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Last post 2 years ago by borndead1. 75 replies replies.
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Clarence Thomas, his next agenda choice.
Speyside2 Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,561
Justice Clarence Thomas argued in a concurring opinion released on Friday that the Supreme Court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying rights to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage.

Really? Contraceptive access. What next, chastity belts?
DrafterX Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 99,066
He was just kiddin... Mellow
ZRX1200 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,109
Scary black man was the only one saying that, one justice isn’t going to determine their docket:
HockeyDad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,571
Speyside2 wrote:
Justice Clarence Thomas argued in a concurring opinion released on Friday that the Supreme Court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying rights to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage.

Really? Contraceptive access. What next, chastity belts?

I think Axl wrote that.
DrafterX Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Speyside2 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
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True, and the Trump toys said they would not overturn precedent, never ever ever. The constitution to an originalist, is very different than to a constitutionalist. I guess go intestin condoms are OK.
DrafterX Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 99,066
Do you have quotes..?? Huh
rfenst Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Scary black man was the only one saying that, one justice isn’t going to determine their docket:

Justices should not telegraph their legal opinions on matters not before them.
frankj1 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,563
spilling seed is a sin, I think.
DrafterX Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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God gets quite irate... Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,571
Maybe all y’all should stop harassing Clarence Thomas’ wife
HockeyDad Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,571
Speyside2 wrote:
True, and the Trump toys said they would not overturn precedent, never ever ever. The constitution to an originalist, is very different than to a constitutionalist. I guess go intestin condoms are OK.

It’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fault. They’re gonna dig her up.
DrafterX Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 99,066
You think they'll auction off her implants..?? Huh
Mr. Jones Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,873
I guess lamb skin intestines will be back in popularity...

Just like the biblical days....


DrafterX Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 99,066
Says da singing bush... to the tune of My Sharona... Mellow
frankj1 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,563
leave the gun, take the condom
Brewha Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,507
He is not truly going far enough. What about mixed race marriages?

Or honest white peoples creating commerce with slaves?
RayR Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,513
I think what Thomas was alluding to is there is no Constitutional right to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage, so Congress has no enumerated powers to codify any of that stuff into law. In other words, just like the Roe vs. Wade ruling, they are a states rights issue and nothing else.
I know this probably irritates you people who believe FREE federal gubment condoms and FREE birth control pills are your right.

President Numbnuts said, “If the rationale of the decision as released were to be sustained, a whole range of rights are in question. A whole range of rights,” President Joe Biden said of the draft opinion at the time. “And the idea [that] we’re letting the states make those decisions, localities make those decisions, would be a fundamental shift in what we’ve done.”

You can smell the fear in the authoritarian nationalist President, that the wool they have pulled over the eyes of the proles to convince them of federal supremacy in all matters is falling away.
Speyside2 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,561
Free condoms and birth control pills mean less abortions. That is a win for pro life. Not in that another potential baby was born, rather in a potential baby was not aborted. If you really are pro life and not just pro baby creation I think you can conceptualize this.
BuckyB93 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,519
Speyside2 wrote:
Free condoms and birth control pills mean less abortions. That is a win for pro life. Not in that another potential baby was born, rather in a potential baby was not aborted. If you really are pro life and not just pro baby creation I think you can contraceptive this.

See what I did there? (giggle).
RayR Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,513
Speyside2 wrote:
Free condoms and birth control pills mean less abortions. That is a win for pro life. Not in that another potential baby was born, rather in a potential baby was not aborted. If you really are pro life and not just pro baby creation I think you can conceptualize this.

So yer a contraceptive socialist? Eh?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 56,557
RayR wrote:
I think what Thomas was alluding to is there is no Constitutional right to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage, so Congress has no enumerated powers to codify any of that stuff into law. In other words, just like the Roe vs. Wade ruling, they are a states rights issue and nothing else.
I know this probably irritates you people who believe FREE federal gubment condoms and FREE birth control pills are your right.

President Numbnuts said, “If the rationale of the decision as released were to be sustained, a whole range of rights are in question. A whole range of rights,” President Joe Biden said of the draft opinion at the time. “And the idea [that] we’re letting the states make those decisions, localities make those decisions, would be a fundamental shift in what we’ve done.”

You can smell the fear in the authoritarian nationalist President, that the wool they have pulled over the eyes of the proles to convince them of federal supremacy in all matters is falling away.


Good summation
Speyside2 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,561
As I reflect on the recent US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, I feel profoundly grateful that the justices made the decision to uphold the most basic of all human rights – the right to be born.

I also recognize that the conversation about abortion is controversial, even in Christian circles. The justices’ decision inevitably raises other very real concerns such as healthcare, quality of life for children, and the potentially difficult and even life-altering circumstances by which a pregnancy might have come about. For those reasons, we as a church will continue to support expectant mothers and their families to the best of our ability, regardless of the circumstances.

Historically, our church has not only been a body that has upheld the right for all people to be born, but it too has also been a haven of adoption for children from all backgrounds and circumstances, as well as a place of judgment-free forgiveness and healing for those of us who have found ourselves entangled in the difficulty of abortion. We, too, have always championed the equality and immense value of women, both born and unborn.

In the days to come our states will be reflecting on this issue to govern the matters surrounding it. I am confident we will not experience a shortage of controversial conversations regarding the subject. In light of that, I am asking all of us to pray for those who are in government and to conduct ourselves with the character of Christ, especially as we share how the Lord leads our consciences on a matter as passionate as the right for everyone to be born. As Christians, we show the quality of our wisdom through the nobility of our actions – particularly towards those with whom we may disagree. Our way is not one of hurling insults or silencing our critics but of seeking to understand those who may disagree with us, loving those who oppose us, and praying for those who have charge over us. In these ways, the character behind our values will be seen.

I fully realize that my words and this issue will be seen from varying perspectives, and I will always listen to and value perspectives other than my own, including those on this issue.

I’m continuing to ask God to faithfully lead all of us through these challenging times, and I hope you will join me in that prayer.

Our head pastor, the founder of our church just sent this out. I think it is excellent and timely. I wanted to share it.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 56,557
Look at all the negative responses just here on the issue and reread what your pastor wrote.

He's not wrong.

It's what I've held in my heart since I was a young adult. Nothing has changed, my resolve just got stronger.
bgz Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Brewha wrote:
He is not truly going far enough. What about mixed race marriages?

Or honest white peoples creating commerce with slaves?

You know... I think we should take it a step further than that, just send everyone back to their ancestral countries from which they came...

If they don't know, send them to England... and if it overflows, then I guess to France?


We'll start over!... just leave the guns here... they have strict laws over there, they won't let you take them.

Seriously, if we're not going to have a concept of precedent, then might as well throw it out and start over.

I always thought 2 things were untouchable in this country... abortion and guns.

This should be interesting to watch over the next decade or so.

We might see the great reset!

My guess is we'll all be speaking Mandarin by time it's done.
Dg west deptford Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
Good word speyside2 !

With prayer this can be a time where collective conscious is pricked with truth.

Resulting in conversions of worldviews

We have to have arms & hearts open to receive even someone like bgz when they wake up
bgz Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Dg west deptford wrote:
Good word speyside2 !

With prayer this can be a time where collective conscious is pricked with truth.

Resulting in conversions of worldviews

We have to have arms & hearts open to receive even someone like bgz when they wake up

It's a numbers game... if you're going to defend the rights for a single egg and a single sperm, you have to defend the rights of all eggs, ... and all sperm...

From this day forth, there will be no egg unfertilized!!!

Like ever!!!

All eggs, of all women, will all be seen to term!!!

No egg left behind...
Speyside2 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,561
DG, hate the act, love the person, pray for the person's salvation.
rfenst Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,990
RayR wrote:
I think what Thomas was alluding to is there is no Constitutional right to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage, so Congress has no enumerated powers to codify any of that stuff into law. In other words, just like the Roe vs. Wade ruling, they are a states rights issue and nothing else.

This is accurate.
bgz Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
rfenst wrote:
This is accurate.

To those rejoicing over this... If you want to argue in favor of liberty, same sex relationships and marriages should be allowed by default simply because it would be cruel and of no purpose or consequence for anyone to disallow it. ie... it should be implied that liberties will not be stripped or infringed just because someone else thinks it's amoral. Any case of "you're rights end where mine begin" scenario should error in favor of the person who's rights are being infringed... in this case, the gay people.

Congress should not codify a third party's morality into same sex marriage just as they should not codify protection there of... they shouldn't have to... yet here we are, having to, because why?

Because dipsh*t's who think they know better... who think they actually know what the invisible being they refer to as God wants... which is horse sh*t.

It's about control, and so is this anti abortion sh*t... P*ss off with that morality sh*t, everyone knows none of you actually cares about someone else's babies, or kids, or teenagers, or orphans.

Everyone knows none of you actually give a f*ck. If you cared about kids, you would be pro birth control to ensure that kids are born to parents who are ready.

If you cared about kids you would support programs to help the betterment of children... like public schools, free health, parental training, etc...

If you cared about kids, why do we have so many starving kids in the United States... if you cared so much collectively about babies, you would think that wouldn't be a problem.

No, you guys don't give a flying f*ck about babies, or kids...

But for some reason you really like fetuses though... but babies? No, you mother f*ckers could give 2 sh*ts about babies.
Dg west deptford Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
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What a mess
frankj1 Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,563
can a fetus own a gun?
ZRX1200 Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,109
BGZ you are projecting a LOT bro.

Frank technically yes. I think BGZ is gonna start selling coat hanger bump stocks for them too.
HockeyDad Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,571
Who told BGZ he can’t be gay?
Sunoverbeach Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
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I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
bgz Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
You're right... I should let you guys have this victory over women and humanity with telling anyone how stupid or how big of a piece if sh*t they are for rejoicing this.

BuckyB93 Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,519
What victory? I don't have a dog in the fight. Court decision just said it's not a federal issue per US Constitution, let the states decide. They didn't ban abortions.

How does it impact you in any shape or form? You planning on aborting a baby anytime soon? Why is your v-jay all up in arms about this topic? Maybe you need to see a doctor to ease the pain you seem to have with your labia, clitoris and/or vagina.
RayR Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,513
bgz wrote:
You're right... I should let you guys have this victory over women and humanity with telling anyone how stupid or how big of a piece if sh*t they are for rejoicing this.


I know Ben, I am a big of a piece of sh*t in your eyes for not believing in centralizing power in the regime and believing whatever the lizard people at the center decide is rightfully the supreme law of the land. I know some people believe the Supreme Court legislates laws from the bench instead of just issuing opinions. Well...the Supreme Court can't enforce their opinions on the states and their people, they don't have men with guns to do so. This becomes obvious in this situation since this SCOTUS opinion has triggered the individual sovereign states to circle their wagons and defend their states’ rights again. Some are wagging their middle finger to the court and saying you don't speak for us. If our proles want legalized infanticide as our pols have told them they should, we're gonna have it! And the others have been emboldened in their efforts to ban abortions in most cases. It's CHAOS out there Ben! If anything, I'm rejoicing in the CHAOS of federalism!

So yer not only mad about not making sacrificing children to Molech a national socialist right, yer mad about the thought of not grooming kids in socialist public schools for their betterment as compliant atheist proles, not mandating socialist healthcare, and not forcing parents into socialist regime training to make them more compliant drones? Think
BuckyB93 Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,519
Tree NINE!
RMAN4443 Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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BuckyB93 wrote:
What victory? I don't have a dog in the fight. Court decision just said it's not a federal issue per US Constitution, let the states decide. They didn't ban abortions.

How does it impact you in any shape or form? You planning on aborting a baby anytime soon? Why is your v-jay all up in arms about this topic? Maybe you need to see a doctor to ease the pain you seem to have with your labia, clitoris and/or vagina.

Mmmmmm, I could go for some labia, clitoris, and/or vagina right now...Flapper
bgz Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
RayR wrote:
I know Ben, I am a big of a piece of sh*t in your eyes for not believing in centralizing power in the regime and believing whatever the lizard people at the center decide is rightfully the supreme law of the land. I know some people believe the Supreme Court legislates laws from the bench instead of just issuing opinions. Well...the Supreme Court can't enforce their opinions on the states and their people, they don't have men with guns to do so. This becomes obvious in this situation since this SCOTUS opinion has triggered the individual sovereign states to circle their wagons and defend their states’ rights again. Some are wagging their middle finger to the court and saying you don't speak for us. If our proles want legalized infanticide as our pols have told them they should, we're gonna have it! And the others have been emboldened in their efforts to ban abortions in most cases. It's CHAOS out there Ben! If anything, I'm rejoicing in the CHAOS of federalism!

So yer not only mad about not making sacrificing children to Molech a national socialist right, yer mad about the thought of not grooming kids in socialist public schools for their betterment as compliant atheist proles, not mandating socialist healthcare, and not forcing parents into socialist regime training to make them more compliant drones? Think

No, I'm mad about going in and tinkering with large systems without even thinking of the consequences.

Everyone likes to put their grubby little fingers on sh*t for no other purpose than to put their grubby little fingers on sh*t.

That's what I'm mad about... we haven't evolved past that yet. It's not your fault... I don't blame you.
tonygraz Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,689
bgz wrote:
It's a numbers game... if you're going to defend the rights for a single egg and a single sperm, you have to defend the rights of all eggs, ... and all sperm...

From this day forth, there will be no egg unfertilized!!!

Like ever!!!

All eggs, of all women, will all be seen to term!!!

No egg left behind...

Hold it man, what am I going to eat for breakfast ?
Brewha Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,507
frankj1 wrote:
can a fetus own a gun?

Give it time…
Sunoverbeach Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 15,229
I have never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they're home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat.
bgz Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
frankj1 wrote:
can a fetus own a gun?

Brewha wrote:
Give it time…

I don't think we need to give it time... according to current political logic, yes, a fetus can in fact own a gun.
Speyside2 Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,561
If you add a bumper stock if mom holds the trigger the baby can shoot it too.
bgz Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Speyside2 wrote:
If you add a bumper stock if mom holds the trigger the baby can shoot it too.

Trump banned those... he's not pro 2a, he's just some dipsh*t with a sales pitch that works on stupid people that think they're right.
rfenst Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,990
bgz wrote:
No, I'm mad about going in and tinkering with large systems without even thinking of the consequences.

Everyone likes to put their grubby little fingers on sh*t for no other purpose than to put their grubby little fingers on sh*t.

That's what I'm mad about... we haven't evolved past that yet. It's not your fault... I don't blame you.

Dg west deptford Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
I see the left seething at Justice Thomas & I got a tell ya

It makes me LOVE him!

The more the left, the MSM & the world hates someone the more they appeal to my sense of deplorable commonality

It's not natural to hate someone the world hates.
& even more unnatural to love someone the world loves!

God bless Justice Thomas!!!!! An honorable man IN DEED!!!!!

Keep on hating him worldlings, he's not for sale & unafraid!

8trackdisco Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,565
bgz wrote:
My guess is we'll all be speaking Mandarin by time it's done.

Yes. This whole Red vs Blue Tribe is bad enough. The fracturing is now within those reds and blues who appear either Too or Not Enough of their tribe’s hue.

Only Americans are strong, dedicated and stupid enough to destroy America.

Hoping I'm long dead before Mandarin is our primary language and we are told what are second Chinese form will be.

Instead of having a viable three party system, we'll be under the thumb of one.
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