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Opinion: Western Democracy’s Future Depends on Israel’s Victory
1. Author: rfenstDate: Tue, 4/9/2024, 1:24PM EST
If the Jewish state can be bullied into letting Hamas survive, how can any free nation defend itself?


If Israel is prevented from defeating Hamas, we should be under no illusions about what it will mean for the future of democracy. If, under the pressure of internal Democratic politics and global public opinion, the Biden administration forces a “cease-fire” that leaves our closest ally in the region short of victory over an enemy that seeks to destroy it, sooner or later we shall all pay the price.

This isn’t only because Israel is a democratic nation fighting nihilist savages and theocratic tyrants, though it is that. It is because forcing it to succumb to moral outrage over the violence that invariably comes with waging war would represent the self-imposition of an inescapable restraint on our own ability to defend ourselves.

Of course Israel is battling, above all else, for its own survival. In a hostile region, it is also the sole standard-bearer of individual freedom, tolerant pluralism and self-rule. Contrast the condition of ethnic minorities, women, gays and dissidents in Israel with that of their counterparts anywhere else in the Middle East. We should give thanks every day for the sacrifices Israelis make at the fragile frontier of freedom.

Every Islamist terrorist Israel kills is one fewer threat to the rest of us. Every setback Israel can deal to the Iranian puppet masters of Hamas, Hezbollah and others inflicts a loss on the regime that is sworn to eliminate us, the “Great Satan,” and our allies. There is no historical evidence that appeasing enemies committed to our extinction ever keeps us safe.

But there’s a second sense in which the future of democracy is at stake in the bloody streets of Gaza. If Israel can somehow be bullied into forgoing victory over this enemy, our own capacity to wage wars inflicted on us will be dramatically diminished. We will have allowed a coalition of armchair media critics, far-left agitators and Islamist-sympathizing activists and governments to hold Israel to a standard no nation taking necessary measures to protect itself would ever be able to meet, a standard to which our enemies will certainly never hold themselves.

This reality of asymmetric warfare in the age of an all-seeing media and diminished faith in the virtues of our way of life has been on vivid display in the past week. After near-universal condemnation of Israel for the deaths of seven foreign aid workers in a drone attack, a British army veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, who now serves at a senior level in the British government, put the event in context: “War requires levels of violence and destruction that few truly understand. It requires an acceptance of human suffering among innocents that is unimaginable to most. There is no such thing as a clean war. This one is more visual but not substantially worse than those I fought in,” he told me via text message.

We should be clear about what happened last week on the hazy battlefield of Gaza. The tragic error that resulted in the deaths of those brave and innocent souls was heartbreaking, but it was error. If accidents like this are deemed to discredit and delegitimize Israel’s war effort, then we can forget about our own ability to take the fight to our enemies when we need to. We will have institutionalized an asymmetric form of warfare that we simply can’t win.

Israel has been more scrupulous in its campaign than most armies in history. In World War II the British political and military leadership decided on a strategy they called—in what must rank as one of the most cynical euphemisms in history—“dehousing” German civilians: bombing cities to a level of destruction that would demoralize their inhabitants and make them turn on their Nazi government. The British people tolerated this morally doubtful approach because they had fresh in their minds the memory of the Blitz, when the Nazis successfully “dehoused” many British citizens.

Israel suffered an atrocity on Oct. 7 comparable to the Blitz yet has worked with restraint to limit inevitable civilian losses. If it can’t even be allowed to do that, we are placing impossible shackles on the fighting ability of democratic nations.

Condemning and isolating our only real friend and ally in the Middle East will leave in place the people who perpetrated the Oct. 7 massacre and their sponsors. If this is the way we fight modern wars, our enemies will have freedom to commit acts of bestial savagery on us, knowing that our own scruples will give them an insuperable advantage.

And in demanding that a democratic country conduct war to standards that have never been met by any belligerent in history—and could never be met—we will be signaling the ultimate surrender of our own democracy too.

2. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Tue, 4/9/2024, 3:45PM EST
This entire article seems like nothing but propaganda to me (Yes, I read it)

Israel bombed an embassy in another sovereign country. They bombed/killed the damn lunch lady for God's sake, and the WSJ basically said **** happens, and look over here at these other atrocities that happened decades ago.

What happened to the wests "enlightenment"?

Some people, myself included, can see the genocide taking place over there. Imo people either don't care or don't "speak up" out of fear of being called anti-semitic.

I know a lot of nuance can be lost using this type of format to communicate. So I'll tell you guys that I am not upset, triggered, or anything like that. It is what it is.

I simply do not support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians whatsoever, and I'm not a "far-left agitator and Islamist-sympathizing activist." Just a guy that doesn't enjoy seeing an entire group of people being wiped off of the earth.

If the roles were reversed I would say the same for the Israeli's. If Palestine had the army, air force, and USA Inc's printing press, I'd speak out against the genocide of the Israeli's. Period.
3. Author: ZRX1200Date: Tue, 4/9/2024, 4:32PM EST
Many layers to this onion.

And most folks without a dog in the fight think both should exist. The terror tactics of the POS the Palestinians voted FOR need to stop. And Israel seemingly waits too long then acts very harshly.

Not saying any of this is right or wrong just my thoughts on views.

They’re our ally, we need to test them as such and we also need to quit with the “aid” which is a really a money making/laundering scheme. And honestly I would ask this, HOW is Israel supposed to squash those that would/have done terrorist acts and win hearts and minds? This conundrum has been around longer than I.
4. Author: rfenstDate: Tue, 4/9/2024, 9:52PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
... And honestly I would ask this, HOW is Israel supposed to squash those that would/have done terrorist acts and win hearts and minds? This conundrum has been around longer than I.

Nothing because the two are mutually exclusive.
5. Author: ZRX1200Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 12:42AM EST
Like pretending gun control works when you can’t legislate evil?

I agree.
6. Author: RayRDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 10:36AM EST
I believe that all governments are corrupt and criminal organizations, thieves, and killers. if they don't start that way, they will soon become just that as the proles get lured into blindly believing their politicians and bureaucracies are trustworthy, wise and competent and exist only to protect them from evil. I know some people don't like that kind of talk because you know it's that patriotism stuff.

It's refreshing when you get away from the pablum that is fed by the news media and someone tells it like it is from a different perspective..
Was October 7th like Fort Sumter in April 1861?

Palestinian Confederates

By Thomas DiLorenzo
April 10, 2024

As a student of American history I can’t help but notice the striking similarity between what is going on today in Gaza and what went on some 160 years ago in the U.S. In 1861 Abraham Lincoln thanked his naval commander, Gustavus Fox, for helping him dupe the South Carolina Confederates into firing on Fort Sumter by placing warships in Charleston Harbor. No one was harmed let alone killed by the bombing of the fort, but Lincoln used it as an excuse to send an initial 75,000-man army to invade eleven Southern states and wage total war on the civilian population for four years.

Today we are supposed to believe that Israel’s vaunted Mossad, assisted by the CIA and the massive American “intelligence community,” the Pentagon, and the entire might of the U.S. military-industrial complex, was totally surprised by Palestinians on motor bikes and on foot who easily and conveniently broke through the “impregnable” barriers into Israel. According to news reports, it was as easy as with the January 6, 2021 protesters who, after being invited in by the police, entered the U.S. Capitol building. The motor bike riding Palestinians did some barbaric and reprehensible things, randomly shooting and killing hundreds of innocent Israeli citizens (although there is now evidence that many of the Israeli victims were victims of “friendly fire” by their own military). As the entire world now knows, the government of Israel, like Lincoln, used this event as a reason to wage total war on all Palestinians in Gaza, women and children included.

By the mid nineteenth century international law had evolved to the point where everyone understood that intentionally targeting civilians was a war crime that deserved the severest of punishments, and such punishments did occur. Lincoln single handedly turned all of that on its head by waging total war on the civilian population of the South from the very beginning of his war. Indeed, his initial war plan was called “the Anaconda plan” because it sought to surround and blockade the entire South and literally starve out its population by depriving it of food, medicine, and much else. American court historians such as James McPherson and Stephen Oates have used words like “brilliant” and “an act of genius” to describe the waging of war on Southern civilians by the U.S. Army (with the help of thousands of new immigrants from Europe).

McPherson has written that some 50,000 Southern civilians, women and children included, were killed by Lincoln’s armies. Coming from James McPherson that is probably a gross underestimate. Today’s population is more than ten times what it was in the 1860s, so that would be the equivalent of the U.S. government today murdering more than 500,000 American citizens. As Robert Penn Warren wrote in his book, The Legacy of the Civil War, all of this mass killing and the destruction of entire cities was said to have created a “treasury of virtue” within the U.S. government, so much so that whatever the government did in the future would be, by definition, virtuous because it was the U.S. government that was doing it. And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the quip by General Sherman that “war is hell.” That is meant to tell the public to just shut up about all the war crimes that Sherman committed. To the extent that the public does shut up, it makes it more likely that such crimes will be repeated over and over, as they have been.


7. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 11:33AM EST
rfenst wrote:
Nothing because the two are mutually exclusive.

No, they're not. Other than being humans (and I'm using the term so lightly with the Palestenians) they share NOTHING in common.

The Palestinians are terrorists. There's a reason why no other Arab nation would admit them into their country and absorb them. They will try to overthrow their host government there too. They all know it because it was the game they were all in on playing. A very sick game I might add.

Here's the 1st 10 links when I put "no Arab nation wants the Palestinians" into a search engine.

After what they recently did inside of Israel??? Who are we as a nation to deny them their retribution from an act of Terror? No, let them clean house and do it quick. The longer that this goes on, the more the ill informed low IQ individuals try to claim some "high ground". Nobody will make martyrs out of them. Even if they did...they do so at their own peril and most likely would STFU because they know how hard the fist coming down upon them will be.
8. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 12:03PM EST
All due respect, RobertHively, but if Israel wanted to kill every man, woman and child in Gaza, it would be done in about 48 hours.

There is no genocide going on.

Gazans decided that they wanted to be ruled by a lunatic terrorist organization. Gazans overwhelmingly support what their government did on 10/7. Many Gazans assisted their government in committing the atrocities on 10/7. Many other Gazans offer support and shelter to their government post 10/7. In fact, released hostages have said they were kept locked up as prisoners in the homes of everyday families.

Now those Gazans are saying "hey, no fair" because they are civilians. Except they aren't.

This is a classic case of "F&ck around and find out". They just don't like the consequences of their actions.

There was a hostage, a Russian, who managed to escape his captors and was hiding in Gaza hoping to get back to the IDF or to Israel. Gazan citizens found him and took him back to their government.
9. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 12:49PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
This entire article seems like nothing but propaganda to me (Yes, I read it)

Israel bombed an embassy in another sovereign country. They bombed/killed the damn lunch lady for God's sake, and the WSJ basically said **** happens, and look over here at these other atrocities that happened decades ago.

What happened to the wests "enlightenment"?

The entire world can see the genocide taking place over there. Imo people either don't care or don't "speak up" out of fear of being called anti-semitic.

I know a lot of nuance can be lost using this type of format to communicate. So I'll tell you guys that I am not upset, triggered, or anything like that. It is what it is.

I simply do not support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians whatsoever, and I'm not a "far-left agitator and Islamist-sympathizing activist." Just a guy that doesn't enjoy seeing an entire group of people being wiped off of the earth.

If the roles were reversed I would say the same for the Israeli's. If Palestine had the army, air force, and USA Inc's printing press, I'd speak out against the genocide of the Israeli's. Period.

That's a giant pile of crap, right there. ONE side wants the other side wiped out. Israel has never started a damn thing with Palestine and has only responded when ATTACKED FIRST.

Tell me where I am wrong... I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.
10. Author: RayRDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 1:17PM EST
"Genocide" is too strong of a word. It's more like counterterrorism by using terrorism targeting noncombatants.
11. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:05PM EST
RayR wrote:

Palestinian Confederates

By Thomas DiLorenzo
April 10, 2024


I'll add that it couldn't possibly be about land (Israeli settlements) and resources (The Leviathan gas field off of the coast of Gaza) like I mentioned when this started last year.

Also, the article failed to mention the mighty Hamas air force. Their state of the art warplanes consist of a parachute strapped to a seat with wheels, with a 2-stroke engine mounted on the seat, hooked up to a propeller. It's easy to see how Israel was overrun.

I could take the engine off of my commercial grade trimmer and build one myself if Joe Sanostra ever sends those F-16's to kill me because I wont relinquish my 2nd amendment rights.
12. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:06PM EST
MACS wrote:
That's a giant pile of crap, right there. ONE side wants the other side wiped out. Israel has never started a damn thing with Palestine and has only responded when ATTACKED FIRST.

Tell me where I am wrong... I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.

Lol! I was wrong. Clearly. I will edit my post to reflect that.
13. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:09PM EST
RayR wrote:
"Genocide" is too strong of a word. It's more like counterterrorism by using terrorism targeting noncombatants.

Yeah, you could also go with "war crimes".

Is the genocide of a civilian population by an opposing army a war crime?

What about "ethnic cleansing"? That sounds better.
14. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:22PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
Yeah, you could also go with "war crimes".

Is the genocide of a civilian population by an opposing army a war crime?

What about "ethnic cleansing"? That sounds better.

As I said, if Israel wanted to rid the world of Gazans, it would be done in 48 hours. They have the ammunition and equipment.

If you (for some reason) believe the Hamas death figure of 30K (over the course of 6 months), then mathematically that averages out to 166 dead per day. Israel is the most ridiculously inefficient genocid-er ever. I mean there are a few million people in Gaza. This is going to take years!

Also, please show me a single picture of a Hamas fighter in a uniform. I can show you a ton of them in civilian clothes, so let's have a real conversation about the "civilian" deaths in Gaza. Also, there is this:

There is no ethnic cleansing, no genocide.

Ask any Israeli if they want Gazans wiped from the face of the earth and they will generally all say they just want them to "stop attacking Israel".

However, ask any Gazan if they want Israelis wiped from the face of the earth and you will surely find a different mindset. It's right there inthe UNRWA textbooks.
15. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:29PM EST
Stogie1020 wrote:
As I said, if Israel wanted to rid the world of Gazans, it would be done in 48 hours. They have the ammunition and equipment.

There is no ethnic cleansing, no genocide.

Ask any Israeli if they want Gazans wiped from the face of the earth and they will generally all say they just want them to "stop attacking Israel".

However, ask any Gazan if they want Israelis wiped from the face of the earth and you will surely find a different mindset. It's right there inthe UNRWA textbooks.

Some people, myself included, agree with you... Clearly there is no talking actual sense into some people who aren't looking at the big picture.
16. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:30PM EST
MACS wrote:
Some people, myself included, agree with you... Clearly there is no talking actual sense into some people who aren't looking at the big picture.

People will believe what they want to believe.

I edited my post, take a look at the link to the "Death figures" analysis. Laughable.
17. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:36PM EST
MACS wrote:
Some people, myself included, agree with you... Clearly there is no talking actual sense into some people who aren't looking at the big picture.

Bigger picture, just go back to the Sykes-Pecot agreement. That's a start.

But that would mean the land on which many Israeli settlements sit, would revert back to Palestine.

Aint happening.
18. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:47PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
Bigger picture, just go back to the Sykes-Pecot agreement. That's a start.

But that would mean the land on which many Israeli settlements sit, would revert back to Palestine.

Aint happening.

There is no Palestine on the map. Gonna have to deal with that one.
19. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:49PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
There is no Palestine on the map. Gonna have to deal with that one.

Or Israel
20. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:53PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
Or Israel

Sorry Bud, it's there and I have been... Lot's of Arabs living in Israel, too. Not so many Jews living in Gaza...

Here's a link in case you missed it:
21. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:55PM EST
Stogie1020 wrote:
Sorry Bud, it's there and I have been... Lot's of Arabs living in Israel, too. Not so many Jews living in Gaza...

Here's a link in case you missed it:

1948 onward, yes.
22. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:56PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
1948 onward, yes.

In case you missed it.
23. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:57PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
1948 onward, yes.

And we are post 1948, so Israel is right there on the map... It's not going anywhere either, despite the best attempts by some lunatics in pajamas running around yelling Aloha Snackbar.
24. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 3:59PM EST
Stogie1020 wrote:
And we are post 1948, so Israel is right there on the map... It's not going anywhere either, despite the best attempts by some lunatics in pajamas running around yelling Aloha Snackbar.

Your point?
25. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:00PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:

In case you missed it.

So? Like you said maybe Israel should get it over with already.

Really doesn't have much to do with the article Ray posted or my initial comment. Or the comment I posted in response to Ray's article.
26. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:01PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
There is no Palestine on the map. Gonna have to deal with that one.

RobertHively wrote:
Or Israel

RobertHively wrote:
Your point?

You are factually incorrect. There is an "Israel" on the map. That is my point. I even provided you with a link to see for yourself.
27. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:04PM EST
Stogie1020 wrote:
You are factually incorrect. There is an "Israel" on the map. That is my point. I even provided you with a link to see for yourself.

My comments are geared toward posts 2, 6, and 11.

I know Israel is on the map. They are a country in the Middle East.
28. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:07PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
So? Like you said maybe Israel should get it over with already.

Really doesn't have much to do with the article Ray posted or my initial comment. Or the comment I posted in response to Ray's article.

Merry Eid al-Fitr??? Is there a bomb vest they wear to celebrate the holiday? Do they do a big countdown and yank a rip cord or do they hideout in hospitals and children's daycare centers and lob missiles into settlements? I mean that would be played out as they do that every day of the year. Oh well.
29. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:10PM EST

Well, I'm out. I'll Talk to you guys later on. Lol
30. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:12PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
My comments are geared toward posts 2, 6, and 11.

I know Israel is on the map. They are a country in the Middle East.

All of my comments are geared towards post 2.

And to be clear, you said that Israel was not on the map.

31. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:41PM EST
Stogie1020 wrote:
All of my comments are geared towards post 2.

And to be clear, you said that Israel was not on the map.

Ok. Prior to 1948 the state of Israel did not exist, therefore it wasn't on a map.

Kinda like prior to 1863 the U.S. state of West Virginia did not exist, therefore it wasn't on a map.

Stog, I disagree with you on the genocide part of my initial post. (Post #2)

The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
The systematic killing of a racial or cultural group.

It looks like an attempt to me eliminate the Palestinian people to me, not just Hamas.

Post #6 I agree with that article more than I do with the OP.

Post #11 I think this is about land and resources as well as different ideologies.

I read every word of the OP article. Let me know what you think of the Lew Rockwell article that Ray posted.

No hard feelings whatsoever on my end. This type of debate used to be everyday, here.

32. Author: RayRDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 4:57PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
Yeah, you could also go with "war crimes".

Is the genocide of a civilian population by an opposing army a war crime?

What about "ethnic cleansing"? That sounds better.

Ethnic cleansing is the same as genocide although targeted at a specific ethnicity or religion..
Using terrorist tactics against non-combatant men, women, children, and the elderly is a war crime under all traditional Western rules of war.
I don't think groups like Hamas abide by any moral values like that, instead, they hide behind non-combatant men, women, children, and the elderly. Some kind of ancient barbaric code I guess.

Regardless, using terrorism against a civilian population by the opposing army is a war crime no matter what the excuse.
We all know that rogue individuals within armies sometimes commit war crimes and they should be duly punished, but when the use of terrorism is command approved, that takes war crimes to a whole new level.

33. Author: Speyside2Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 6:11PM EST
Unfortunately, it is and was inevitable that a small number of Gazans die because of Hamas tactics. 2.1 million people live in Gaza, roughly 33 thousand have died. This is about 1.5% of the Gazan population. It is patently absurd to consider this attempted genocide. War is brutal, terrorist attacks are cowardly. Until Israel has destroyed Hamas it will not and should not stop fighting.

The world court should be ashamed of itself for bring charges against Israel. Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields. To kill Hamas, you must destroy the shields. War is hell. I support Israel completely and unconditionally, though not blindly. If their tactics rise to the level of war crimes, then I will not support Israel.

As far as the attack on the Iranian embassy, they are the terrorist state that funds basically all Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups. Hamas terrorists are reported to have been in the embassy. Israel sent Iran a message, pure and simple.
34. Author: skillettDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 6:25PM EST
Don't think you have to worry about Israel.Their history shows that once attacked, they track and kill their enemies and even those invovled. It may take them a few months/years depending which countries the enemy tries to hid in, but their fate is certain. And they know it.

Biden and administration, don't count on them having any mid-east persuasion, I hope Netayahu has seen through pluto and his litter. They can't nor will attempt to close our southern border. He speaks loud and tough when told to. His time is short in the big house. I hope to see him being physically thrown out of the house and ran out of the country come 2024 and being placed on the do not enter registry should there be one.

I don't call it genocide. It's jst what happens in war They should have not let hamas hid in their homes and hospitals and dig all the tunnels. Had a group of palestinians caught a couple of their soldiers and confiscated their weapons, two then four, then 8, etc. they would get the upper hand. It would sure beat them squatting down and watching.

35. Author: KingoftheCoveDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 7:02PM EST
I find it fascinating that NONE of the Arab nations in the region will take in Palestinians.
When we get hit again like we did in 9/11, (and we will get hit) it will be interesting to see how we respond.
36. Author: Speyside2Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 7:50PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
Ok. Prior to 1948 the state of Israel did not exist, therefore it wasn't on a map.

Kinda like prior to 1863 the U.S. state of West Virginia did not exist, therefore it wasn't on a map.

Stog, I disagree with you on the genocide part of my initial post. (Post #2)

The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
The systematic killing of a racial or cultural group.

It looks like an attempt to me eliminate the Palestinian people to me, not just Hamas.

Post #6 I agree with that article more than I do with the OP.

Post #11 I think this is about land and resources as well as different ideologies.

I read every word of the OP article. Let me know what you think of the Lew Rockwell article that Ray posted.

No hard feelings whatsoever on my end. This type of debate used to be everyday, here.

Palestine is not a nation. There is no Palestinian race. Islam is not being obliterated. There is no Palestinian ethnicity. There is no Palestinian racial or cultural group. Hence by definition there can be no genocide. Above and beyond the actual numbers, and Hamas usage of Gazans, I felt this was worth pointing out.
37. Author: rfenstDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 8:38PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
No hard feelings whatsoever on my end. This type of debate used to be everyday, here.


38. Author: rfenstDate: Wed, 4/10/2024, 9:30PM EST
It's real simple to me:
According to Judeo-Christion theology: God gave specific lands to the Jews.
End of story.

As to all this "genocide" b.s., the legal concept of "intent" needs to be proven. Got any proof of "intent" to commit genocide?

The percentage of civilians killed is miniscule here. Of course Israel needs to do its best to minimize civilian death, but routing Hamas and getting the hostages back (if even possible) must come first if it is to remain a sovereign nation.

BTW, how many civilians did the U.S. kill in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war? Was that attempted genocide?
39. Author: ZRX1200Date: Wed, 4/10/2024, 10:40PM EST
You mean exactly like a insurrection?
40. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 6:22AM EST
rfenst wrote:
BTW, how many civilians did the U.S. kill in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war? Was that attempted genocide?

To be fair...

..we did warn them. We were at war with them, and THEY started the mess by attacking a sleeping Pearl Harbor.


America asks that you take immediate heed of what we say on this leaflet.

We are in possession of the most destructive explosion ever devised by man. A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29s can carry on a single mission. This awful fact is one for you to ponder and we solemnly assure you it is grimly accurate.

We have just begun to use this weapon against your homeland. If you still have any doubt, make inquiry as to what happened to Hiroshima when just one atomic bomb fell on that city.

Before using this bomb to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, we ask that you now petition the Emperor to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better and peace-loving Japan.

You should take steps now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.



Because your military leaders have rejected the thirteen part surrender declaration, two momentous events have occurred in the last few days.

The Soviet Union, because of this rejection on the part of the military has notified your Ambassador Sato that it has declared war on your nation. Thus, all powerful countries of the world are now at war with you.

Also, because of your leaders' refusal to accept the surrender declaration that would enable Japan to honorably end this useless war, we have employed our atomic bomb.

A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29s could have carried on a single mission. Radio Tokyo has told you that with the first use of this weapon of total destruction, Hiroshima was virtually destroyed.

Before we use this bomb again and again to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, petition the emperor now to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better, and peace-loving Japan.

Act at once or we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.

41. Author: MACSDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 8:43AM EST
As far as I recall learning about WWII... Japan did not hide their combatants in hospitals, schools and civilian neighborhoods.

The Palestinians and Hamas do this every time, for the exact reason of claiming that Israel is targeting civilians. It's simply NOT TRUE.
42. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 4/11/2024, 9:10AM EST
And not wearing uniforms….
43. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 10:18AM EST
But still praying and screaming for the death of Israel and the United States.

44. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 11:54AM EST
Israelgives does give civilian Palestinians advanced warning by dropping leaflets and broadcasting in Arabic to warn civilians to get away from what is coming.
45. Author: MACSDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 12:00PM EST
rfenst wrote:
Israelgives does give civilian Palestinians advanced warning by dropping leaflets and broadcasting in Arabic to warn civilians to get away from what is coming.

Yes, they do... weird way to commit genocide or war crimes or atrocities, don'tcha think?

Better to inform oneself than believe the media's lies.
46. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 12:13PM EST
10 Facts to Know About War and Judaism


War in Judaism is a complex issue. Some wars were Divinely ordained, for reasons known to G‑d alone. Others were necessary for self-defense or other purposes. The ultimate goal, however, is for the world to be at peace, as Isaiah prophesied: “He [Moshiach] shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”1

1. Some Biblical-Era Wars Were Divinely Ordained
During the conquest of Canaan, the Jewish nation was commanded to eliminate the tribes that inhabited the land, in order to prevent their evil ways from spreading. According to the Jerusalem Talmud, these nations were given the opportunity to repent and accept upon themselves the Seven Noahide Laws. Only if they refused to accept this moral code and instead remained steadfast in their sinful ways was the command to be carried out.2

G‑d also commanded us to battle Amalek, the nation that attacked the people of Israel on their way out of Egypt: “Remember what Amalek did to you on the way, when you went out of Egypt . . . you shall obliterate the remembrance of Amalek from beneath the heavens. You shall not forget!”3

This category of war is known as milchemet mitzvah, a Divinely ordained war.

2. Peace Must Be Proposed First
A telling directive as to how warfare should be carried out is found in Deuteronomy: “When you approach a city to wage war against it, you shall propose peace to it.”4 There is discussion amongst the rabbis as to whether this condition applies to Divinely ordained warfare (milchemet mitzvah) or only to a discretionary war (milchemet reshut). A discretionary war is one that is embarked upon by a king of Israel to secure or expand the borders of Israel. In order to embark on such a war, the king must obtain authorization from the Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Court5. According to Maimonides, this command applies to Divinely ordained wars as well.6

3. Weapons Are Not Ornaments
In discussing the laws of carrying on Shabbat, the Mishnah underscores an important ethical idea. On Shabbat it is forbidden to carry an object four cubits in a public domain. Clothing or jewelry, which a person wears, is not considered to be in violation of this law, since you are not carrying your clothing. The Mishnah states that it is forbidden to go out wearing a sword or another weapon. Rabbi Eliezer objects, saying: “For him it is an ornament” (i.e., it should be permitted just as jewelry is). The rabbis respond: “They [weapons] are only a discredit [to those who wear them], as the verse states:7 ‘And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks . . .’”8 Ultimately, in the days of Moshiach, weapons will be transformed into tools that help mankind. Weapons represent a state of the world that we don't want to be in, and wearing them is no badge of honor, no symbol of beauty.

4. The Camp Must Be Holy
During war, special emphasis is placed on maintaining the purity and sanctity of the camp. As the verse tells us: “For the L‑rd, your G‑d, goes along in the midst of your camp, to rescue you and to deliver your enemies before you. [Therefore,] your camp shall be holy, so that He should not see anything unseemly among you, and turn away from you.”9 The Torah provides practical examples as to how the camp should be kept clean and pure. For instance, the troops were to carry a tool with which to dig and cover their waste after relieving themselves.10 Additionally, the Torah strongly emphasizes the importance of a superior level of morality. The verse states: “When you go forth against your enemies and are in camp, then you shall keep yourself from every evil thing.”11 The Midrash interprets this to refer to various forms of depraved behavior, which the army was to avoid.12

5. Newlyweds and Others Would Stay Home
Before battle, a kohen and an officer would address the troops, giving inspiration and also the opportunity for some soldiers to withdraw from battle. The kohen would proclaim: “Hear, O Israel, today you are approaching the battle against your enemies. Let your hearts not be faint; you shall not be afraid, and you shall not be alarmed, and you shall not be terrified because of them.” The officer would continue: “What man is there who has built a new house and has not inaugurated it? And what man is there who has planted a vineyard, and has not [yet] redeemed it? And what man is there who has betrothed a woman and has not [yet] married her? Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in battle . . .”

The officer would also give an opportunity for those who may have been fainthearted to return home, lest their lack of morale affect their fellow soldiers.13 Rashi here, quoting the Talmud,14 points out that this faintheartedness could also refer to one whose sins made him afraid, for he felt that he was unworthy and would therefore not survive the battle.

6. King David’s Warring Prevented Him From Building the Temple
G‑d tells King David: “You have shed much blood, and you have waged great wars; you shall not build a house in My name, because you have shed much blood to the ground before Me.”15 Although King David was not necessarily wrong for waging all those battles, the Temple was to be a place of peace. As such, it was to be built by King David’s son Solomon, a man more suited to the peaceful nature of the Temple.

7. During a Siege, a Side of the City Must Be Left Open
An interesting and enigmatic condition to siege warfare is found in Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah: “When a siege is placed around a city to conquer it, it should not be surrounded on all four sides, only on three. A place should be left for the inhabitants to flee and for all those who desire to escape with their lives, as it is written: ‘They besieged Midian as G‑d commanded Moses.’ According to tradition, He commanded them to array the siege as described.”16 Again, there is discussion as to whether this law applies to both categories of war, or if it would apply only in a case of a discretionary war.

8. One Life Is No More Valuable Than Another
A famous case is cited in the Jerusalem Talmud regarding a group of Jews who are ambushed by non-Jews. The gentiles give them an ultimatum: either hand over a single Jew to be killed, or the entire group will be killed.17 The law is that no single Jew may be handed over; the entire group must give up their lives.18 The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains the rationale behind this law: Since a Jew’s soul is an actual part of the infinite G‑d, two souls are no more an expression of G‑d than one soul. We humans cannot be the arbiters of justice, to decide who shall live and who shall perish.19 Even at a time of war it must be remembered that human life is precious, and all must be done to avoid unnecessary death.

9. We Are at War With Our Evil Inclination
We as Jews are fighting a constant battle against our evil inclination (yetzer hara). In fact, our very purpose in this physical and mundane world is to ultimately triumph in this principal battle. This is achieved through the steadfast observance of Torah and mitzvahs. Our ultimate reward for persevering in this battle is the final redemption, a time where there will be no battles, a time when the world will finally be at peace.

10. We Are at War With War Itself
Rabbi Sholom DovBer, the fifth Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, devoted an entire treatise to the war we must each wage against interpersonal divisiveness. Rather than choose a passage that commands love of one’s fellow or the like, he begins with a passage commanding a genocidal war against the Midianite nation:

The L‑rd spoke to Moses saying, “Wage the vengeance of the Israelites against the Midianites . . .” So Moses spoke to the people, saying, “. . . Carry out the vengeance of G‑d against Midian.”20

Midian, Rabbi Sholom DovBer tells us, is a conjugate of the Hebrew word madon, meaning “feud or quarrel.” In a direct inversion of their literal meaning, these passages are to be read as commanding a genocidal war against quarrelsomeness, a campaign to erase the egotistical divisiveness that is rooted in our own souls. Moses terms this war “the vengeance of G‑d,” which implies that quarrelsomeness is not merely a social ill, but a sin against G‑d. In other words, the real war we need to wage is the war against war itself.


1. Isaiah 2:4.
2. Jerusalem Talmud, Sheviit 6:1.
3.Deuteronomy 25:17–19.
4. Deuteronomy 20:10.
5. Mishnah, Sanhedrin 1:5.
6. Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim 6:1. For an explanation as to how this would square with the positive command to eliminate Amalek, see the commentaries on Maimonides ad loc.
7. Isaiah 2:4.
8. Mishnah, Shabbat 6:4.
9.Deuteronomy 23:15.
10. Deuteronomy 23:14.
11. Deuteronomy 23:10.
12. Sifri, Ki Teitzei 44.
13. Deuteronomy 20:1–9.
14. Talmud, Sotah 44a.
15. I Chronicles 22:8–10.
16 .Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim 6:7.
17. Jerusalem Talmud, Terumot 8:4.
18. Unless, according to some opinions, the non-Jews name a certain individual to be handed over.
19.Reshimot, no. 123.
20. Numbers 31:1–3.
47. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 2:43PM EST
Hamas May Not Have Enough Living Hostages for Cease-Fire Deal
The group is in discussions with Israel over releasing 40 women, children, elderly and sick captives


Fears are rising over the fate of the remaining hostages held in Gaza after Hamas said it was unsure whether it could bring forth 40 Israeli civilian captives as part of a U.S.-backed cease-fire proposal, according to officials familiar with the negotiations.

The 40 hostages, including women, children, elderly men, and those in fragile health, would be released under a U.S.-supported plan for a six-week cease-fire in the war in Gaza. In exchange, Israel would release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

Instead, the militant group has been unable to confirm that it has enough civilian hostages to fulfill its end of the deal in the initial phase of the proposed plan, complicating talks toward a possible cease-fire in the six-month-old war that has left much of Gaza in ruins.

A Hamas official said the group wouldn’t commit to releasing 40 living hostages but could commit to 40 hostages total, which could mean dead or alive.

The admission by the militant group, which took more than 240 hostages during its lethal Oct. 7 attack on Israel, has heightened fears among families of the hostages, who are piling pressure on the Israeli government to cut a deal with Hamas that would pause the fighting and free at least some of the remaining captives.

“Every day without a deal endangers them. For half a year, they have been toying with their lives, permitting their blood to be spilled,” said Hadas Kalderon, the mother of two children who were kidnapped by Hamas and later freed, speaking at a protest outside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Tuesday. The children’s father remains in captivity.

The Israeli government has rejected the families’ accusation that it hasn’t made the hostages a priority and says freeing the captives is a top priority of the war. Both Israel and Hamas responded critically to a new U.S. cease-fire proposal this week.

The Israeli military declined to comment on estimates of how many hostages may remain alive. The Israeli prime minister’s office declined to comment on the matter.

The exact number of hostages still alive is a central issue in the negotiations toward a cease-fire deal. Proposals by the U.S. and Arab states envision Israel releasing Palestinian prisoners, in varying numbers, in return for different types of Israeli hostages including civilians, female soldiers, male soldiers and the bodies of dead captives. Ambiguity around the number of living hostages and their identities could impede progress in the talks.

Separately, U.S. intelligence reports indicate that an attack on Israeli assets by Iran or its militia allies could be imminent, U.S. officials said Wednesday, as the top American military commander for the Middle East headed to Israel to coordinate a response.

Iran has publicly threatened to retaliate for a strike in Syria on an Iranian diplomatic building in Damascus last week, presumed to be the work of Israel, that killed top Iranian military officials, including a senior member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force.

The U.S. alert offers yet another sign of how Israel’s war in Gaza following the Oct. 7 attacks has spread into a regional conflict, which in turn is complicating a resolution of disputes between Israel and Hamas. Among those, hostages remain at the forefront.

Around 130 remaining hostages taken in the attack are still in Gaza. Of those, Israeli officials have publicly confirmed that 34 are dead, but Israeli and American officials estimate privately that the number of deaths could be much higher. More than 100 other hostages were freed during a weeklong cease-fire in a deal with Hamas in November.

U.S. and Israeli officials believe that some of the remaining hostages are being held by Hamas and used as human shields around the group’s leadership, which Israeli officials believe is hiding in tunnels in southern Gaza.

Some U.S. estimates indicate that most of the hostages are already dead, U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence said. They stressed, however, that U.S. visibility on the hostages is limited and depends, in part, on Israeli intelligence. Some were likely killed during Israeli strikes on Gaza, the officials said, while others have died from health issues, including injuries suffered during their initial capture.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment.

The latest estimates mark a notable increase from recent U.S. assessments. As recently as February, Israeli and U.S. officials believed that at least 50 hostages had been killed, suggesting that roughly 80 remained alive.

The majority of the dead died as a result of wounds they suffered during the Oct. 7 attack. Others were already dead when militants took their bodies into Gaza and some are believed to have been killed by Hamas in captivity. The Israeli military in December also said it mistakenly shot and killed three hostages. At least one died in a failed Israeli rescue mission.

Hamas officials for weeks have told negotiators that the group was unable to confirm how many hostages remain alive, according to Arab mediators talking directly to the group. Egypt and Qatar are acting as intermediaries in negotiations between Hamas and Israel.

At times, Hamas argued that providing information on the remaining hostages would mean giving up leverage in the negotiations, the mediators said.

Hamas has also repeatedly said that it needs a pause in fighting to track and collect the hostages. The group made the argument before it agreed to the November cease-fire deal, an agreement that eventually collapsed in part because Hamas failed to produce a list of 10 living civilian women and children held in Gaza.

Hamas repeated the argument on Thursday. “Part of negotiations is to reach a ceasefire agreement to have enough time and safety to collect final and more precise data about the captured Israelis, because they are in different places by different groups, some of them are under the rubble killed with our own people,” Basem Naim, a member of the Hamas political bureau in Gaza, said on the group’s Telegram channel.

Mediators believe that the majority of the remaining hostages who remain alive are younger male hostages, including soldiers.

One solution to Hamas’s refusal to provide a list of 40 civilian hostages slated for release in the initial phase of the deal would be to include captive Israeli soldiers. Hamas has been reluctant to do that because it is demanding a much higher price for the soldiers, including the release of Palestinian prisoners serving long sentences on terrorism-related charges.

Hamas has also sought a deal that would end the war in Gaza and demanded a full Israeli withdrawal from the enclave. The group also aims to negotiate the release of senior Palestinian political and militant leaders, including Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, as a part of the final phase of a potential cease-fire deal with Israel, according to officials familiar with the talks.

In Israel, a forensic medical committee is tasked with determining hostage deaths from afar using classified intelligence. Members of the committee mostly rely on security-camera footage and videos from devices recovered in Gaza as the war has progressed.

It was the committee that determined the deaths of 34 hostages taken on Oct. 7, most of whom died in the attack, according to Ofer Merin, director-general at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and a member of the committee.

“It’s been six months since these people were taken into Gaza. These families have no second in the day or a second in the night that their minds are calm. They are in constant agony,” said Merin.

Determinations of death must meet a high bar and are never based on one piece of intelligence alone. Israel has separately recovered the bodies of 12 other hostages, bringing the total number of hostages who are confirmed dead to 46.

Families of some American hostages have increased their public pressure on the Biden administration to do more to secure their loved ones’ release. On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris met with some of these families.

“There’s no question the war must be won and Hamas must be eradicated. But the hostages are running out of time,” Orna Neutra, the mother of Israeli-American hostage Omer Neutra, told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “It’s not clear whether the Israeli administration has the priority right,” she said.

Rachel Goldberg-Polin, whose 23-year-old son Hersh Goldberg-Polin is being held by Hamas, described the White House meeting as a productive discussion but also said the families “want results.”

Harris “underscored that President Biden and she have no higher priority than reuniting the hostages with their loved ones. She also reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to bring home the remains of those who have been tragically confirmed to be deceased,” the White House said after the meeting.
48. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 3:07PM EST
I went back and read everything and I see where the confusion was with me, DMV & Stogie.

Post #18 DMV "There is no Palestine on the map."

Post # 19 Me "Or Israel"

Well, in post #17 I had just mentioned the Sykes Picot agreement of 1916 as a bigger picture solution. There was no Israel on the map either.

However, that's not the agreement I was thinking about. What I was referring to is the 1947/48 "UN plan" which is the "two state solution." Going back to that map would mean Israel would have to stop their "settlements" (land theft at the barrel of a gun) and cede land back to the agreed upon boundaries, and Palestine would have to recognize Israel's right to exist and stop their terror/small scale attacks. Sadly I don't think the leadership of either side will let that process happen. So more of the same...
In 2024 the name "Palestine" is not on a map. I dealt with it. It's those carved out areas within Israel. It's not a dejure state, but for sure a defacto state with their own criminal government and everything.

Post #36

To say that Palestinians don't have their own culture and customs because they are all Arab Muslims is like saying there is no difference between Virginians and Alaskans because they're all Americans. Not true.

Post # 11

I see it's still crickets concerning my claim that the entire conflict has just as much to do with land and resources as it does ideology. That's fine. Wonder if the Gazans will be the benefactor of the Leviathan gas field? I'm sure they will. Wink wink.

Post #38

Intent? Here's an excerpt from the article Ray posted:

"Netanyahu has also recently invoked Biblical language to “justify” his mass killing of Palestinians. In a public oration he quoted Samuel 15:3 saying, “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible.” And, quoting “Our Holy Bible”: “Now go and attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”"

Maybe it's political rhetoric idk, but sounds pretty genocidey to me considering what's happening to the Palestinians at the moment.

Post #35

On the individual level I think most people want peace. Governments, corporations and central banks don't. War and death is a big bidness.

I think King is probably right, 9/11 2.0 is coming up. Maybe just before (s)election time? Endless war, and open borders, has consequences.

Post #45

If you think what I said about the Israeli government was bad, never look into your own governments record of genocide, war crimes and other human rights violations.

Post #37

Those were fun and crazy times.

Epilogue: That's really all I have to say on the matter. Mellow

49. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 4/11/2024, 4:28PM EST
Speaking of looking into your own government's record of war crimes I highly recommend Union Terror: Debunking the False Justifications for Union Terror Against Southern Civilians in the American Civil War (Shotwell Publishing, 2023) written by Dr. Jeffrey Addicott.

He is a terrorism and war crimes expert, he describes himself as a "proud 20-year veteran of the United States Army who not only spent most of my career as a senior legal advisor responsible for ensuring compliance with the law of war, but also had the good fortune to serve as the Staff Judge Advocate to the United States Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) – the Green Berets. Consisting of five active-duty Special Forces (SF) groups and two Army National Guard groups, the assigned duties of SF include direct action combat strikes against enemy forces and warfare training of allied indigenous forces – both missions heavily dependent on a strict adherence to the law of war and the highest levels of professionalism. As a subject matter expert in covering the requirements of the law of armed conflict, there is no greater satisfaction to witness how ethical conduct and combat efficiency go hand in hand."

An extremely well-researched book based on primary documents and first-hand accounts on all sides exposing the policy of command-approved terrorism by Lincoln down to his generals.

Book review by Philip Leigh:

50. Author: Speyside2Date: Thu, 4/11/2024, 7:37PM EST

Please reread, you are using a context that does not exist. There is no Palestinian race. They are a conglomeration of other middle eastern races. This is a commonly known fact. Once you understand this your error should be clear to you. Palestine refers to a geographical region only.
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