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Elitist Box Pass #3
401. Author: steve02Date: Fri, 10/25/2019, 12:30PM EST
Thanks for putting this together!
402. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 10/25/2019, 1:33PM EST
yes, thanks for the reminder, steve...

This was a great, well-organized box-pass, stinger, adding to the list of high quality box-passes you have hosted over the years. I am thankful that you included me among the list of players. It was the first, and a valuable learning experience, for some (your trust in new people is a model of leadership -- not many would have included newbies in an upper shelf pass)...

It was also a chance for other members to express their generosity, express their gratitude and clobber innocent people...and it showed the variety, depth and extravagance of some of the players' cigar holdings...and importantly, contributed to the CBid tradition of camaraderie.

Well done, and thank you Sir!
403. Author: PalamaDate: Fri, 10/25/2019, 2:30PM EST
^^^ You pretty gud wif wurds two! ^^^
404. Author: stinger88Date: Fri, 10/25/2019, 2:36PM EST
Thanks for the kind words. And thank you guys for playing along and then hitting me on the far end with the host bag.

Speaking of the host bag...I am keeping true to my words. Since receiving the box back, I am working on smoking all of the gifted cigars. I will be creating a post on the discussion thread and updating as I kill them off, one by one.

405. Author: clintCigarDate: Fri, 10/25/2019, 4:16PM EST
BIGUP David!
406. Author: USNGunnerDate: Fri, 10/25/2019, 5:19PM EST
Palama wrote:
^^^ You pretty gud wif wurds two! ^^^

He does have a pretty mouth don't he? Herfing
407. Author: PalamaDate: Sun, 1/26/2020, 1:37PM EST
Cigarlady7 wrote:

Viaje TNT
Tatuaje TAA 14
Tatuaje Verite
Tatuaje T110
Ashton VSG

Warped Corto
MF Le Bijou
A Fuente Don Carlos
Foundation Wise Man El Güegüense
Padron Anniversary 1964

Stinger, did you add an Ashton VSG?? I don't remember taking it out of stash and it wasn't listed on the original list. Somehow I ended up with one in the humi, so I assumed it was from this pass or another one I have done somewhere else. Anyways, IF that one was apart of this pass, that will also be a keep. Will be replacing with a Padron 64.

I believe this was the post that raised the “Bullchit” flag for me. It pretty much went all downhill from here.
408. Author: PalamaDate: Sun, 1/21/2024, 6:50PM EST
Wombie should be renamed "Guardian of the box pass".
409. Author: ChenoDate: Tue, 5/21/2024, 5:58PM EST
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