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An interesting observation
1. Author: BuckwheatDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 2:08PM EST
Notice how Arabs don't have to take flack for all the **** they did and are still doing because of one word ISLAMOPHOBIA, if anything is a phobia its straight white male phobia. Islam isn't tolerant of gays, woman's rights, liberal life styles but so called liberals feel the need to defend them smh, this is why i feel this world is too crazy for my liking.

I read this on a Bill Burr post and thought it was interesting. fog

2. Author: ZRX1200Date: Tue, 7/17/2018, 2:35PM EST
How dare you post something agreeable.
3. Author: HuckFinnDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 2:51PM EST
Buckwheat wrote:
Notice how Arabs don't have to take flack for all the **** they did and are still doing because of one word ISLAMOPHOBIA, if anything is a phobia its straight white male phobia. Islam isn't tolerant of gays, woman's rights, liberal life styles but so called liberals feel the need to defend them smh, this is why i feel this world is too crazy for my liking.

I read this on a Bill Burr post and thought it was interesting. fog

Bill Maher has been criticizing liberals for exactly that for years.
4. Author: Gene363Date: Tue, 7/17/2018, 2:53PM EST
Buckwheat wrote:
Notice how Arabs don't have to take flack for all the **** they did and are still doing because of one word ISLAMOPHOBIA, if anything is a phobia its straight white male phobia. Islam isn't tolerant of gays, woman's rights, liberal life styles but so called liberals feel the need to defend them smh, this is why i feel this world is too crazy for my liking.

I read this on a Bill Burr post and thought it was interesting. fog

Bill Burr, one funny guy.
5. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 4:28PM EST
Preaching to the choir.

I know I've got blasted on this very forum for saying the exact same sh*t.
6. Author: SpeysideDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 4:43PM EST
Seems like truth is a dirty word to political correctness to many loons on the left. It's pretty easy to throw around words like bigot and racist. I sometimes wonder where my rights went. I don't like much of Islam. The way women are treated is so very against my beliefs. Any religion that preaches to convert or kill me is inherently evil. So I guess by today's standards I am a racist or bigot because I choose not to associate with people of the Islamic faith.
7. Author: opelmanta1900Date: Tue, 7/17/2018, 4:45PM EST
Gene363 wrote:
Bill Burr, one funny guy.

"Why you going to indianapolis Bill?!"
8. Author: JadeRoseDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 4:56PM EST
Religion sucks. Islam is a religion. Islam sucks
9. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 7/17/2018, 6:46PM EST
Perspective of Islam/Muslims: Look at how many Westerners/European/American/ non-Islamic businesses and citizens have settled into the Middle East, changing the power structure and culture of those countries over the past century or so, to their detriment ...
10. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 7/17/2018, 8:52PM EST
Burr is from the town next to mine.
11. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 9:06PM EST
delta1 wrote:
Perspective of Islam/Muslims: Look at how many Westerners/European/American/ non-Islamic businesses and citizens have settled into the Middle East, changing the power structure and culture of those countries over the past century or so, to their detriment ...

Ya, screw all those non-muslims going in and being all outraged over genital mutilation and public executions and such.

No, genital mutilation is not the same as a circumcision.
12. Author: HuckFinnDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 9:16PM EST
bgz wrote:
Ya, screw all those non-muslims going in and being all outraged over genital mutilation and public executions and such.

No, genital mutilation is not the same as a circumcision.

Yeah, so show off just cause you had a good doctor.
13. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/17/2018, 9:29PM EST
delta1 wrote:
Perspective of Islam/Muslims: Look at how many Westerners/European/American/ non-Islamic businesses and citizens have settled into the Middle East, changing the power structure and culture of those countries over the past century or so, to their detriment ...

Really? So the UAE used to be tent dwelling camel riders, and now since westerners discovered oil in their lands, they're the richest folks around and live in great wealth. If that's to their detriment...

And perhaps some of their culture needs to be changed. You know... into the 21st century?
14. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/18/2018, 12:42AM EST
what if they were perfectly happy with their living conditions?
15. Author: bgzDate: Wed, 7/18/2018, 1:48AM EST
If they're so happy, why do they all try to migrate to Europe?

I think Europe needs a wall more than we do, lol.
16. Author: BuckwheatDate: Wed, 7/18/2018, 7:32AM EST
JadeRose wrote:
Religion sucks. Islam is a religion. Islam sucks

^This. fog
17. Author: bgzDate: Wed, 7/18/2018, 10:00AM EST
JadeRose wrote:
Religion sucks. Islam is a religion. Islam sucks

I agree, it's a logically valid statement.
18. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/18/2018, 11:23AM EST
bgz wrote:
If they're so happy, why do they all try to migrate to Europe?

I think Europe needs a wall more than we do, lol.

might have something to do with the violence that escalated due to the culture clash. Don't get me wrong, there was tribal violence before...

but not on the scale that leveled whole centuries old cities...

MACS is right though...the globalization/Westernization that gathered steam after Columbus is irreversible and will eventually consume the entire planet...

and will cause more violent conflicts along the way...which will displace more people fleeing their homes...

resisting is useless, as even Trump's nationalistic philosophies will not last long or succeed...

we/America were the masters of globalization after WWII...
19. Author: opelmanta1900Date: Wed, 7/18/2018, 11:45AM EST
Many empires have reshaped the world over the course of time... by no means was America the first, nor will it be the last...

Some day, jade and buckwheat and bgz may even see an empire reshape the world to be free of religion...

Of course that world will be a world largely free of homeless shelters, food kitchens, the red cross, the red crescent, the salvation army, goodwill stores, 12 step recovery programs, teen challenge drug recovery centers, Christmas, Easter, thanksgiving, the overwhelming majority of state constitutions, the first amendment, might as well abolish the US since to an extent it was settled for religious purposes... the list could go on but you all have Google... religion sure does suck... good thing we've got Hollywood...
20. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 7/18/2018, 12:51PM EST
Religion was once necessary. Now its just divisive. Once it helped explain natural phenomenon, created laws, gave us a sense of community and, probably most importantly, connected man to the universe in a spiritual way.
We don't need clergymen to write our laws anymore. We have governments to regulate civility and scientists to explain natural phenomenons.
But what modern man seriously lacks and for the most part only finds in organized religions is spirituality. Maybe why there's a resurgence of fundamentalism and zealots these days.
Meaning. People need to think it all means something...

In a world that might lack real meaning, Camus' version of Absurdism always appealed to me .
Other than that, if ever asked my 'faith' I aways answer, 'I'm a God-fearing atheist "

Clearly, it's healthy to be able to experience spirituality. Obviously there are tons of ways to connect to nature....though I hear camping is, I play guitar.

Lastly, some religions are ok I think, peaceful enough and pretty harmless like Taoism, Jainism, Buddhism...
21. Author: bgzDate: Wed, 7/18/2018, 4:20PM EST
delta1 wrote:
might have something to do with the violence that escalated due to the culture clash. Don't get me wrong, there was tribal violence before...

but not on the scale that leveled whole centuries old cities...

MACS is right though...the globalization/Westernization that gathered steam after Columbus is irreversible and will eventually consume the entire planet...

and will cause more violent conflicts along the way...which will displace more people fleeing their homes...

resisting is useless, as even Trump's nationalistic philosophies will not last long or succeed...

we/America were the masters of globalization after WWII...

So you're saying liberalism of the entire world is inevitable?

This doesn't explain why liberals berate and chastise Christian Republicans because of their conservative views, but are perfectly ok with Muslims' far more extreme views because it's a culture thing... and anyone who calls BS on it is automatically flagged as an Islamophobe.

So you're ok with women getting their cl1ts chopped off because it's a cultural thing.

Or women being sentenced to stoning because they got raped and it was their fault... because it's a cultural thing.

Their religion is not good for the world, it's quite toxic really, yet it's the fastest growing religion in the world. My guess would be because Islomophobia is a thing... Am I an Islamaphobe? Damn right I am, their culture f*ckin scares the sh1t out of me... I have daughters you know.
22. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 7/18/2018, 5:51PM EST
No, just because Trumps's philosophy will be short-lived doesn't mean that liberalism will be the primary force behind it's demise as we move towards will be capitalism, unhinged from any religious tethers except profits...

Globalization has only slight needs for liberalism, in that it needs some form of tolerance, so that it can co-exist in places where it would be profitable to remain and exploit...the days of slaughtering everybody and taking the valuables are mostly you gotta at least pretend to like the indigenous/locals and look the other way from their repulsive behaviors...

with your attitude, a global company would be reluctant to transfer you to an Islamic profit center...winks and nods go further than outraged disgust and interference in disgusting conduct...

in some of those places the people find drinking alcohol and publicly touching improperly clothed women disgusting and imprisoning people who indulge in self medication from natural plants a form of barbarism...
23. Author: bgzDate: Wed, 7/18/2018, 6:43PM EST
It's ok, I wouldn't step foot in one of those countries anyway. It's illegal for me to be alive in those countries, and the punishment is death.

So I'm ok with some powerful corporate overlord not sending me to one of those places.
24. Author: tailgaterDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 8:37AM EST
Speyside wrote:
Seems like truth is a dirty word to political correctness to many loons on the left. It's pretty easy to throw around words like bigot and racist. I sometimes wonder where my rights went. I don't like much of Islam. The way women are treated is so very against my beliefs. Any religion that preaches to convert or kill me is inherently evil. So I guess by today's standards I am a racist or bigot because I choose not to associate with people of the Islamic faith.

And I'm a racist because I voted for Trump.

25. Author: tailgaterDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 8:38AM EST
HuckFinn wrote:
Religion was once necessary. Now its just divisive..

Not true.
Everyone in my Church gets along just fine.

26. Author: tailgaterDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 8:40AM EST
If there's no god then who are the ballplayers pointing to after a home run?

27. Author: DrafterXDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 8:45AM EST
Do you have a softball team..?? Huh
28. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 9:09AM EST
tailgater wrote:
Not true.
Everyone in my Church gets along just fine.

For a long hour and still, divisive.
..less of course it's multidenominational and (chuckles) multiracial.

Sides, going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
29. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 9:10AM EST
tailgater wrote:
If there's no god then who are the ballplayers pointing to after a home run?

30. Author: SpeysideDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 9:32AM EST
Huck, if an institution performs more good than bad why would you think it has outlived its usefulness? Also aren't you deriding billions of peoples beliefs? Finally shouldn't you give everyone who believes in God as much respect as they should give you?
31. Author: Gene363Date: Thu, 7/19/2018, 9:45AM EST
Religion is an invention of man. I'm not a big fan, but the more the merrier and the less likelihood of one religion getting in charge of the everything. I'd should also say that atheism, in this context, is another religion.

FWIW, the idea, "the more religions the better", came from an atheist physiatrist speaking on NPR. I did not get his name, but he is correct.
32. Author: bgzDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 10:03AM EST
No... atheism is not a religion... in any context.

Sure, there's some millennial hipsters getting together on meetup to discuss their non-belief over lattes and tofu cakes, but that doesn't make it a religion.

It's simply a checkbox with none of the above as it's label.

I would say flat earthism is more of a religion than atheism, they yell till they're blue in the face that the world is flat despite worlds of evidence that it is not.

Just another thought, an old employee of mine tried to convince me that I'm agnostic because I leave open the possibility that any one religion in the entire universe might be correct despite the astronomical odds against any intelligent species' dogma actually being correct.

I was like, but I think the probability of any religion on our planet nailing it to be so infinitesimally small that you might as just call it zero.
33. Author: bikrtrshDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 10:39AM EST
Let's not forget intelligent design ....
and by the way, the earth is definitely not flat.

34. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 7/19/2018, 11:19AM EST
bgz wrote:

Just another thought, an old employee of mine tried to convince me that I'm agnostic because I leave open the possibility that any one religion in the entire universe might be correct despite the astronomical odds against any intelligent species' dogma actually being correct.

I was like, but I think the probability of any religion on our planet nailing it to be so infinitesimally small that you might as just call it zero.

Hey, summed up my intellectual ambivalence and skepticism about religion quite succinctly...but I do leave open, even lean towards, the possibility of a supreme being, a creator, so to speak. Our language limitations and my lack of mastering even the limited skills prevent me from fully expressing all thoughts and impressions about this.
35. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 11:24AM EST
Speyside wrote:
Huck, if an institution performs more good than bad why would you think it has outlived its usefulness? Also aren't you deriding billions of peoples beliefs? Finally shouldn't you give everyone who believes in God as much respect as they should give you?

Speyside, because I think organized religions do more bad than good.

And I know there are seriously well-intentioned folks out there donating time and money to underprivileged people and doing all sorts of good deeds.
A couple, our closest friends, both professors, through their Church built a school for Ugandan kids and help their folks to start up businesses. Truth be told I think charitable people would be out there doing things like that even if it didn't come under the title of God's Work.

I respect people who believe. Probably even envy them a little .
But my problem with organized religion is the same as my beef with any cult: you've collected like-minded people in to an isolated space like some secret society, with the expressed purpose of making them even more like-minded. To brainwash them. To separate them from the rest of the population.

Messages, drummed in to people's heads like, without Jesus you're going to hell or kill infidels or bomb the shiites or sunnis....etc etc...all in the name of God? Insanity imo.
What do all the many erroneous messages that are preached have do with a God that might exist. Sounds more like power-hungry-madmen-agendas.
I do like present pope though. Seems like a genuine Christian to me.
Like TG.

Short question....long answer...
36. Author: bgzDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 11:47AM EST
delta1 wrote:
Hey, summed up my intellectual ambivalence and skepticism about religion quite succinctly...but I do leave open, even lean towards, the possibility of a supreme being, a creator, so to speak. Our language limitations and my lack of mastering even the limited skills prevent me from fully expressing all thoughts and impressions about this.

Damn... looks like the name stuck... fu guys lol.
37. Author: JadeRoseDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 12:36PM EST
Gene363 wrote:
Religion is an invention of man. I'm not a big fan, but the more the merrier and the less likelihood of one religion getting in charge of the everything. I'd should also say that atheism, in this context, is another religion.

FWIW, the idea, "the more religions the better", came from an atheist physiatrist speaking on NPR. I did not get his name, but he is correct.

I agree with everything about this statement. The PRACTICE of Atheism is most definitely a "religion" and is why I disagree with those a$$holes as much as I do other religions. I have absolutely no beef with those who have faith in a higher power or a God or whatever they wish to call it. Just leave me out of it unless I show interest. I don't want to be a Fundamentalist Christian anymore than I want to be Muslim or a Jew. Don't try to convert me to and SURE AS HELL don't expect me to live life according to those beliefs. I don't want the US to be a Christian Nation. I don't want it to be anything other than a Nation of Laws and leave the religion to those that practice them.

To my original thought on this thread, Modern Atheism seems to be needlessly antagonistic towards those of faith. Why? If you are an atheist why do you have to "Practice" anything? How the hell do you practice NOT believing in something? I'm agnostic, bordering on atheist. Therefore I just leave all that stuff alone and let people of faith enjoy that faith with no input from me.
38. Author: Gene363Date: Thu, 7/19/2018, 12:38PM EST
bgz wrote:
No... atheism is not a religion... in any context.

Sure, there's some millennial hipsters getting together on meetup to discuss their non-belief over lattes and tofu cakes, but that doesn't make it a religion.

It's simply a checkbox with none of the above as it's label.

I would say flat earthism is more of a religion than atheism, they yell till they're blue in the face that the world is flat despite worlds of evidence that it is not.

Just another thought, an old employee of mine tried to convince me that I'm agnostic because I leave open the possibility that any one religion in the entire universe might be correct despite the astronomical odds against any intelligent species' dogma actually being correct.

I was like, but I think the probability of any religion on our planet nailing it to be so infinitesimally small that you might as just call it zero.

You don't need a church/meeting place to have a religion. Atheism can be considered as a religion as practiced by some, especially those that cannot stand others practicing their religion or the fanatics that are so concerned even the most remote link to typical religion(s) is verboten.

"a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
"consumerism is the new religion""

" a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith"

As to your second thought, perhaps most all religions are partly correct, each individual has free will to go to the light or the dark side/good/evil etc. That baked in trait came from someplace. We may figure it out one day, but for now who knows, we can only conjecture, ergo the agnostic. The paradox is, we may never know.

39. Author: Gene363Date: Thu, 7/19/2018, 12:43PM EST
JadeRose wrote:
I agree with everything about this statement. The PRACTICE of Atheism is most definitely a "religion" and is why I disagree with those a$$holes as much as I do other religions. I have absolutely no beef with those who have faith in a higher power or a God or whatever they wish to call it. Just leave me out of it unless I show interest. I don't want to be a Fundamentalist Christian anymore than I want to be Muslim or a Jew. Don't try to convert me to and SURE AS HELL don't expect me to live life according to those beliefs. I don't want the US to be a Christian Nation. I don't want it to be anything other than a Nation of Laws and leave the religion to those that practice them.

To my original thought on this thread, Modern Atheism seems to be needlessly antagonistic towards those of faith. Why? If you are an atheist why do you have to "Practice" anything? How the hell do you practice NOT believing in something? I'm agnostic, bordering on atheist. Therefore I just leave all that stuff alone and let people of faith enjoy that faith with no input from me.

40. Author: Gene363Date: Thu, 7/19/2018, 12:47PM EST
Some of you might be interested in Deism.

"a movement or system of thought advocating natural (see 1natural 8b) religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe"

Did You Know?

Belief in God based on reason rather than revelation or the teaching of any specific religion is known as deism. The word originated in England in the early 17th century as a rejection of orthodox Christianity. Deists asserted that reason could find evidence of God in nature and that God had created the world and then left it to operate under the natural laws devised by God. By the late 18th century, deism was the dominant religious attitude among Europe’s educated classes; it was accepted by many upper-class Americans of the same era, including the first three US presidents.

More on Deism as a philosophy here:
41. Author: dstiegerDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 12:50PM EST
JadeRose wrote:

To my original thought on this thread, Modern Atheism seems to be needlessly antagonistic towards those of faith. Why? If you are an atheist why do you have to "Practice" anything? How the hell do you practice NOT believing in something? I'm agnostic, bordering on atheist. Therefore I just leave all that stuff alone and let people of faith enjoy that faith with no input from me.

I'm mostly with you, but a little in the first part

I used to sort of feel like 'belief', and religion especially, was such an assault on reason and logic that I felt like some sort of modern day Galileo - "how can these people go through life denying that the world is round?" .... to me, its like people are trying to tell me things that I cannot comprehend ....nor comprehend that so many people believe if maybe with just a few minutes I could get some rational thought to magically appear and give reality a chance...I don't want to save the world, but I like reason

And, I like to argue and hopefully challenge people to challenge their assumptions and consider rational thoughts that have been foreign to them...and I used to like to, I'm more of a 'whatever'....but it might be more that I've given up, than that I've gotten more accepting idk
42. Author: DrafterXDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 12:58PM EST
I'm pretty sure God gave us puppy-dogs... Mellow
43. Author: dstiegerDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 1:00PM EST
and mosquitos?
44. Author: bgzDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 1:00PM EST
For a response to #37 and #38... how the hell do you even PRACTICE atheism?

I have considered many ideas about how the universe works, even came up with some of my own and searched to see if others have considered the same... Incidentally, many scientists have had similar thoughts to my own and have put significantly more thought into it than myself.

edit: (meant to put this, but forgot)

With that said, I'm sure both myself and the scientists mentioned have an infinitesimally small probability of being correct... though I would estimate the odds to be slightly higher than dogma created thousands of years ago (even if the probability was higher by a factor of a million, I think the probability would still be extremely close to zero).

end edit:

I would hardly call choosing to not adhere to anyone else's dogma as truth a religion... that doesn't even make sense.

Sure, there may be militant atheists just as there's militants for any form of thought... with that logic, you could consider being gay a religion because there's militants protesting for gay rights... where the former is just as absurd as the latter.

I personally don't seek out other atheists in some twisted biological need to be a part of some fascist group think... I don't really gaf about what other people think about something that is seemingly impossible to know for sure...

But I'll certainly discuss and debate the topic with people interested in such discussions.

Truth be told, most of my conversations over the past few years with anyone about religion and atheism are here on these boards, I don't really put a lot of thought into my non-belief unless the topic comes up.

If atheism is a religion, then...

Not playing golf is a sport...

Not collecting baseball cards is a hobby...

Not playing slot machines is form of gambling...

See where I'm going with this?

I stand by my statement, atheism is not a religion.
45. Author: JadeRoseDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 1:11PM EST
bgz wrote:
For a response to #37 and #38... how the hell do you even PRACTICE atheism?

I have considered many ideas about how the universe works, even came up with some of my own and searched to see if others have considered the same... Incidentally, many scientists have had similar thoughts to my own and have put significantly more thought into it than myself.

I would hardly call choosing to not adhere to anyone else's dogma as truth a religion... that doesn't even make sense.

Sure, there may be militant atheists just as there's militants for any form of thought... with that logic, you could consider being gay a religion because there's militants protesting for gay rights... where the former is just as absurd as the latter.

I personally don't seek out other atheists in some twisted biological need to be a part of some fascist group think... I don't really gaf about what other people think about something that is seemingly impossible to know for sure...

But I'll certainly discuss and debate the topic with people interested in such discussions.

Truth be told, most of my conversations over the past few years with anyone about religion and atheism are here on these boards, I don't really put a lot of thought into my non-belief unless the topic comes up.

If atheism is a religion, then...

Not playing golf is a sport...

Not collecting baseball cards is a hobby...

Not playing slot machines is form of gambling...

See where I'm going with this?

I stand by my statement, atheism is not a religion.

It shouldn't be but it is. A lot of Atheists wear their "non-beliefs" like a crown of thorns. They attack and mock those who have faith. They ACTIVELY deny the existence of God and make damn sure that they believe those of faith to be stupid. It is practiced as fervently as those guys who handle snakes and speak in tongues practice whatever the hell they are doing. It might not be a "religion", per se, but they sure do act like it is. I think religion sucks but as long as you leave me alone, I'll happily do the same for you.

46. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 1:18PM EST
Atheists organize against religious intolerance, the infiltration of religious dogma into schools and legislation, and the entanglement of church and state. They meet. A very cheerful group.
No robes, waffers or yarmulkes no 'Amens!'. They'd be invisible but for organized religion's outrage.
The IRS won’t be granting religious tax exemptions to atheist groups any time soon, so, not a religion.

And anyway, what difference does it make?
47. Author: bgzDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 1:23PM EST
JadeRose wrote:
It shouldn't be but it is. A lot of Atheists wear their "non-beliefs" like a crown of thorns. They attack and mock those who have faith. They ACTIVELY deny the existence of God and make damn sure that they believe those of faith to be stupid. It is practiced as fervently as those guys who handle snakes and speak in tongues practice whatever the hell they are doing. It might not be a "religion", per se, but they sure do act like it is. I think religion sucks but as long as you leave me alone, I'll happily do the same for you.

I religiously brush my teeth at least twice a day, and consider any adult who doesn't do it to be a dumb ass, so by your logic, that makes dentistry a religion.
48. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 3:52PM EST
tailgater wrote:
And I'm a racist because I voted for Trump.

It took great courage to admit that. Congrats.
49. Author: SpeysideDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 4:11PM EST
To believe in God, or to not believe in god is a conscious decision. It really has nothing to do with a religion. To believe and follow a specific religion is also a conscious choice. Many of us grew up in a family that believed and followed a specific religion. Some of us decided that religion was not for us. Some of us decided religion was not for us. Some of us decided god does not exist. In our great country our brilliant forefathers left us a constitution that allowed for all of us to immune to repercussions due to our individual beliefs. For me, I believe in God, but my mind is to tiny to comprehend that God can't have many forms to various religions. So I choose not to follow a specific religion. I don't feel sorry for Atheists or the need to proselytize to them. I respect them for their conviction as I respect members of most religions for the conviction.
50. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 7/19/2018, 4:15PM EST
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
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