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Last post 19 years ago by Homebrew. 24 replies replies.
PING CigarPrimate*** and others
18delta Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
I have been reading all of the posts lately on evolution vs creation. i AM NOT
Going to debate the subject or enter into the discussions. But I would like to burn you a cd and send it to you on the scientific proof of creation. it covers all of the things you have posted and most of the things you have not. If you like science, thermodynamics, and archaeological proof, i promise this will not be a waste of time. I am not trying to “turn” you, I would just like for you to see that most Christians can argue based on simple belief, not ever knowing the scientific proof that is out there. However there is more evidence FOR creation than evolution, and I simply would like the chance to show you. I know it would not hold much water coming from an electrician, therefore I offer you proof from one in the field of science.

I will burn it for you on cd or you can download it strait from the internet if you are interested.

It covers:
six literal days of creation
The ice age
The flood

Thank you

bassdude Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
hey now what about the rest of us???
18delta Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
i said and others......i will burn anyone a cd interested, or let me get the link and you can download it strait from the internet. it is a long download but WELL WORTH your time.....

18delta Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
CigarPrimate Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
You're an electrician? Cool. Look, I don't want to piss you off because you've been good cigar mentors and traders, but biblical creation is a neolithic allegory of physical law and psychology, which is fine, but biology, modern physical law, etc. has simply supplanted the old timey myths. I'll look at your propaganda if you'll agree to discuss it reasonably, i.e., agree to logical conclusions based on modern scientific evidence, since that is what you claim supports your view. I'll agree to logical, scientiifiic explanations if you agree to do so also, deal? But no need to burn a CD, just supply the website for all to inspect.
18delta Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
just look at the website. the age of the earth is over 2 hours long.

let me warn you now the first 15 minutes contains all of the "Christian stuff" and after that it goes into the science part. skip the "Christian stuff" if you want but please do not miss the science part. i think this will make you atleast think before you call Christians "feeble minded".(i know you haven't said that but i know most "educated" people think that):0)


ps yes i am an electrician

countryboy83 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 08-28-2004
Posts: 1,432
Primate, did you hear her. She isn't getting involved in a debate with you. She's JUST giving you information to better further your own opinion. I would take her up on her offer, what do you have to lose from gaining knowledge?

bassdude Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
25 minutes to download the first file.
coda Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 07-27-2003
Posts: 623

With respect, how can you possibly think you could post here without incurring debate (or, at least, senseless arguments and jokes)? You can't even ask about cello without 20 responses.

I might as well copy and paste my personal Manifesto, and demand that everyone accept it without discussion... or even offer my personal Manifesto on a cd. I could even state how convincing it is, if that would make people subscribe. (I don't think I'd get many takers.)

If your issue is rocks vs. a Book, there isn't necessarily any issue that requires you to guardedly make this post. Evolution and a Creator can co-exist.

If your issue is 7 days vs. a trillion days, you may have started a long, annoying thread.
countryboy83 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-28-2004
Posts: 1,432
Keep it up Coda, and your going to get 18Delta and the rest of the faithful Delta followers (myself included) on your butt.

There is a place for sharp comments, this isn't one.

bassdude Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
hey coda, she said she will not debate - to the rest of you it is an open thread. She presented her info and may not post on this thread again. you wanna see debates search for jdrabinski

18 minutes for the 2nd file.

now to find the time to watch it.
18delta Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
i know i will undoubtedly incur numerous replies from those who may wish to debate, make jokes, or otherwise. however, my intention was simply to offer this information to those who may be interested. i do not demand that anyone accept anything i say or believe.

i feel it is sad that many Christians seem to be unaware that there is information that supports their beliefs. as for primate, this was simply a friendly offering of information. we happen to like CigarPrimate, though we may disagree on many issues. as for the "others" refered to in my earlier statements, those interested can take the information or leave it. once again, this was not intended to cause any undue strife or long, annoying threads.......see creationism vs evolution for that.

countryboy83 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-28-2004
Posts: 1,432
well said. Bass and myself can't put that womanly charm into things very well. LOL

Thanks for the cd offer. It's very nice of you. I have a slow computer, is there anyway you can send me a copy?

bassdude Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
hey country if she is busy I can burn it tomorrow. My e-mail is every where.
drnos Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2003
Posts: 2,787
Cave paintings of dinosaurs. Now a fossilized mammal is found with a dinosaur in its stomach! See link:

Leaky found a hominid far, far older than previously thought possible. The theory of the evolution of the species is still undergoing tremendous changes.
18delta Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
country i've got a package going out to you anyway so i'm told.........

drnos(?) thank you for the link!
CigarPrimate Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
Yea, but consider the source. according to this site:

Dr. Dino, erstwhile known as Dr. Kent Hovind, forwards his message based on apparently false academic credentials. The authors state that "Hovind claims to possess a masters degree and a doctorate in education from Patriot University in Colorado. According to Hovind, his 250-page dissertation was on the topic of the dangers of teaching evolution in the public schools. Formerly affiliated with Hilltop Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Patriot University is accredited only by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, an accreditation mill that provides accreditation for a $100 charge. Patriot University has moved to Alamosa, Colorado and continues to offer correspondence courses for $15 to $32 per credit. The school's catalog contains course descriptions but no listing of the school's faculty or their credentials. Name It and Frame It lists Patriot University as a degree mill [3]."

One absolute criterion for valid scientific status is peer review. As a scientist myself, I can hardly take Dr. Dino's word carte blanche without at least some affirmation and verification from others in the scientific community. Peer review is one of the most prominent features available to verify the veracity of scientific claims. Coda's dead on in that regard; without open debate among peers no rational conclusions are likely to be had. It seems hardly worth the time to heed the claims of a man bearing false credentials.
CigarPrimate Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
Hey Drnos, I read the Yahoo article you posted. Very interesting. However, as the article states, "the latest discovery shows some mammals, the Repenomamus or 'reptile mammals,'" ate the dinosaurs. Mammals proper certainly didn't appear in force till after the K/T extinction of 65 million years ago, and therefore could not have eaten dinosaurs. The putative missing links however, the quasi-mammal/quasi-reptile intermediate species such as repenomamus as cited in the article, or even older specimens, such as the late triassic therapsids, do not support your additive claim of cave paintings of dinosaurs. Cave paintings of mammoths or giant sloths perhaps. Interesting article though. The tiny mammal-like creatures the article mentions lived a mean existence till the dinosaurs started dieing out. Small, secluded, and opportunistic, our tiny ancestors thrived once a new niche was opened up to them after cataclysmic events did away with the dinos, then there was no turning back. Look at us now!
eleltea Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
I agree about the importance of pier reviews. According to most reviews, the Santa Monica pier is the best on the west coast. It was created by the random action of waves on the beach.
Wyteyes Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 01-03-2005
Posts: 2,413
I bet those caves with the pictographs would be a good place to keep cigars.

I'll go for a copy. [email protected] Email me and I''ll send you my address.

dave97402 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 12-24-2003
Posts: 3,598 is nice of you to offer cd's with this info. Last year our church did a series on this stuff. Very interesting in what the scientific proof actually points to. In all cases, it supports creation more than evolution. It was cool.....but you should have known that some of these guys would not even consider taking you up on your offer.

CigarPrimate Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
Wow! I've heard of the infamous young earther Kent Hovind before. Some scientists I know are obsessed with prominent creationist figures and spend hours studying them, trying to refute them, etc. I've always prefered to just stick with the science itself due to time constraints. I did peek in on Hovind (not his 17 hour video seminar however), and seriously, the guy appears to be a bonified nut job. With no academic or professional background to draw from, he traces the path of evolution thus:

"Hovind then begins the actual purported history of evolution, starting with Satan, whom he believes fell from heaven about 100 years after the creation of Adam and Eve. It is alleged that the snake brought the theory of evolution to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. No Bible verses are cited to substantiate this assertion. Then there are nearly three pages of Biblical quotations dealing with pride and how God hates it. Pride and evolution are conjoined in Hovind's mind because evolution allegedly teaches that man is its ultimate product. Evolution proceeded through Cain, Hovind goes on, and continued to be propagated after the Flood (2400 BC), like a virus."

This preposterous passage can be found at this site:

Dr. Dino? No gracias.

#23 Posted:
Joined: 11-24-2003
Posts: 1,798
Hot off the press:,2933,144267,00.html
CigarPrimate Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
Yea I saw this article in this mornig's paper. It's really discouraging to see adults so willing to manipulate kids this way for their own whacko ends. Kids deserve the truth, about everything. The ironic thing is these clowns didn't even get their terminology right. Evolution is a theory supported by facts. Like any theory, or model, if it cannot be supported by facts, it cannot be called a theory (in science at least). These zealot's stickers warned that 'evolution is a theory, not a fact.' The reality is that evolution, like gravity, is a valid scientific theory precisely because it is supported by facts. What a world! Thank Venus I live in California.
Homebrew Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hey MrsDelta18,
I would like a copy.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
homebrew at centurytel dot net.
P.S. I have been trying to reconcile my, christian beliefs, with my education.
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