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JESPEAR: I give up!
1. Author: frankj1Date: Thu, 5/25/2017, 7:00PM EST
John has decided that he will pounce on every word I say. Sometimes he even sets me up by asking seemingly innocuous questions...

most recent set up:

Hey, did I ever send you a copy of Sonia Dada's 1st CD? asks John.
I reply in the affirmative, feeling like I just dodged a bullet.

So now, of course, I own copies of "the rest of their portfolio". Poor John. He has a sickness. He can not stop doing wonderful things for people. I never heard of the band until he mentioned them here on the "listening" thread, he sent one, I really liked it, thought we were done. Two chances...fat and slim.

Accompanied by a mostly handwritten note, and a very timely quote about being blessed, a follow up to a recent discussion he and I were having.

I am blessed, and having friends like John are proof of that fact.

I'll be listening to the music all weekend, my friend.
Thank you.

2. Author: TMCTLTDate: Thu, 5/25/2017, 7:38PM EST

John is definitely " good peeps " Applause
3. Author: corey sellersDate: Thu, 5/25/2017, 7:49PM EST
4. Author: jespearDate: Thu, 5/25/2017, 8:05PM EST
I'm tellin' ya Frank, there is A LOT of good, no . . . GREAT music on those CDs. Eclectic, to say the least.
I will be interested to hear which songs stand out to you.

5. Author: jespearDate: Thu, 5/25/2017, 8:08PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
John has decided that he will pounce on every word I say. Sometimes he even sets me up by asking seemingly innocuous questions...


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