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P&G Challenges Men to Shave Their ‘Toxic Masculinity’ in Gillette Ad
1. Author: Gene363Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 5:49PM EST
Gillette's response to Dollar Shave Club and Harry's cleaning their clock.

The add can be seen on YouTube here:

Will it go viral or crash and burn?
2. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:05PM EST
I haven't bothered watching it. I've heard a lot of noise about it...
Some groups are saying there's a "backlash"... But I haven't seen anyone complaining about it...

Unless you're complaining about it?

I don't get why it's a thing.
3. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:09PM EST
I take that back. I just opened Twitter,and the first thing I saw was someone who posted a picture of their Gillette razor in the toilet.

People are idiots.
4. Author: SmokeMonkeyDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:13PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I take that back. I just opened Twitter,and the first thing I saw was someone who posted a picture of their Gillette razor in the toilet.

People are idiots.

Yeah, you can’t flush those things....
5. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:34PM EST
Yep... Really not the smartest set of people.

Note to self... Do NOT shake hands with any anti-gillete idiot with a functional toilet. You know they had to reach in there at some point.
6. Author: Phil222Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:34PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I take that back. I just opened Twitter,and the first thing I saw was someone who posted a picture of their Gillette razor in the toilet.

People are idiots.

LOL That almost brought tears to my eyes. I did see a pic of a "Mach" razor and some blades in a trashcan with the caption, “Boycott Gillette.” Hahaha!

I left Gillette years ago when the local store started putting the blades behind locked glass like they were diamond bracelets. But I guess if this commercial is what it takes for some other people to move on...
7. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:37PM EST
I hope they're smart enough to just be reusing their friends photos...

Like hopefully only one idiot tried flushing their razor... And all the rest of them are just using that guys photos to show how their protesting it.
8. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:45PM EST
They can suck my.........masculinity.
9. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:54PM EST
SJW gotta ruin everything they touch. What are they going to ruin next, power tools?
10. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 6:55PM EST
Just out of curiosity... How does it ruin anything?

Be descriptive... I haven't bothered watching it ....
11. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:30PM EST
It's all about taint, leaving a trail of toxicity in their wake...

Like showing two boys rough housing, bunch of guys standing around, boys will be boys (which is true... boys rough house, that's what boys do). Seriously, who don't like watching a couple of the boys at a family barbecue having a good wrestling match... When I was a kid, we didn't have boxing gloves, so we would throw on snow gloves and duke it out, good times!

Anyway, they show a bunch more situations of "men being men" in the most stereotypical way possible, as if 99% of men are douche bags 100% of the time.

Then for each situation show a lone captain-save-a-ho come along and save the day!

You guys shouldn't be treating each other like that to the kids wrestling... rofl, I feel sorry for the kid who's dad that was... he's never going to win a "my dad can beat up your dad" argument.

These little public service messages from companies getting overrun with reverse-racist SJW p*ssies ruin everything they touch. Seriously, who would approve funding for that crap? And who thought they would increase sales by attacking their target demographic, omg, the stupidity.

They whine, they cry, they get offended about every little thing, and cry about it on twitter to their testosterone, estrogen popping brethren... and they try to make everyone that's not exactly like them look like an azzhole bully... where ironically, they themselves are the true azzhole bullies.

F*** those walking vaginas, they take perfectly good brands, and ruin them for no good reason.

Just wait till they fully infiltrate Ford... I can see it now, F-150 dual cab... with an older black guy (can't be white, can't show them in a good feminine azz kissing light), taking his kids to soccer practice, and filling up the truck bed at the grocery store, then coming home and parking it in the garage with a tennis ball hanging down so he don't hit the cabinet where he tells his wife he picked up a few things so he can make dinner.

You want to know why Trump is president right now? It's because of SJW garbage like this.

Seriously though, humans are pack animals, and as such, someone has to bully their way to the alpha role, that's just how it's always been, how it is, and how it always will be. Even in their little SJW circles, it's still the same sh*t, just different rules. They use ridicule and eye rolls while being the biggest douche bag they can be... shaming their way to alpha status over their pack of whiny, drippy vaginas they're hanging with this week.

There, was that descriptive enough for you?
12. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:39PM EST
what about shaving cream?
13. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:41PM EST
bgz wrote:
It's all about taint, leaving a trail of toxicity in their wake...

Like showing two boys rough housing, bunch of guys standing around, boys will be boys (which is true... boys rough house, that's what boys do). Seriously, who don't like watching a couple of the boys at a family barbecue having a good wrestling match... When I was a kid, we didn't have boxing gloves, so we would throw on snow gloves and duke it out, good times!

Anyway, they show a bunch more situations of "men being men" in the most stereotypical way possible, as if 99% of men are douche bags 100% of the time.

Then for each situation show a lone captain-save-a-ho come along and save the day!

You guys shouldn't be treating each other like that to the kids wrestling... rofl, I feel sorry for the kid who's dad that was... he's never going to win a "my dad can beat up your dad" argument.

These little public service messages from companies getting overrun with reverse-racist SJW p*ssies ruin everything they touch. Seriously, who would approve funding for that crap? And who thought they would increase sales by attacking their target demographic, omg, the stupidity.

They whine, they cry, they get offended about every little thing, and cry about it on twitter to their testosterone, estrogen popping brethren... and they try to make everyone that's not exactly like them look like an azzhole bully... where ironically, they themselves are the true azzhole bullies.

F*** those walking vaginas, they take perfectly good brands, and ruin them for no good reason.

Just wait till they fully infiltrate Ford... I can see it now, F-150 dual cab... with an older black guy (can't be white, can't show them in a good feminine azz kissing light), taking his kids to soccer practice, and filling up the truck bed at the grocery store, then coming home and parking it in the garage with a tennis ball hanging down so he don't hit the cabinet where he tells his wife he picked up a few things so he can make dinner.

You want to know why Trump is president right now? It's because of SJW garbage like this.

Seriously though, humans are pack animals, and as such, someone has to bully their way to the alpha role, that's just how it's always been, how it is, and how it always will be. Even in their little SJW circles, it's still the same sh*t, just different rules. They use ridicule and eye rolls while being the biggest douche bag they can be... shaming their way to alpha status over their pack of whiny, drippy vaginas they're hanging with this week.

There, was that descriptive enough for you?

Excellent description and commentary. LOL You left out about how it's wrong to hit on women. She may like it or may not, you win some and lose some. There is most definitely nothing wrong with it... Like you mentioned, that's how it works and how it always will work.
14. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:41PM EST
.... That was a lot of whining you just did about some other group whining.

I seriously think you've over thought this a bit too much.

Plus you even threw in an advertisement that doesn't actually exist to whine about as well?

So... I guess I'm going to have to watch the ad.
15. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:42PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
what about shaving cream?

I dont even think there was any, Frank. LOL

They were too busy shaming human nature and pushing their agenda.
16. Author: Phil222Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:44PM EST
bgz wrote:
Just wait till they fully infiltrate Ford... I can see it now, F-150 dual cab... with an older black guy (can't be white, can't show them in a good feminine azz kissing light), taking his kids to soccer practice, and filling up the truck bed at the grocery store, then coming home and parking it in the garage with a tennis ball hanging down so he don't hit the cabinet where he tells his wife he picked up a few things so he can make dinner.

I was trying to think of a commercial that I would hate so much that it would make me destroy or throw away a product that I already paid for and previously enjoyed...I think you've done it.
17. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:44PM EST
RobertHively wrote:
I dont even think there was any, Frank. LOL

They were too busy shaming human nature and pushing their agenda.

I didn't want to get Ben riled up more than necessary.
I'll wait til after Victor watches it before I risk being brain washed.
18. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:48PM EST
victor809 wrote:
.... That was a lot of whining you just did about some other group whining.

I seriously think you've over thought this a bit too much.

Plus you even threw in an advertisement that doesn't actually exist to whine about as well?

So... I guess I'm going to have to watch the ad.

You underestimate how quickly I can come up with random crap...

And who's whining? You're the one who told me to be descriptive, I built that wall of text for you, you should be thanking me.
19. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:49PM EST
Oh dear....
That's a whole lot of nothing.

They won. They made a pretty short commercial that doesn't really do much other than say "be best"... And everyone is having a fit.

Took me less time to watch the commercial than to read bgz's whine about it.

Bgz... On your vagina whine... How did the commercial ruin any of the alpha male stuff you're so concerned about? I mean... It's a commercial. You can still roughhouse with boys if that's super important to you. The commercial won't stop you. And you can go grab women's azzes in the street if you want... the commercial won't stop you.

So.... How did it ruin anything?
20. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:50PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
what about shaving cream?

Overrated, real men don't need no f***ing shaving cream.
21. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:51PM EST
Thank you for being descriptive bgz. But you lost all credibility for accuracy when you started describing commercials that haven't been made yet. :)
22. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:54PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Oh dear....
That's a whole lot of nothing.

They won. They made a pretty short commercial that doesn't really do much other than say "be best"... And everyone is having a fit.

Took me less time to watch the commercial than to read bgz's whine about it.

Bgz... On your vagina whine... How did the commercial ruin any of the alpha male stuff you're so concerned about? I mean... It's a commercial. You can still roughhouse with boys if that's super important to you. The commercial won't stop you. And you can go grab women's azzes in the street if you want... the commercial won't stop you.

So.... How did it ruin anything?

Victor... you seriously sound offended right now. You can show the post at your next SJW vagina party so you guys have someone to rag on while you do your... what ever it is you do at SJW vagina parties.

23. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:56PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Thank you for being descriptive bgz. But you lost all credibility for accuracy when you started describing commercials that haven't been made yet. :)

It's called comedy dude... I know you don't do comedy (probably cause you hang out with too many SJW), but I'm sure others will be entertained by it.
24. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 7:58PM EST
Not offended.
Honestly curious.

I smoke cigars... Commercials about anti smoking don't stop me in any way. They don't reduce my enjoyment in any way.

I love hating homeless people (and occasionally kicking them). Commercials about helping the unfortunate don't in any way reduce my enjoyment.

I eat meat. I have never felt that a vegan or Peta commercial has ever even slightly reduced my enjoyment.

So... How does a commercial which at worst encourages a specific set of behaviors.... In any way negatively impact your enjoying those behaviors?

Are you mentally weaker than I am, such that you are susceptible to this sort of thing? :)
25. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:00PM EST
I do comedy bgz. But I usually find that complaining about something which hasn't happened yet is... Victimish... I don't find victims funny.
26. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:03PM EST
I mean... Real... True comedy... That's reading people who believe in man's man alpha male stuff like kids beating each other up and being able to hit on women whether they want it or not.... Are somehow thwarted by a commercial.

That's the sort of thing that makes me chuckle.
27. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:03PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Not offended.
Honestly curious.

I smoke cigars... Commercials about anti smoking don't stop me in any way. They don't reduce my enjoyment in any way.

I love hating homeless people (and occasionally kicking them). Commercials about helping the unfortunate don't in any way reduce my enjoyment.

I eat meat. I have never felt that a vegan or Peta commercial has ever even slightly reduced my enjoyment.

So... How does a commercial which at worst encourages a specific set of behaviors.... In any way negatively impact your enjoying those behaviors?

Are you mentally weaker than I am, such that you are susceptible to this sort of thing? :)

Wow, I thought I was full of sh*t...

I appreciate the trolling effort though :D

28. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:04PM EST
Don't say you're full of sh**t bgz... If you read it too much you'll start to believe it.

You don't have the mental strength to resist... I'm worried about a delicate flower like yourself.

29. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:06PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I mean... Real... True comedy... That's reading people who believe in man's man alpha male stuff like kids beating each other up and being able to hit on women whether they want it or not.... Are somehow thwarted by a commercial.

That's the sort of thing that makes me chuckle.

Seriously... my post was light hearted and fun... you're coming back with... SJW sh*t.

You're clearly offended...
30. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:09PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Don't say you're full of sh**t bgz... If you read it too much you'll start to believe it.

You don't have the mental strength to resist... I'm worried about a delicate flower like yourself.


It's ok, I know you get offended easily (you rant more than anyone on these boards).

I'm glad I could make you cringe a little today, really, knowing you're offended makes my day!

Don't worry, I'll let you have the last word, I'm done at the office today.
31. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:11PM EST
Not offended at all.

Well... Actually, I've always found the SJW moniker to be offensive. So... I'm not offended by you having a problem with the commercial, but I think your choice to use the SJW term labels you as a weak person. But, that's fine.

I'm being light hearted and fun too. I'm seriously worried about you! You're super traumatized by the commercial (enough that you find the idea of social justice to be an insult!) ... And you're clearly worried that it will degrade your ability to be an alpha male.

That means we need to do something to boost your self esteem stat!

Quick... Everyone say something super nice about bgz... He needs to see it so he doesn't get spun into a weak feminine state from a commercial!

Bgz... You're a swell guy who can beat up toddlers with the best of them!
32. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:11PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I mean... Real... True comedy... That's reading people who believe in man's man alpha male stuff like kids beating each other up and being able to hit on women whether they want it or not.... Are somehow thwarted by a commercial.

That's the sort of thing that makes me chuckle.

"being able to hit on women whether they want it or not"

How do you know that? Dude stopped him bf he could even say waaassssup. Maybe she woulda liked his game, they woulda hooked up, then got married, had a child, the child might have gotten hooked on opioids as an adult, lost his job, become a homeless person, then you could've had another homeless person to kick in the head. We'll never know. Thanks Gillette.
33. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:13PM EST
... and! I have never seen a woman's lack of interest in you ever stop you from hitting on her like the veritable pillar of manliness you imagine yourself to be!

That make you feel better bgz?
34. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:28PM EST
I was gonna grow a beard, but my daughter and wife told me not to...for the sake of my two grand-daughters...
35. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:35PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Not offended at all.

Well... Actually, I've always found the SJW moniker to be offensive. So... I'm not offended by you having a problem with the commercial, but I think your choice to use the SJW term labels you as a weak person. But, that's fine.

I'm being light hearted and fun too. I'm seriously worried about you! You're super traumatized by the commercial (enough that you find the idea of social justice to be an insult!) ... And you're clearly worried that it will degrade your ability to be an alpha male.

That means we need to do something to boost your self esteem stat!

Quick... Everyone say something super nice about bgz... He needs to see it so he doesn't get spun into a weak feminine state from a commercial!

Bgz... You're a swell guy who can beat up toddlers with the best of them!

And there it is...

Victor is our resident SJW!!!

The only people who get offended by the term SJW are themselves SJW.

Now I know why you're so butt hurt taking everything I said waaaaaaaay out of context... I mean way out.

And look at him try to be the best bully he can be... calling me weak, accusing me of liking to beat up toddlers, thinking I'm truly traumatized by a commercial.

Told you, SJW are the true bullies, congrats victor on admitting what you truly are.
36. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:39PM EST
I don't think I have ever been accused of being a SJW. But I find the idea that it's an insult to be .... Telling.

Just like I find it interesting when someone uses the term intellectual as an insult.

That tells me something about what you value and what you think is bad. I fail to understand how people can think social justice is bad.

But no. Calling me a SJW is probably inaccurate. But it does tell me a lot about you.
37. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:40PM EST
Oh ya? What's it tell you...

Be as descriptive as possible.
38. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:41PM EST
But you're just trying to distract from the discussion we were having about your weak will, and inability to feel good about yourself if a commercial says things you like are bad.

Should we keep saying nice things about you so your self esteem is boosted?
39. Author: Ewok126Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:43PM EST
Meh, If they think my Alpha male mentality is wrong Phug em. I do me,

I do not care how "They" feel, All I give two chits about is if my damn razor works or not. I will have to say though, the add did bring a small lol out of me.

Lots of the Femanazi womens now will be buying Gillette............. Or do they shave? meh, rhetorical question, don't care

The small lol that I gave was when, how was it bgz put it, "captain-save-a-ho" leaps in to break up the boys fight and says "You guys shouldn't be treating each other like that" I was waiting on the kid that was on top to say "But dad, this MF was sticking it to my GF's arse while we was gone on vacation to Disney World and she wont even let me try that ride cause she says I do not meet the height requirements!" After that visual image hit yep I laughed.
40. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:43PM EST
Nah, I'm more interested in your divine like intuition... (it appears all SJW have that trait for some reason, but whatever)...
41. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:48PM EST
It's not the message of the SJW victor, it's the method... the whining, the crying, the being offended about everything till they get their way then off to be offended about the next hot topic of the day.

It's not the message of the razor video victor... it's just knowing the type of whiny little c**ts that made said video.

It's the shaming, the shunning, the holier than though attitude that they bring to everything they touch as they look down on anyone who disagrees with their message as some sort of primitive barbarian.

I want to provide some examples, but I'm hard pressed to think of any right now, hold on... let me look through your history, I'll find some.
42. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:58PM EST
I shaved my toxic masculinity once, but it's really itchy when it grows back
43. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 8:59PM EST
So now it's not the message... It's how they say it? You're as bad as the people you claim to hate so much.

But now you're saying SJW means more than the message. Which means that the term SJW is a meme ... It's shorthand for something larger. Which is even worse. You're not doing your own thinking. Your just packaging it all into whatever label is convenient for you.
44. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:01PM EST
I mean...why whine about a commercial you don't like.
If it bothers you, go hit someone until you feel better.
45. Author: victor809Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:02PM EST
To do otherwise would be pretty SJW of you.
46. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:02PM EST
Yes, I'm labeling you a SJW... SJ isn't offensive to you, W shouldn't be offensive to you (but who knows)... so you should take it as a compliment!
47. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:05PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I mean...why whine about a commercial you don't like.
If it bothers you, go hit someone until you feel better.

I never said I didn't like the video, I thought it was pretty well produced actually.

As far as beating someone up to feel better, I'm not you dude, I don't need to go kick bums to feel better about myself.

And yes... it's never the message, it's always the whiny little c***s in the background that get me...

You know the type (well, you do live in San Fransisco, so you probably know the type a little better than I do).
48. Author: bgzDate: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:22PM EST
Well, it looks like victor is done... was fun, I'll have to come back soon, we'll do it again!
49. Author: Ewok126Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:35PM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
I shaved my toxic masculinity once, but it's really itchy when it grows back

It is a biatch is it not! Especially when you do the "Back, Crack, and Sack." Gonz
50. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 1/15/2019, 9:37PM EST
now you boys go clean up before you come to the dinner table...
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