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Conservative, moderate, liberal.
1. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 3:55PM EST
So do our brains function differently, or are we products of the environment we were raised in? And no, this is not intended to be political. I have read articles/studies that espouse both ideas. While both utilize statistical data, it is to easy to manipulate data to prove any idea. I do know I was raised in a conservative family, and on most issues I am not conservative, but that is only ancidotal. A question I find interesting, no more, no less.
2. Author: rfenstDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 3:57PM EST
Speyside wrote:
I have read articles/studies that espouse both ideas. While both utilize statistical data, it is to easy to manipulate data to prove any idea.

so data is bad?
3. Author: Cereal City Cigar SmokerDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 4:14PM EST
I think it's a combination of environment and life experience. Both my parents were "My country right or wrong" Republicans in NY which is, of course, a very liberal state. Growing up with a diverse group of friends and going out is state to college helped to shape my perspective on the world around me. Growing up in the turbulent sixties was also a factor.

Being open to new ideas and life experiences is a factor. Had I stayed in the same place I grew up in, I believe that I would be a totally different person than I am today. Not sure if that's good or bad though ....Think

My 3¢


4. Author: USNGunnerDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 4:23PM EST
Speyside wrote:
So do our brains function differently, or are we products of the environment we were raised in? And no, this is not intended to be political. I have read articles/studies that espouse both ideas. While both utilize statistical data, it is to easy to manipulate data to prove any idea. I do know I was raised in a conservative family, and on most issues I am not conservative, but that is only ancidotal. A question I find interesting, no more, no less.

I would say all of the above. My beliefs are based on what I have actually experienced in my life. All the years roaming the Earth really opened my eyes. Pretty much seen it all. Dealt with every religion out there, and more cultures and folks than I can count. All of it rubbed off on me one way or the other. While some are just inherently messed up, they are not without their good points. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day!"

I don't do labels. At least not those. Those are political brands. We have a constitution, follow it.

Frankly, I've come to believe the parties are all here to keep us at each other's throats so they can maintain their control. And the ones that aren't really in power, want their turn at the trough.

Follow the money. Be it in politics, science, what ever. Somebody is getting paid, somewhere.

Honestly, I'm praying for the zombie apocalypse before I get too old to play in it. Whistle
5. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 4:33PM EST
Robert, I wouldn't say bad, but it is as easy as picking where to gather the data to have biased data. New York city data would look much different that data from rural areas of Texas. Also, I am not sure that statistics can provide any useful answers to this question.
6. Author: JadeRoseDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 4:35PM EST
Oh yeah.....THIS will end well
7. Author: victor809Date: Fri, 9/6/2019, 4:42PM EST
I think we really need to be specific here regarding what a "conservative" is.

Talk to someone like TW and he has been a republican his whole life. But the trumpers here call him a liberal.

I get called a liberal here, despite my being pro 2nd amendment, pro big business... simply because I won't toe the line on crap associated with religious beliefs... and that I think trump is a moron

These lines are blurred intentionally, to allow people a "us vs them" mentality. That's how you get groups riled up. That's what you see at sporting events.... and politics have become much closer to a sporting event than an actual administration of government at this point in time.

If someone doesn't agree with you on a topic, the go-to response is to label them as the party other than yours, and then discount everything they say because of it. This has made it very difficult to actually identify what a liberal is, what a conservative is...etc

Oh...and wrong forum noob.
8. Author: rfenstDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 5:09PM EST
JadeRose wrote:
Oh yeah.....THIS will end well

LOL. No it won't.
9. Author: ZRX1200Date: Fri, 9/6/2019, 5:16PM EST
People influence us throughout life, those that impart their beliefs in a way that is born out in what we see I think tend to have the most impact. My dads side is CC and my moms family is 98.2% “liberal” ranging from classic liberalism to modern technocrat/collectivism/socialism.

The most important thing I ever learned was to be strong enough in your convictions to question them, and always try arguing both sides to see your strengths and weakness’s.

I doubt much is really genetically inherent, more “OTJ” so to speak than anything.
10. Author: WhistlebritchesDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 7:00PM EST
Raised Baptist in Texas...…..conservative but in the last 10 years or so I've developed a libertarian streak
11. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 7:30PM EST
LMAO!!! Victor pulling a Tail. I specifically said I did not mean this in a political context. Then you chose to tell me it was political. So you are telling me what I think. This is only political if people chose to politicize it. The question is philosophical in nature. It is about the mind, and human development. Conservative, moderate, and liberal are states of mind. They were that long before people chose to incorrectly politicize them.
12. Author: tailgaterDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 8:37PM EST
Speyside wrote:
LMAO!!! Victor pulling a Tail. I specifically said I did not mean this in a political context. Then you chose to tell me it was political. So you are telling me what I think. This is only political if people chose to politicize it. The question is philosophical in nature. It is about the mind, and human development. Conservative, moderate, and liberal are states of mind. They were that long before people chose to incorrectly politicize them.

Saying you don't intend it doesn't mean it isn't.

If I went over to a kid with cancer and said "I don't intend to be mean, but you're gonna die young".
That would be mean.

And only a stupid person would say otherwise.

Which gets us back to the OP.

13. Author: tonygrazDate: Fri, 9/6/2019, 9:23PM EST
Liberal parents, but I started out conservative. The more I learned the more liberal I became. I don't think anyone is a pure conservative, moderate or liberal. I still have a few conservative views but moderate and liberal ideas seem to make sense.
14. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 9/7/2019, 9:08AM EST
Liberalism is a choice... Mellow
15. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Sat, 9/7/2019, 10:31AM EST
Obama for President!!!!

Of Kenya!
16. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 11:29AM EST
DrafterX wrote:
Liberalism is a choice... Mellow

17. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 9/7/2019, 11:30AM EST
18. Author: steve02Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 12:21PM EST
As Churchill said, ‘if you’re in your 20s and you aren’t liberal, then you have no heart. If you’re in your 40s and you aren’t conservative, you have no brain.’

I, on the other hand, am a Constitutionalist.
19. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 1:03PM EST
I'm a pedestrian.

20. Author: izonfireDate: Sat, 9/7/2019, 1:08PM EST
steve02 wrote:
As Churchill said, ‘if you’re in your 20s and you aren’t liberal, then you have no heart. If you’re in your 40s and you aren’t conservative, you have no brain.’

I, on the other hand, am a Constitutionalist.

So are you saying that you have no heart or brain???
21. Author: victor809Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 2:24PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
Liberalism is a choice... Mellow

It is...
On the other hand trumpism is a congenital disease....

22. Author: victor809Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 2:25PM EST
tailgater wrote:
Saying you don't intend it doesn't mean it isn't.

If I went over to a kid with cancer and said "I don't intend to be mean, but you're gonna die young".
That would be mean.

And only a stupid person would say otherwise.

Which gets us back to the OP.

Dude .... Wtf...

Did you start hurting the cancer kids feelings without me????
23. Author: tailgaterDate: Sat, 9/7/2019, 4:23PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Dude .... Wtf...

Did you start hurting the cancer kids feelings without me????

You should see them when I pinch their oxygen tubes.

And don't worry. I tell them my name is victor812.
24. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 4:32PM EST
Star lumen tubing is crush resistant much like Victor.
25. Author: victor809Date: Sat, 9/7/2019, 5:55PM EST
tailgater wrote:
You should see them when I pinch their oxygen tubes.

And don't worry. I tell them my name is victor812.

Dude... Cancer kid abuse is under Victor811.... Not 812.

812 is for kicking puppies.

If you're not going to keep it straight I'm gonna have to take the logins away from you.
26. Author: tailgaterDate: Sun, 9/8/2019, 9:50AM EST
victor809 wrote:
Dude... Cancer kid abuse is under Victor811.... Not 812.

812 is for kicking puppies.

If you're not going to keep it straight I'm gonna have to take the logins away from you.

I was abbreviating.

Victor ate one too.

27. Author: izonfireDate: Sun, 9/8/2019, 2:18PM EST
victor809 wrote:
If you're not going to keep it straight I'm gonna have to take the logins away from you.

You should take Kenny’s Loggins away too.
That guy is awful
28. Author: delta1Date: Sun, 9/8/2019, 3:52PM EST
'cept when he was Messin a round...
29. Author: izonfireDate: Sun, 9/8/2019, 4:07PM EST
delta1 wrote:
'cept when he was Messin a round...

Sure. But the stench of his later schitt overpowered the emanations from the house at pooh corner

BTW - Solid use of space in your passage
30. Author: izonfireDate: Sun, 9/8/2019, 4:44PM EST
You edited it.

Dude, it wasn’t a criticism. I actually liked it.

I know I always seem like a jackass around here (and Im not saying I’m not one),
but I always enjoy seeing your posts around here brother.
Anything I say to you here is in fun. I just have a di.ckish way of showing it.
And no, that was not code for anything...
31. Author: delta1Date: Sun, 9/8/2019, 7:10PM EST
no worries...mama don't dance...
32. Author: izonfireDate: Sun, 9/8/2019, 7:34PM EST
delta1 wrote:
no worries...mama don't dance...

daddy don't rock and roll
33. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Sun, 9/8/2019, 9:49PM EST
Cons, Mods, and Libs.

My mom comes from a union family, she was a Dem. My dad always voted against the incumbent- perpetually in Throw the bums ot gear. He came out as a full on Dem about 14 years ago. He then voted for and then quickly hated Obama. Not sure what he or my mom lean now politically.

Im conservative in reduction of waste and fiscal policy. Anybody in our society asking for More needs to look at the checkbook register. When we finish off the 30 trillion in the hole we are currently in, we can give it back to the people. Or we can take care of our veterans, and save up for our next meaningless war.

My son is a liberal, I'm a libertarian independent mongril. my wife is a fascist.
34. Author: pacman357Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:05AM EST
I was long the liberal black sheep of a conservative family. Where I grew up, the local preceinct GOP caucused in a large church. Dems usually met in someone's living room. Really. I'm conservative on a few things, liberal on others. My family has grown more liberal overall, but still some stalwart conservatives (none voted for Trump, however...I asked). When my staunchly conservative mother started voting for Dems and talking about saving the whales, I started looking in her back yard for alien pods. She now even opposes beating kids, which would have been really helpful 50 years ago.

These boards used to be a lot more free-wheeling, IMHO. Many of the old guard are missing, and while there was always a bit of Darwin's Waiting Room element to this place, it seems like more and more it's staffed largely with Fox "News" studio crowds. Honestly, I had to take a little break recently after just...too...much...Kool-Aid. I MAY vacate the premises because of it. Y'all are free to say what you like and I'm not about to tell anyone here what you can say. However, I don't have to like it, and I don't have to abide it. Creating a political board was supposed to help channel those energies, but you folks spout what you like. And if I split, I'll let the door hit me wherever I damned well please, thank you.

Incidentally, I oppose ANY party that runs up a trillion dollar deficit in one year. Cripes, I don't even have kids, and I seem to be more worried than most people about what will happen one day when the U.S. can no longer find a lender. Global economic collapse...if we haven't burned down the planet before then. I mean, I get (but disagree with) pandering to the oil industry, coal, etc., as a political strategy or philosophy, but light bulbs? WTH?

#7 Some day we should go to a pistol range. I'll bring my .357 and .44. As for the rest, polite golf clap
35. Author: DrafterXDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 8:50AM EST
I wanna go... Mellow
36. Author: bgzDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 9:25AM EST
Sounds to me like Pacman's world went upside down... who woulda thunk... 180 on the beating up kids thing, and no Trump?!?!?!

And a liberal with a gun, that invited victor to a shooting range?!?!?! (don't do it victor).

Alright, back to my slumber now.
37. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 9:35AM EST
pacman357 wrote:

#7 Some day we should go to a pistol range. I'll bring my .357 and .44. As for the rest, polite golf clap

I'm game. But I'm a terrible shot. Like.... really terrible. but I do think it's fun to shoot.
38. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 9:36AM EST
bgz wrote:
Sounds to me like Pacman's world went upside down... who woulda thunk... 180 on the beating up kids thing, and no Trump?!?!?!

And a liberal with a gun, that invited victor to a shooting range?!?!?! (don't do it victor).

Alright, back to my slumber now.

He's not the first person from this board to want to get me close to having a firearm accident.
39. Author: dstiegerDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 10:20AM EST
bgz wrote:
Sounds to me like Pacman's world went upside down... who woulda thunk... 180 on the beating up kids thing, and no Trump?!?!?!

And a liberal with a gun, that invited victor to a shooting range?!?!?! (don't do it victor).

Alright, back to my slumber now.

Where ya Been, Rip?
40. Author: bgzDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 10:28AM EST
Been slacking on coming to cbid. Real life stuff gets you sometimes.
41. Author: RMAN4443Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 11:07AM EST
victor809 wrote:
He's not the first person from this board to want to get me close to having a firearm accident.

Accident???? You keep telling yourself that....
42. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:15PM EST
He’s going to believe only herself anyway
43. Author: delta1Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:38PM EST
bgz wrote:
Been slacking on coming to cbid. Real life stuff gets you sometimes.

good to see you, Bro...hope all is well...
44. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:42PM EST
delta1 wrote:
good to see you, Bro...hope all is well...

Shhh... he may come back.
45. Author: delta1Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:45PM EST
victor809 wrote:
He's not the first person from this board to want to get me close to having a firearm accident.

yah, if I was you, I wouldn't go to a MissFishnHerf anytime soon...
46. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:48PM EST
delta1 wrote:
yah, if I was you, I wouldn't go to a MissFishnHerf anytime soon...

Do they still have that thing? Hah. yeah I wouldn't expect them to be the most welcoming crowd.
47. Author: delta1Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:52PM EST
I've been thinking of going...Drafter said he had a blast...but I'm not sure if he was shooting or getting shot...
48. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:53PM EST
Well of course we would welcome you
49. Author: victor809Date: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:54PM EST
delta1 wrote:
I've been thinking of going...Drafter said he had a blast...but I'm not sure if he was shooting or getting shot...

Drafter's prolly trying to lure you somewhere to shoot you.

I don't trust him. Saw him eyeing you in CA....
50. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Mon, 9/9/2019, 1:59PM EST
Drafter is cool 😎. Wouldn’t hurt a fly
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