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bloodyramstefandave etc:)
451. Author: Ram27Date: Fri, 9/23/2005, 5:52PM EST
Willie, great smokes, Ram likes ! ! !
452. Author: goneslednDate: Fri, 9/23/2005, 6:08PM EST
dont worry about me, i wont snipe out the 500th post. no really i wont...

453. Author: Ram27Date: Fri, 9/23/2005, 6:42PM EST
Wes, are you sure ???? LOL


It think it should be 'snowqueen' in honor of her new Grandson. ! ! !
454. Author: Ram27Date: Fri, 9/23/2005, 7:56PM EST
Snowqueen, please check out 'SmokeStock 2005' in the trades section. ! ! !!

You must be the '500th' post ! ! ! !

455. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Fri, 9/23/2005, 9:55PM EST
hey guys!! been really busy this week...don't know which end is up!! Been bidding on some gars to take away the pain! in a few weeks I'll be getting around to 120 cigars or so... so look the hell out 'cause dd's comin' to town!
(a little out of season but it works! :))
Anyone wanna rat out ram, bloody, and stefan???
I feel the itch comin' on!!!

...I'll get to the rest of you soon enough!! LOL!!!!
456. Author: bloody spaniardDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 5:32AM EST
Nobody will rat us out! LOL!

Good to see ya Dunker!
When did ya get out? LOL!

How could I go the whole weekend without saying good morning to my friends & have a nice weekend!

Congrats again Queen! Isn't it nice to love the heck out of your grandchild & then be able to come home (and rest)? LOL!

(Rambo, you watchin'...?) LOL!
457. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 6:33AM EST
Hola everyone!

Had one hell of a migraine all day yesterday which is why I didn't pop in here. Did not have the proper mindset to deal with all the insanity of this thread.

DD - This is a warning to you. Do not try and go after us. They don't call me the Blue Angel Bomber for nothing, and with names like Ram and Bloody? Bad idea. Heh.

Good day to everyone here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
458. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:02AM EST
Good morning, all you CRAZIE'S! ! !

dd, good to hear from you. Behave ! ! ! LOL

Bloody, Rambo be watching ! ! ! ! LOL

Stefan hop0e you feel better my friend.

Snowqueen, good morning.

459. Author: bloody spaniardDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:14AM EST
Rambo, I just noticed- we laugh a lot... LOL!
Hope that's not a sign that our lights are dimming upstairs...

PS: I picked up my cackle from Robert Deniro's laugh in the movie theater (Cape Fear).

PPS: Glad you're better, Stefan. Next time don't button your top shirt button. Let the blood flow. LOL!
460. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:09AM EST
LOL Thanks for the advice bloody

Feeling much better today thank you Ram

And now it is off to work for me. Don't let this hit 500 til I get back. I wanna get one post in the 490s!
461. Author: SplotchDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 10:25AM EST
Hey guys, Snowqueen says she will be here to join you folks on Monday, so take it easy and relax. You wouldnt want to get this party over before she joined back.

My lovely lady is busier than Peter in a pumpkin eating contast.
462. Author: goneslednDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 10:57AM EST
hey, if you need bloody's snailer or the blue angel lmk. ummm i mean...

floorsforme at comcast dot net.


hope this didnt make 500
463. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 11:01AM EST
man, not one email!! come on, I'm sure one of you can be bought??? about 20 pineapple white owls?? I'm sure stefan or JHC will rat someone out for that many

Come on! I've gotta get a rep goin'!!...if I don't get somebody soon...oh well, I've got a few weeks til my stock gets there anyway!! and there ARE ways!!!

464. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 1:31PM EST
Man, I can sure clear a thread!! You guys talk all day but when I post...GONE!! gonesledn, email sent!! Once I have my stash ready and the addys in my file I'll bomb your ashes!!!

(insert evil laugh)

465. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 1:33PM EST
35 more!! Hell, maybe I'll be the one to make it talking to MYSELF!!! LOL


It's the weekend, where the hell are you guys???
466. Author: bloody spaniardDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 1:47PM EST
You're not alone, Dunker...
You ARE being watched...BWAAAAAAAAHAHA

(Howdy Gonesleddn- you little snitch you!!!)
467. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 1:59PM EST
Well, well, well, looks like we have a living person on this thread!! Well, you may luck out bloody cause no email yet! Maybe he chickened out, did you threaten him??
I promise if you give me your addy I will be gentle (Hell, I'm gonna have to be gentle with my stash!! LOL). I think I'll hit GSS from my other thread, then Ram, then you blood!!! So you've got a while to prepare for the inevitable!!!............................................
468. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 2:02PM EST
32 left!!! Maybe I'll sprint to 499 then let ram have it!!...or not!! LOL

469. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 3:13PM EST
Donkeydunker, calm down my friend. !!!

We must wait for the return of the 'snowqueen' ! ! !
I see you are making up for being away for a while.
Good idea of hitting 'GSS', I like that.

Bloody, I love your post on $10 or less to spend. !!!
Do I dare insert(LOL) here ???? Hell I did ! ! !

Good to see you dd.

We were blessed with a visit by Splotch ! ! ! yea !

Rambo is watching and lurking ! ! !

470. Author: pabloescabarDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 3:30PM EST
pablo is still in the runn'n
471. Author: J.RedlegDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 4:39PM EST
I'm back!

Very surprised you're not over 500 yet. I'll help you get there, but will not make any attempts at the mark.

Queen, a beautiful name for undoubtedly a beautiful baby.

If any of you plan on going to AC, I highly recommend Tropicana's newest attraction, The Quarter. It's designed to be like one of those Vegas style malls with boutique shops and restuarants.

There's a great cigar & wine shop called the Tinder Box. Met an assistant manager, Will M., whom I would do business with if I hadn't planned ahead. The shop had a great assortment, which included PAM anniversaries and even FFOX (they keep those in the back).

We had a drink in the Red Square - overpriced beautiful people place.

If you like spicy foods, I recommend Cuba Libre - my only gripe was that the mojito was made with too much lime juice, even after I asked for it with less lime.

I smoked a Monte #2 that I was gifted a few months ago - I may be looking for references for good ISOM sources because that rocket was sooooo full of flavor and yet soooooo smooooth that the strength crept up on me. I am in love!!!!

The Irish pub on the second floor was a great place to hang out. We were there until 2:30 A.M. - considering I haven't stayed up past 11:30 in the recent past - that was quite a feat.

This afternoon, while I was paying back my comped room (could not win no matter what I tried), I had a Bahiba by Graycliff. Seemed like a good smoke, but I still had the flavor of the Monte in my mind and it just does not compare. I'll have to give that one a second chance another day.

Otherwise, I hope everyone's weekend is going well.

Bless all your little hearts and good night.
472. Author: goneslednDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 4:46PM EST
sorry, had a first bday paerty to attend... stopped home to throw a couple guys under the bus. now its off to the grown ups(if you can call it that) party, lol.

email on the way

473. Author: goneslednDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 4:59PM EST
email sent my friend... and you have to do your homework for mine.

474. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 5:35PM EST
Sorry DD but, unlike many, I work on the weekends.

Wes, there is someone in this thread who has yours. Remember that.....

Good evening to all!!
475. Author: John hay CigarsDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 5:51PM EST
Welcome back John.....we missed you. I think A.C. is on my list of places for our anniversery...when we can squeeze it in. Sounds like you enjoyed it .
476. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 6:10PM EST
Man DD you really did scare everyone away!
477. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 6:29PM EST
Stefan, i know!! I have that effect on people!! Well, sledn ratted out bloody and stefan, but ram I still need, and while I'm at it, stefan, if you want to get back at that rat bastid send me his addy! :) Along w/ ram's if you know what's good for ya!! Hell, give me all the addys you got!! I think I outta bid some more so I can keep up!

dd (23 to go)
478. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 6:42PM EST
I have a nice collection of addresses....

That I do not divulge that easily. Sorry bro.

BTW...remember they call me the Blue Angel Bomber. You've been warned my friend.
479. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 6:56PM EST
stefan, come on, you could atleast rat out ram!! He deserves it! Man, maybe I should just make a separate thread on getting addys...In any case I'm gonna try my hand at GSS and see if I'm worthy. He definately deserves a hit after what he did to me! Then...stefan, since you are being all virtuous and unhelpful! ;)LOL Then...don't know, ram or bloody...the carnage WILL go on!!!

480. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 6:58PM EST
Have to grab 480! A.C.??? What's that??

481. Author: MrsSlednDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:03PM EST
Let's see one has many, many snailers locked away in her handy dandy PC here. And I won't or can't get bombarded by the brothers or sisters... HUM...
482. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:10PM EST
AC is Atlantic City

Hell Mrs Sledn! Don't worry; no attacks going out
OR are there...hehe
483. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:11PM EST
Give it up 'dd', you rar bastid ! ! ! LOL

My we are getting close to the end of another thread !!

Hi Stefan ! ! !
484. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:22PM EST
There's my buddy!

How you doing Ram???
485. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:29PM EST
Maybe I could appeal to a more mature feminine SOTL to help me out??? She knows I am only trying to help out my fellow S/BOTL.

Ram, what is a rar bastid??? LOL ;)

Stefan! How dare you threaten a lady!! I am gonna beat you so bad!!
486. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:34PM EST
That just came along so wrong...
487. Author: donkeydunkerDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:41PM EST
hope I didn't do something wrong! I was just jokin with you stefan. I apologize!!

dd :(
488. Author: Sfraun04Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 7:52PM EST
Relax my friend
All in jest
489. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:03PM EST
Oh my dd, is a comedian ! ! !



Good night all !!

Remember 'wait' for snowqueen. ! ! !

Good night bloody ! ! !

Goodn night 'John Boy' ! ! !

Good night 'pa' Shut up John Boy and go to sleep ! !
490. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:06PM EST
donkeydonker, Ram can help 'rat out someone' for you !!

Now is pablo hiding and waitng to attack ?????

What should I do ????
491. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:08PM EST
Something tells Rambo not to take a chance !!!
492. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:09PM EST
Are you around donkeydunker???

Rambo must do what he must do ! ! !
493. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:10PM EST
Snowqueen, I hope you understand ! ! !
It is late and I'm not responsible ! ! !
494. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:12PM EST
Bloody, Good morning, my friend.
Rambo must do what he said he would do ! ! !

...................and that is ?????
495. Author: Steven DrummondDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:12PM EST
Close to 500 I see . Don't think it will make it through the morning without busting the mark.
496. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:12PM EST
"CHEAT" ! ! !
497. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:13PM EST
TUC Correct !! !
498. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:13PM EST
499. Author: Steven DrummondDate: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:13PM EST
I want 500 ! NOW
500. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 9/24/2005, 8:13PM EST
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