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Did Something Stupid Today
1. Author: Gene363Date: Sun, 11/5/2017, 11:52AM EST
I did something stupid and worthless today. Resetting the numbers or hands on the few manual clocks we still have and 'dumb' electronic clocks that don't have stupidity feature automation. After years of doing this twice a year I have yet to notice any change in the trajectory of the sun. The day is still approximately 24 hours regardless of what a clock might indicate. It's quite clear the sun and nature don't give a damm about arbitrary numbers on timekeeping machines.

Please enjoy this day and look forward to the roughly six weeks it takes the human body to adjust to the time change. As well as a lack of productivity and an increased chance of errors and accidents.

Happy time change day!
2. Author: MACSDate: Sun, 11/5/2017, 11:57AM EST
Yeah... it's pretty stupid. We really need to stop doing it.
3. Author: DrafterXDate: Sun, 11/5/2017, 12:05PM EST
I quit being stupid a long time ago... Mellow
4. Author: SpeysideDate: Sun, 11/5/2017, 3:36PM EST
So that's just your normal?
5. Author: WhistlebritchesDate: Sun, 11/5/2017, 9:04PM EST
Here in Texas we have a bill before the house every year to end DST..........For some damn reason it always fails.Fuggin politicians
6. Author: grmcooperDate: Sun, 11/5/2017, 9:10PM EST
Time change? Us in God's country don't change time.
7. Author: Ewok126Date: Sun, 11/5/2017, 9:18PM EST
When I was living out in Tucson AZ they do not have a time change. It was the first experiance in my life not dealing with all that. I will have to say I had noticed it is less stressfull on the body and also mentaly less stressfull not doing it. It was then that I had done some research and found that not only do more accidents and such happen when we change time but also more heartattacks and such take place as well. The toll it takes on the human body in those 6 weeks of adjustment is enough for some to cause health issues. I was amazed to learn of this but to be able to physically notice it was even more astounding.
8. Author: grmcooperDate: Sun, 11/5/2017, 9:34PM EST
Like I said God's country. Except we don't count Tucson into the equation.
9. Author: Ewok126Date: Sun, 11/5/2017, 9:49PM EST
grmcooper wrote:
Like I said God's country. Except we don't count Tucson into the equation.

LOL, Not many do count Tucson into the equation. Especially me seeing how I come from the Blue Ridge mountains lol.
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