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Instead of bashing Obama-What's he done good?
1. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:43AM EST
Sorry, can't think of anything.......
2. Author: pabloescabarDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:54AM EST
3. Author: ibmikesDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 2:00AM EST
4. Author: calaveraDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 2:29AM EST
I honestly can't think of anything that I approve of. I don't think that Thomas Jefferson would have anything good to say if he were alive either.

5. Author: CharlieDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 2:30AM EST
He does like MLB.......that is a good thning.

Loves the White Sox....that ain't good...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, makes pretty speeches that really say nothing but he sounds good.

6. Author: wheelriteDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 2:48AM EST
I got nothing...

7. Author: rockmeisterDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:04AM EST
aaaaaahhhhhhhh badee badye baday..........sorry not'n
8. Author: Chilly9321Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:24AM EST
C'mon, seriously? How about he's prevented us from having a terrorist attack on our soil! You've gotta give him credit for that if you give BushII credit for it.
9. Author: neopuritanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:44AM EST
[blank stare]
10. Author: borndead1Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:51AM EST
1 term president.
11. Author: teedubbyaDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:51AM EST
He got Bush to get the eff out of the White House.

thats about it, but thats a lot. we could not have weathered too many more days of that used douche bag.
12. Author: teedubbyaDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:54AM EST
I sure hope my party runs someone better next time....

if its a Palin/Wilson ticket I'm shredding my Republican card.
13. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:56AM EST
Palin works for me.....
14. Author: teedubbyaDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 3:58AM EST
I'm talking politics not porn. I would watch death panel palin porn, that sort of annointment is fine.... but if the GOP annoints her they are doomed.
15. Author: teedubbyaDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 4:01AM EST
I guess one is ointment the other annointment but you get he picture.

I know the country and the world went to hell in a handbasket immediately once the black man took office, actually immediately after he was elected and before he actually took office. I know it was all Hussein's fault....

But using my imagination.... if the world and the US turned to **** so quickly Bush must have done a stunning job. Good god had he stayed in office I'd start to beleive the Mayan calandar.
16. Author: BuckwheatDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 4:01AM EST
I'm with you on the Palin/Wilson ticket.
17. Author: Chilly9321Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 4:23AM EST
Please give us Palin on your ticket again; she's worse than when we ran Kerry.
18. Author: Chilly9321Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 4:31AM EST

The only true Republican in your primary was Ron Paul and the GOP tanked his candidacy on purpose. That should tell you plenty about just how "small government, fiscally sound" oriented your party actually is - not that the Dems follow their platform very well either.
19. Author: Goathead50Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 4:49AM EST
He's good at coming up with dumb ass ideas.
20. Author: Goathead50Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 4:51AM EST
He's good at pissing people off. See there are some things he has done good at.
21. Author: CharlieDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:05AM EST
He (Obama) can really piss off folks.....LOL

22. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:23AM EST
His masterful use of the Teleprompter.

Man, it's like one long non-stop campaign with this guy.

He just won't stop stumping.

Someone tell him he won and now he actually has to fill Cabinet positions and get down to running this nation.
23. Author: HockeyDadDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:29AM EST
I don't care for the tone of this thread.

President Obama has brought hope and change to America.
24. Author: tailgaterDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:30AM EST
Although I do not agree with his politics, I have to admit that he is perhaps the most eloquent appologizer in history.

Honestly though, it was thrilling to watch him energize the population during the election. His campaign was extremely effective in that regards. How else could you explain why his complete lack of experience was overlooked while his opponents VP's lack of experience was deemed an insurmountable negative?
I mean, it couldn't possibly be due to the fact that those who voted for Obama while crying about Palins wet ears were actually that stupid? Could it?
25. Author: Goathead50Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:33AM EST
^ So he his also good at gathering and organizing dumb asses.
26. Author: Double DDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:34AM EST
He's improved race relations. bad...he's made that worse too.


27. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 5:34AM EST
Oh yeah...he's really good a bowing to Saud princes.

Stay classy Hussein!
28. Author: big chiefDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 6:28AM EST
he's been very good at dividing the country--really good at it.
29. Author: HockeyDadDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 6:34AM EST
He invented [email protected]
30. Author: JadeRoseDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 6:50AM EST
He irritates Potts and Rick
31. Author: KawakDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 6:52AM EST
He showed us what pants not to wear and he showed me that police act stupidly even when you don't have the facts but you don't need them to lash out.
32. Author: StinkdyrDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 7:08AM EST
He hasn't been caught with any dead girls or live boys...
33. Author: AustinTWDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 7:18AM EST
He introduced the phrase "wee wee'd up" into the American lexicon.
34. Author: andytvDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 7:40AM EST
I'm sure he is a really good dancer.
35. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 7:41AM EST
He's made a lot of High Schoolers' parents mad!

Oh, but thats not good...nevermind
36. Author: Chilly9321Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 7:46AM EST

Tailgater - serving in the Senate (but still being green) versus being governor of a State with fewer people in it than northern RI. Those are vastly different levels of experience - one is in the most powerful governing body in the free world, the other is busy dodging moose and keeping an eye on those pecky Russians . . .

Though largely, his relative lack of experience compared to HRC or JMc was ignored in favor of his "presence." But it isn't like GWB or even WJC had a whole lot of quality experience either and they won. Last President with "experience" was GHWB and he was argubaly too experienced/involved to really use that office to represent the People.
37. Author: HockeyDadDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 7:49AM EST
^Apology accepted.
38. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 9:25AM EST
39. Author: engletlDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 9:30AM EST
30. Author: JadeRose Date: 09/14/2009 11:50 AM Reply
He irritates Potts and Rick

Finally someone has made potts & Rick agree on something
40. Author: gringococoloDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 9:37AM EST
He stopped a pending race war by giving away 2 free beers.

My hero.
41. Author: edsbar60Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 10:10AM EST
He's imploding the free trade market so as "people of the world" we are all equal under Al..I mean His Eyes.
42. Author: jpottsDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 11:36AM EST
30. Author: JadeRose Date: 09/14/2009 11:50 AM Reply

He irritates Potts and Rick


Actually, Idi Amin Jr. doesn't irritate me. But I can use him in a fairly grand way to draw attention to myself.

Because chicks dig jpotts.
43. Author: jpottsDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 11:39AM EST
He's done one good thing: given America a taste of what things are like under your average African Marxist dictatorship.

Oh wait, I forgot: it vented the guilt of millions of white, liberal bedwetters who have nothing better to do than to obsess over something that ended nearly 170 years ago.
44. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:30PM EST
Say what's on your mind for a change, why don't cha! LMAO!
45. Author: wheelriteDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:47PM EST

The Civil War ended in 1865,,

144 yrs...

46. Author: wheelriteDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:48PM EST
Whitey Sucks,,,

47. Author: haon123Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:49PM EST
Assumes office Jan 20th 2009:

DJIA : 7949
S&P500: 805
NASDAQ: 1440


DJIA : 9626 (+ 21%)
S&P : 1049 (+ 30%)
NASDAQ: 2091 (+ 45%)
48. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:51PM EST
Setting up for a potential SERIOUS crash.............
49. Author: wheelriteDate: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:51PM EST
^ So,,,

50. Author: Chilly9321Date: Mon, 9/14/2009, 1:52PM EST

Don't let facts spoil an argument! Preach on Pol Potts!
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