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Trump, collusion not a crime.
1. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 10:08AM EST
Read this in an article from The Hill. What do you think? I thought collusion was illegal.
2. Author: dstiegerDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 10:16AM EST
Speyside wrote:
Read this in an article from The Hill. What do you think? I thought collusion was illegal.

read what?

Collusion is likely illegal if it is done to conduct activities which violate the law...what are you asking?
3. Author: jjaneckaDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 10:16AM EST
He never colluded in the first place. Even if he did, someone had to do the job. Hillary would have meant WIII.
4. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 10:42AM EST
He did an interview for the New York Times. In the article I read he said Alan Dershewitz said if there was collusion it probably was not illegal. I thought collusion was illegal. Are there times when collusion is not illegal?
5. Author: DrafterXDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 10:43AM EST
I think it's timing. .. after the election it's fine.. before not so much... Mellow
6. Author: dstiegerDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 11:04AM EST
so...went to see what was on the Hill that you're 'referring' to, Spey....found this. I didn't listen to the interview, but it reads like a conversation with a seven year old who got caught nervously walking away from the broken vase, but still thinks that you may not be able to prove he did it yet....."besides...I saw the cat....and even if....but...."

Now, I don't...and never did believe there was any 'there' there. I highly doubt there was illegal cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia anything....but, jeez...just stfu about it, Mr.President....

“I watched Alan Dershowitz the other day, he said, No. 1, there is no collusion, No. 2, collusion is not a crime, but even if it was a crime, there was no collusion,” Trump told The Times. “And he said that very strongly. He said there was no collusion. And he has studied this thing very closely. I’ve seen him a number of times.”

“There is no collusion, and even if there was, it’s not a crime,” he continued. “But there’s no collusion.”

7. Author: BrewhaDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 12:06PM EST
In fairness, it is NOT collusion to talk with your employer.

So, as far as the Russians go, Trump was just talking to the boss.....
8. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 12/29/2017, 1:24PM EST
I think the word "collusion" was a convenient term used to describe a wordy phrase that is illegal behavior: conspiracy with a foreign national to interfere in an election...52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510...

There may not be proof of a there there as to the President, but there is some evidence that members of his campaign team may have conspired with foreign nationals to interfere with an election. Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos and Gates have already been charged in the investigation so far...there are inculpatory emails by Jr and Jared...and that's just stuff that has been made public...

Trump has been reacting as a person who is cognizant of wrong-doing...early on, around June, he inquired about his powers of the pardon regarding friends, family and himself...
9. Author: Tesoro78Date: Fri, 12/29/2017, 1:32PM EST
Guess who sold 40% of the uranium produced in America to Putin? Clinton. Investigate the Clinton Fundation
10. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 12/29/2017, 1:35PM EST
I heard it was 80 - 100%...
11. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 12/29/2017, 1:35PM EST
I heard it was 80 - 100%...
12. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 12/29/2017, 1:40PM EST
Tesoro78 wrote:
Guess who sold 40% of the uranium produced in America to Putin? Clinton. Investigate the Clinton Fundation

you do know that's not close to the actual facts of sale, right?
13. Author: jjaneckaDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 1:57PM EST
So by democrats terms, it was fine for Obama to collude with the terrorists and also again with Russia, right?
14. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 12/29/2017, 3:15PM EST
Butt, Trump...

Obama was authorized to speak on behalf of the US, and did not conspire with the Russians to affect an election...
15. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 5:27PM EST
40%, LMAO! Guess all the information stating otherwise are just false facts?
16. Author: HuckFinnDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 7:39PM EST
jjanecka wrote:
He never colluded in the first place. Even if he did, someone had to do the job. Hillary would have meant WIII.

Whoa! "Even if he did...." ?????!!!!
Hey I know we're all entrenched on our personal political islands but we're still all Amercans, right??
We're talking RUSSIANS here!! Not big fans of democracies, ya know? These are the folks who brought you Stalin. And Russia, the country where 9 political leaders mysteriously died in the last 9 months, orders to murder reporters are common and opposition leader Navalny was just given a 20-day prison sentence for not shutting up.
Fake news is a high crime to the Kremlin. Reporters die. Guys like ex chess champ Kasparov has to leave Russia to escape persecution for his high crime of "free speech". Even he is amazed that they haven't killed him yet.
Ask Ukrainians about Russia. Ask the German people how the Russian army treated them after the war.
In an interview Trump defended Putin 'You think our country's so innocent?' Stupefying.
We're not innocent but ....Siberia? Mass graves?
Under no circumstances is it okay that they worked with Trump to get him elected.
And if he corroborated , LOCK HIM UP!,

If you were seriously looking towards a candidate that would avoid WW3 then how could you help elect a guy like Trump anyway? Donald actually enjoys taunting, insulting and egging on Kim Jong-un who we all know is hell bent on war.

Anyway, seems"collusion" is NOT a legal term except in the case of antitrust.

Whats the deal? Hillary's the real enemy? The Dems? Not the Russians?
That's nuts.

17. Author: BrewhaDate: Fri, 12/29/2017, 7:46PM EST
Tesoro78 wrote:
Guess who sold 40% of the uranium produced in America to Putin? Clinton. Investigate the Clinton Fundation

So Benghazi is not the real issue - regarding Trump collusion I mean?

18. Author: TMCTLTDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 8:54AM EST
HuckFinn wrote:
Whoa! "Even if he did...." ?????!!!!
Hey I know we're all entrenched on our personal political islands but we're still all Amercans, right??
We're talking RUSSIANS here!! Not big fans of democracies, ya know? These are the folks who brought you Stalin. And Russia, the country where 9 political leaders mysteriously died in the last 9 months, orders to murder reporters are common and opposition leader Navalny was just given a 20-day prison sentence for not shutting up.
Fake news is a high crime to the Kremlin. Reporters die. Guys like ex chess champ Kasparov has to leave Russia to escape persecution for his high crime of "free speech". Even he is amazed that they haven't killed him yet.
Ask Ukrainians about Russia. Ask the German people how the Russian army treated them after the war.
In an interview Trump defended Putin 'You think our country's so innocent?' Stupefying.
We're not innocent but ....Siberia? Mass graves?
Under no circumstances is it okay that they worked with Trump to get him elected.
And if he corroborated , LOCK HIM UP!,

If you were seriously looking towards a candidate that would avoid WW3 then how could you help elect a guy like Trump anyway? Donald actually enjoys taunting, insulting and egging on Kim Jong-un who we all know is hell bent on war.

Anyway, seems"collusion" is NOT a legal term except in the case of antitrust.

Whats the deal? Hillary's the real enemy? The Dems? Not the Russians?
That's nuts.

Yes this is Correct. I'm personally more concerned with the amount of
" internal damage " to our own country under her and in general anyone supporting the Democratic playbook mindset today after Barry Soetoro' reign. Russia is @ best a secondary concern AFTER the health of our own country. Perhaps " fake news " and the ensuing damage it INTENTIONALLY creates should be considered illegal and become a legal offense.
19. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 9:53AM EST
Everything was fine until Obama got elected.....Not talking
20. Author: BrewhaDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 11:21AM EST
You haven’t slept a night since, have you?
21. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 11:55AM EST
I sleep good now... But during the Obama reign I had to bury my guns and ammo in a different place every night... Mellow
22. Author: BrewhaDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 1:30PM EST
Oh, right....Obama was comin’ for them guns! LOL
23. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 3:09PM EST
Actually he was just setting things up so Hillary could take them and sell them to the cartels... Mellow
24. Author: SpeysideDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 4:16PM EST
Drafter, that would make a great Trump tweet.
25. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 4:22PM EST
Pretty sure he reads the forums.. we'll see if it gets repeated soon... Mellow
26. Author: HuckFinnDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 5:18PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
Yes this is Correct. I'm personally more concerned with the amount of
" internal damage " to our own country under her and in general anyone supporting the Democratic playbook mindset today after Barry Soetoro' reign. Russia is @ best a secondary concern AFTER the health of our own country. Perhaps " fake news " and the ensuing damage it INTENTIONALLY creates should be considered illegal and become a legal offense.

The Barry Soetoto rumours turned out to be BS. The pictured id card was a fake created by people that, like you, hated and or feared Obama . But of course you have your facts and preconceived ideas and I, mine. But, well, here;

Russia's involvement is only a secondary concern of yours you say. Well, ask yourself this:
if Hillary won the election with help from the Russians would you be ok with it? No, right?
And btw when was our country "under" Hillary?

But fake news? Ya killin me here. THAT should be criminalized? Wow. Did you know that before Trump's coronation polling showed that about 75% of Dems and 75% of Reps trusted the press.
(You do know that Hitler and Mussolini reduced press agencies to state advocacy propaganda machines? Is that what you want?) And if it's fake news and lies and secret agendas you think are damaging to our country how can you ignore Donald's role in all that. Just because he speaks his mind, just because he shoots from the hip doesn't mean he's not a serious liar. He has to hold the record. *See link below. (Sidebar; how anybody can listen to donald fumbling about to finish a sentence coherently without feeling anxious is beyond me. I sometimes find myself half-rooting for the poor guy to finish his 'thought' halfway decently.
It's embarrassing.) And I'd say lets see how much he's lied and conspired with foreigners to get elected but something tells me your news source has you convinced that Mueller is on a witch hunt, period. To me, his presidency is a national and international embarrassment.
Talk about internal damage...sheez

Do you like that Putin, like dictators before him, has strict guidelines regarding what the media is allowed to say? That independent news agencies are as we speak being dismantled piece by piece in Russia? That what you want?
The more free press the better imo. I watch CNN and FOX. And everything in between.
I try to make up my own mind.
I don't want ANY Russian interference, thanks anyway Vladimir.

27. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 5:28PM EST
Snopes... LOL
28. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 12/30/2017, 6:30PM EST
^ #18 ^....Dayum...I disagree with a bunch of con perspectives and philosophy, but I don't hate them more than some foreigner...

when did we get so divisive that we hate about half of all Americans more than we hate the country that has been our enemy since the Eisenhower years...the country we feared and hated so much that we embarked on the nuclear arms race?

I still believe I have more in common with the reddest con in Alabama than some vodka swigging non-English-speaking dude in Moscow...
29. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 6:33PM EST
Lots of love here.. there is hate out there tho unfortunately.. The Resistance comes to mind.. Laugh
30. Author: HuckFinnDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 6:34PM EST
Oh, Snopes is ng...?
Ok, how bout

Or Fox news.
Or Wikipedia


On September 16, 2016, as the Republican Party presidential nominee, Trump stated "President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period."



But...he’s no longer president, right?

31. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 6:45PM EST
Fake News.... Mellow
32. Author: BrewhaDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 7:07PM EST
Sounds fair and balanced to me......
33. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 7:16PM EST
I'm glad you fixed your brain... ThumpUp
34. Author: BrewhaDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 7:21PM EST
You are a real moral compass Drafter.

Not that I would use the same end of the needle as you......
35. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 7:24PM EST
Never share needles...Shame on you
36. Author: BrewhaDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 7:26PM EST
Good point.

Er....not to share....the point....

Never mind.
37. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 12/30/2017, 7:27PM EST
That's how the Resistance spreads... Mellow
38. Author: TMCTLTDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 11:17AM EST
HuckFinn wrote:
The Barry Soetoto rumours turned out to be BS. The pictured id card was a fake created by people that, like you, hated and or feared Obama . But of course you have your facts and preconceived ideas and I, mine. But, well, here;

Russia's involvement is only a secondary concern of yours you say. Well, ask yourself this:
if Hillary won the election with help from the Russians would you be ok with it? No, right?
And btw when was our country "under" Hillary?

But fake news? Ya killin me here. THAT should be criminalized? Wow. Did you know that before Trump's coronation polling showed that about 75% of Dems and 75% of Reps trusted the press.
(You do know that Hitler and Mussolini reduced press agencies to state advocacy propaganda machines? Is that what you want?) And if it's fake news and lies and secret agendas you think are damaging to our country how can you ignore Donald's role in all that. Just because he speaks his mind, just because he shoots from the hip doesn't mean he's not a serious liar. He has to hold the record. *See link below. (Sidebar; how anybody can listen to donald fumbling about to finish a sentence coherently without feeling anxious is beyond me. I sometimes find myself half-rooting for the poor guy to finish his 'thought' halfway decently.
It's embarrassing.) And I'd say lets see how much he's lied and conspired with foreigners to get elected but something tells me your news source has you convinced that Mueller is on a witch hunt, period. To me, his presidency is a national and international embarrassment.
Talk about internal damage...sheez

Do you like that Putin, like dictators before him, has strict guidelines regarding what the media is allowed to say? That independent news agencies are as we speak being dismantled piece by piece in Russia? That what you want?
The more free press the better imo. I watch CNN and FOX. And everything in between.
I try to make up my own mind.
I don't want ANY Russian interference, thanks anyway Vladimir. I mean WINDY is that YOU??? Polling...lmao which one most aligns with your ideology? Do you seriously trust polls? We don't have wait to have one of our leaders reduce the press to a Democratic propaganda machine....they do it WILLINGLY and without having to be asked. They ( read owners of papers / news agencies ) have gone ALL IN when it comes to their personal politics having become ALL IMPORTANT vs simply / honestly reporting the news.
I'm sorry your still so Butt hurt that your Chitcago Savior is no longer spreading racial hatred from our country' White House and putting social rewiring @ the forfront of what's most important for our entire country NOT JUST FRIGGIN 3-4% OF IT!!!!!
39. Author: SpeysideDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 11:23AM EST
After doing some reading, collusion is not a crime unless it involves antitrust. If I am interpreting what I read correctly. Obviously the investigation is ongoing so I wonder what they are looking at. Could they be looking for a conspiracy in some form?
40. Author: TMCTLTDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 11:24AM EST
delta1 wrote:
^ #18 ^....Dayum...I disagree with a bunch of con perspectives and philosophy, but I don't hate them more than some foreigner...

when did we get so divisive that we hate about half of all Americans more than we hate the country that has been our enemy since the Eisenhower years...the country we feared and hated so much that we embarked on the nuclear arms race?

I still believe I have more in common with the reddest con in Alabama than some vodka swigging non-English-speaking dude in Moscow...

The Russians have NOTHING to do with MY COUNTRY changing DRAMATICALLY in an eight year period under Barry. The Russians that apparently scare the hell out of you and others....don't meddle in my day to day life and the lives of fellow Americans. The Democraptic party here on the other hand.....they're Non-Stop in their mission to make us a Socialistic State. Those SCARY scary Russians....Boo hoo!
41. Author: HuckFinnDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 1:15PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
The Russians have NOTHING to do with MY COUNTRY changing DRAMATICALLY in an eight year period under Barry. The Russians that apparently scare the hell out of you and others....don't meddle in my day to day life and the lives of fellow Americans. The Democraptic party here on the other hand.....they're Non-Stop in their mission to make us a Socialistic State. Those SCARY scary Russians....Boo hoo!

So it's irrelevant/alright with you if the Russians meddled with the election? Not me.
Screw that
Sounds like you're still pissed that Obama won. Twice. Too bad. You missed a great party.
Guess you're gonna refuse social security and Medicare, eh. Damn Socialism.

42. Author: delta1Date: Sun, 12/31/2017, 1:28PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
The Russians have NOTHING to do with MY COUNTRY changing DRAMATICALLY in an eight year period under Barry. The Russians that apparently scare the hell out of you and others....don't meddle in my day to day life and the lives of fellow Americans. The Democraptic party here on the other hand.....they're Non-Stop in their mission to make us a Socialistic State. Those SCARY scary Russians....Boo hoo!

I still love you MORE than any Russian dude...I know a few, but you're higher in my esteem than any of them...

43. Author: BrewhaDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 4:53PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
The Russians have NOTHING to do with MY COUNTRY changing DRAMATICALLY in an eight year period under Barry. The Russians that apparently scare the hell out of you and others....don't meddle in my day to day life and the lives of fellow Americans. The Democraptic party here on the other hand.....they're Non-Stop in their mission to make us a Socialistic State. Those SCARY scary Russians....Boo hoo!

Well written comrade brother.

The decadent west has nothing to fear!

You like borscht, no?
44. Author: BrewhaDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 4:55PM EST
delta1 wrote:
I still love you MORE than any Russian dude...I know a few, but you're higher in my esteem than any of them...

For a moment I thought spring must be in the air......

But spring smells better than that.
45. Author: DrafterXDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 6:12PM EST
Brewha wrote:

You like borscht, no?

Is that some kind of Russian rodent..?? Huh
46. Author: delta1Date: Sun, 12/31/2017, 7:48PM EST
ummm...not sure...but that's what the Russians say before you feel like "I have an intrusion in me"... at least that's what Hillary said...
47. Author: DrafterXDate: Sun, 12/31/2017, 8:08PM EST
I bet Victor hears that alot... Mellow
48. Author: TMCTLTDate: Mon, 1/1/2018, 1:47PM EST
HuckFinn wrote:
So it's irrelevant/alright with you if the Russians meddled with the election? Not me.
Screw that
Sounds like you're still pissed that Obama won. Twice. Too bad. You missed a great party.
Guess you're gonna refuse social security and Medicare, eh. Damn Socialism.

I don't know about you....but I and millions more PAID IN to Social Security ( likely more than we'll get back ) .....I DO NOT view that as a handout do you?
If our elected officials stopped using OUR tax dollars for **** like sponsoring their next crop of voters. ( Read Dreamers and chain of family members ) and then there's their brats education, their entire broods healthcare etc.

I'm enjoying the current party MUCH...MUCH MORE.
49. Author: HuckFinnDate: Mon, 1/1/2018, 4:37PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:

I'm enjoying the current party MUCH...MUCH MORE.

You kidding? Me Too! Let's all raise a glass of Stolichnaya and toast our host, Vlad!

*Someone put on the hands-down best reality show of all time, Celebrity Appresident?!
50. Author: DrafterXDate: Mon, 1/1/2018, 4:48PM EST
You should really find a better news source... Mellow
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