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An exchange between a youth group and a Disgusting Human Being
51. Author: TMCTLTDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 9:32AM EST
bgz wrote:
So you guys are arguing about a homo throwing a few bible belters out of his coffee shop?


Just like the cake baker... lol...

I know I don't GAF :D

Let the consumers decide their fate.

Agree completely, but that's NOT what's happening in our country. A certain class IS being insulated or protected from others who disagree with them on social views. Will we see these homosexual business operators who are now refusing to serve christians get sued for differing opinions and ran out of business?

52. Author: bgzDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 11:38AM EST
I don't know the answer to that. I do know that I try to avoid political/religious discussions with prospects because I'm of the opinion that everyone's money is green and I choose to not let anyone's beliefs interfere with business... it's just bad business.
53. Author: dstiegerDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 11:55AM EST
good thing you're not a baker...(are you?) might 'suck' if you have to 'swallow' your pride...and cum to the conclusion that its good business to just bake that cake with two dicks on it

54. Author: bgzDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 12:36PM EST
Well, obviously you thought about being a baker more than I... like... really thought about it.
55. Author: TMCTLTDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 12:41PM EST
dstieger wrote:
good thing you're not a baker...(are you?) might 'suck' if you have to 'swallow' your pride...and cum to the conclusion that its good business to just bake that cake with two dicks on it


Bake away Dave.....for some of us, there ARE more important things than money alone. Besides we BOTH know this isn't what this is about, this is about eliminating ALL private business holders who do not knuckle under to the NEW World Order and are sought out ONLY because they have religious beliefs that doesn't permit them to provide service to the atheists. Swallow what your body will allow Dave....swallow away buddy, no ones stopping you are they?
I am not a terribly religious person, but ABSOLUTELY believe in ones right to REFUSE business to others based on THEIR beliefs and RIGHTS TO DO SO.
56. Author: RMAN4443Date: Mon, 10/16/2017, 12:47PM EST
dstieger wrote:
good thing you're not a baker...(are you?) might 'suck' if you have to 'swallow' your pride...and cum to the conclusion that its good business to just bake that cake with two dicks on it


Wouldn't that make him a "MasterBaker"?Think
57. Author: jjaneckaDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 12:56PM EST
What does any of this have to do with Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall?
58. Author: bgzDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 1:24PM EST
jjanecka wrote:
What does any of this have to do with Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall?

Are those the d1cks you want on your cake?
59. Author: dstiegerDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 1:37PM EST
Take a Prozac, Paul. I was jokingly replying to bgz's green money.

I actually agree that businesses should generally be able to refuse customers. And generally I'm ok with protected classes as defined (and refined?) by CRA, so...even a racist-leaning baker ought to sell donuts to the old Oriental lady down the street. So, clearly I need my own fence post....I'm ok with shifting grays on the 'groups' that can be societal acceptance shifts
60. Author: tailgaterDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 1:50PM EST
We shouldn't lose focus here.
It's not about the owner refusing business.
It's about the unprofessional, over the top offensive nature of his rant.

It really doesn't even matter what happened before the video was filmed.
That may provide a reason why he acted out, but can't excuse the way he did it.

And it's a shame that so many people believe that distributing anti-abortion literature is more offensive than performing an abortion.

"You just had an abortion? Welcome to my shop. Just don't hand out any pamphlets with pictures on them or I'll go X-rated crazy on you."

61. Author: teedubbyaDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:12PM EST
I’ve said some very nasty things to the westboro folks. It sort of mattered what they did before I did. If it would have been filmed I’d look pretty bad I suppose.

Meh. The westboro folks deserved it. I don’t know about these folks.
62. Author: MACSDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:14PM EST
I don't believe we should have "protected classes".

We should all be equally protected under the law. I don't care about race, color, creed, religious background or sexual preference. The law is the law and should be applied equally. Period.
63. Author: SpeysideDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:15PM EST
If a business receives no government money it should be allowed to serve who they want. This may make them racists, and or bigots, so be it. The consumers will decide their fate.
64. Author: dstiegerDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:18PM EST
IDK...without protected classes, I'd bet we return to open, (sanctioned?) racism and sexism...hard to see any other way. I have to think the country is better off without segregated housing, services, etc
65. Author: SpeysideDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:26PM EST
I'm not good with protected classes Dave. It is a form of double jeopardy in many instances. We are a nation of law that protects our citizens. All men are created equal under God seems good enough for me.
66. Author: dstiegerDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:31PM EST
Maybe I don't understand the term...isn't having standard definitions of 'protected class' the only way we got to a Civil Rights Act? Maybe I'm confused....seems to me that rejection of the concept of protected classes means rejection of CRA?

I am not smart enough to figure a better way to legislate the golden rule
67. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 10/16/2017, 2:58PM EST
Libertarians cling to removal of protected classes the same way bernie bros cling to the concept of socialism.

Both theories make some sense at the high level... "sure we should treat everyone equally... and laws should reflect that". Or "I'm sure everyone would pull together to contribute what they can to a society"....

But when the rubber meets the road it fails in both cases. Because people in general are horrible and self interested. (not saying there's anything wrong with horrible-ness)
68. Author: DrafterXDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 3:24PM EST
Kinda like raise the minimum wage and they'll buy Obama-care... Mellow
69. Author: jjaneckaDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 3:31PM EST
That incorrect victor, true libertarians are of the mentaility that social norms should prevail, no protections for anyone, government does not have the right to regulate fiscal or social law.

If you wanna be gay in a libertarian state, fine. If you want a gay only establishment, fine. if you want to abort your child, fine. If you want to birth your child, fine. If you wanna buy a nuclear sub, fine.

Only real laws that should exist are for a small and well-regulated military and those protecting militia, right to speech, creed, and religion.
70. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 10/16/2017, 4:09PM EST
jjanecka wrote:
That incorrect victor, true libertarians are of the mentaility that social norms should prevail, no protections for anyone, government does not have the right to regulate fiscal or social law.

If you wanna be gay in a libertarian state, fine. If you want a gay only establishment, fine. if you want to abort your child, fine. If you want to birth your child, fine. If you wanna buy a nuclear sub, fine.

Only real laws that should exist are for a small and well-regulated military and those protecting militia, right to speech, creed, and religion.

Perhaps I should be more specific.. because you're right, libertarianism is a larger concept.

It was probably a bad comparison. I don't think a desire to get rid of protected classes is necessarily a libertarian trait, or conservative... or liberal. I've seen it go either way on either side. But the fundamental point is the same. The people who advocate it always say that the laws are already in place and a crime is a crime etc etc. It's a good argument, but in practice (as with communism) we see time and time again that people as a whole don't act fairly, we don't legislate or uphold laws fairly.

I think the most starkly obvious evidence is how crazily paranoid some whites will get about the idea of the USA becoming a minority white. These are frequently the same people who will say that we need to stop protecting the minorities because the laws are equally protecting everyone anyway and being a minority isn't putting you at a disadvantage at all.

But that's just my observation, and not in any way statistical.
71. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 4:31PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I think the most starkly obvious evidence is how crazily paranoid some whites will get about the idea of the USA becoming a minority white.

Who is saying this?
72. Author: DrafterXDate: Mon, 10/16/2017, 4:33PM EST
Sounds like something Hillary would say.. Mellow
73. Author: tailgaterDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 9:22AM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Who is saying this?

Stupid people.
74. Author: TMCTLTDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 10:56AM EST
DrafterX wrote:
Sounds like something Hillary would say.. Mellow

Well yeah.....and.....Vicky
75. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 11:40AM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
Well yeah.....and.....Vicky

Actually, I'd have to look but it may have been you.
76. Author: TMCTLTDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 12:18PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Actually, I'd have to look but it may have been you.

Vicki's favorite words and sentences

Might have been
More than likely
I would think
I would imagine
I'm guessing
I'm fairly certain

77. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 12:57PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
Vicki's favorite words and sentences

Might have been
More than likely
I would think
I would imagine
I'm guessing
I'm fairly certain

And you prefer to state you're certain things happen. When they dont.

78. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 1:00PM EST
So absolutes would be preferable to uncertainty?
79. Author: dstiegerDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 1:08PM EST
80. Author: RMAN4443Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 1:41PM EST
bgz wrote:
So Absolute would be preferable to Seagrams?

I don't drink vodka,so someone else will have to answerAnxious
81. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 2:36PM EST
tailgater wrote:
Stupid people.

That's a given.
82. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 2:37PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Actually, I'd have to look but it may have been you.

You have the post?
83. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 3:34PM EST
Nope. Not an easy statement to search for. Too many ways of saying it. It's been said in various forms in this forum tho. From complaining about too many people celebrating cinco de mayo to whining about what a tragedy it is that more and more people are cheering for the Mexican football team to complaining about birthrates of immigrants.

Seems to be a common fear here.
84. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 3:38PM EST
I've heard more about Georgetown rugby rules and beating up the homeless than any of that other rubbish.
85. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 3:38PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Nope. Not an easy statement to search for. Too many ways of saying it. It's been said in various forms in this forum tho. From complaining about too many people celebrating cinco de mayo to whining about what a tragedy it is that more and more people are cheering for the Mexican football team to complaining about birthrates of immigrants.

Seems to be a common fear here.

I never took it that way.... Mellow
86. Author: RMAN4443Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 3:54PM EST
I've always been afraid of the "Immigrant Song".....all that screaming and stuff
87. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 3:59PM EST
RMAN4443 wrote:
I've always been afraid of the "Immigrant Song".....all that screaming and stuff

You sure it's not all the ice and snow? Hammers and oars and ruins?
88. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 4:16PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I've heard more about Georgetown rugby rules and beating up the homeless than any of that other rubbish.

89. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 10/17/2017, 4:17PM EST
victor809 wrote:

That was everyone's take on it too.
90. Author: RMAN4443Date: Tue, 10/17/2017, 6:41PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
You sure it's not all the ice and snow? Hammers and oars and ruins?

Is that what all the screaming is about?Think
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