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We Can't Control the Virus
1. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 4:40PM EST
said Mark Meadows, WH Chief of Staff...

no haven't even tried, so why bother saying you can't?

"we are turning the corner"... "it will magically disappear"

this is just another straw on the camel's back of reasons why Trump's term will end...he hasn't adjusted his message or his response since the pandemic began and as the second, larger wave of daily case numbers and body counts in the US keep going up...

he and his administration seem willfully ignorant of the reality of the devastation being done by the coronavirus throughout the US...images of his political rallies in virus hotspots illustrate the obliviousness and lack of concern for the health and well-being of Americans, even his ardent supporters...

most Americans don't believe that Trump is effectively handling the pandemic...

the American voters "will be turning the corner" on Trump's presidency
2. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 5:00PM EST
ya, we shoulda built tent hospitals in parking lots even if we woulda never used them... or used Hospital Ships for overflo and stuff...... maybe we shoulda restricted air travel from China and other countries... maybe we shoulda put a fast track on studying, testing and manufacturing a vaccine and stuff..... I guess it was just easier to do nothing... he was being impeached afterall.... Mellow
3. Author: RayRDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 5:11PM EST
I can't believe anyone believes that any politician can save us from the COVID. That's quite obvious, the more they do, the more damage we get and not from the virus itself.
4. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 6:38PM EST
review the per capita data from other advanced Western democracies and it is obvious that something went wrong in the US's response to the pandemic...

look at the world's total cases and deaths:

we have less than 5% of the world's population, yet have about 25% of the world's cases and 25% of the world's deaths...more than five times higher than our population would suggest.
5. Author: tonygrazDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 6:42PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
ya, we shoulda built tent hospitals in parking lots even if we woulda never used them... or used Hospital Ships for overflo and stuff...... maybe we shoulda restricted air travel from China and other countries... maybe we shoulda put a fast track on studying, testing and manufacturing a vaccine and stuff..... I guess it was just easier to do nothing... he was being impeached afterall.... Mellow

Or we should just wear a mask and keep socially distant while not downplaying the virus.
6. Author: HockeyDadDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 6:42PM EST
delta1 wrote:

this is just another straw on the camel's back of reasons why Trump's term will end...he hasn't adjusted his message or his response since the pandemic began and as the second, larger wave of daily case numbers and body counts in the US keep going up...

That’s a lot of big talk from a purple county. Riverside sucks! All Bay Area counties are now orange or yellow. You people can’t get your act together down there and are waiting for Trump to tell you to wear a mask!

How’s traffic? Get a 4x4 and it will make it easier to drive over all the dead bodies.

7. Author: Smooth lightDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 7:01PM EST
Quit bitchin back there and enjoy the view.
We're using autopilot!!! Testing up,deaths leveling off, FAKE NEWS still need a paycheck.


Future so bright I got to wear shades 🕶️

8. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 7:04PM EST
that's the spirit, American Warrior...take one for the team
9. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 7:22PM EST
tonygraz wrote:
Or we should just wear a mask and keep socially distant while not downplaying the virus.

We should.. I do... but Trump can't force you to do that... you know that... Mellow
10. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 7:27PM EST
You want Trump to say that.. just so you can yell ' Dictator'.. Mellow
11. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 7:41PM EST
delta1 wrote:
said Mark Meadows, WH Chief of Staff...

no haven't even tried, so why bother saying you can't?

"we are turning the corner"... "it will magically disappear"

this is just another straw on the camel's back of reasons why Trump's term will end...he hasn't adjusted his message or his response since the pandemic began and as the second, larger wave of daily case numbers and body counts in the US keep going up...

he and his administration seem willfully ignorant of the reality of the devastation being done by the coronavirus throughout the US...images of his political rallies in virus hotspots illustrate the obliviousness and lack of concern for the health and well-being of Americans, even his ardent supporters...

most Americans don't believe that Trump is effectively handling the pandemic...

the American voters "will be turning the corner" on Trump's presidency

I just don't remember you being this panicked or fraught like the Perils of Pauline over the HIN1 virus...ever OR was it because the Kenyan King was running the show? Either way, if you think you can control a virus...PLEASE tell the CDC your great grand idea.
12. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 8:10PM EST
Yep, a thousand were dead before we even heard about that one... and I don't remember any mandates and stuff... nothing was done... it was basically 'good luck everybody'.... Mellow
13. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 8:48PM EST
But Obama...
But Hillary...
But FDR...

Calling Bucky:
Be fair Buckminster. This happens 10 times to any deflection to Trump.
14. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 8:53PM EST
But none to the Bidens... Mellow
15. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 8:58PM EST
there's plenty of threads and posts repeating unfounded stuff.
16. Author: ZRX1200Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 9:14PM EST
Tell me how we control the mother F^**%+g FLU that the left thinks is so much better than COVID?!!!

We guess based off Australia btw.

The truth is we just cannot afford to have people with TDS to vote or be a part of a thinking society.
17. Author: RayRDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 9:35PM EST
delta1 wrote:
review the per capita data from other advanced Western democracies and it is obvious that something went wrong in the US's response to the pandemic...

look at the world's total cases and deaths:

we have less than 5% of the world's population, yet have about 25% of the world's cases and 25% of the world's deaths...more than five times higher than our population would suggest.

I see you and Nancy Pelosi are among those who like to quote that set of statistics.
The funny thing about statistics is you can slice and dice them and spin them around depending on the metric used and come up with something misleading to conveniently push your political agenda. If you want to induce fear in the population or make the current political administration look bad, inflate them numbers anyway you can to justify your draconian lockdowns and other mandates or to whine that the gubment hasn't done enough.
It's bad enough to try to make sense out of statistics within a single country, especially a big one like the U.S. with 50 states, but to try to compare them within the world where each country may be diagnosing and recording data differently is crazy.
The truth is we may never know an accurate count of the pandemic's final toll with any certainty, as Andrew Noymer, demographer at University of California, Irvine said, "We haven't even settled on how many people died in the 1918 flu. And we've had 100 years to sort out the numbers."

I know what you're going to say, we are so much smarter nowadays because of progressivism. Our testing procedures are nearly infallible.(At least in a controlled laboratory setting) In the field, not so much...even a person who had a common cold caused by a known coronavirus strain can test positive for COVID-19.
One thing is for sure, they've got more ways these days to fudge the numbers.
Hospitals want to get in on the big COVID Medicare/Medicaid money grab? Every death is a suspected COVID death, write it down on the death certificate, no testing needed, 100% Gubment work approved!

18. Author: BuckyB93Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:07PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
But Obama...
But Hillary...
But FDR...

Calling Bucky:
Be fair Buckminster. This happens 10 times to any deflection to Trump.

Agree to some extent. 10x? That is a bit of an over statement.

Re: the post topic - "We Can't Control the Virus?"

At what point did you or anyone actually believe that "controlling" it was ever going to happen. If you did then you are way stupider than a stupid scale can measure.

It's here to stay so deal with it. No vaccine will ever fix it. At some point in time EVERY HUMAN will be exposed to it and infected by it. Those that have the DNA or the biology to put up a defense to win the battle will survive. The weak, frail, and susceptible will lose. Sorry Charlie, that is the way the animal kingdom works.

What is the death rate again for this latest bug? Oh, I know. It's way too high if someone you know dies from it. How callous of me but death is the last chapter of living. Let's all give up living because we are afraid to die from the latest bug that escaped from the wild.

Wear a mask it saves lives. Even the one that you've stuffed in your pocket for the past 10 days. How many can say that they use a mask as intended? Yeah, I'm sure it's completely sanitized before your strap that diaper to your face to show what a good citizen you are. You're doing your moral and mandated obligation to protect everyone around you? High five!

If you think the shopping centers and pubic areas are "practicing deep cleaning protocols" as stated on the placards that they put up for you to read, again you're not based in reality. This ain't happening, its window dressing.

Next time you pick up a can of beans at the grocery store, just think of how many people before you touched it. Do you think that can of beans has been deep cleaned and sanitized at every step from the time it came off the canning like 6 month ago?
19. Author: ZRX1200Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:14PM EST
Yeah, good hygiene practices have been a constant argument for me but WTF do I know, I only deal with sick (and yes COVID) patients every day.....
20. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:19PM EST
Well, you better keep your hands off my can of beans damnit..!! Mad
21. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:28PM EST
you're way brighter than your irritation at the illusion of being controlled would suggest.

Wild imaginary scenarios of what I properly do to protect myself and others aside, there is simply no argument against other than political to show that common sense steps have worked very effectively.

Polio crippled and killed. Measles, mumps, small pox, et al as well. Certainly we live with thousands of viruses. We don't have to allow the deadlier ones to thrive. Any arguments with how those have been subjugated for the betterment of humanity? Are you and yours among the billions of those of us fortunate enough to have no worries about those horrors due to science?

I've tried to not be drawn in to the "death is the only stat" whiners who are just so oppressed by this. We have no idea what the final numbers will be when the dust settles for those who survived and will require (uninsured??) decades of care. We'll have to catch up in 30 years. I will be right.

Clever attacks on the intellectual/scientist/medical class because they did not know immediately all correct answers about a brand new virus a few months ago is beyond unfair ("he said no masks, then he said yes masks...I'm so confused...") and intellectually dishonest. It's a political wish and amazes me that people would actually root against advancements.
22. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:30PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
Yeah, good hygiene practices have been a constant argument for me but WTF do I know, I only deal with sick (and yes COVID) patients every day.....

can you imagine a world of people so politically charged that they actually may force governors to mandate such sound practices?
Mandate? Shouldn't even be in the discussion.
23. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:55PM EST
April 14, 2020

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he's fine with governors making their own decisions about how and when to reopen their states — a quick retreat from the day before, when he insisted that such choices were up to only him because his "authority is total."

Trump's comments in the White House Rose Garden came as states across the Northeast and along the Pacific Coast launched separate regional pacts to plan for how to open up and get their economies going again, forming united political fronts should they need to challenge Trump.

The president said that the administration will provide states with guidelines in the coming days and that he plans to speak soon with all 50 governors via conference call, but he made it clear that the governors can do as they see fit.

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

"I will be authorizing each individual governor, of each individual state, to implement a reopening and a very powerful reopening plan of their state in a time and a manner as most appropriate," Trump said. "Because certain states are in much different condition and in a much different place than other states."

But he failed... he shoulda invoked some sort of dictatorship thing i guess... but hey, let's all blame Trump cause it's cool... Mellow
24. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 10/27/2020, 10:58PM EST
do we need to go have a talk with him?
25. Author: RayRDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 11:01PM EST
Joe Biden said, "We're about to go into a dark winter" because orange-man doesn't have a clear plan to deal with the COVID.
But Joe's got a plan, he will smite the virus and chase it to the gates of hell—before he gets there himself!.
C'mon man, doesn't anybody believe Joe?
26. Author: HockeyDadDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 11:18PM EST
Biden’s plan is he’s going to call the governors and ask them to issue a mask mandate. If they do not he’s going to call the cities and counties. Otherwise his plan is the same as Trump’s plan. Hope & Change biotches.
27. Author: Smooth lightDate: Tue, 10/27/2020, 11:18PM EST
The far left and Democratic sabotage, oxycure Quinn was helping, but no we can't try it because it just might help, but there's no money 💰 in it for us. We need higher death count because we're not just trump haters we hate america too.
That's why they are demon-rats from hell 👺!!

Progressive CODSWALLOP 💩!
28. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 10/28/2020, 4:16PM EST
there is no comparison between the H1N1 "pandemic" and the corona-virus...we were in the planning stages for widespread flu shots when it petered was a flu, so that helped...many people already had built in anti-bodies from flu shots throughout their lifetimes...

we were totally exposed to the novel corona virus...some nations did exceedingly well in "controlling its impact on their populations"...

it's easy to see the number of excess deaths and reasonably extrapolate the cause to be COVID...the number of world wide deaths is predictable, based on the historic numbers of deaths due to various causes each year...predictions of deaths for 2020 worldwide have been exceeded by about 300,000...

here's an article that discusses excess deaths in the US in 2020 compared to 2019:

comparison of cases and death rates by nations:

it is clear that some countries, many countries...did a better job of "controlling the virus" than we did

29. Author: HockeyDadDate: Wed, 10/28/2020, 4:47PM EST
delta1 wrote:

it is clear that some countries, many countries...did a better job of "controlling the virus" than we did

They prolly had better masks.

Have you noticed they’re all going to hell in a hand basket now?
30. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 10/28/2020, 4:54PM EST
this surge is gonna be a bitch...hope our medical care system can handle it...

by now, we all shouldn't have to look to our POTUS to know what the right things are to do...

but his supporters (about 40% of Americans) believe him and will not do the right things because he hasn't told them...

didja see where a few of the cultists nearly froze to death after a Trump rally in Omaha?
31. Author: ZRX1200Date: Wed, 10/28/2020, 5:06PM EST
Did ya see the rally where all the fervent supporters showed up?

No on both counts.
32. Author: HockeyDadDate: Wed, 10/28/2020, 5:22PM EST
delta1 wrote:
but his supporters (about 40% of Americans) believe him and will not do the right things because he hasn't told them...

didja see where a few of the cultists nearly froze to death after a Trump rally in Omaha?

You had a typo. I think you meant 60%!

Those supporters should have brought a coat but I guess Trump didn’t tell them to do so.
33. Author: Smooth lightDate: Wed, 10/28/2020, 5:45PM EST
Obama's 25 car parking lot rally, huge voter turnout, wearing masks in their own cars so we can tell who the fools are.😷
34. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 10/28/2020, 6:03PM EST
there were fervent supporters in Guyana, listening to a man they believed was, yeah some similarities

one expects a real leader to show more concern for the health, safety and well-being of his people
35. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 10/28/2020, 6:05PM EST
I heard Obama was born in Guyana... Mellow
36. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 10/28/2020, 6:12PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
April 14, 2020

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he's fine with governors making their own decisions about how and when to reopen their states — a quick retreat from the day before, when he insisted that such choices were up to only him because his "authority is total."

Trump's comments in the White House Rose Garden came as states across the Northeast and along the Pacific Coast launched separate regional pacts to plan for how to open up and get their economies going again, forming united political fronts should they need to challenge Trump.

The president said that the administration will provide states with guidelines in the coming days and that he plans to speak soon with all 50 governors via conference call, but he made it clear that the governors can do as they see fit.

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

"I will be authorizing each individual governor, of each individual state, to implement a reopening and a very powerful reopening plan of their state in a time and a manner as most appropriate," Trump said. "Because certain states are in much different condition and in a much different place than other states."

But he failed... he shoulda invoked some sort of dictatorship thing i guess... but hey, let's all blame Trump cause it's cool... Mellow

you're reading this wrong, Drafter...this was the first time Trump said "Presidentin' Be Hard" when he couldn't figure out what to do about the corona he said let the governors do what they think is best...and then when some of the governors did what was called for, but he opposed, he demanded that his followers "liberate" that state....he kept undermining the common sense approach by telling his peeps to do the state governors followed his suggestions...enough of his peeps live in blue states to affect the entire nation's efforts...
37. Author: HockeyDadDate: Wed, 10/28/2020, 6:58PM EST
delta1 wrote:
there were fervent supporters in Guyana, listening to a man they believed was, yeah some similarities

one expects a real leader to show more concern for the health, safety and well-being of his people

Those were dumb hippies from San Francisco.
38. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 9:46AM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
Did ya see the rally where all the fervent supporters showed up?

No on both counts.

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

The Kenyan King was in Orlando a few days ago and held a rally, er get together with close friends. Less than 1000. The Kenyan King.

Must really suck going from 10s of thousands of people fawning over every word with glazed faces to work a small room.

If the Free Press would've done their job vetting him to begin with instead of being a press office for the DNC we wouldn't be in this mess.
39. Author: tonygrazDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 11:10AM EST
DrafterX wrote:
I heard Obama was born in Guyana... Mellow

My guys are checking there now for your birth certificate. I assume you know that's a South American country.
40. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 12:05PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

The Kenyan King was in Orlando a few days ago and held a rally, er get together with close friends. Less than 1000. The Kenyan King.

Must really suck going from 10s of thousands of people fawning over every word with glazed faces to work a small room.

If the Free Press would've done their job vetting him to begin with instead of being a press office for the DNC we wouldn't be in this mess.

I heard he was saying that Trump inherited all the greatness he provided as POTUS.
41. Author: tonygrazDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 2:56PM EST
We are rounding the corner again and again - heard something about bad tie rod ends.

Heard somebody singing : Here we go round in circles...

I don't think Axl wrote that
42. Author: Smooth lightDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 5:40PM EST
Quit running around or I'll nail your other foot 👣 too the floor 🤣.
43. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 10/29/2020, 5:42PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
I heard Obama was born in Guyana... Mellow

nuh uh...Kenya!
44. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 10/29/2020, 5:44PM EST
don't be fooled by the small size of public gatherings...libs are aware that common sense prevails when there is a deadly virus to contend with...
45. Author: HockeyDadDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 5:47PM EST
Is that like it’s not how big it is but how you use it?
46. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 10/29/2020, 5:54PM EST
Yeah I don’t know that the “motion of the ocean” is gonna row the POTUS boat Al.
47. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 10/29/2020, 8:45PM EST
delta1 wrote:
don't be fooled by the small size of public gatherings...libs are aware that common sense prevails when there is a deadly virus to contend with...

Nobody wants to be in proximity of Pedo it.

Meanwhile...over 20k showed up for the President today in Tampa!

48. Author: BuckyB93Date: Thu, 10/29/2020, 8:57PM EST
delta1 wrote:
don't be fooled by the small size of public gatherings...libs are aware that common sense prevails when there is a deadly virus to contend with...

Baghdad Bob wrote that man

He also said "Our initial assessment is that they will all die." Little did we know that he was predicting the future and said this before he was an employee of the CDC.
49. Author: BuckyB93Date: Thu, 10/29/2020, 8:59PM EST
Fortee NINE!
50. Author: frankj1Date: Thu, 10/29/2020, 9:00PM EST
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