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Last post 11 years ago by gae9jang2j. 108 replies replies.
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Where are we going...
DaQueenBeez Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
...and what are we doing in this handbasket?????

Okay - I'm going to try to clear up a few things as far as "forum tradition" and history (Now, as a frumpy librarian, I'm a slave to tradition and as a fog I dislike change and people on my lawn, but I am deliberately trying to keep this post neutral. If I seem to be falling on the side of foggishness... go back and read the previous sentence again LOL!)
If I get anything wrong, please let me know, but here is my take on it:

I think the root of the problem is bored noobs. Children NEED structure - even when they balk at it, they crave it. Noobs have been without structure for a while, here. Nature abhorrs a vacuum, and Letsrock filled the vacuum. For the noo noods who don't even know WHY we call them noods, boobs or Donkeys, why the General is called The General or anything about Beyder's sister, Shpos, Steaky, Parsnicketydoo or Pacman's e-noogies among other oblique references that get thrown around, there's no way you could possibly know that the noob culture here hasn't ALWAYS been uncoordinated. There are several things that have happened recently (but before most of your times) that led to it. I'll try to set up a timeline:

First of all, we have had an organization called OpNSB (Operation Noobs Strike Back) for quite a while. It began with one of the most seriously disturbed and certifiably insane noobs I have ever encountered - Grampa. ( When Grampa decided to help out on the Noob Trade thread, he was christened a "vet" and passed the torch and title "Donkey King" to Linc., and on and on and on. Eventually it went to an amazing SOTL who goes by the handle Lluvia.
Right around the beginning of Lluvia's reign, however, two things happened simultaneously: In addition to being a single mom and working 2 jobs, Lluvia found herself in a situation where she HAD to put her family's safety and well-being first... nothing minor, mind you - we're talking about a situation where there was a real, physical DANGER that involved moving, new phone numbers, etc.

At the same time, we had a crop of ... well... pretty useless noobs moving through. Not ALL, to be sure... but a LARGE majority were not very active anywhere else on the forum and disappeared immediately after their noob trade. They didn't take part in other trades or bombings, and didn't rally to OpNSB bombings when the Noob Queen called. (From where I stand, noob energy, enthusiasm and participation had been slowly declining over the previous 1 1/2 - 2 previous Donkey Kings, and had really hit a low when it got to Lluvia. Active and enthusiastic noobs were almost immediately "crossing to the dark side" and helping FGM with vet trades. Nothing wrong with THAT! But there were no like-minded noobs coming in to take their places.) Since she really didn't have the time or energy to rabble rouse and try to breathe life into a bunch of dead donkeys, the OpNSB campaigns ended up being carried by a few AWESOME noobs...but no one likes playing by themselves, and there were more fun things going on that they turned their attentions to. I think the economy tanking and giving everyone a financial kick in the crotch contributed as well. The upshot is that everything went on a sort of hiatus for about a year.

Recently, we've had an influx of exceptionally cheeky noobs. Now, I don't think they're NAUGHTY kids... just mischieveous and bored. They needed something to DO... a constructive channel for their noob energies! At roughly the same time,1) Lluvia responded by passing the scepter to someone who had the time and energy to handle the wild bunch, and 2) a particularly ambitious noob remembered to take his Ritalin, found some focus, and stepped up to fill the same void...knowing NOTHING of the existence of OpNSB.

So here we sit: cheeky noob on a throne that he THOUGHT was vacant, and the heir to that throne coming home to find said throne occupied by a usurper who didn't know there was anything to usurp in the first place. NO ONE is in the wrong, as far as I can see...but it presents a problem, doesn't it?

The way I see it, we have some options:

Everyone can take sides - noobs and vets alike. Rather than one, destructive offensive strike, we get two halfazzed strikes and things are set up to descend into chaos and eventually fizzle again. Bad blood flows on the trade board. This rowdy crop of noods with so much potential, finds the divided trade board to be a hostile and unpleasant place to play and becomes less and less active. Neither side is ever taken seriously by the vets, for obvious reasons...and because come on...they're NOOD DONKEYS! (Whoops... did I type that? BWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Noods and nood leaders can tell the vets to butt out (I don't recommend it - makes us testy and we'll mind any business we like thank you very much damn noobs coming in acting like they own the place and while you're at it GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!!!!). Busa and Letsrock can take the matter to PM, email, text message, phone call, candygram, smoke signal or semaphore... just OFF THE FORUM where there's no dog-piling or DRRRAAAAAAAMMMMMMAAAAAAA. They work out something that they feel best benefits the noobs AND respects forum history and tradition (which, whether you know it or not, benefits everyone, including the noobs) with all personal ego and ambition set aside. A compromise is reached, the final solution is presented to the Donkey Herd for their approval or disapproval (Unless they decide to make it an edict rather than a vote.)

(end neutrality)
My personal opinion is this (take or leave it as you like... opinions are like belly-buttons, after all):

I think that the noobs aren't necessarily trying to move in and change forum culture to their liking... but it's looking that way to a lot of people and causing bad blood. Folks who have been here more than a year or two feel much the same way about it as they did about Greedo shooting first. This isn't government work, where if it ain't broke, you fix it till it is! Tradition says that Busa is the noob king, and as a traditionalist, I support him. (HOWEVER... I'm really liking the ring of "Nood World Order" vs "Operation Noobs Strike Back." Less defensive and more offensive... and if there's anything noobs are good at, it's being offensive BWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...aah, er... I typed that again, didn't I?)

Busa is a lot more than "haaa" and "tee hee" and "que" - he doesn't often have time to write a novel like I'm doing here, but he DOES at least use those to maintain a presence on the boards AND to lighten the mood sometimes. Busa has a long history of rabble rousing, troop bombing and Noob Trade vetting... whatever the outcome, I think it would be VERY beneficial to the noob coalition to have him on board.

Also, I think that it would be VERY beneficial to a noob coalition to have someone with a few miles on him. Busa knows the cast of characters, who makes a good target, who will squeal the loudest, ADDRESSES...
He is also someone who KNOWS the histories and traditions and can let them in on the inside jokes AND keep them from "stepping in it" all the time.

Cultures are made of history and tradition. We have a unique, strange, screwed-up little culture here... but by and large, that's what drew you here in the first place, and that's what keeps you here, if you stay.

Cultures also adapt, grow and evolve...that needs to be taken into consideration. On that front, I think Letsrock or someone like him NEEDS to be a major player in the noo noob coalition (No, I'm not waffling. I'm an avowed pancake supporter.)The recent noob rampages remind me of the heyday of OpNSB under Grampa's insane reign... and I'm loving it! THAT is what a herd of rabid donkeys is SUPPOSED to look like! They just need to stay focused and coordinated...

Beyond that, at the risk of ticking off the vets, I think the noobs need to tell the vets to mind their own business. I know that Busa-king would not hesitate to tell me to pizz-off... although he'd be a little nicer than that because he knows he doesn't want a woman scorned on his butt! BWAHAHAHA! Plus, I vetted a noob or two, but I never HAD a vet, so I'm a hybrid... I WALK IN BOTH WORLDS! BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Also, I'm not going to shut up even if he tells me to and he knows it! HAAAAA!!!!

Well, there ya go. I'm a Libra librarian. This is what we do. We seek balance and use a chit-ton of words doing it LMAO!
justinjoslin82 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-02-2013
Posts: 419
Holy shat. I skipped all that reading just to comment. I will go back to reading now.
smelly4tay Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 11-15-2003
Posts: 2,775
.....and are we there yet?
stinger88 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 05-29-2012
Posts: 6,586
Nicely put.
illinichaser Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2011
Posts: 5,772
Applause Applause Applause Applause

mikey1597 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 05-18-2007
Posts: 14,162
Retired or not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you are still the Queen
fishinguitarman Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
Posts: 69,157
I'm worn out....

Well done Queenie!
Ilovetosmoke68 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 07-10-2012
Posts: 2,356
Most noobs today suffer from ADD, they need to sit back take some time to smell the roses.

Just my useless opinion.
nicholasjames Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-15-2012
Posts: 505
well that explains alot. thanku daqueenbeez.
mikey1597 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 05-18-2007
Posts: 14,162
Ilovetosmoke68 wrote:
Most noobs today suffer from ADD, they need to sit back take some time to smell my butt.

Just my useless opinion.

The edit function is something the "OLD" forum didn't have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I like it.
Confuzed Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-19-2012
Posts: 1,571
carls7069 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 05-24-2012
Posts: 1,794
What she said! I think
LetsRock Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 01-23-2012
Posts: 4,595
Well said Queen!!
ZRX1200 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,751
Get in my van Tammy......I'll show you the way.

LetsRock has had good intentions I dislike the recent execution.

My opinion isn't worth the computer screen it's typed on, but I support whatever Busa decides. This is rightfully his throne.
ringsize Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 04-12-2012
Posts: 721
standing ovation
jpellegrin Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 11-16-2012
Posts: 1,027
Now see, that was painless and it filled in alot of gaps. Da Queen is right we just wanted someone to look to for leadership and LR filled...then when all the vets bombed the living hell out of him, well we thought we had the vets blessing.

Personally, I would rather have peace than whatever is decided and is best for this place I am all for! I have learned alot from here about cigars and other issues and would hate to see it go the way of another board that 'puffed' its last breath.

Thanks Queeny!
Campage Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2012
Posts: 6,283
TO: DA QUEEN- I hate to be the one to tell you this. And I know everyone here really likes you a lot, myself included BUT You do not belong here!!!!

You are Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to level headed!!!!!!!!

JK. Don't beat me.
DaQueenBeez Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
^^^^^^^^^ TELL MY CHILDREN, PLEASE!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^
Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall

So.... where do we draw the line between beating and spanking? Think :-"
whip whip whip
Confuzed Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 07-19-2012
Posts: 1,571
After 18..
SMGBobbyScott Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2012
Posts: 3,328
So here is my .02....a basic fundamental of management is that leaders LEAD...I can appreciate what the "Donkey King" may or may not do behind the scenes but as the Queen clearly stated, "nature abhors a vacuum" and there was clearly a leadership vacuum here that LetsRock stepped up to fill. I for one have been on the boards since July and I honestly thought that the whole "Donkey King" title was a nickname until about a week or two ago. So how exactly does that show leadership? He might be a perfectly nice guy and do great things but if I don't even know who he is, then how effective can he be? In contrast, LetsRock has actively recruited me into his noob army and I have developed a strong relationship with him through numerous pm's over the past several months.

jpellegrin Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 11-16-2012
Posts: 1,027
fishinguitarman wrote:
I'm worn out....

Well done Queenie!

So you were a s hit disturber?!!! I knew there was a reason I was drawn to you besides the thonginator pic!
DCLover Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 09-26-2008
Posts: 4,229
Another "well said" for the queen.

That was funny Camron!
banderl Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
DaQueenBeez wrote:
...and what are we doing in this handbasket?????

Okay - I'm going to try to clear up a few things as far as "forum tradition" and history (Now, as a frumpy librarian, I'm a slave to tradition and as a fog I dislike change and people on my lawn, but I am deliberately trying to keep this post neutral. If I seem to be falling on the side of foggishness... go back and read the previous sentence again LOL!)
If I get anything wrong, please let me know, but here is my take on it:

I think the root of the problem is bored noobs. Children NEED structure - even when they balk at it, they crave it. Noobs have been without structure for a while, here. Nature abhorrs a vacuum, and Letsrock filled the vacuum. For the noo noods who don't even know WHY we call them noods, boobs or Donkeys, why the General is called The General or anything about Beyder's sister, Shpos, Steaky, Parsnicketydoo or Pacman's e-noogies among other oblique references that get thrown around, there's no way you could possibly know that the noob culture here hasn't ALWAYS been uncoordinated. There are several things that have happened recently (but before most of your times) that led to it. I'll try to set up a timeline:

First of all, we have had an organization called OpNSB (Operation Noobs Strike Back) for quite a while. It began with one of the most seriously disturbed and certifiably insane noobs I have ever encountered - Grampa. ( When Grampa decided to help out on the Noob Trade thread, he was christened a "vet" and passed the torch and title "Donkey King" to Linc., and on and on and on. Eventually it went to an amazing SOTL who goes by the handle Lluvia.
Right around the beginning of Lluvia's reign, however, two things happened simultaneously: In addition to being a single mom and working 2 jobs, Lluvia found herself in a situation where she HAD to put her family's safety and well-being first... nothing minor, mind you - we're talking about a situation where there was a real, physical DANGER that involved moving, new phone numbers, etc.

At the same time, we had a crop of ... well... pretty useless noobs moving through. Not ALL, to be sure... but a LARGE majority were not very active anywhere else on the forum and disappeared immediately after their noob trade. They didn't take part in other trades or bombings, and didn't rally to OpNSB bombings when the Noob Queen called. (From where I stand, noob energy, enthusiasm and participation had been slowly declining over the previous 1 1/2 - 2 previous Donkey Kings, and had really hit a low when it got to Lluvia. Active and enthusiastic noobs were almost immediately "crossing to the dark side" and helping FGM with vet trades. Nothing wrong with THAT! But there were no like-minded noobs coming in to take their places.) Since she really didn't have the time or energy to rabble rouse and try to breathe life into a bunch of dead donkeys, the OpNSB campaigns ended up being carried by a few AWESOME noobs...but no one likes playing by themselves, and there were more fun things going on that they turned their attentions to. I think the economy tanking and giving everyone a financial kick in the crotch contributed as well. The upshot is that everything went on a sort of hiatus for about a year.

Recently, we've had an influx of exceptionally cheeky noobs. Now, I don't think they're NAUGHTY kids... just mischieveous and bored. They needed something to DO... a constructive channel for their noob energies! At roughly the same time,1) Lluvia responded by passing the scepter to someone who had the time and energy to handle the wild bunch, and 2) a particularly ambitious noob remembered to take his Ritalin, found some focus, and stepped up to fill the same void...knowing NOTHING of the existence of OpNSB.

So here we sit: cheeky noob on a throne that he THOUGHT was vacant, and the heir to that throne coming home to find said throne occupied by a usurper who didn't know there was anything to usurp in the first place. NO ONE is in the wrong, as far as I can see...but it presents a problem, doesn't it?

The way I see it, we have some options:

Everyone can take sides - noobs and vets alike. Rather than one, destructive offensive strike, we get two halfazzed strikes and things are set up to descend into chaos and eventually fizzle again. Bad blood flows on the trade board. This rowdy crop of noods with so much potential, finds the divided trade board to be a hostile and unpleasant place to play and becomes less and less active. Neither side is ever taken seriously by the vets, for obvious reasons...and because come on...they're NOOD DONKEYS! (Whoops... did I type that? BWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Noods and nood leaders can tell the vets to butt out (I don't recommend it - makes us testy and we'll mind any business we like thank you very much damn noobs coming in acting like they own the place and while you're at it GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!!!!). Busa and Letsrock can take the matter to PM, email, text message, phone call, candygram, smoke signal or semaphore... just OFF THE FORUM where there's no dog-piling or DRRRAAAAAAAMMMMMMAAAAAAA. They work out something that they feel best benefits the noobs AND respects forum history and tradition (which, whether you know it or not, benefits everyone, including the noobs) with all personal ego and ambition set aside. A compromise is reached, the final solution is presented to the Donkey Herd for their approval or disapproval (Unless they decide to make it an edict rather than a vote.)

(end neutrality)
My personal opinion is this (take or leave it as you like... opinions are like belly-buttons, after all):

I think that the noobs aren't necessarily trying to move in and change forum culture to their liking... but it's looking that way to a lot of people and causing bad blood. Folks who have been here more than a year or two feel much the same way about it as they did about Greedo shooting first. This isn't government work, where if it ain't broke, you fix it till it is! Tradition says that Busa is the noob king, and as a traditionalist, I support him. (HOWEVER... I'm really liking the ring of "Nood World Order" vs "Operation Noobs Strike Back." Less defensive and more offensive... and if there's anything noobs are good at, it's being offensive BWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...aah, er... I typed that again, didn't I?)

Busa is a lot more than "haaa" and "tee hee" and "que" - he doesn't often have time to write a novel like I'm doing here, but he DOES at least use those to maintain a presence on the boards AND to lighten the mood sometimes. Busa has a long history of rabble rousing, troop bombing and Noob Trade vetting... whatever the outcome, I think it would be VERY beneficial to the noob coalition to have him on board.

Also, I think that it would be VERY beneficial to a noob coalition to have someone with a few miles on him. Busa knows the cast of characters, who makes a good target, who will squeal the loudest, ADDRESSES...
He is also someone who KNOWS the histories and traditions and can let them in on the inside jokes AND keep them from "stepping in it" all the time.

Cultures are made of history and tradition. We have a unique, strange, screwed-up little culture here... but by and large, that's what drew you here in the first place, and that's what keeps you here, if you stay.

Cultures also adapt, grow and evolve...that needs to be taken into consideration. On that front, I think Letsrock or someone like him NEEDS to be a major player in the noo noob coalition (No, I'm not waffling. I'm an avowed pancake supporter.)The recent noob rampages remind me of the heyday of OpNSB under Grampa's insane reign... and I'm loving it! THAT is what a herd of rabid donkeys is SUPPOSED to look like! They just need to stay focused and coordinated...

Beyond that, at the risk of ticking off the vets, I think the noobs need to tell the vets to mind their own business. I know that Busa-king would not hesitate to tell me to pizz-off... although he'd be a little nicer than that because he knows he doesn't want a woman scorned on his butt! BWAHAHAHA! Plus, I vetted a noob or two, but I never HAD a vet, so I'm a hybrid... I WALK IN BOTH WORLDS! BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Also, I'm not going to shut up even if he tells me to and he knows it! HAAAAA!!!!

Well, there ya go. I'm a Libra librarian. This is what we do. We seek balance and use a chit-ton of words doing it LMAO!

z6joker9 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2011
Posts: 5,902
Can someone post a tl;dr?
dhoppe_rock Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2013
Posts: 1,070
z6joker9 wrote:
Can someone post a tl;dr?

I so wanted to but being an extremely new n00b and in the spirit of the message, I, I did read it all.

Won't let it happen again!
DaQueenBeez Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
SMGBobbyScott wrote:
So here is my .02....a basic fundamental of management is that leaders LEAD...I can appreciate what the "Donkey King" may or may not do behind the scenes but as the Queen clearly stated, "nature abhors a vacuum" and there was clearly a leadership vacuum here that LetsRock stepped up to fill. I for one have been on the boards since July and I honestly thought that the whole "Donkey King" title was a nickname until about a week or two ago. So how exactly does that show leadership? He might be a perfectly nice guy and do great things but if I don't even know who he is, then how effective can he be? In contrast, LetsRock has actively recruited me into his noob army and I have developed a strong relationship with him through numerous pm's over the past several months.


Not an argument, just a clarification: IIRC, Lluvia handed off to busa right around the time that letsrock was running his first big bru-ha-ha. I haven't rummaged around the threads to confirm or anything - I just recall both events taking place in roughly the same time frame. The leaderless period you're talking about would have been during Lluvia's reign...but I think her priorities were definitely in the right place. What Busa was doing during that time had nothing to do with OpNSB, really. I don't think anyone dropped the ball, and I don't think anyone muscled in... I think two people stepped into the same vacuum at the same time and the confusion occurred for several reasons.
DaQueenBeez Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
dhoppe_rock wrote:
I so wanted to but being an extremely new n00b and in the spirit of the message, I, I did read it all.

Won't let it happen again!

You read it ALL???

suckerrrrr..... whip
vrodrider Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-07-2007
Posts: 7,748
Guess I am another sucker

well said Queenie
dhoppe_rock Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2013
Posts: 1,070
DaQueenBeez wrote:
You read it ALL???

suckerrrrr..... whip

Just trying to make a good impression.....I'm the kid that always sucked up to Mom and got my siblings in trouble!
engletl Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
Posts: 26,493
Well said Queen.

the only added statement I can make - when the Nood king (or queen for that matter) starts taking on noods in the nood trade thread that was historically the end of said king's reign as leader of the donkey tards. And as has been custom through the changing of the king, the incoming leader immediately called for a strike on the outgoing leader.

And of course ALL nood plans are expected to continue to be vetted through Da General first as was originally written by grampa at my direction in the Operation Noobs Strike Back charter. You can thank boileremt for the silly dance you have to do upon your initiation to the rank and file of nood donkeys. As for the things you have to do with the poodles...umm well I think the poodle pumper had something to do with that during his reign as leader.
SMGBobbyScott Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2012
Posts: 3,328
DaQueenBeez wrote:
You read it ALL???

suckerrrrr..... whip

Sucker = NOOB
crgcpro Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 04-27-2012
Posts: 7,867
Nice post!

But what's a Semaphone?
#33 Posted:
Joined: 04-10-2011
Posts: 1,295
Wow that's a lot of words.....
Abrignac Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
So if I understand things correctly a leader is supposed to emerge at some point?
DaQueenBeez Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
crgcpro wrote:
Nice post!

But what's a Semaphone?

I get a mental image of Busa and Letsrock doing a version of the Monty Python "Wuthering Heights in Semaphore" sketch ROFLMAO!!!!
DaQueenBeez Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
Abrignac wrote:
So if I understand things correctly a leader is supposed to emerge at some point?

((((me shrugs))))

I just kind of figured everyone would fall asleep reading my post, and they'd all be less cranky after a nap...
crgcpro Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 04-27-2012
Posts: 7,867
DaQueenBeez wrote:

I get a mental image of Busa and Letsrock doing a version of the Monty Python "Wuthering Heights in Semaphore" sketch ROFLMAO!!!!

That's cool. See we can learn a lot from our FOGS!
#38 Posted:
Joined: 09-17-2009
Posts: 7,897
Is there a Cliff notes version for the OP?


#39 Posted:
Joined: 09-17-2009
Posts: 7,897
I found it.




#40 Posted:
Joined: 04-10-2011
Posts: 1,295
Is there a Cliff notes version for the OP?



i think the first noob to read the whole thing and provide the Cliff Notes should be the Noob Leader
crgcpro Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 04-27-2012
Posts: 7,867
Is there a Cliff notes version for the OP?



Yep Da Queenie is really smart and everyone needs to stay off her lawn and yours too!
#42 Posted:
Joined: 04-10-2011
Posts: 1,295
crgcpro wrote:
Yep Da Queenie is really smart and everyone needs to stay off her lawn and yours too!

there it is you are now the Noob king.......w:d/
grrrrr609 Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2008
Posts: 9,171
My .02 cents

Well stated Queenie

NoNV (similar to secret santa) - completed
n00b box pass - nearing completion
n00b PIB - ongoing, with no complaints of n00bs not sending
n00b troop bombing - in progress

Mutiple bombs sent to n00bs and vets alike. With the exception of the capped box Tiger was sent, which i think was a joke because i have most n00bs addys and none are from there, i saw no complaints.

I see n00bs posting threads asking questions. I have answered many PMs answering question.

These guys have learned well in the ways of cbid. They now know what a PIB is. How a box pass works. How secret santa works. And they get flamed for not knowing the tradition of donkey king?

I think this is a dayum fine bunch of n00bs. They wanna elect a leader and call themselves NWO? I dont care. As long as when donkey king has them doing their n00bs strike back hits, i dont care.

These are a fine bunch of n00bs and i call them friends.
crgcpro Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 04-27-2012
Posts: 7,867
there it is you are now the Noob king.......w:d/

Dammit every time I miss a meeting, I get nominated to some phugging committee!

sd72 Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 03-09-2011
Posts: 9,600
Queen. Can you post a pic of yourself? I can't decide wether to believe you're frumpy or not. I'm going not.
Campage Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2012
Posts: 6,283
DC Lover spelled my name correct!?!? That NEVER happens.

I'm truly flattered, I need to celebrate by sending you a fiver!
Abrignac Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
DaQueenBeez wrote:
((((me shrugs))))

I just kind of figured everyone would fall asleep reading my post, and they'd all be less cranky after a nap...

Some cry when they wake up.

horse Frying pan Sarcasm whip ram27bat
ringsize Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 04-12-2012
Posts: 721
...still standing and clapping...
#49 Posted:
Joined: 04-10-2011
Posts: 1,295
ringsize wrote:
...still standing and clapping...

SMGBobbyScott Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2012
Posts: 3,328
grrrrr609 wrote:
My .02 cents

Well stated Queenie

NoNV (similar to secret santa) - completed
n00b box pass - nearing completion
n00b PIB - ongoing, with no complaints of n00bs not sending
n00b troop bombing - in progress

Mutiple bombs sent to n00bs and vets alike. With the exception of the capped box Tiger was sent, which i think was a joke because i have most n00bs addys and none are from there, i saw no complaints.

I see n00bs posting threads asking questions. I have answered many PMs answering question.

These guys have learned well in the ways of cbid. They now know what a PIB is. How a box pass works. How secret santa works. And they get flamed for not knowing the tradition of donkey king?

I think this is a dayum fine bunch of n00bs. They wanna elect a leader and call themselves NWO? I dont care. As long as when donkey king has them doing their n00bs strike back hits, i dont care.

These are a fine bunch of n00bs and i call them friends.

Well said! Here here!
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