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Humidor still not working
1. Author: MraiaDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 12:54PM EST
I have had a boveda 84% packet in my humidor for almost 2 weeks.Its a small desktop with a glass top. I seasoned the thing with distilled water, and also sealed the glass top and built in hygrometer opening with some silicone. I cant honestly see where this thing may be leaking but It sure seems to be. My digital hygrometer is reading 58% and I know it has about 5-6 points lower than actual rh.

So, I guess I'm asking if this thing is just a waste, and to get a new Humi. I'm using a Tupperware now, and it works really well, but of course its not really nice looking.

Whats the consensus, or what am I doing wrong?
2. Author: Stogie1020Date: Tue, 3/16/2021, 1:56PM EST
Put the tupperware inside the pretty box?
3. Author: tonygrazDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 3:13PM EST
Could be a bunch of things. Is it exposed to sunlight. Do you open it often. Is it in a dry room. Does the top seal. Before abandoning it try not opening it for a while and see how much humidity is lost. I use a glass top small 40-50 count humidor for my daily smokes and it needs a lot of humidity maintenance, but it's almost full of cigars and constantly replenished. I add water for humidification about every other week. My other wood humidors need much less maintenance.
4. Author: ZRX1200Date: Tue, 3/16/2021, 3:40PM EST
Have you tried lettuce?

Romaine is the best thing to season a humidor with.
5. Author: MraiaDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 3:58PM EST
It’s not exposed to sunlight. It hasn’t been opened in about 2 weeks and is in a regular room with a temp about 70 degrees. Honestly it’s a cheap box that came with some sticks as a combo so maybe it’s just a piece of junk
6. Author: jpkulpDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 4:08PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
Have you tried lettuce?

Romaine is the best thing to season a humidor with.

I like using garlic myself horse

Get a bundle of cheaper sticks to put in it and see if it starts holding after a couple weeks. I find that my humidors never really maintain consistent humidity unless they are at least 1/2 full of cigars.
7. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 4:37PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
Have you tried lettuce?

Romaine is the best thing to season a humidor with.

doesn't really matter what kind it is.... all lettuce = water..... Mellow
8. Author: Stogie1020Date: Tue, 3/16/2021, 4:52PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
doesn't really matter what kind it is.... all lettuce = water..... Mellow

Dried lettuce?
9. Author: MraiaDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 5:07PM EST
Oh the lettuce was serious? Lol I don’t know when you guys are joking sometimes!
10. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 5:08PM EST
11. Author: izonfireDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 6:20PM EST
You should try increasing the humidity...
12. Author: LeeBotDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 8:39PM EST
Mraia wrote:
Oh the lettuce was serious? Lol I don’t know when you guys are joking sometimes!

I've never been able to figure out if they're being serious or not. I've seen lettuce mentioned a good bit, honestly can't tell if I'm being gaslighted.
13. Author: tonygrazDate: Tue, 3/16/2021, 8:46PM EST
Lately I've been using kale instead.
14. Author: frankj1Date: Tue, 3/16/2021, 10:06PM EST
screw the lettuce.
throw out the glass top.

this is the last serious post you will evah see from me.
15. Author: BuckyB93Date: Tue, 3/16/2021, 10:28PM EST
African or European lettuce?
16. Author: MraiaDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 6:54AM EST
LeeBot wrote:
I've never been able to figure out if they're being serious or not. I've seen lettuce mentioned a good bit, honestly can't tell if I'm being gaslighted.

Yeah but they ARE pretty funny sometimes.
17. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 3/17/2021, 10:55AM EST

I live in the desert and gave up on the wooden boxes. Use it to store your cutters and lighters.

I sealed the edges of mine with silicone, seasoned them, etc... But when your room sits at 15% RH, there is just no way you are going to keep your sticks moist. Face it, your wood leaks.
18. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 11:01AM EST
I heard they make a pill for that.... Mellow
19. Author: tonygrazDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 12:18PM EST
I heard you asked.
20. Author: deadeyedickDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 12:35PM EST
You can bet that your humi is junk and leaks. Try this: Put a small flashlight in the humi (preferably on) in a dark room and look for where the light is escaping. When you can stop any light from escaping your humi is sealed.
Hint - cover the glass first.

You are welcome
21. Author: ZRX1200Date: Wed, 3/17/2021, 2:12PM EST
You can do this with a flash bang too.
22. Author: PalamaDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 3:17PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
screw the lettuce.
throw out the glass top.

this is the last serious post you will evah see from me.

Is that a promise or a threat? Think

Asking for a friend. Anxious
23. Author: tonygrazDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 4:07PM EST
Thanks Palama.
24. Author: Smooth lightDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 5:09PM EST
Flex-a-seal in and out,let it cure. Seal the door, put a packet in with hygromter. If it doesn't work then give to someone who needs a box for odds and ends.
25. Author: izonfireDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 6:13PM EST
They should Flex-a-seal your mouth shut...
26. Author: Smooth lightDate: Wed, 3/17/2021, 9:24PM EST
Still chewing on them razor blades... I see,or try sum Drano.

27. Author: borndead1Date: Thu, 3/18/2021, 8:54PM EST
Is it a cheap humidor from eBay?

Calibrate your hygrometer before doing anything else.
28. Author: MraiaDate: Fri, 3/19/2021, 7:31AM EST
borndead1 wrote:
Is it a cheap humidor from eBay?

Calibrate your hygrometer before doing anything else.

Yep it was a cigarbid special...a humi with some smokes. I got it for my kid. Cost like $80

I did the light test and didnt see any light coming out, so I dont know what the heck is going on. The rectangle Humi Care Hygrometer reads 55 and the round hygro on the humidor reads 65. Something is off...either the box sucks, the hygrometer sucks, or the 84% Boveda sucks.

Ill probably toss them all and stick with the tupperdor

29. Author: Dg west deptfordDate: Fri, 3/19/2021, 3:31PM EST
move to Estelli Nicaragua the box ll work great there.
Your welcome
30. Author: Jsnyder147Date: Fri, 3/19/2021, 6:16PM EST
Dg west deptford wrote:
move to Estelli Nicaragua the box ll work great there.
Your welcome

I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere else.. it is sage advice.
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