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How the Polls got it wrong....
1. Author: StinkdyrDate: Wed, 11/9/2016, 10:04AM EST
What the pollsters SHOULD have asked people to get a real picture of the American zeitgeist:

1. Are you a man? Yes or No
2. If Hillary were your wife, which gun would you use to shoot yourself? Shotgun or 45 magnum
3. If Hillary were your mother, which gun would you use to shoot yourself? Shotgun or 45 magnum
4. If Hillary were your boss, which gun would you use to shoot yourself? Shotgun or 45 magnum

2. Author: dkeageDate: Wed, 11/9/2016, 10:07AM EST
Stinkdyr wrote:
What the pollsters SHOULD have asked people to get a real picture of the American zeitgeist:

1. Are you a man? Yes
2. If Hillary were your wife, which gun would you use to shoot her? Shotgun or 45 magnum
3. If Hillary were your mother, which gun would you use to shoot her? Shotgun or 45 magnum
4. If Hillary were your boss, which gun would you use to shoot her? Shotgun or 45 magnum


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