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Resident's fleeing the cities.
1. Author: zitotczitoDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 10:41PM EST
I guess I can't blame them with the crime increasing, rioting, arson, looting, murders, physical attacks, etc. and considering that many of these cities have been governed by Democrat's for years it is to be expected. The problem is that many of the same people fleeing these cities voted for the government they have and they deserve to live with the results of their decision. The sad result will now be that they will now come to the burbs and bring their progressive cancer with them and destroy these areas.
2. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 10:51PM EST
zitotczito wrote:
I guess I can't blame them with the crime increasing, rioting, arson, looting, murders, physical attacks, etc. and considering that many of these cities have been governed by Democrat's for years it is to be expected. The problem is that many of the same people fleeing these cities voted for the government they have and they deserve to live with the results of their decision. The sad result will now be that they will now come to the burbs and bring their progressive cancer with them and destroy these areas.

Progressive cancer?
What's that?
3. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 10:52PM EST
The DNC is a terrorist organization™

Seriously look at the chokehold on these cities. Some go back to the goes back to 1908! Nothing has gotten better except the graffiti skills.
4. Author: zitotczitoDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 10:52PM EST
Sorry, I meant Democrat.
5. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 10:58PM EST
zitotczito wrote:
Sorry, I meant Democrat.

Say it: Democrat = cancer
6. Author: zitotczitoDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 11:02PM EST
Not the people, the philosophy. Well maybe some people.
7. Author: WhistlebritchesDate: Thu, 6/18/2020, 11:16PM EST
zitotczito wrote:
I guess I can't blame them with the crime increasing, rioting, arson, looting, murders, physical attacks, etc. and considering that many of these cities have been governed by Democrat's for years it is to be expected. The problem is that many of the same people fleeing these cities voted for the government they have and they deserve to live with the results of their decision. The sad result will now be that they will now come to the burbs and bring their progressive cancer with them and destroy these areas.

It is the end of America as we know it I am afraid.........The democrat cancer just will not go away
8. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 6/19/2020, 7:34AM EST

Not a supprise. Buisnesses are leaving also. Many employees can work from home. You can move to safe areas with a great quality of life, and lower your buisness expenses due to significantly lower costs of living. Oh, lower taxes, lower property costs, and more.

But this is the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Eventually certain states will become vast wastelands of dispare, crime, violence, and fear. Minnisota is the first place that comes to mind. Decide to disband your municipal police forces? You should have had a replacement plan that is viable ready to go before making that decision. Raise your state taxes to high because of massive welfare programs and make too many laws that limit my freedom. California get ready for the exodus. Allow citizens to create lawless zones. Washington state, big mistake.

And guess what. I'm a liberal saying this. But make no mistake, that does not mean I am a Democrat.
9. Author: tonygrazDate: Fri, 6/19/2020, 7:35AM EST
Yeah, lets go back to the good old days when the Mafia ruled the cities and if you objected, you just disappeared.
10. Author: SpeysideDate: Fri, 6/19/2020, 8:54AM EST
Your missing the point Tony. Did you read the Forbes link? This IS happening right now. We are seeing the establishment of American ****holess. If an armed invader enters your home bad stuff happens to you and yours. If an armed invader enters Z's home we have one less armed invader. Lots of people are becoming more like Z. Part of that is abandoning the ****holes. Armed invader wants in a 1 tenth of a percenters home, good luck. It ain't gonna happen. Now the rich are saying I'm not safe here. They are also saying my employees aren't safe here. I think we may see something extrodinary. New town will pop up in the middle of no where. The towns will have private security and services. Their borders will be closed with limited access points. People will have a great quality of life. I'm sure not talking about ****holes that kicked the police out. The private security will be the municipal security. Of course a lot more will go into this concept. There is a blueprint to start from, but its time was way to early. In fact I think many of our Libertarians would like these towns. Minimal federal or state intervention. A vastly different type of local government. The God given right to be you. The American right to be you. Guess what, a safe place that shoots back.
11. Author: victor809Date: Fri, 6/19/2020, 9:55AM EST
No one's "fleeing the cities"

In my experience as a city dweller, the only people who ever think that citizens are "fleeing the cities" for safety are suburbanites.

Do I think this latest COVID-19 pandemic may cause some people to choose to move to the burbs? Yeah, some. But no one is doing it because of violence or crime or danger. I have never in my life known a city resident who left the city for the suburbs to be safer. Hell, as an ex-city resident I can tell you right now with no exaggeration I never felt in danger until I moved to the suburbs.

I mean, just look at the actual numbers. At the point in time I can buy a 2br in downtown SF without having to pay over $1MM I'll start believing that people are "fleeing the cities". When the cost of a house in the burbs even starts to get close to the cost of a downtown apartment, then they may have a point.
12. Author: DrafterXDate: Fri, 6/19/2020, 9:57AM EST
don't we know someone here that moved to higher altitudes to escape city violence..?? Think
13. Author: victor809Date: Fri, 6/19/2020, 10:01AM EST
DrafterX wrote:
don't we know someone here that moved to higher altitudes to escape city violence..?? Think

Pretty sure he did that to escape black people. violence doesn't care about elevation
14. Author: teedubbyaDate: Fri, 6/19/2020, 10:03AM EST
The trend here is towards the city. I go there nearly every day to the trendy dog bar right next to the pricy new condominiums.
15. Author: teedubbyaDate: Fri, 6/19/2020, 10:05AM EST
When I first moved here I thought about living downtown but it was twice the price per square foot as it was in the burbs. It’s more now.
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