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Happy Wombat
51. Author: izonfireDate: Fri, 9/27/2019, 1:03AM EST
kombat96 wrote:
Says the noop dink.Shame on you

Yeah, and if you split, I’m gettin waaaayyyy outta line...
52. Author: CelticBomberDate: Wed, 10/2/2019, 5:22AM EST
izonfire wrote:
You’re not hibernating this season.
It’s too cool having you around.

Besides, someone’s gotta keep the dinks in line...

You magnificent naive dink! This was done because he threatened to come OUT of his den. Those brave souls sacrificed to keep YOU safe. You gotta give it to him though, the man has style. Any man who smoke's petite corona's like he does is a man who know's something the rest of you noods don't!

Does that make you a size queen David?

For those who may not know the term. It's used to refer to a woman who will only go on play dates with men who are also part horse. A "Frank" for short.... erm.... or long?
53. Author: PalamaDate: Tue, 5/12/2020, 12:16AM EST
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