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Last post 19 years ago by SirWolfgang. 144 replies replies.
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same-sex divorces
cexshun Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
Posts: 1,289
Gladiator was OK. Ben-Hur was fantastic. Heston was a fantastic actor, and I greatly enjoyed him in Ben-hur. As far as I can recall, those are the only 2 gladiator movies I've seen.
bloody spaniard Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
My gladiatorial friend, Cexshunus UpJurs Maximus Glutimus, I base my opinion on what I've experienced (work and social), read, and heard from gay friends--not just the gay parade.

You've admitted it yourself. Gay men have an unchecked, insatiable appetite. IMHO, they are trying to fill (no pun intended) an emptiness.

Believe it or not we agree more than disagree, Spartacus.

cexshun Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
Posts: 1,289
bloody, I'm beginning to see that we seem to agree more then we disagree, and we seem to have simply come to different conclusions. Crazy how that works. BTW, I'm starting to love your sense of humor. The last post sent some taco bell up into my sinuses. Ouch, I don't recommend anyone ever experiencing that. Same concept of cigar smoke out the nose, only with a hard shell taco.

Now if you excuse me, I have some "Queer eye for the Straight Guy" on the tivo and I rented Birdhouse, Cats, and Rent. And just bought my son a couple of Wiggles dvds. Ouch, just sat on that damned triangle Teletubbie!
classic57 Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2004
Posts: 236
Wow, I have been watching this thread and trying not to jump in, but it's getting pretty deep. Yes bloody, you ARE a bigot. How can you say that gay men "take it a step further" and "flaunt" their sexuality? That's a double standard. Straight couples make out and go pretty damn far with it in public. You just notice it when it's a same-sex couple because you'e uncomfortable with it. And as for the idea that gay men are promiscuous, that's a double standard, too. Straight men are always hitting on women, they just don't succeed as often as they'd like. So some go to professionals, or else they come onto boards like this and bitch that they don't get enough from their wives, girlfriends, or exes. It's not a gay thing, it's a GUY thing. Men have a higher sex drive than women, period. Some of you guys who, earlier in this thread, were making nasty jokes about the gay guys having so much sex and then bitching about your exes cutting you off-- you sound positively JEALOUS! No, I'm not calling you gay, either. Honestly, you sound like a bunch of little boys.
adroomi Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Cexshun, Good points....well done.
USAHog, as usual, you are one cool cat!

THL, you're the perfect candidate for being picked up all alone at night in a bar by a gay male that offers you a free bl**job. Your hatred of homosexuals is a direct reflexion on your subconscious being unable to deal rationally with the creepy thoughts or "curiosity" that sometimes comes into your head.

It's a given and proven fact, all of us at one time or another have "accidently" had a homosexual thought. Most of us shake it away and think, "man, that was a creepy thought," but some of us can't shake it away that easy, so we turn to hatred and fear.

You want to know a little secret? Most promiscous gay men that want a "quick lay" don't go to gay bars....they go to straight bars after hours and focus on the "tough" guy that is there all alone. A bit of good hearted humor and a few beers later they head home to "crack open" that bottle of booze on the shelf (since the bar is closed). An hour later, the gay guy is going down on the "straight guy," and the straight guy then goes home and the next day blocks his memory and hates gays even more.

Has that happened to you THL? Did you make a mistake and go home with a buddy one night only to realize that it was going to turn into your first (and maybe last) experiment?

It never has happened to me, but I've seen it in operation many a time. Don't forget where I live and what I do for a living. I've seen an awful lot of gay-bashing happily married homophobes get "tricked" into going home with a lady-boy off of the street if they didn't know.
dapperdan Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
Posts: 2,847
O.k. I have been gone for a few days and missed most of this post. Now its my time to comment. I know gays and lesbians well and its is not a healthy life style! Sexual perversions have been around since man first chose to disobey God. It will continue until He return's. God gave us the right to chose, He wanted it that way.

Adroomi, I'm sure where you live you see it all, it must make you feel sick, empty,like what does it matter. Hey your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth, right? No absolutes just your own interpretation of what is wrong and what is right. Well there is Law and order and truth, believe it or not. It is there, seek it and you will find it.

Classic57, Bloods no bigot. What you say about men is true. You are a women. Think about the time you are at your sexual peak,that time of the month before or after your period. That is how men are constantly! Yes straight men look at women but they can be fulfilled by one women. Gay men cannot be fulfilled by one man, it will not happen!

cexshun, you have obviously been desensitized by the media or what ever else you have been involved in. A man and a woman kissing grosses you out because there fat as much as two dudes kissing!

There is a agenda by the homosexual community that says you will not only accept us but we will force you to believe that our life style is a God given one. No its not God given , marriage is for one man and one woman! The gay community wants us to say that there life style is the same as mine. Give them same partner status but don't call it a marriage before God. I mean what is that about but saying a vow before a Christian God. Let them say a vow before the god of satin or who ever else but don't claim my God approves of the choices you make. Read the book. I'm sick of them taking things from the bible and trying to make it there's. The rainbow for one, it has now become the gay symbol, get your own symbol. why do they have to steal it from the Bible.Because they want acceptance when they know deep inside there wrong. Now I'm ranting and raving, hey they need the truth. I have gay friends they need to know the truth. I want to see them where I'm going.

adroomi Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
1. What makes you think homosexuality/lesbianism is a "choice" and not a biological trait?

2. There's enough hatred and vanity in that post of yours to keep Lucifer happy for quite some time. Do you need another pile of stones to throw oh righteous one?

3. Here's my truth......all people are inherently good, it's in their hearts. However, the world is a lot more complex behind closed doors than most may believe it to be. Most folks would be quite shocked if they opened their eyes and their minds a bit more.

4. People have sex, some people have sex with the same sex. I'm not going to change that, but I won't hide from it and brag about how someone stole this or that symbol from whomever........I'd say that the Pagans, Celts, and Navajo would most likely argue with you about who stole who's rainbow by the way.

5. I know lot's of gay people, I have them over to dinner all the time.......that sounds familiar. I have friends who speak the same way of other minorities.
bloody spaniard Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Classic57, thanks for the compliment. Don't worry Dan, I've been called much worse, but ironically not by homosexuals themselves. You may be the first Classic57. Too bad, you could't take cexshun's cue and keep the discussion above board.

I'm sorry if you are a homosexual and offended by the truth. You may have been born that way or proselytized- I frankly don't know or really care.

I have worked and partied around enough homosexuals and heterosexuals to know the difference between their respective m.o.'s. I've taken "womens" to their nightclubs in DC (best dance mooozic), and been invited to their parties. Can't begin to tell you how many times ol' blood has seen gay friends resort to poppers (amyl nitrate) and booze in their attempt to get me to succumb & "relax" my sphincter muscles- unsuccesfully, I might add. LOL!

I'm sure that some straight men have resorted to roofies, and many are obsessed with sex but it's just not the same. My gay buddies often reminded me (wink-wink) that the hunt NEVER ends. Most heteros take a break. Maybe your experience has been different, Classic57. Maybe you have no experience and are just toeing the pc line.

I'm also not sure why this thread is taking this turn, but I feel that homosexuals can be saved if they deny their urges and accept the Son of God. If you can't deny your natural urges (whether straight or gay), you will stand before God for judgement. Don't believe me or believe in God, well that's ok too. We will all know who was right someday, won't we? If you were correct, I have nothing to lose, but if I'm right...

I am no better than any of you, but I will continue to speak my mind whether you think it's bigoted or not. BTW, some of you think that we're hypocritical, "holy rollers" and should just shut up. Well, as I told Dan, many of us drink, cuss, spit, fart, burp, and (gasp) dance, but what differentiates us is our moral compass which always helps us get back on track to Christ, our salvation. He died so that we could be forgiven--an idea foreign to some of us.

dapperdan Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
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1. It very well may be a biological trait or a gene or a chemical imbalance. I may have the gene to cheat on my wife, but I don't. Sex is a choice. Period.

2.Hatred and vanity in my post? I'm sure glad you know my personal emotions.Sounds to me like your the vain one.I'm not without sin but a sinner saved by grace. Cast the first stone, not me.Righteous one, not me either.Someone's judge,I will let God be there judge.But I have no problem calling sin, sin. That's my truth.

3. Some more truth. All people are not inherently good, all have fallen short. All have turned to there own way and no not one is righteous,not me not anybody.Except one, who came to take on all our sin and wash white as snow by His blood.Bought with a price,paid in full.

4. I really don't care what people do behind closed doors.But have a parade down public streets flaunting your sexual preference.
The rainbow was Gods first covenant with Noah. A promise that He would never bring on a flood that covered the world.Since Noah and his family were the only ones on the face of the earth, I guess he had it first.But I won't try to convince you of my "fairytales".

5.Minorities compared to sexual preference. I always love that one. So do my Christian brothers and sisters of different skin colors. They did not chose how they look, but that's back to # 1.
I wish you could talk to my gay friends so they could tell you themselves how much I hate them. Love the sinner hate the sin.
bloody spaniard Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^Talk about timing, Dan! LOL!
cexshun Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
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dapperdan, sex is a choice. However, love is not. You cannot force yourself not to love someone. The idea that you can just decide not to be gay is obsurd.

And I'm still unsure as to where you all get the idea that gays are not good in the eyes of God. Can someone enlighten me please?
classic57 Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2004
Posts: 236
I can't believe how ignorant and presumptuous some of you guys are. One says I'm a homosexual, one says I'm a woman, and some of you talk about what God thinks. I hardly know where to start!

You don't know anything about me, who I am, who I sleep with, or anything at all. You condemn people for not conforming to your religious set of beliefs. Newsflash here, guys: There are lots of religions in the world, and just because one is the one you choose does not make it the only one or the correct one. Can't you even respect people's right to religious freedom even if you don't agree with it? After all, it is the American way, a Constitutional right. And addressing the issue of that particular religion, Christianity does not condemn homosexuality. And don't start with "The Bible says..." because Jesus never said one word about that. Neither did God. The passages in the Old Testament (Leviticus) were Jewish tribal laws designed for the tribe's health and survival, and also prohibited masturbation, birth control, and eating pork and shellfish. Don't tell me you don't eat bacon or jerk off. And presuming to know the mind of God, and condemning others on that basis, is the biggest sin of all. You're putting yourself on the same level with God, and that's nothing but arrogant. You want to call yourself a good Christian, then leave it up to God and shut your mouth. Judge not lest ye be judged.

TLH, you remind me of a guy I knew in the military a long time ago. He too was obsessed with gays, constantly calling others **** and homo, and bragging about how he raped girls who wouldn't sleep with him, but he was always wrestling the other guys to the ground and finding ways for full-body contact, no matter how violent. He was the only one who didn't realize what a big closet case he was.

As for your comments about the "homosexual agenda," there is none. Nobody wants you to "accept" their lifestyle, only to leave them alone with the same right to life as everyone else. You don't have to like it, just as you don't have to like the same foods. Nobody wants to undercut the family or steal your children. They want to have their own families and their own children, the same as you. And what you see at Gay Pride is not typical of the so-called lifestyle. It's a holiday, the meaning of which I know you haven't a clue, but because it's a holiday, some people get a little crazy. Just the same as the way they dress weird on Halloween, hang lots of shiny things for Christmas, and eat too much on Thanksgiving, or drink too much on St. Patrick's Day. When gay people show up for Pride, it's the one day of the year that they are not in the minority and they feel safe in a crowded public place, so they get up on floats and dance, some dress up, and some want to be in your face or go overboard in different ways. That's a small percentage of the local gay population. Most aren't out there in the street, most watch from the sidewalk or out the windows and lead the same lives as you, going to work and coming home and raising kids, and there are lots of gay people around you every day who you don't recognize because they don't look like stereotypes. If a same-sex couple wants to hold hands or exchange a kiss in a public place, it's for the same reason as you. There are some people, whether gay or straight, who don't have plain old common manners when it comes to public behavior, whether it's cutting in line, smoking on a train, sneezing without covering up, yelling into a cell phone, or groping each other, and yes it's all inconsiderate, but it's not because they're gay. A few people will do things just to be in your face because they're angry. Just like some young black folks will blast rap on their boomboxes, talk **** at the top of their lungs, or try to be intimidating because they "can," or because they think it's expected of them, or just because they're teenagers and have a chip on their shoulder and want to be obnoxious, but they are not representative of the black "way of life," and it would not be fair to brand all blacks as criminals and decide they don't deserve the same civil rights as everyone else. Likewise, I don't approve of gays or straights doing sexual things in public because it's just plain bad manners, but it's not a gay lifestyle or agenda thing and is not something that most gays do. You're making a judgement based on what you see, which is a small, visible minority, and there's a great deal that you can't see and don't know anything about. If you still don't have a clue, there's no point in my saying anything more, because the Bible also says not to waste your time arguing with idiots.
dapperdan Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
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cexshun, its not that God looks at gays as bad, we are all bad in His eyes. Before I became a Christian I was just as bad in sin as my gay friends. I did not become a Christian until I was 29. I was dating my wife and she was a believer and she told me she could not marry me unless I was a Christian. I was like that's about the lamest thing I ever heard. She said she could not be married to someone who might not be in eternity with her. I thought yea Jesus was a cool teacher a good guy but what can he do for me. So I said ,well If what you say is true then if I go to church with you I will find it to be so . That's what I did and after about 6 months of listening to this long haired ex drug dealer preach from the bible I could not deny what he said was the truth. This place ,planet earth ,us , is Jesus' plan he made it all and He made the rules. As a believer like blood said we are far from perfect and we sin every day, but he lives with in us. Why he does this I don't know because if I was him I would have wiped out this place long ago.Once you accept Jesus as your savior he comes and lives in you and you will see things very different. Its true,put Him to the test. He sits at the door of your heart and knocks and who ever opens the door He will come in and have fellowship with. He is a gracious God who does not force Himself on you. Check it out, you won't be sorry. Forever!
dapperdan Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
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Classic57, your right I was ignorant and presumptuous and I apologize, I do mean that. Sorry.

But that is what Christianity is ,all other religions include Jesus as a teacher and Christianity excludes all others. He said he is the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by Him. I mean if you a true believer what are you going to do with that say no Jesus your wrong Buddha will get me in or Muhammad. That's what he said ,He also claimed to be God. you either believe it or not but the Bible does say that every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus is lord. I chose to do it now because when its a forced confession it will be to late. What if us ignorant and presumptuous jerks are right?
dapperdan Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
Posts: 2,847
I mean idiots not jerks.
bloody spaniard Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
You are one angry "person", classic57.
Sorry, if I was "judgemental".
Live long and prosper--is that ok to say?


PS: Take a breath & go get your blood pressure checked. I think that your head went up one hat size. LOL!
usahog Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
So it was the Jews who destroyed Sodom and Gamora?

God Commanded it to be destroyed,
you do not want to believe the scriptures of the Bible and take it as writen by jews as Trible Law??

lets set aside Leviticus, and bring in Romans 1:24-28,32

there a many a wording in the Bible that speaks out against this perversion... in not just in a homosexual society but also hetrosexual...

we are made of the flesh but also of the spirit, there is always constent turmoil within Man and Woman between man spirit and the flesh... there will only be one who will cast this Judgement... through God himself just as it was with Sodom and Gamora it will also be with the rest on Judgement day...

Man is very quick to pass judgement.. this is the flesh by nature...

lukin Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 03-31-2004
Posts: 2,205
Dapperdan, BLood,
As a Christian myself I have to say that the hate speech and outright ignorance I have been reading on this subject the last few days is the reason that I am embarrassed to call myself a Christian. The things you are saying are not Christlike...they are hate speech.

I would ask you all this...if a man accepts Christ as his personal savior...but also lives with and loves another he not going to heaven?

classic57 Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2004
Posts: 236
Yes usahog, it was tribal law. Try talking to a divinity professor about biblical history. Or maybe you think education is a sin? If you prefer magical thinking, I guess being ignorant is your right. But then consider how many times various parts of the Bible have been translated and interpreted in different ways. You can find something in the Bible to support just about any view on anything, so taking it literally without considering the source is like playing pin the tail on the donkey, not very accurate.
And preaching ignorance is dangerous and just plain stupid.

Dapperdan, you have my respect for your humility. Human nature is truly selfish, I agree, and the self-centeredness and pride that we all have is tough to let go of. I'm just saying that someone doesn't have to be straight or even be Christian to hand it over to God. There are even gay Christians out there. *gasp* Imagine that! :)

Blood, you need to grow up. No, I'm not angry just because I explained a few things. I think you would like to think you made me angry because it would me you feel more powerful somehow. I'm just disgusted. You want to go around mouthing off, all you do is show everyone what a childish and hateful person you are. And what a closet case. Someday you'll realize what's been happening to you and you'll be horrified at some of the things you have said. In the meantime, well, you're entitled to your opinion. Like ****, everyone has one.
usahog Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"if a man accepts Christ as his personal savior...but also lives with and loves another he not going to heaven?"

Good question Lukin...
From what I have read in the scriptures and through-out, I would have to say No... but then again it is not my place to pass this judgement...

usahog Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
thats it Classic? thats all you can rebute back with??

and then turn and point the finger at me being Ignorant?

Sorry you took my wording as preaching and downplay it as such.. I am no preacher by far... I knew from the start of my post, it would be twisted and manipulated to suit your views.. sad thing is.. those same views you one day will have to face God with, as I will also have to face God and be Judged just the same...

I do think Blood had a point.. you do have some pent up anger you need to deal with...

lukin Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 03-31-2004
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Does not John 3:16 say that those who believe in him shall have everlasting life?

Can a man murder another man and be redeemed?

IF he can then I would say that certainly a homosexual may get into heaven

I don't condone it because I think it goes against the law of God. However, the mainstream Christians in this country seem to have an outright hate for homosexuals which also seem to go against the laws of God. To me, this is despicable and I think all of this hatred for their fellow man will bite them in the end. Remember... "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
bloody spaniard Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Lukin said:"IF he can then I would say that certainly a homosexual may get into heaven"
Response: Of course he/she can-- no one said otherwise.

Lukin:"I don't condone it because I think it goes against the law of God."

Response: And you're arguing with us?????

Lukin:"However, the mainstream Christians in this country seem to have an outright hate for homosexuals which also seem to go against the laws of God."

Response: I think that you are confusing a dislike for their behaviour with hate for the individual. No real Christian hates homosexuals. Now, "tolerant" muslims feel differently about gays...

Hog, Dan, I fear for this country if people like 57flavors (sp?--I honestly forgot his handle) become the enforcers of so called "hate legislation". They'll make the nazis and communists look like pikers!

THL Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
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Adroomi and classic57, it's tough to debate with you when you reinterpret my words so as to better focus your attacks. I know, I know, now I remind you of somebody who used kill gays and bathe in their entrails after sodomizing their corpses. I am total evil incarnate.
Your responses are a bunch of sanctimonious, politically correct, BS. Please teach us more of the enlightened path.
And thank you adroomi for revealing your hardwon dating secrets. I wish you continued success.
pabloescabar Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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sheep go to Heaven and goat's go to hell...
bloody spaniard Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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THL, I think that Heinz57 secretly longs to get oiled up & rassle with you.

Nothing worse than a scorned suitor...LOL!

Wow, maybe we can make this thread funny again!
Maybe not...

adroomi Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143 now the Christians turn to personal attacks typical. Not only have I been turned gay, within the last three messages, but 57 also. No wonder you people hung the only perfect man in the world on a cross to die.......he didn't conform to your f*cked up, closed-minded, hate-filled, I'm better than everyone points of view. Yes, it was you that killed him, remember that.
dapperdan Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
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May the peace that surpasses all under standing dwell within our hearts
THL Offline
#79 Posted:
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Adroomi, read your own posts you holier-than-thou- hypocrite. You got nasty quite a while back. Your hysterical rantings are bordering on the incoherent. I believe it was Jews and Romans that crucified Christ. Most of us weren't even born yet. And besides, I'm a Druid. Quite the little spitfire aren't you? How about a backrub?
adroomi Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
...are you offering me a backrub? No thanks, I don't swing that way.

A couple of good points were made in this thread, and the couple of folks that made them were dealt childish little answers to their well thought out messages, and finally they were just made fun of. Had they been a follower of Christ 2000 years ago and made statements preaching the love of all regardless of their beliefs, they'd be awaiting their crucifixion.

Besides the couple of guys that spoke their minds with true insight who I now have a new respect for, I would also like to thank Hog for his non-aggressive messages. He gave his opinion, although I disagree with it, and never felt the need to slam anyone while doing it. He's a gent I suppose.

Yes, I do get a bit "holier than thou" at times...I know that, it's because I'm an arrogant pompous ass, but I'm quite right about a few things, and I generally only tend to get riled up when I read messages that are based upon hatred, cultural disrespect, or lack of consideration of anyone other than straight, white, Baptist Americans.

The world is a big place, and I've seen a lot of it. I've tried to look open minded at all of it's people. Yes, I get nervous around certain groups too, but I try to put myself in their shoes, and see what it would be like to be them. It's difficult.

Besides the life of a Christian, the only other lifestyle I can even possibly imagine that would even come close to being anywhere near as difficult would be that of a homosexual. Imagine trying to live the lifestyle of a Christian homosexual? Why do I say that living the life of a Christian is difficult? That's self-explanatory. Trying to emulate the only perfect man there ever was on the face of the Earth and knowing that you will fail must be pretty hard! Fortunately for the majority of Christians though, most never even put forth 1% of the needed effort to try to live as he did.

Your faith has a question it asks, and I'm not sure who coined it, but it sure is the most abused and least answered question I've ever seen. It goes....


Well, regarding this thread and the ones that support homosexual's rights, and the way they were riduculed throughout this thread, I ask the ones that claim to be Christian......WWJD? Would he have spoken the way that some of you on this forum spoke.

I get rude, and arrogant, and pompous quite's my downfall. Thank God (any God you choose), that at least I don't practice a religion that tells me not to do so, and I continue to do so anyway!
bloody spaniard Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
This thread has shown me a few things.

Even though I initially had nothing to say about homosexuals per se, it has apparently become a sacred cow by the phony pc crowd which would like to turn this country into a mind stalag. No matter, they will not shut us up. I do not take them seriously on this, transgenders, tobacco, animal rights, prohibiting junk food, or whatever this "favorite deviance/fad of the month" comes up with next.

57 you have proven to me that you are a mean-spirited idiot with some interesting stories...Funny how you disregarded my life experiences as apocryphal but yours were anecdotal and factual. To me they were snippets of your tired, predictably small mind: cliched, trite, angry, and boring.

Unlike 57 who probably wouldn't have the cojones to come up to ANY of us if we were tossing a few in a bar with his/her/its loud song and dance, I think that Adroomi might.

Adroomi, what's the story man? One minute you're a charming sybarite with a lifestyle that I unfortunately shared for a while, the next minute the spittle is flying as you rage & lecture us condescendingly. Fortunately, I've also seen the kind, forgiving, funny side.

IMHO, you have been hurt griveously. As I've stated before, no amount of gluttony, wanton sex, booze, cigars, or anger will ever fill your emptiness. Now you, I would like to meet face to face.

cexshun Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
Posts: 1,289
bloody, I'm hurt! You didn't include me in your final summation :(

This debate got a little too heated for me, and it became personal so I backed out for a bit. No use in getting my BP up over a stupid internet disagreement. Blood, if you're ever near Chicago, drop me an email. We must go to a bar and herf together. Uh, I guess it will have to be a straight bar ;) If you want to continue this, you can drop me an email and I'd be glad to call you names and insult your mother.

ceshun at libbintech dotdeedeedotdot com

that's a dot ^^^^^^^^^^
THL Offline
#83 Posted:
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adroomi,the problems stem from intolerance. Not ours, yours. Fact is, we're around gays every day and we do just fine. We don't have to like them. Does that mean we hate them? No, not me, at least. The word hatred was immediately used by cexshun, classic 57 and yourself as well. How can a useful dialog take place when your 1st response is fallacious and contrived to set up a monstrous opponent to be castigated and shouted down? That's the problem, any straying from the PC party line is attacked and those straying are characterized as flawed. That's so much easier than formulating a true response. Then to further insult us you tell us not to believe our own eyes. The world is as it is, not how you would like it to be.
The original topic of this thread was a discussion of gay divorce. As one of those guilty of thread-jacking-off-of the topic, I return to it.

Gay marriage doesn't bother me a bit. I don't see how iy hurts me. What bothers me is that trial lawyers associations nationwide support gay marriage. Along with gay marriage there's has to be gay divorce. There's the connection. Legislatures are largely comprised of lawyers who stand to profit hugely from those divorces. This isn't being force fed to us for altruistic or humanitarian reasons, it's for their profit!
bloody spaniard Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^^^I'm for gay marriage too!
There's no reason that they should stay single & be any happier than us (hetero) married folk! LOL!!

Honey (talking to my wife not you 57), if you read this, I'm just kidding...

Cexshun, don't mind me I'm a dodderin' fool til my 2nd cup of coffee. It was a pleasure speaking with you & yes, maybe I shoulda bowed out like you, but I can't help myself sometimes... Thank you for the invite. BTW, I don't care if the bar is straight or gay, as long as I get to lead on the dance floor. LOL! I'll be in touch, bro.

Lukin, I'm not sure where you stand on any of this. You are a self-declared Christian but I've periodically heard you make your declaration against "Christians with hate speech". Yet, you (purportedly) stand for the same things as the hateful ones- read your comments. Sounds like you have a good, albeit confused, heart.

blood the blowhard

PS:!!!(THL's a druid??? Do you wear a big, pointy hat?)
cexshun Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
Posts: 1,289
Bloody, you're free to lead on the dance floor. I am a terrible dancer, which will hopefully confirm my straight lifestyle if we ever do get together.

Druid? Interesting. I was watching my son's new Veggie Tales DVD with him, and this particular story about St. Patrick mentions druids. Quite funny!

"Druids don't pray to God. They pray to things like twigs."
***cut to short fat guy on a hill holding a twig with a thick irish accent***
"Oh great and mighty twig! You are powerful and .. uh... twig-like."
MACS Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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I'm ashamed to admit it...

I had to look up proselytize. I had no idea what it meant.

pabloescabar Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
Posts: 30,183
twig's are cool...
THL Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
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This hate-speech targeting Druids shows you to posess latent Druidistic tendencies. C'mon now, why don't you just 'fess up? You'd like to sacrifice a virgin now and then, wouldn't you?

And cexshun, those Druids that you describe are just a splinter group.
usahog Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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LMAO @ THL....


cexshun Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
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THL, I wasn't quoting my beliefs on what Druids are. I was quoting Veggie Tales. I was quite surprised at the religous intolerance that episode showed, but I guess they need to add the humor for the kids.

In fact, personally, I know pretty much nothing about real world Druids. Myself, I really don't belong to a religion. If anything, I'd have to say my sprituality is Christian based, i.e. Jesus, God, etc. But my morality is more Norse. Don't really buy into the modern day Oden beliefs, but I find their morals to be ideal.
pabloescabar Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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come join the Rasta's...
bloody spaniard Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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LOL at THL (You know me don't you?!)

Not sure if I got through Cexshun- your address is a bit cryptic... Mine is "mdi (at) maranatha (dot) net". Look forward to hearing from you.

Pablo that would explain a lot about you.

Shawn, I'm proud of you. See, books don't have to hurt like kryptonite...Just take it one page at a time. LOL! BTW, don't feel funny, there a PLENTY of words I don't know nor care to know.

bloody spaniard Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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^ Maybe I should practice writing declarative sentences before I give Shawn advice.
cexshun Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2004
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email sent

BTW, I've also now signed you up for all the gay mailing lists and personals I could find ;)

pabloescabar Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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don't forget playboy's, for the articles...
bloody spaniard Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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Somehow this thread went very wrong...
THL Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
Posts: 3,044
AAAAH, you're just a bunch of hate-filled haters consumed with hatred and hating hatefully.

We Druids are a "Big Tent" religion.

pabloescabar Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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you mean the circus is come'n to town ?
classic57 Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2004
Posts: 236
This IS a circus. Oh excuse me, a bunch of fine upstanding Americans upholding the Constitution and the teachings of Christ.
MACS Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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Hadda get this thread into triple digits...
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