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Last post 19 years ago by usahog. 9 replies replies.
BioWar: Mandatory anthrax shots loom again
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691

MACS Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
Shut up and take your shot Russ. LMAO!!

Oh yeah... you no longer HAVE to take the shots.

I do and I don't care. I've had 7 already (the 6 in the cycle and a booster) and I am feeling absolutely NO ill effects from it. Started taking them in 1999.
usahog Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Macs all I can say is your body did better at mine on taking to the Vaccines... I was unfortunate as are many who have taken the vaccines and had adverse reactions.. thus I am posting this thread and will continue to post because there are fellow veterans out there who possibly have had the same situations as myself...

soon with the bio terror war that is looming whoever "They" are want to vaccinate the US citizen's against the anthrax, thus 1000's more will be at risk with health problems far beyond this unproven expermental vaccine that screwed up my system...

given the choice I would have rather bit the dust be'it bullet, or blown to hell rather then deal with what I have been and many others have been dealing with since early 2000... I also started my series of shots (I was told were safe) in late 1999... today I am not the same person I was and will never be the doctors have told me... some of these side effects will be with me until the end... and at one time my medications for this reason were $289.00 a month my cost after insurance....

No U.S. Military Member Veteran or not should be forced to take a vaccine that has not been proven and also ineffective for what it's use is to be....

during the build-up for the second gulf war these shots along with the untested smallpox were administered again, and again 1000's more became Ill... 9 soldiers died during or shortly after the shot lines...

If given the oppertunity and the truth about these shots... I would have ended my military career in 1999 as many had done.. but instead it took numerious doctors and $1000.00 of dollars in medical expenses to end my career in 2004... and the real kicker is... I had to prove these shots were what caused these medical problems and now a court battle has arisen just to afford me rights I had earned during my years of service... the same officers and enlisted who I fought with side by side for 18+ years turned on me like Al-quida... this is common practice so I have learned from many others...

Sad day when the Soldiers are taken out of the fight before their given a chance to fight all in the name of Big Money to line the pockets of our politicians!!!!

Macs, I wish you and All our service members the best for the future!!!!

God Bless
KNOF Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-08-2003
Posts: 4,480
Hope your doing ok these days Russ. I know you've had a rough time and I hope the Holidays have been bright for you.

God Bless our active and vetrans alike!
usahog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Thanks Keith.. I'm doin good here!!!

got some belated package heading out to you in the next day or so... along with about 4 others heading out... I'll drop you an email on it....

CWFoster Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
*************Threadjack ON**************

Hog! I Still owe you a BIG package, and some $$$ and the longer it takes, the more I feel I owe! Are you ready???

************Threadjack OFF*********************
MACS Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
Hog - I beg to differ homey. I appreciate your candor and respect your opinion as a fellow military member who had to take the shots.

The CDC has done extensive research on the vaccine and farm workers were taking it as far back as the 60's. In most healthy people, side effects are non-existent. There will always be those few who react badly. I'm sorry you had to be one of them.
usahog Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Macs it is hard to battle with an unarmed man.. LOL J/K Bro

"The CDC has done extensive research on the vaccine and farm workers were taking it as far back as the 60's. In most healthy people, side effects are non-existent. There will always be those few who react badly. I'm sorry you had to be one of them."

On this you were/are correct.. Vetenarians and hide workers had to take these vaccines and there at one time was a small amount of this produced just for this purpose.. but when the military ordered the contracts for these mass production of these vaccines the company Bioport was introduced (with silent share holders, guess who some of these people are?? ;0)~~~) because the known company MMPI who produced the small quantities for years could not fill the order of the government contract... also since war loomed in the middle east with Iraq and Saddam known for using biochemicals the experiment of adding a "squalene" to the vaccine to speed up it's (Vaccines) effectivness was also being added... Bioport was cought by the FDA in the early 90's for unsanitary conditions while manufacturing the mass vaccines... as the investigation kept going on the company (Bioport) it was also discovered that when they took over the wheel of MMPI, they were also changing the exp. dates of some of these lot numbers and sending these out as good vaccines, Now vaccines have to be stored at a certian temperature to remain effective and not have counter effects... 100's if not 1000's of these viles were stored at room temp 70 degree's or above and still shipped out to the military clinics for use signed off and lables changed to reflect different... (This is one of the known "Lots" I was given back in 1999... although everyone's DNA and metabolizem is different the effects "if any" from these shots effected many differently then others

Bioport was tarnished and closed up... (BTW the CDC and FDA also at that time bit off on the phony labeling etc. added to the propaganda of effective vaccine for Inhilation Anthrax, they also did not require a product safety lable to be added until 2002) Ta Da... Bioport gone and up pops Biothrax (same silent shareholders) just different company with a government contract... nothing changing but the buisness name.... Mass production and distribution back to the troops begin 2003-2004... end resulte many more veteran soldiers without their life careers.. all stripped away with one thing in common... they all had side effects to something that never should have been given them to begin with... how do we shut them up?? rule them as mentally unstable or boot them out for just cause reasons... that is if they make noise about this... where the hell did the military commanders go who had a set of Balls??

Ex-DAFB commander says troops used as guinea pigs
watch the video's also...

Again Macs I am glad you and many others who have had to take these vaccine's have not been effected by these... as far as being physically fit being the difference.. that's nothing to do with it... I used to buck bails (80 lb. minimum)and was fit as a bull for years leading up to my first shots 1999... I had already done 2 tours in Kuwait prior to this also with no illness's or side effects...

Now one more thing... post 911 the Anthrax scare... letters sent to Senators and Congressmen... remember?? this was pretty serious for Athrax to be sent through the mail... and to our elected officials... thus you would think these Senators and Congressmen would be the first to step up and recieve their vaccines... Guess Again ;0)

and why didn't they?? this was a serious a terrorist threat as could be?? why didn't these folks want to be vaccinated against it? it is also known that the Anthrax spores sent through the mail back then did in fact come from the U.S.

Now ask yourself... why is our Government spending 5.6 billion TAX Payers dollars to stockpile something that has not been proven effective and has in fact caused severe adverse reactions to so many Soldiers? But they are wanting enough of this to vaccinate the population of the United States? I for one cannot find the answer other then to say the Money's involved in this one??
but then again how are they going to make the American people want to take the Vaccine?? there will have to be another threat?? or is Marshal Law going to be declaired where WE don't have the rights of the Constitution of these United States?? WTF are our Politicians up to??

Just something to think about....

don't forget FX tv is showing a movie Jan 2, 2005 "Smallpox"

MACS Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
I also knew about the bioport facility being shut down for unsafe practices.

As a matter of fact, before I took the first shot in 1999 I had the opportunity to speak with then MCPON Jim Herdt. I asked him what he thought of the facility being shut down and he basically told me to 'shut up and take my shot', though he obviously didn't use those exact words.

I spoke more at length with our ship's doctor (I was on an Amphib ship at the time, which have actual MD's) and he gave me a lot of information and even went on-line and printed out more. This guy, Dr. (LT) Milback wasn't your typical Navy doctor. In fact, he got out and became a family practice physician, which is what he wanted to do, but he was a man I trusted completely. I knew him for 2 years and all that time he was a man of integrity and compassion. He told me it was safe. I believed him. I took the shots. I have never suffered one ill effect.

Please do not consider me unarmed... :-)

I had my doubts, like most military personnel did, at first. I did a lot of reading and asked a lot of questions. My fears were assuaged. I am still convinced simply because I have taken 7 of the shots and have been around hundreds of others who have taken as many of the shots and more and none of us have suffered any ill effects.

Consider this... hundreds of thousands of military personnel have taken these vaccines... as far up the military's ar$e as the media is... if this were a problem for more than a handful of people (which as I said previously, is to be expected) don't you think the media would be all over it? Like they were all over the bioport facility being shut down? I live in San Diego, a predominantly military town... it was all over the news.
usahog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
It's not making big news until now Macs...

there has been many or recent reports about this being a problem... it has made many military news articles, but as of late has been shown on CNN segment of Paula Zaune (sp) there will be more news coming out... but the battles in courts over this issue as I have been told are squashed by the DOD...

I was told early this past year by a JAG from another base... off the record... the DOD has deep pockets and to fight them is almost impossible they have many a resources available...

I told a few Col. I don't care if I have to dance on Donald Rumsfields desk I as a Human Being have a right to know WTF... So I'll let you know how the dance goes and what the outcome is...

in the meantime many Ill military members do not have the resources nor the right point of contacts to get the proper help... I was one of these when this all first began... so how do you say... they pissed down the wrong back and tried to tell me it was raining?? If my posting of these different articles catches the eye to even one Veteran who has been having problems and I can assist in any way... I feel it well worth the effort to give it a shot...

I know guy's who also took the shot from the same bottle of vaccine and they also have not had any effects from it... but I also know 3 people besides myself from my base who have had problems...

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