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Last post 19 years ago by RICKAMAVEN. 180 replies replies.
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#151 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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may i point out that high odds are on long shots.
#152 Posted:
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printed for reading tomorrow.

our interior designer was gay and he would have loved the capital letter at the beginning of designer.
dapperdan Offline
#153 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
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Why we all need a savior. If we just evolved from nothing to what man is today we are not accountable to anyone but our self, but if we were created by a supreme intelligent force we must have a purpose that the creator indented. If the creator's intention was merely to create and sit back and watch (deist) then he has no part in our life.But if the creator wanted us to interact with him and he was perfect in all aspects and somewhere along the line we refused to acknowledge him and say all this came about by random chance than what is he to do?
CigarPrimate Offline
#154 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
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"If we just evolved from nothing to what man is today we are not accountable to anyone but our self"

DapperDan, you just gave a great one sentence synopsis of the essence of J. P. Sartre's existential philosophy.

Rick, you're confusing high reward/high risk with high odds of winning. High risk carries low odds of occuring, that's why the payoff is so high. Pascal's bet is a hail Mary on a mile long field with a lead filled ball and 1 second on the clock.
bloody spaniard Offline
#155 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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This thread will never end (sigh).
Can't you boys take your balls & go play outside?

That goes double for you, Cod, Soda, whatever...LOL
CigarPrimate Offline
#156 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
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I looked at the site Coda. It's similar to the post EI makes a few posts below it. Gerber's site says that sin occured (among other claims) prior to Adam's fall because Satan had previously fallen, etc. Let's formulate an experiment to test this hypothesis? I find this stuff really quite whacky. EI's site claims that 'recent findings bolster the idea that evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.' This is pretty much high school stuff these days. Entropy can be reversed (negentropy) with the imput of energy. The more you try to legitimize old timey evangelical literalism with modern facts, the more you risk exposing the failure of metaphysics as an explanatory means for natural phenomena. The Catholics have a more reasonable approach at least, they interpret scripture metaphorically, while accepting the brute facts of physical nature as given; they don't pretend to be scientists, but focus on being theologians. ID'ers, which are really fundamentalists in sheeps clothing, are the same folks that want to teach biblical creation in science classes. I see a fairly large honesty gap with intentionally proposing to present disinformation to children, which would be negative for our entire society. We need to keep these debates reasonable and honest. Allowing old time fire breathing fundamentalism to influence education based on false premises is bad policy. Let's keep religion with theologians, politics with politicians, and science with scientists. I happen to be drawn to science because it's method is to stick to the facts as closely as possible. Politicians are dealing with public will and the interests of their major contributors, and are less constrained by factual matters, which may or may not be in their interests to acknowledge. Religion deals with metaphysical events that no fact or measurement can confirm or deny. I think a seperation of powers, as it were, is a good thing in this context.
eleltea Offline
#157 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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A bit of fresh air from CP. So scientists stick as close to the truth as possible. Well, don't we all.

Reminds me of a schoolyard basketball game. "Remember girls, no cheating unless we have to."

"Let's just reverse this entropy here by adding a little energy boost."

"Hey, where'd that come from?"

"I dunno, but it's a wonderful thing."

"If necessary, we'll throw in a parallel universe or two, and add some more dimensions."

"And how bout this? Reality will depend on whether anyone is peeking!"

"Any answer but God works for me. People who believe in God are weird."
CigarPrimate Offline
#158 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
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Well the scientific method requires that we suspend cheating and lying temporarily, just long enough to collect data, then the brain kicks it back in automatically. The reason for this exotic and ephemeral methodology is because accurate information about the physical world carries such high economic value, i. e., it's useful.
Goody Offline
#159 Posted:
Joined: 01-09-2004
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I think I understand the words you live by (not that you require me to understand or thank you for indulging my inquisitiveness). And I wholeheartedly agree with making the most of your life with your beautiful wife for the short time we are here, an excellent philosophy!! But what about afterwards? I personally believe that I will be with my wife for eternity in Heaven, God willing, and that brings me a lot of comfort. Do you have thoughts of life after death?

coda Offline
#160 Posted:
Joined: 07-27-2003
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"Let's just reverse this entropy here by adding a little energy boost."

In spite of the fact that you have no desire to understand the laws of thermodynamics:
The sun is pumping a large amount of energy into the earth. The earth is not a closed system.
andytv Offline
#161 Posted:
Joined: 10-23-2002
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An easy way to reconcile these two beliefs is to believe, as many believe, that Gods work is manifested in natural phenomenon (i.e. God is science). This flies a bit in the face of Literalistic Christianity, but it is not unreasonable to believe that much of Christian (and Judaic, and Buddhist, and ......) scripture in not literal, but rather alleghorical; lessons to live by. If you entertain this approach, you can see how almost all of the world's religions can be reconciled into the universal belief that one force is behind it all, and he is all around us.
CigarPrimate Offline
#162 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
Good attempt at compromise, but should probably be ammended to read "[many] force[s] [are] behind it all, and [they] [are] all around us." Too anthropocentric to present gravity and electronic charge as having gender, and no particular reason to hang a beard on every planet and atom in the universe.
#163 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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well said. hindus say "one only essence, the mighties declare in many ways."

"he is all around us." why not she?
andytv Offline
#164 Posted:
Joined: 10-23-2002
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Sorry for the gender implication. You are right, but this is a much bigger discussion; I was trying to be too general. It is well worth noting, though, that prior to Roman christianity, many of the teachers and church leaders were women. Many of the religious sects preceding Christianity (and yes, the implication is that they influenced Christianity) were dedicated to female deities. Heck, they could create life!! Why shouldn't they be worshipped? It is one of the greatest tragedies in the history of civilization that the impact of the feminine deity(s)and females in general has been repressed, distorted, and stigmatized by the men in power, who felt threatened. Since then no-one has had the guts to reinstate them to their glorious positions in history (the Catholic Church has admitted that M. Magdelene has been misrepresented by Catholic tradition as being a prostitute, but they have done so very quietly, and without the zeal in which this lie was originally promoted.)

Again, sorry about putting a beard on atoms.

rcpilotva Offline
#165 Posted:
Joined: 07-12-2004
Posts: 99
love the posts.
cp, you've made me catch up on some reading. learning about chiralty ("handedness?"). my brain hurts.

so many tangents, so many points of discussion/view.
glad those pesky christians helped to found a country where we can do this!
speaking of, merry christmas to all.
CigarPrimate Offline
#166 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
RC, discussion is good because there is often more one way to view phenomena, and differing viewpoints do not always negate one another; which sort of sets old Aristotlean non-contradiction on it's stuffy ear. However, some of the arguments circulating on the creation side are distrurbing because they're commonly known as false, yet someone's keeping them out there, which is somewhat disturbing.

I. Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics:
This argument is absolutely false and easy to counter.

II. The handedness of the amino acids produced in reaction chamber experiments are the wrong chirality for life:
Another false argument that someone sees an interest in keeping alive. The reaction chamber experiments of people like Miller, Calvin, and numerous others, clearly show the ready formation of amino acids, and a host of other polymer precursors; the building blocks of life. When such molecules are synthesized and are chiral, they form racemic mixtures of different enantiomers, or, a mixture of right and left handed versions of a parrticular molecule. So yea, the wrong isomer for life is made in reaction chamber conditions, but so are the right isomers. This stuff has been documented scores of times. It's bad propaganda to keep alive the disinformation that the wrong enantiomers for life resulted in these experiments, especially if the disseminators premeditadely know it's false. Such acts seem suspiciously larcenous to me.

Historically too even more diverse views vie for attention, but just because history isn't science doesn't mean it has no forensic value. When I was young and in school (in the south) the god fearing, heroic plainsman was taught as the American archetype. I went back to college as an old fart and the message has been changed somewhat in reflecting the formation of American culture, including the warts too. Not only did god fearing settlers tame this wild land, but often by genocidal exterminations and infamous slavery. So more than one view can accurately reflect our historical roots (America's a fairly young country). The pious view and the jaundiced view, and each case should be given it's own credibiliity in the overall view as to who founded what and what they did when doing so.
lovelyred Offline
#167 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2004
Posts: 346
Wow ...Rick .... I can truly believe that you came from muck and a one cell thing ..... ;) I think you did!! Your right! I have no trouble believing that you came from monekeys too!!! Wasnt there something about snails and puppy dog tails in that evolution thing too??
;) But women on the other hand ... wasnt that sugar spice and everything nice!!!
tsmith283 Offline
#168 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2001
Posts: 404
WOW! What a thread this has turned into. Rick, you are quite the instigator. And before I forget, "great for you" in standing behind your beliefs! As I read through this thread I see so many intelligent people, putting so much thought into defending or proving their positions, that it makes me wonder what might happen if we all focused our thoughts towards a single answer. Will any, or all, of these beliefs/theories/ facts etc. combine into a mutually-supporting beleif?
Just a thought.
CigarPrimate Offline
#169 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
tsmith asks the logical next question ..."Will any, or all, of these beliefs/theories/ facts etc. combine into a mutually-supporting belief?" The answer is clearly no because the opposing sides must have a common ground and agree on some fundamental premises for any mutual conclusion to be possible. Each of us has our own traditions which makes up the way we think. Our vocabulary of meanings carries with it certain assumptions, and challenging those assumptions inevitably upsets someone. Each individual's tradition of thinking causes us to ask questions that seem right to ask, but the problem is that those who ask their questions already have their mind on some idea, so an answer can have no particular meaning between different parties whose different ideas give totally different meaning to a word. People cannot agree on what creation, theory, life, soul, etc. refer to, so these words, or names, are denied by this or that party based on the name, or word, itself, and the content of the issue never really gets a chance to rise to the surface. To talk about divine creation you have to focus on that specifically, and the same applies to biological evolution. For these reasons the topics of creation and evolution are mutually exclusive. One or the other topic must be discussed on its own grounds. The minute you contrast and mix the two topics the chance for reasonable conclusions or agreement is immediately lost in an irreconcilable void. You can believe in one mode or not believe in it, and you can also believe in both in their own context, but you can never believe in both simultaneously in the same context, and any serious effort to try and do so will be inherently flawed and unproductive. I will continue to discuss biological evolution because I have training in it and can use examples to illustrate points etc. However, I know nothing about divine creation so I can neither discuss it with any credibility nor understand it for the same reason.
adroomi Offline
#170 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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....did it ever occur to anyone that the only reason we as a human race have belief in "higher Beings" and afterlife, is because we have a brain that is able to process conscious thought?

In other words, we are able to contemplate death whereas the rest of the animal kingdom cannot. Thus, in our own fear of the absolute inevitable, we create a future for ourselves after death in our own minds to relieve the abslolute mind-freezing terror that would paralyze us if we KNEW that death is the actual END.

It's the scariest thing in the world to even consider the fact that once you are gone, you are more here than when you step on a simply cease to exist.

As evolutionarily advanced as we are, we have no psychological way to deal with this other than to "invent" Gods for us. If we knew that there was no God for certain, most of us would simply shroud ourselves in depression and fear and refuse to leave the house.

God (the Christian based one) is not a new concept. Every form of man from the first recorded histories of early man have worshipped a God or Gods. Why, because once we developed "thought," we realized that we were simply mortal and could not accept that.

They say that Whales go to the shore to die because their minds are developed enough that for some reason they want to be on land when they die. Could it be possible that they have an imaginary heaven above them with a God as well? Are they trying to reach this heaven as they die? Are we their God?

#171 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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when adam ate the apple and when prometheus stole the sacred fire from Zeus and the gods, man became conscious of his destiny.

adam was convinced he had "sinned". prometheus believed man should have the knowledge.

adam's punishment was "original sin"

prometheus punishment was to have to hold the earth on his shoulders for eternity.

the gods are a vindictive lot.
#172 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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hold onto this.

with age the fear completely disappears. the mind adjusts and the inevitable destiny is no longer of concern or interest.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#173 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Adroomi...ever see an elephant's graveyard. Ever see a wounded/hurt dog go under a porch.

No concept of death?

Don't underestimate our Creator!
acrouse Offline
#174 Posted:
Joined: 10-06-2004
Posts: 149
re: rick wrote

hold onto this.

with age the fear completely disappears. the mind adjusts and the inevitable destiny is no longer of concern or interest.

Another's belief quotes-

Hidden in the mystery of consciousness, the mind, incorporeal, flies alone far away. Those who set their mind on harmony become free from the bonds of death.


Read it recently and it just chimed in nicely with your post Rick.

adroomi Offline
#175 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
...I've seen a peanut stand,
...and I've even seen a rubber band,
but I'll be done seen 'bout everything, when I see an elephant fly (say what)!

I didn't say animals have "no concept of death" I said higher animals such as us with a conscious mind are "able to contemplate death." Major, major difference there. "concept of death" is inbedded in all animals that have the will, or should I say "instinct" for survival. "comtemplation of death" is the unique conscious behavior of the study of the "what if's" surrounding our own destiny.

All animals have a concept of death and they share the same submission when they realize death is upon them. They simply give up and accept it. Once they realize they are goners, they seek to "allow their destiny" to befall them.

The instinct to survive is there, but the concept of death is not realized until it is generally too late. Then the animal either regains the instinct to continue the fight, or "accepts" its demise and crawls under the porch to die. Up until it realizes it's too late, animals think they will live forever. They have no need for calenders or wristwatches. They eat, sleep, procreate, and to them this is a never ending life. They sense danger, they run.....but they return again and again to the same watering hole, don't they?

We as humans (and quite possibly some of the other higher animals) have the instinct to survive, but that is hidden in our subconscious. It's not needed like the lower animals out in front because we have a conscious which lets us "contemplate" death on a daily basis, and take the necessary steps to avoid an untimely death. However, for all the steps we take, we realize that sooner or later the hands of time will catch up with us. For this, we need an escape from the sheer terror and helplessness that we feel. Thus, God and the afterlife. more thing, if folks disagree with this, and say that animals do contemplate death, and have a conscience to do so, then why do Christians tell me that dogs don't go to heaven?
eleltea Offline
#176 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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Some Christians believe dogs go to heaven. Cats too. Maybe snakes will go to heaven. Snakes kind of keep things interesting.
puskarich Offline
#177 Posted:
Joined: 01-04-2003
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My parents have a cat. I dont think the sumbitch contemplates anything except for how to ambush me with teeth and claws the next time I walk in the room.
adroomi Offline
#178 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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.....I know the feeling. It's as if the thing waits all day just for the opportunity to get launched across the room.
SteveS Offline
#179 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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My sisters are quite sure that not only are our parents awaiting our arrival in Heaven, but that their favorite dog is still jumping into every lake our dad has cast a fly into hoping to catch a heavenly fish ...
#180 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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bob dies and finds himself in a brightly lit place.

he finds god immediately and walks quickly to him
and stands next to him.

god starts to walk towards a bright light and bob follows him.

as they approach the bright light, bob notices that god kneels and not knowing why sits next to him.

shortly after god stands again and walks away from the bright light and bob ever faithful follows god
wagging his tail as they walk together once again.
#181 Posted:
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geordie did in 1973, and i still miss him.
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