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Box pass version 2012
201. Author: MathenDate: Fri, 7/6/2012, 12:59PM EST
Yup, I could physically run it over. I've been meaning to link up anyway.
202. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 7/6/2012, 2:55PM EST
crgcpro wrote:

I'm not sure who's next on the pass but if you haven't gotten to Mathen yet, you can put me in front or behind him. We're only a couple miles from each other and one of us can drop it off.


203. Author: MathenDate: Fri, 7/6/2012, 4:10PM EST
Cool. Saves me postage. :)
204. Author: crgcproDate: Fri, 7/6/2012, 4:42PM EST
205. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 7/10/2012, 11:17PM EST
anything happening with the box?
206. Author: akfireguyDate: Tue, 7/10/2012, 11:22PM EST
should be headed to AK today or tomorrow. Once I get it, I have my put lined up and I will ship it expidited back to lower 48 so that it can be on its way.

207. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 7/10/2012, 11:28PM EST
Alright, it's alive!!! Thanks akfireguy. When you're done, send it to nabentroth in North Dakota, instead of advojp. He jumped in a few days ago. You'll have to PM him to get his addy since he isn't on the list in the box.
208. Author: akfireguyDate: Tue, 7/10/2012, 11:33PM EST
No worries, I am on top of the process after following this thread. I will update when I get it and when it leaves. I have been having some goofy shipping stuff going on up here both in and out. Hopefully that was just because of the holiday.
209. Author: kombat96Date: Tue, 7/10/2012, 11:45PM EST
how large a box are we up to? AND whens this headed back to MICHIGAN, excited to see all the places and seagars its been through.
210. Author: nabentrothDate: Wed, 7/11/2012, 8:44AM EST
We be keeping on eye on the thread now. Didn't expect to get pulled into the loop so quickly :D
211. Author: AdvojpDate: Wed, 7/11/2012, 10:43AM EST
I noticed nabentroth is up, then me. PM'd you my addy. akfireguy will need yours if that's not yet been done.
Kombat, you've seen how fast this is moving... I just told nabentroth in PM that I'm sittin' listening to REO Speedwagon's "Keep on Rollin'" -- Sounds like something we ought to add as a theme song to this pass -- Keep the Box Rolling folks!!!!
212. Author: JuyceManDate: Wed, 7/11/2012, 2:33PM EST
^^^ What he said!

By the time it makes it to Staxx and me in Chicago, it'll be Christmas (that could be appropriate).

213. Author: nabentrothDate: Wed, 7/11/2012, 5:52PM EST
I always handle my cigar business :)
214. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/11/2012, 7:09PM EST
JuyceMan wrote:
^^^ What he said!

By the time it makes it to Staxx and me in Chicago, it'll be Christmas (that could be appropriate).


I feel your pain, bro. That box has been out here in the west for months. Once it gets back in the lower 48, it'll prolly zip along faster. Might be a good thing that it was in Hawaii, Washington and now Alaska. Cooler temps and more humidity there. Looks like a terrible heat wave sweeping through the heartland and the east coast the past few weeks. Players will have to add some distilled water to the boveda humidity packs in the box.
215. Author: fiddler898Date: Wed, 7/11/2012, 7:17PM EST
JuyceMan wrote:
^^^ What he said!

By the time it makes it to Staxx and me in Chicago, it'll be Christmas (that could be appropriate).


Christmas, yes. The question remains, What year? [no sarcasm alert]

216. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/11/2012, 10:32PM EST
uh ooo...natives gettin restless...
217. Author: AdvojpDate: Thu, 7/12/2012, 9:26AM EST
I was NOT complaining, just commenting. One of my favorite songs just seemed appropriate.
218. Author: Kratzer001Date: Fri, 7/13/2012, 7:22PM EST
Can't wait to see this BAB (big azz box)!
219. Author: akfireguyDate: Wed, 7/18/2012, 2:43AM EST
Box has landed in AK. Will be on its way tomorrow.
220. Author: kombat96Date: Wed, 7/18/2012, 12:05PM EST
cool beans
221. Author: Kratzer001Date: Wed, 7/18/2012, 4:53PM EST
Sweet! Two more stops left before me. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself.
222. Author: tlmac1Date: Wed, 7/18/2012, 6:51PM EST
Yeah, only 3 stops ahead of me!!
223. Author: CelticBomberDate: Wed, 7/18/2012, 7:15PM EST
could we get a repost of the list of players and who has the box atm please?
224. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/19/2012, 12:10AM EST
Here's the lineup and order of players: when you get the box, PM the next player in line for their shipping addy, if it isn't listed on the sheet in the box. (edit: list updated on 6/10/12)
Edit: list updated 7/6/12, location edited 7/18/12
location and player list updated 7/25/12

1) agctribefan, New York
2) cacman, Colorado
3) DBIII, Colorado
4) delta1, California
5) dannykcha, California
6) angus13, Arizona
7) DQook, Hawai’i
8) tmccork, Washington
9) kharzhak, Washington
10) akfireguy, Alaska
10a) nabentroth, North Dakota (current location)
11) Advojp, Nebraska
12) Kratzer001, Missouri
13) tlmac1, Oklahoma
14) coolbreze, Texas
15) polyboy30, Mississippi
16) z6joker9, Mississippi
17) gimbel, Georgia (afghanistan j/k)
18) Mathen, Virginia
18a) crgcpro, hand off from Mathen
19) WillyV, Delaware
20) fiddler898, Massachusetts
20a) hill5673, New York
21) CelticBomber, Pennsylvania
22) Mitch65, Ohio
23) smokestaxx, Illinois
24) JuyceMan, Illinois
25) sd72, Michigan
26) Kombat96, Michigan
225. Author: akfireguyDate: Thu, 7/19/2012, 2:56AM EST
I was a little delayed. Box will be sent to ND tomorrow am.
226. Author: crgcproDate: Thu, 7/19/2012, 7:27AM EST
You forgot me. Either right before or after Mathen as we're only a minute from each other.
227. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/19/2012, 10:16AM EST
Sorry, I copied and pasted an earlier list. Post #199 had you listed after Mathen, who is going to hand the box off to you. I've corrected the latest update in post #224.
228. Author: AdvojpDate: Thu, 7/19/2012, 10:51AM EST
A round of applaus please for Delta. Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause
He's taken the lead on managing this pass and works to keep it moving in a logical order eventhough the original idea, and box, of course, came from Kombat. But for Delta, I believe this may have fallen apart. Well done, sir! Well done! Your efforts are much appreciated by me, and I'm sure others.

Beer Cheers!

229. Author: JuyceManDate: Thu, 7/19/2012, 12:24PM EST
Advojp wrote:
A round of applaus please for Delta. Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause
He's taken the lead on managing this pass and works to keep it moving in a logical order eventhough the original idea, and box, of course, came from Kombat. But for Delta, I believe this may have fallen apart. Well done, sir! Well done! Your efforts are much appreciated by me, and I'm sure others.

Beer Cheers!



230. Author: akfireguyDate: Thu, 7/19/2012, 2:51PM EST
Box enroute to North Dakota. DC # 0311 3260 0000 5500 7638.
231. Author: nabentrothDate: Thu, 7/19/2012, 3:52PM EST
Looks like I will be home next week so I can bounce that f**ker nice and quick.
232. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/19/2012, 5:28PM EST
Advojp and JuyceMan, thanks for the kind sentiments, but it's no biggie. I'm glad to help. Cheers back to you!!!
233. Author: Kratzer001Date: Mon, 7/23/2012, 5:11PM EST
What extra item is everybody adding to the box? Still doing the state item?
234. Author: delta1Date: Mon, 7/23/2012, 11:01PM EST
When the boxpass first started, kombat wanted to get some sort of memento from each state the box went through, and we thought a sticker from the state would do it. But those were HTF, so players put in items like boxes of matches, coasters, business cards from local B&M's, lounges or rollers from their states. Not sure what's happened after the box left California, but the players before me put something in from their respective states.

BTW: the latest Spiderman movie is a "must see." I loved it.
235. Author: hill5673Date: Wed, 7/25/2012, 11:25AM EST
Is it too late to crash the party?
I'm in NY (not by choice)
236. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/25/2012, 4:12PM EST
Don't mean to speak for kombat, but when this came up earlier, he said "the more the merrier" (paraphrasing). His intent was to hit as many states as possible, and even though NY was the first state to kick off the pass, I think we can squeeze you in. I'll put you on the list of players after fiddler898 in Massachusetts. Send your address to him via PM. Then after you get it, send it to the next player on the list, the madman, CelticBomber, in Pennsylvania.
237. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/25/2012, 4:16PM EST
delta1 wrote:
Here's the lineup and order of players: when you get the box, PM the next player in line for their shipping addy, if it isn't listed on the sheet in the box. (edit: list updated on 6/10/12)
Edit: list updated 7/6/12, location edited 7/18/12
location and player list updated 7/25/12

1) agctribefan, New York
2) cacman, Colorado
3) DBIII, Colorado
4) delta1, California
5) dannykcha, California
6) angus13, Arizona
7) DQook, Hawai’i
8) tmccork, Washington
9) kharzhak, Washington
10) akfireguy, Alaska
10a) nabentroth, North Dakota (current location)
11) Advojp, Nebraska
12) Kratzer001, Missouri
13) tlmac1, Oklahoma
14) coolbreze, Texas
15) polyboy30, Mississippi
16) z6joker9, Mississippi
17) gimbel, Georgia (afghanistan j/k)
18) Mathen, Virginia
18a) crgcpro, hand off from Mathen
19) WillyV, Delaware
20) fiddler898, Massachusetts
20a) hill5673, New York
21) CelticBomber, Pennsylvania
22) Mitch65, Ohio
23) smokestaxx, Illinois
24) JuyceMan, Illinois
24a) illinichaser, Illinois
25) sd72, Michigan
26) Kombat96, Michigan
238. Author: illinichaserDate: Wed, 7/25/2012, 4:49PM EST
If Staxx and Juyceman want to do a mini herf, I could get in on this as well. The box could definitely use some illini gear.
239. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/25/2012, 5:19PM EST
Where in Illinois are you? JuyceMan is closer to Michigan, where the box will be ending up.
240. Author: illinichaserDate: Wed, 7/25/2012, 5:25PM EST
Near Joliet. SW of chicago.
241. Author: nabentrothDate: Wed, 7/25/2012, 5:27PM EST
Package going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, but a promotion at my job this last week has had me working all kinds of crazy hours. Plus, it does give the cigars a few days to recover from all the heat.

I will be putting everything in a new box. The current box got beat the hell up on the way to ND.
242. Author: hill5673Date: Wed, 7/25/2012, 5:59PM EST
delta1 wrote:
Don't mean to speak for kombat, but when this came up earlier, he said "the more the merrier" (paraphrasing). His intent was to hit as many states as possible, and even though NY was the first state to kick off the pass, I think we can squeeze you in. I'll put you on the list of players after fiddler898 in Massachusetts. Send your address to him via PM. Then after you get it, send it to the next player on the list, the madman, CelticBomber, in Pennsylvania.

Great! I appreciate it

243. Author: hill5673Date: Wed, 7/25/2012, 7:14PM EST
Hmm, I know what I can contribute from this state..... I'll put a TAX on all the Gars.....
244. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/26/2012, 12:16AM EST
illinichaser wrote:
Near Joliet. SW of chicago.

OK, looks like you can get the box from JuyceMan, before it goes to Michigan. I'll plug you in on the list and when JuyceMan gets it, PM him your addy. Then you can send it along to sd72.
245. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/26/2012, 12:19AM EST
hill5673 wrote:
Hmm, I know what I can contribute from this state..... I'll put a TAX on all the Gars.....

Define "TAX".

I know NY is almost as famous for taxes as California, and if that's what you mean, on behalf of all the remaining players on this list: NO THANK YOU.
246. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/26/2012, 12:24AM EST
nabentroth wrote:
Package going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, but a promotion at my job this last week has had me working all kinds of crazy hours. Plus, it does give the cigars a few days to recover from all the heat.

I will be putting everything in a new box. The current box got beat the hell up on the way to ND.

Congrats on your promotion, Bro. No worries...this is the 2012 boxpass, and it may take the whole year at the rate it's been going, LOL. I'll bet kombat didn't count on some well-aged cigars ending up in his lap!!!

Thanks for taking care of the box, too. That sucker has got to be getting big.
247. Author: kombat96Date: Thu, 7/26/2012, 2:13AM EST
This maybe a record delta. A year long

I owe a thanks to u for taking this over for me. When this is done ur on the list.

As for the rest of the involved group if anyone needs help, its kust a PM away.
248. Author: hill5673Date: Thu, 7/26/2012, 3:09AM EST
delta1 wrote:
Define "TAX".

I know NY is almost as famous for taxes as California, and if that's what you mean, on behalf of all the remaining players on this list: NO THANK YOU.

Yea I wouldn't do that to you guys. Only people in NY (and CA) have to suffer the wrath.

249. Author: dubleuhbDate: Thu, 7/26/2012, 4:12AM EST
hill5673 wrote:
Is it too late to crash the party?
I'm in NY (not by choice)

Where in NY ?
250. Author: hill5673Date: Thu, 7/26/2012, 4:15AM EST
Syracuse area
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