your region.” It appears Fauci is suggesting school closures as a preventive measure to stop transmission. It is almost like COVID-19 taught him nothing.

Fauci’s preference for using isolation as illness prevention was also evident in his holiday advice. Brennan noted there are currently three viruses circulating, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the flu, and COVID, and asked Fauci what the risks for holiday gatherings were. “The risk depends on what your status of vaccination is,” Fauci said. He noted there are vaccines available for the flu and COVID.

It is almost as if we all do not know that the COVID vaccines do not prevent illness or transmission. Or that the bivalent for omicron was tested on eight mice. Even The Washington Post recently admitted that vaccinated Americans now make up the majority of COVID deaths. Fauci is reportedly fully vaccinated and boosted and had COVID and a rebound case after Paxlovid.

The CDC’s data on the flu vaccine effectiveness is also dismal. Since 2004, the seasonal adjusted overall effectiveness of the flu vaccines only exceeded 50% three times. In the last typical flu season before the pandemic, it was 29% effective. The interim vaccine effectiveness for the 2021-2022 season is 14%. There is no vaccine for RSV.

Fauci noted that the flu and RSV arrived and started to surge early this year. Part of the reason these illnesses are off-cycle and affecting more individuals is because of lockdown policies. Most children encounter RSV for the first time before the age of two. Lockdowns and isolation delayed this exposure, meaning more children will get sick with it for the first time this year. There is a similar phenomenon with the flu. COVID overtook the flu thanks to its enhanced transmissibility. So individuals who may have caught the flu and developed immune defenses to it did not over the past several years. Now, that immunity debt is being collected with a larger number of cases.

As doctors explained throughout the pandemic, these viruses are also hitting large numbers of people with weakened immune systems. Howard Stern is not the only person who stayed isolated for an extended period thanks to the COVID panic porn. Isolation and lack of contact with the environment weaken a person’s immune system. In the same way that lack of movement decreases muscle strength, not encountering pathogens regularly lowers the immune system’s effectiveness. Just like your muscles, the immune system needs a regular workout.

Yet, what does Fauci suggest? Avoiding “congregate settings” and wearing masks. Because these mitigation efforts have worked so well since March 2020. According to New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) attorney Jenin Younes, Fauci falling back to the lockdown mentality is not surprising. The NCLA represents several physicians in a lawsuit against the Biden administration for colluding with Big Tech to censor COVID information.

During Fauci’s deposition last week, Younes shared that it was easy to see that Fauci holds two different standards when it comes to “the science.”

“There was a major inconsistency in his testimony that struck me,” Younes said. “He was very eager to seize on the thinnest of evidence to justify his advocacy for draconian ‘public health’ restrictions but required an unreasonably high quality of evidence for anything that contradicted his preferred narrative.”

She continued, “For example, he embraced lockdowns, which he clearly believed he had the authority to implement in one way or another. His rationale was that his friend Cliff Lane went to China in early 2020 and saw that the CCP’s lockdowns contained the virus. That convinced Fauci that lockdowns were needed here, too.” Younes noted that Fauci never questioned the accuracy of the Chinese data when making this assessment.

“Nevertheless, when it came to hydroxychloroquine, the efficacy of which I have not studied myself and so have no opinion, the studies showing that it worked weren’t randomized and controlled. Based on that, Fauci says he knew the drug was no good and arguably dangerous. Yet, he was willing to embrace lockdown policies based on the observations of a single guy who relied on the reports of a dictator,” she added.

“Likewise, he claimed that between February 2020, when he wrote a friend saying masks don’t work to stem the spread of respiratory viruses, and April 3, 2020, when he told the public they were highly effective, studies were released that showed unequivocally they worked. He couldn’t recall which studies, though, not even one. That is unsurprising because no studies showed the efficacy of community masking in that time period,” Younes shared.

“For a guy who purports to be following ‘the science’ he sure has a proclivity for adopting the policies that allow him to act on his authoritarian mentality while dismissing data that suggest that government-imposed restrictions didn’t do much, if anything, to control COVID,” she observed. “The overarching theme of his testimony was that he doesn’t remember anything specific about the past three years, including emails, studies, and people. He would respond that he could not recall the answer to most questions but that whatever was in question was possible.” Apparently, weasel words aren’t just for media hits.

Yet, despite not recalling anything, Younes said, “He had no regrets and no remorse, and fully stood by everything he has done and said in this pandemic.”

On another Sunday show, ABC’s Martha Raddatz lamented that no one is getting the recommended vaccines. “Only about 11% have gotten the booster so far, maybe 42 million the flu shot. We’ve talked about this so many times. People aren’t listening. What do you do?” she asked

Perhaps no one is listening because the only people Americans may trust less than the legacy media are the public health “experts” who wrecked the economy and our kids. And if the legacy media would like to build their credibility back, keeping Fauci off their shows is a great place to start.

Wearing masks is the fallback pov?

What garbage.
RayR Offline
#526 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Yup, Fauci once again does his best Sgt Shultz impression!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#527 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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What do you know..."The Data" FINALLY starts arriving!

Not good news.
MACS Offline
#528 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
More deaths than average in all age ranges...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#529 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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The FOIA forced their hand into releasing what they want to keep hidden.

It's all going to come out.

I want to know WHEN are we going to have Nuremberg Trials for Crimes Against Humanity styled tribunal with punishments like we did after WWII? You don't get to just keep on living and doing what got us here without any punishment.

The UN really should've stepped up and pronounced that all gain of function is off the table for this planet and this world. We need to learn to live together, not end Humanity with impunity.

Tick tock.
MACS Offline
#530 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
Read this report... tried to look it up in the CDC's VAERS database to verify it, but if you can make sense of that gobbledygook... good luck.

"Pfizer lot EN6201 has nearly 4000 reports of adverse events and 211 reports of deaths in the CDC's VAERS database.

That's not misinformation. That's factual, verifiable data that the mainstream medical establishment and the media (who is pretty much owned by big pharma) is choosing to ignore and not report on."
RayR Offline
#531 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
Adverse events from jabs might be much more costly after gubment contracts run out.

Moderna Considers Price of $110-$130 for Covid-19 Vaccine

Commercial price is similar to Pfizer’s plans for after government contracting ends

By Peter Loftus
Jan. 9, 2023 1:40 pm ET

Moderna Inc. said it is considering pricing its Covid-19 vaccine in a range of $110 to $130 per dose in the U.S. when it shifts from government contracting to commercial distribution of the shots.

The range is similar to the one Pfizer Inc. said in October it was considering for the Covid-19 vaccine it developed with BioNTech SE.

“I would think this type of pricing is consistent with the value” provided by the vaccine, Moderna Chief Executive Officer Stephane Bancel said in an interview Monday on the sidelines of the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco.

The expected price for commercial insurers would be significantly higher than the per-dose cost in Moderna’s supply contracts with the federal government. Moderna’s updated booster shots cost about $26 per dose in a federal supply contract signed in July 2022. The original vaccine cost about $15 to $16 per dose in earlier supply contracts.

Speyside2 Offline
#532 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,530 VERY interesting.
Mr. Jones Offline
#533 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,542
F**k that lying little LEPRECHAUN PH*Ker
DrMaddVibe Offline
#534 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Bill Gates concludes that mRNA shots aren't actually useful, warns of ‘next pandemic’
Microsoft founder admits Covid mRNA "vaccines" don't serve any benefit to society.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who served as one of the architects of Covid hysteria and had more of an impact than any other individual on the disastrous global pandemic policies, has finally acknowledged that the mRNA shots he’s been promoting for two years are nothing more than expired pharma junk.

In flying his private jet to attend an in person conversation with the Lowry Institute in Australia this week, the supposedly carbon conscious Gates admitted that the shots serve virtually no benefit to anyone, especially the most vulnerable population.
Twitter avatar for @DailyMailAU
Daily Mail Australia @DailyMailAU
Bill Gates $70 million Gulfstream N887WM at Sydney's Kingsford Smith on Australia visit
trib.alBill Gates warns about climate change after flying on private jetThe world’s fourth richest man relaxed on Lizard Island on Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef before flying to Sydney on his private jet and will travel to Melbourne later in the week.
2:05 AM ∙ Jan 24, 2023

“We also need to fix the three problems of [mRNA] vaccines,” Gates started. “The current vaccines are not infection blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

You can find the relevant segment at 54:30

Translation: Gates admits that the shots are impossible to align with rapidly developing variants, they expire in lighting speed, and they don’t stop transmission. And they don’t work for the only at-risk portion of the population.

It’s an incredible reversal from the man who once advertised the shots as the cure to the coronavirus, once remarking that “everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves but reducing their transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal.”
Twitter avatar for @KanekoaTheGreat @KanekoaTheGreat
39/ Gates said the mRNA vaccines were supposed to reduce transmission and spread.

Fauci said with "50% of adults fully vaccinated," he felt "fairly certain" there wouldn't be any more surges.

7-months later, cases rose 7,500% and hit a new all-time high of 1.35 million per day.
9:01 PM ∙ Jan 3, 2023

Of course, the BioNtech pre-IPO equity investor would not admit that the shots, after all risk considerations, are detrimental to the health of injection recipients, because that would harm his bottom line. The Gates Foundation has accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars in profits through its equity in the “Pfizer shot,” which was developed in partnership with BioNtech. Overall, Gates has added billions of dollars in income to his personal arsenal during the pandemic.

Described by Politico as the “world’s most powerful doctor,” Bill Gates and his network wields incredible influence over the world of “public health.” Gates is primarily responsible for seeding America’s Covid policy catastrophes.

In the Lowry interview, the technocratic tyrant also applauded Australia for locking down their population indefinitely in the early days of Covid hysteria, arguing that in the future this should be a model for the “pandemic response.” Gates demanded the establishment of a permanent security state infrastructure that mandates compliance.
Twitter avatar for @JamesMelville
James Melville @JamesMelville
“Bill Gates warns Australia to prepare for the next pandemic - which could be man made and far more brutal than Covid.”
1:51 PM ∙ Jan 24, 2023

In separate interviews, Gates warned about the “next pandemic” after Covid hysteria. The Event 201 sponsor even warned that this one could be man-made by a “bio-terrorist” or something similar.

Hey, get yer boosters though. Billy needs the money. whip

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan
DrMaddVibe Offline
#535 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
CDC Officials Who Spread Misinformation Apologized To Source Of False Data But Not To Public: Emails

U.S. health officials who spread inflated COVID-19 child death data in public meetings apologized to the source of the false data but not to the public, newly obtained emails show.

Drs. Katherine Fleming-Dutra and Sara Oliver, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), offered the false data in 2022 while U.S. officials weighed granting emergency authorization to COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months.

The study they cited for the data was published ahead of peer review by a group comprised primarily of British authors. The study was corrected after the public meetings.

Emails obtained by The Epoch Times showed that Fleming-Dutra and Oliver were alerted that they had spread misinformation. Neither the officials nor the CDC have informed the public of the false information. Newly obtained emails showed the officials apologized to Seth Flaxman, one of the study’s authors, and even offered to see whether the study could be published in the CDC’s quasi-journal.

“I feel … that we owe you an apology,” Oliver wrote to Flaxman on June 27, about 10 days after she and Fleming-Dutra falsely said there had been at least 1,433 deaths primarily attributed to COVID-19 in America among those 19 and younger. “We draw the attention of a variety of individuals with the ACIP meetings, and apologize that you got caught in it this time.”

“I am also sorry that you got pulled into the attention around the VRBPAC and ACIP meetings,” Fleming-Dutra added. She had presented the data to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, which advises the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which advises the CDC.

Fleming-Dutra, Oliver, and Flaxman did not respond to requests for comment.

Inflated Death Toll

Using data from the CDC, Flaxman and his co-authors claimed that there were at least 1,433 deaths primarily attributed to COVID-19 among those aged 0 to 19 in the United States. The actual number was 1,088, the authors acknowledged in the corrected version of the study.

Fleming-Dutra presented the false data as rankings to VRBPAC on June 14, 2022 and ACIP three days later. It’s not clear why the CDC didn’t examine its own database rather than relying on a preprint study.

Oliver also cited the study while speaking during the ACIP meeting.

The data had an impact. It showed “that this is not a minor illness in children,” Dr. Katherine Poehling, one of the ACIP members, said at the time.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, later appeared to cite the inflated death toll and ACIP still cites the preprint, though it was later updated with the correct data.

Flaxman updated the study after receiving an email from Kelley Krohnert, a Georgia resident who has become a fact-checker of suspect COVID-19-related claims.

Krohnert’s concerns also made their way to Fleming-Dutra and Oliver, but the CDC officials have never publicly acknowledged promoting misinformation.
‘We Had an Error’

Flaxman acknowledged in emails to Krohnert, and in a June 27 message to Fleming-Dutra and Oliver, that he did not fully understand how the CDC’s death database works.

“Thanks for your work, and your great presentations to VRBPAC and ACIP. You cited our preprint. We’ve just updated it (see attached; it should appear on medrxiv in the next day). While none of the substantive conclusions change, we had an error which you may have seen was picked up very prominently by a blogger,” Flaxman wrote. “I am writing first to say sorry–I really regret that this happened. It was my mistake in misunderstanding the [death certificate] data, and not realizing about CDC Wonder’s provisional database.”

Flaxman also asked for feedback on the updated study and whether the officials could help with submitting the paper to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), a quasi-journal the CDC publishes that only includes articles (pdf) vetted and shaped by top CDC officials to align with the agency’s policies.

“We’ve never tried to publish there, so I don’t know the process or how often they consider manuscripts from non-CDC authors,” Flaxman said. “If you do think this would be a possible route, perhaps one or both of you would want to help us revise the manuscript and join as an author?”

Oliver wrote back first, saying that she wanted to apologize to Flaxman and that “we will absolutely review and provide feedback,” as well as context.

“We are more than happy to do that without formally being co-authors. That way you can avoid formal CDC clearance,” Oliver wrote.

Fleming-Dutra then chimed in with her apology, adding, “I am glad to hear that you and your team are continuing to do this important work.” She recommended Flaxman and his team review studies published in the MMWR to get a sense of the format of the digest. A large portion of her email was redacted under an exemption to the Freedom of Information Act for “inter-agency or intra-agency records.” The Epoch Times has appealed that and other redactions.

Flaxman then notified the CDC officials that the corrected study had been made public. Fleming-Dutra replied, but the email was redacted.

“Thanks, very useful feedback. Small update: we’re hoping to submit to JAMA Pediatrics in the next week or so, and [redacted],” Flaxman answered. He indicated that the CDC had provided feedback and questioned on how to cite it in the submission.

Read more here...

Still can't admit we were lied to? I wonder what's really hiding in those docs they want hidden for 70+ years.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#536 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Now when I questioned the possibility that Pfizer was profiteering off the backs of a was brushed away and the same naysayers lined up for their boosters.

Well, I guess they needed your money real bad. SUCKERS!

Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines … ‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’ … ‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’ … ‘People Won’t Like That’ … ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’

If you didn't have comorbidities WILL NOW!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#537 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
There are people walking around as free men in our society that need to be charged, tried and locked up.

Plain and simple.

Doing nothing isn't an option. Our government showed us EXACTLY how they will behave and operate when (not if, because they're STILL doing Gain of Function!) this happens again. We as a nation should lead by example. There should be real Nuremberg Trials like we held for the criminals of WWII. There were crimes against humanity committed and they profited off of the misery and still do.

Reading this article made it come back, all those dictates, mandates and people acting like control freaks. People that lost their minds and surrendered their God given rights. There are comments that resonated with me as I said it here loud and proud. It happened. Without any reprisal for their actions it will happen again and again and again...

The Political Became Very Personal

Authored by Michael Senger via The Brownstone Institute,

The scars that have been left on all of us by the response to COVID are incomprehensibly varied and deep.

For most, there hasn’t been enough time to mentally process the significance of the initial lockdowns, let alone the years-long slog of mandates, terror, propaganda, social stigmatization and censorship that followed. And this psychological trauma affects us in myriad ways that leave us wondering what it is about life that just feels so off versus how it felt in 2019.

For those who were following the real data, the statistics were always horrifying.

Trillions of dollars rapidly transferred from the world’s poorest to the richest. Hundreds of millions hungry. Countless years of educational attainment lost. An entire generation of children and adolescents robbed of some of their brightest years. A mental health crisis affecting more than a quarter of the population. Drug overdoses. Hospital abuse. Elder abuse. Domestic abuse. Millions of excess deaths among young people which couldn’t be attributed to the virus.

But underneath these statistics lie billions of individual human stories, each unique in its details and perspectives. These individual stories and anecdotes are only just beginning to surface, and I believe that hearing them is a vital step in processing everything that we’ve experienced over the past three years.

I recently sent out a query on Twitter as to how people had been affected by the response to COVID at an individual level. The conversation that emerged is a luminating and haunting reflection of what each of us experienced over the past three years. Below is a tiny selection of the responses that I found especially powerful.

Specifically, the query was: “Which aspect of the response to COVID affected you most at a personal level?”

Mark Trent: “Watching the last remnants of my belief in democracy get peeled away. Seeing the collusion across the globe roll out in lockstep made me realise just how powerful and comprehensively in control those that orchestrate the darkness are.”

Dr Jonathan Engler: “The realization that nearly everyone I knew would give up literally all their individual rights for the illusion of safety.”

Muriel Blaive, PhD: “How my friends, including many colleague historians who know very well the history of the 20th century, proved ready to believe any propaganda, to refrain from questioning government nonsense, and to publicly shame anyone who did. It’s as if all the studies we led were for naught.”

Myrddin the Weathered: “How easily people were propagandized. Particularly people who I thought carried the ability to properly scrutinize the situation. Frankly, it was downright chilling how easily most people fell in line. No question how the Nazis were able to control their populace.”

Watcher: “Closures. My business was thrown for a loop and the outlets I used to deal with depression like the gym or going for coffee w/friends were closed and it was beyond hard to get through the day with everything going on and no outlet to deal with any of it Talking about it is traumatic.”

Christine Bickley: “Everything. My business that I spent 30 years building hasn’t recovered and is unlikely to. I used to have health insurance and save. Had to cancel the ins and am using my savings to top up income. I’m not the worst off by far. It was criminal.”

Jemma Palmer: “Lockdown = no income, no home, health declined, mental health declined, didn’t see my family or friends for years, changed my life for the worse, not sure I will get to have kids now, I’d like to be who I was before lockdown & for my life to be what it was.”

Sarah Burwick: “The restrictions on travel and rules governing visiting patients in the hospital. I believe my mom would be alive today had I been able to visit her and advocate for her care in person. It haunts me.”

ProfessorYaff1e: “Not being able to visit my dad in hospital as he lay dying until the last couple of days when he was so far gone he didn’t know what was going on.”

Sursum Corda: “Having my mom locked up in an assisted living center & not being able to hug her or talk to her except by phone through a closed window-all while HCWs traipsed in & out unmolested. I was so angry!!”

PJS: “The lies.”

Karinaksr: “Segregation, exclusion.”

Tin hayes: “Tribalism.”

Ally Bryant: “Had to be the crimes against humanity…”

Nick Hudson: “The darkness of it all.”

Remnant MD: “The disintegration of Autonomy. One of the four pillars of medical ethics. Those who partook, have made a mockery of medicine.”

MD Aware: “The willingness of so many to comply with all of it, no questions asked – even when things made no logical sense. The unwillingness of the same individuals, especially colleagues, to listen to any reason. I never imagined society could be so influenced and so horribly misled.”

Love4WesternCanada: “My mother dying alone, after have been cut off from all family for 7 weeks.”

ThinkingOutLoud: “The devastating human misery created by the closures of people’s businesses. Being unable to talk to any friends or most family because every single one of them agreed with what was happening, I was treated like a leper. It’s why I turned to twitter, to feel less alone.”

RantingLogician: “My ex fell for it, I didn’t and refused to comply or close my business, and she kept my young children from me the entirety of the first lockdown.”

Debbie Mathews: “Losing a 30 year friendship because we had a difference of opinions on the issue. She considered me a selfish grandma killer.”

Number 99: “It harmed my career, irrevocably. Tied with, it harmed my son’s college career, irrevocably. Tied with: it harmed my marriage, irrevocably.”

Hillary Beightel: “Masks. Not just the fact they were useless. They became a political symbol, but they served as a tool to keep people scared. Masks mean everyone is sick. They played such a huge psychological role… I hate them!”

Year Zero: “Vaccine passports. I still can’t believe that most people just went along willingly with segregating their friends and family members out of society. There’s been no atonement for this. It’s deeply fractured close relationships in a way I’m not certain I’ll ever get over.”

Kristen Mag: “For me it was being cast out of public spaces for five months. Dark days.”

Natalya Murakhver: “School closures and child mask policies.”

Mike O’Hara: “Everything that was done to children. Masking, separation, isolation.”

BundlebranchblockMD: “Watching my then teenagers go from happy, healthy, engaged kids to isolated, depressed, emaciated kids. Biggest mistake of our lives not moving them to private school immediately. We have spent many times more than the cost of tuition on therapy and tutors.”

Spence O Matic: “My son was a 2020 high school grad. All the signatures of that, plus his senior year of baseball….wiped out because of a severe cold with zero threat to him. No grad night. No prom. Nothing. No apologies will suffice for me. Ever. The data was clear.”

Rob Hazuki: “The persistent doom figures on the news, the advertising on tv that messaged as if the world had been nuked and the way the media didn’t ask any intelligent questions during press conferences other than to beg to be locked down harder.”

IT Guy: “I was booted out of my niece’s wedding for not being vax’d. My wife hasn’t seen her grandkids since the Before Times because she’s not vax’d. My first cousin died of cardiac arrest right after 2nd Moderna dose. That’s 3 I know, but all pretty impactful.”

M_Vronsky: “I no longer speak to my father or my brother, both of whom abandoned all of their supposed Liberal pretenses and became authoritarians up to the point of arguing for my segregation from society (my father argued that to my face the last time we spoke).”

Instavire: “The overwhelming # of people (family not excepted) willing to turn Milgram’s dial up to “potentially lethal,” when it came to punishing the non-vx’d — and worse, that they did so with such glee. The success of the experiment sickens me and most of these people are still among us.”

Foundring: “My parents/family didn’t care when I lost my jobs over the vax mandate.”

DDP21: “The way friends and family turned on each other over vaccine status. Our already small family has been destroyed by it. My kids are growing up without their aunt, uncle and cousins.

EatSleepMask: “Being a teacher & seeing kids who need the consistency of school, being forced to stay home. Then having to reassure not only them but my own kids that things would be ok, when I was just as shell shocked as they were. Not to mention balancing educating my students & my kids.”

LFSLLBHons: “Masking children and the fact that most parents did it willingly and turned on those who tried to save the children.”

PiA: “It shuttered my ~15 year old business. It isolated my loved ones after the death of my mother. It was a tough road to navigate for everyone. But the worst part: it ruined too many lives.”

Manny Grossman: “Losing my business, career, career trajectory, friends, business contacts, reputation and the ability to shop in my local stores etc. All because I advocated for reality and truth.”

Captain Ancapistan: “It broke the brains of almost everyone I know, and forever changed my perspective of western medicine.”

Nicky Frank: “April 22, 2020 and May 6, 2020. Those were the days my friends Ryan and Jen committed suicide because they couldn’t bare the isolation anymore and people were telling them they’re weak. Ryan’s words “I can’t infect anyone if I’m dead” still haunt me.”

John Baird: “The snooping, snitching, silencing, and bullying of sceptics, neighbours, and people with hidden disabilities. Curtain twitchers, do-gooders, and virtue signallers held sway. Never again.

SunnySideUp: “Lockdown down!! Having to deal with my 15 yr daughter self-harming, suicidal thoughts, eating disorder and fear of fire… I hate what they did. Also how it has affected her twin sister! Both seeing counsellors… not what I have ever wanted!!”

Beth Baisch: “Social bubbles. Nobody included me in theirs. It was an awful, lonely way of finding out where one stands. Some friends saw me out walking one day and rather than come over and say hello they DM’d later because I wasn’t in their bubble. Still suffering effects.”

Lex: “My brother disowning me. Family specifically not allowing *me* into their homes. My ‘spectrum’ child freaking out at homeschooling. The hangover of being dead inside half the time & despondent the other. Worrying friends & family have that poison pulsing through them. Etc Etc Etc…”

Camelia: “Restrictions on live performance. I worked in music and became completely black pilled on the entire industry.”

Fashion Felons: “My company went bankrupt and lost my job. Family and friends wouldn’t see me because I was from a ‘hot zone.’ Got the jab and lots of horrible side effects. Need I go on?”

Miki Tapio Walsh: “Universal masking of healthy people and forcing us to live in a faceless society hit me hard. I was also frustrated that I lost the ability to do my normal exercise routine for 2 years… I know not the most important thing in the world, but it truly affected my mental health.”

James F. Kotowski: “My son’s having been kept out of school, missed out on most of his wrestling season, etc. On a more societal level, the exacerbation of the schism between ‘republicans’ and ‘democrats,’ and the degraded status of dialogue between ‘opposing’ pts of view.”

Russ Walker: “The school lockdowns, my daughter lost her junior and senior year. Followed by all the General lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Unforgivable!”

Daniel Hadas: “Closure of universities. A fundamental betrayal of students’ and lecturers’ vocation.”

Stevemur: “School/university response. Those who had the most at stake (i.e., learning, childhood, socialization) had a LOT summarily taken away from them, with very little evidence to support it. And when the evidence became clear, it has taken (and IS taking) way too long to restore it.”

Rowan: “I think seeing people get hurt, the hypocrisy and discrimination. At this point people not willing to admit they were wrong and being so terrible.”

Trish the Dish: “I’m probably going to get married (ask me again in a month) and my one remaining Alive Parent I’m not going to invite because he disowned due to disagreements about the shot.”

Snek: “My oldest is on the spectrum and he never got used to going to school again after the closures. It’s cost me all my vacation days and my ex has had a burnout due to it. Everyone is emotionally exhausted and he’s having to go to special counselors. He was doing great before.”

Molly Ulrich: “When folks got a kick out of being authoritarians when they told me to pull up my mask over my nose.”

Increase Laws: “The mask humiliation ritual & watching my kids have to do it. Got cut off from family members. Lost a rental & threatened with job loss plus the inability to travel. 2020 was quite the year.”

Maret Jaks: “Me, I’m fine, but watching our gov’t give young people despair and loneliness and being helpless to do anything about it – awful. My kids are grown and fine and managed their teens well. Many of my friends fed into the fear and one couple found their only child dead (suicide).”

Elizabeth Forde: “Constantly wondering what small freedom was going to be taken away next, and the isolation from friends and family. It reminded me of when I was in a domestically violent relationship with a lot of coercive control. My PTSD came back because Lockdown felt so similar to me.”

Dawn: “Hospital protocols. My mom (vaccinated, recovered from COVID, & rec’d monoclonal antibodies) was denied seeing my dad until the day before he died. 3.5 weeks he laid there by himself. Unforgivable.”

Golden Bull: “There were many aspects but one that both crushed & infuriated me were old friends in nursing homes that were locked up unable to see their family & friends. Two of these friends passed on only seeing one family member & staff for more than 6 months. A sad end to life. Criminal.”

Helpful_signage: “Being locked out as my grandfather died alone, then not having a funeral. Our church emptying out. Watching my covid fanatic brother push everyone out of his life, culminating in an abrupt divorce. Our neighbors across the street divorced. My kids had 2 years of birthdays alone. Me & everyone at my job took a 20% salary cut. We couldn’t visit grandparents across the border. i lost a bunch of longtime friends. The nights our kids would break down in tears because they thought their friends didn’t like them anymore. Beaches, parks, trails all roped off. Our neighbours yelling out the window at us for going outside. No bathrooms open if we tried to travel. Not being able to buy clothes because they were non-essential. Having no toilet paper. Threatening, bewildering government propaganda commercials and signs everywhere. Can’t forget our stupid complicated border situation where we were required to ‘quarantine’ in a friend’s basement for 14 days (despite not having covid), during which the gov’t would call us every day to ensure we didn’t leave and would make us wait hours to take tests on webcam. Every day brought a new horror. There’s so much more. It was all so ridiculous, and yet nobody objected. People cheered for it, became deputized civilian enforcers of it even. Watched so many people’s lives get ruined while they stood by applauding.”

It will take many years before we can fully process the trauma of what we experienced during COVID. But hopefully, sharing our individual human stories can help us get at least part of the way there.

We were all lied to. They manipulated "the data". They pushed a shot that was WORTHLESS.
DrafterX Offline
#538 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,711
Those bassards..!! Mad
Brewha Offline
#539 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
Would Trump have really let all that happen?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#540 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Brewha wrote:
Would Trump have really let all that happen?

Once again another topic you're woefully ignorant on and showing the entire world just how bad too!

Face it, you wanted to power trip your way over the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and surrender all your rights and play snitch/guard for the sake of being a fool with ZERO common sense. Your savior, Pope Fauci is EXACTLY what I described him here (very early on too!) in that he is a newer version of the Nazis "Angel of Death" Dr. Mengele. He secured payments for taxpayer dollars funding gain of function. That's hideous. What's even worse, he set up contracts with laboratories all over the world doing these experiments. To include China. A nation that doesn't care about human rights for their own citizens even.

Trump was saddled with the man and has said so even while President. He was willing to let experts do their job to overcome this virus, but when you have the guy creating and funding said viruses at the top of the pyramid, he's only going to cover his crimes and his ass. If they impeached Trump over a phone call with the Ukrainian with regards to spending American aid in a responsible manner...they would've broke out the cross and nails over firing the vaulted and revered director of NAID during a pandemic! There's absolutely no way to gloss or smug your way out of that one. Instead Trump really opened up all the cabinets and shelves and wanted the US to lead the way for a cure. Little did he know that the guy he had was going to whip out his old playbook that had failed the world with regard to the AIDS epidemic back in the 80's. Without further adieu, I bring for your reading (because I KNOW you loathe reading!) article from the Epoch Times called "Just How Hard Were We Trolled?".

"What if Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored an article on vaccines that would have gotten you and me blocked and banned at any point in the past three years? That just happened.

His article in Cell—“Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses”—says it as plainly as possible: the COVID vaccine did not work because it could not work.

First some review from what we knew before this whole fiasco began.

Vaccines aren’t suitable for coronaviruses. Such respiratory viruses spread and mutate too quickly. This is why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold and why the flu shot is predictably suboptimal. Vaccines can only be sterilizing and contribute to public health when the virus is a stable pathogen such as smallpox and measles. For coronaviruses, there is really only one way forward: better antivirals, therapeutics, and acquired immunity.

The above paragraph has been repeated to me countless times in my life, especially after COVID hit. Every expert was on the same page. There was simply no question about it. Anything that would be called a vaccine would lack the features of vaccines past. It wouldn’t stop infection or transmission, much less end a bad season for respiratory viruses. This is why the FDA has never approved one. It would not and could not make it through trials, especially given the safety risks associated with every vaccine.

Maybe, maybe, there exists the possibility that you can come up with one variant but it isn’t likely to be approved in time to be effective. It might provide temporary protection against severe outcomes from one variant but it will be useless against further mutations. In addition, vaccine-induced protection is not as broad as natural immunity, so it is likely that the person would get infected later. Boosting is likely only to pertain to last month’s mutation, and raises dangers of itself: imprinting the immune system in ways that make it less effective.

Sadly, posting those three paragraphs on social media at any point in the past three years would likely get you censored or even banned. Normal science was suppressed. Common knowledge among experts was verboten. Everything we’ve learned for a century or even two millennia was thrown out. The job of censorship was tasked to a gaggle of ill-educated tech workers obeying the FBI overlords, so they went along."

Fauci needs to be hung or face a firing squad!
Brewha Offline
#541 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
so... you're one of the guys who tried the bleach then?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#542 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Brewha wrote:
so... you're one of the guys who tried the bleach then?

Obviously your mom tried bleach.

That would explain so much about you. Lack of basic reading and comprehension, common sense and following a conversation ability. You need to start another topic about bleach, by all means please do but NOBODY was talking about it here.
MACS Offline
#543 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
DrMaddVibe Offline
#544 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
"The Trials Should Have Been Halted": Rate Of 'Serious Adverse Events' Closely Tracks Spike In Post-Vax Disabilities

Over the past 18 months, skeptics of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and those pointing out high rates of adverse reactions have been subject to ostracism, deplatforming, and flawed 'fact checks' to shut down opinions and analysis which conflicted with official narratives.

Now, the data has begun to speak for itself, thanks to people like former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd, who has devoted the last several years to deep-dive research and analysis of pandemic-related data (in fact, he's written an excellent book on the topic). Dowd, along with partners Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, launched Phinance Technologies - where, aside from traditional macroeconomic analysis, they have produced comprehensive reports on pandemic-related disabilities and excess deaths using official data.

Their latest analysis reveals that the rate of Serious Adverse Events in the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials closely tracks a spike in disabilities reported after the vaccine rollout.

Via Phinance Technologies (emphasis ours),

In part 3 of our US disabilities analysis we observed that the rise in disability rates post 2/2021 correlates closely with the rollout of the vaccination schedule. When looking at changes in disabilities on a wider time frame (since 2008) we observe that the disability rates rose or fell from month to month but tended to be relatively stable over time. However, as shown in part 1, the change in behaviour since early 2021 is clearly an abnormal occurrence with high level of statistical significance. It happens to be highly correlated to the cumulative Covid-19 vaccine rollout, but we cannot state that the correlation is statistically meaningful as it is based on a cumulative plot with obvious autocorrelation.

In this section we provide further evidence that the most likely cause of the rise in disabilities is the Covid-19 vaccines. For that purpose, we model the expected rise in disabilities due to the vaccination rollout in the general population. We do so by using the rates of Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) obtained by the safety analysis of the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna) clinical trials, performed in the Vaccine journal paper we reviewed here, and our analysis in part five.

We can observe that the rate of rise in disabilities is higher than the computed rate of rise in SAEs of special interest, which could be explained in several different ways, or by a combination of factors.

By the definition of an SAEs of special interest being more extreme than the rate of disabilities reported by the individuals surveyed by the BLS i.e. some disabilities reported by the individuals surveyed by the BLS may be caused by adverse events that are not deemed SAEs of special interest, due to the criteria used to define an SAE being overly restrictive.
The population of the Civilian Labor Force as a whole may be less healthy (and somehow more vulnerable to vaccine-related disabilities) than the vaccine trial populations, either due to the selection criteria for participation in the trial, or ‘self-selection’ bias.
Under-reporting of SAEs of special interest in the trial populations.
Other factors causing excess disabilities in the Civilian Labor Force in a concurrent timeframe to the vaccine rollout.

As Dowd further notes via Twitter;

The rate of estimated SAEs appears to be under-reported relative the recorded rise in disabilities (according to the BLS survey) by about 2.6 times. These results were expected as we had already shown in part 3 of our study the high correlation between the rise in the disability rate since 2/21 with the vaccine rollout. We realise that performing the correlation of cumulative time series is misleading & the R2 should not be taken as an indication of establishing a statistically significant relationship as both time series have autocorrelation."

Bottom line: There were enough safety signals to show that what we are seeing in the BLS data was known during the clinical trials even given their narrow definition of a SAE. The trials should have been halted.

Follow the Science they said, all while lining up to be the gatekeepers of "The Data"...that you're unwashed hands weren't ever going to read. The politicized it and then weaponized it with government agencies we never voted in.

Like we knew all along...the clot shot was worthless in combating Covid. You have to be a complete moron at this point to line up for more "boostahs" of this genetic rubbish. Now is the time for the criminals to pay for what they did.
MACS Offline
#545 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
Commercials are still airing pushing the boosters. Nothing has changed, and nobody will be held accountable.

That's just the way it is right now.

I mean, c'mon... mountains of evidence against Hunter Biden and his daddy and nothing has been done. There's a list of Epstein's clients and nothing has been done.

Are you expecting anything will ever be done? I'm not.
RayR Offline
#546 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,048
I've seen the commercials being stepped up regularly when the TV is on, both by the REGIME and NYS here.
The message is the need to get jabbed and boosted or else, you won't be protected by your old jab without a new booster and will never be happy and content like our smiling actors are in the commercial.
The general public disinterest in complying though has made it a hard sell. The revelations of the uptick in adverse effects haven't helped I suppose.

"The bivalent booster was released in September, but it has seen little uptake. According to the CDC, just around 16% of the US population has received it and the rate is even lower for those under the age of 65."

“Data from the three large health care systems in New York and Israel since September 1 indicate that the low booster uptake for people under 65 has not led to high Covid hospitalization rates for this group,” CNN reported.

Recent Evidence from Three Major Healthcare Systems Suggests Lack of COVID-19 Boosters Does Not Increase Hospitalization (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Feb. 21, 2023 9:00 am

Contrary to claims made by the Biden regime and the media, the decline in the number of young people receiving a COVID-19 booster compared to those of older ages has not been linked to a surge in hospitalizations.

Recently released information from three major healthcare systems, two in New York and one in Israel, indicated that a lack of COVID-19 booster doses for younger people are not becoming severely ill and did not increase hospitalizations.


#547 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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Stogie1020 Offline
#548 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,513
JGKAMIN wrote:

Anyone who signed that early letter to the Lancet calling this a conspiracy theory should be fired.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#549 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,801
Stogie1020 wrote:
Anyone who signed that early letter to the Lancet calling this a conspiracy theory should be fired.

They need to be beaten with the Science.
MACS Offline
#550 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
We all knew it. People wanted to be obtuse.

Same with those calling people who didn't want to take a jab "grandma killers". Turns out their precious jab did exactly nothing to help, and may have even caused more harm than good. Time will tell...
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