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Biden to Boost Vaccine Requirements for Large Employers, Federal Workers to Combat Covid-19
51. Author: bgzDate: Sat, 9/11/2021, 1:55PM EST
Lol... I'm actually getting pretty good at it. Got caught on that last dip and terrorized the bottom of it. Came out of it on fire.
52. Author: bgzDate: Sat, 9/11/2021, 1:56PM EST
Actually, it's technically not out yet, and I'm way up from before the drop.

I was ready for the after dip too... played pacman on that one.
53. Author: BuckyB93Date: Sat, 9/11/2021, 2:45PM EST
In recent history, September has not been good for the markets. But if you believe they will recover and it's not a beginning of an extended bear market, it's a good time to buy.

I'll do my bimonthly lump sum DCA in the next couple of weeks.
54. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 9/14/2021, 8:39AM EST
rfenst wrote:
Whose fault is that last year increase?

While the Biden administration and international health authorities insist that the current outbreak of coronavirus is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” more and more studies are indicating that vaccinated people are dying from COVID at a higher rate than unvaccinated people as mainstream news outlets scramble to justify them. “At first glance, this may seem alarming, but it is exactly as would be expected,” reported The Conversation.

“The report shows that 163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died of the delta variant within 28 days of a positive COVID test between February 1 and June 21, had received at least one dose of the vaccine.”

Just days ahead of Joe Biden’s speech announcing a series of coronavirus vaccine mandates, the CDC quietly changed the definition of “vaccine” as vaccinated people continue to be infected with coronavirus, National File previously reported.

On August 26, 2021, the definition of “vaccine” on the CDC website was “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” The definition of “vaccination” at that time was “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

As of September 7, the new definition of “vaccine” on the CDC website was changed to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The new definition of “vaccination” describes “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”

National File had also reported on a new Oxford study revealing that people who are “fully vaccinated” carry a staggering 251 times the normal viral load of COVID-19, with experts being concerned that vaccinated individuals may pose a risk to those who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccines seem to allow vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming sick, transforming them into super spreaders who experience symptoms later on, contributing to “breakthrough cases” among fully vaccinated individuals.

More moving goal posts to push the political narratives
55. Author: RubyDate: Tue, 9/14/2021, 12:05PM EST
Brewha quote
What a bunch of cry babies.

Take the shot and wear a mask kids.

650,000 Americans dead and you guy focus on your navels....
Man up, will you!

Plowboy221 quote
Mind your own business would ya….. how bout we mandate you have to live in a tent in San Francisco and jerk off all the homeless dudes ever day between 0630 and 1730. You know for benefit of public health.

56. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 9/14/2021, 3:13PM EST

They weren't gonna use them anyways!!!!
57. Author: delta1Date: Tue, 9/14/2021, 8:04PM EST
it appears that many well known anti-vaxxers who've died recently from COVID have said they regret their decision...this has done little to convince people who are anti-vaxxers...

let nature do its thing...

here's an article showing comparative death rates among unvaxxed and vaxxed in UK ...

we're all gonna die, but getting the jab (or at least wearing a mask and maintaining social distance when in public places with strangers) gives one a louder say about the when and how as the infection rate goes up in the latest surge...freedom of choice...even among the loudest antivaxxers on Fox News more than 90% have been vaccinated...
58. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 9/14/2021, 11:25PM EST

UK has more fkn sense than the USA??? WOW!
59. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 9/15/2021, 6:27AM EST
Why the Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate is Unconstitutional And why Kavanaugh may be key.

On September 9, President Biden announced he would circumvent the democratic process, ordering the Secretary of the Department of Labor to require employers with over 100 workers to “ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.”

This was essential, as Biden said, “to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated workers.”

As we have explained, the Secretary of Labor will issue these regulations through OSHA by way of an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS would allow the Secretary of Labor to issue the vaccine mandate without the normal administrative rulemaking requirements (like notice and public comment periods).

While the Biden Administration tells the public that there’s no time to waste in issuing the mandate, the truth is that OSHA/Labor failed to argue the necessity of a vaccine mandate since the vaccines have been available – a time period approaching one year. Moreover, the Biden Department of Labor is secretly meeting with the US Chamber of Commerce and business lobbyists to gather support for the mandate. As Bloomberg Law reports:

Solicitor of Labor Seema Nanda held a virtual meeting with Neil Bradley, the Chamber’s chief policy officer, and other business lobbyists. The Chamber, the largest business lobbying group in the U.S., has yet to publicly declare a position on the coming Occupational Safety and Health Administration emergency rulemaking.

It was one of at least three briefings the department held Friday for labor union leaders and employer associations—constituencies the White House hopes to forge partnerships with to lift the vaccination rate nationwide. Information from the calls was disclosed to Bloomberg Law by eight sources who took part, all of whom requested anonymity because they didn’t have approval to speak publicly.

Why the Vaccine Mandate is Unconstitutional

As you can imagine, the constitutionality of the vaccine mandate will be litigated as soon as OSHA issues the rules. The media is running interference, telling the public that challenges to the mandate are “unlikely to succeed.”

Do not believe them.

The legality of the vaccine mandate will be assessed under what is called the major rules doctrine (also known as the major questions doctrine). Under this doctrine, the courts look to (1) whether the agency action is a major rule; and (2) whether Congress has clearly authorized the agency action.

As Justice Scalia stated in 2014, “We expect congress to speak clearly if it wishes to assign to an agency decisions of vast ‘economic and political significance.’”

From here we turn to the first question of the major rules doctrine: there is zero doubt that it is a major rule. It would affect the healthcare decisions – and implicate the personal autonomy – of “some 80 million private sector workers.” It is an action never before taken by OSHA, the Department of Labor, and any other federal agency. It would affect the entire US economy.

In support of my position, we have seen lesser invasive agency rules be determined to be major rules. For example, “rate-regulations” of telephone companies has been held to be a major rule. MCI Telecommunications Corp. v. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 512 U.S. 218 (1994).

From there we get to the second question: whether Congress has clearly authorized the Department of Labor/OSHA to mandate vaccines. The answer is no.

If Congress clearly authorized (not just authorized, but clearly authorized) Labor/OSHA to mandate vaccines, then we would have seen such authority in the OSH Act of 1970. Look for yourself – the language isn’t there. Instead, there are general grants of authority to “set mandatory occupational safety and health standards.”

Looking to the history of OSHA, this authority has been understood to regulate employer actions to provide a safe workplace (Benzene limits) or employee actions at work (operation of heavy equipment). The OSH Act has never been understood historically to include mandatory vaccinations. This is significant because the Supreme Court recently looked to agency history to determine the CDC lacked the authority to issue its latest eviction mandate.

For an example of “clear authority” relating to public health, look to the authority Congress gave HHS to take action in case of “significant outbreaks of infectious diseases.” Going further, to allow the mandate would be to allow OSHA to require vaccination as a condition of employment. The OSH Act contains no such language or authority.

So there we have it. This is a “major rule” and Congress has not “clearly authorized” Labor/OSHA to issue a vaccine mandate. It is an unlawful - and unconstitutional - seizure of authority by the Executive. Expect further challenges on whether the ETS itself (and the finding of “grave danger”) is legal.

We also observe that we by no means concede Congressional authority to mandate vaccines. (In other words, Congress could not give OSHA/Labor this authority because Congress has no such authority to give.) You may have seen some pundits argue that the 1905 case of Jacobsen v. Massachusetts gives this authority. These arguments are misplaced, as that was the Supreme Court over 100 years ago considering state, and not federal, authority.

One Final Point – Why Justice Kavanaugh Matters

In 2017, when Justice Kavanaugh was sitting on the DC Circuit, he wrote a dissent from a denial of rehearing en banc, in which he thoroughly summarized the major rules doctrine. He argued that the FCC’s net neutrality rule was unlawful, in that it was a “major rule” that was not clearly authorized by Congress.

Kavanaugh’s 2017 dissent was one of the most (or perhaps the most) comprehensive discussions of the major rules doctrine ever written in the DC Circuit. Kavanaugh went through a number of Supreme Court cases in support of his position and argued the doctrine essential to uphold the separation of powers. To this author, it reveals Kavanaugh values this doctrine and believes it should be applied with vigor.

We see an example of this in Justice Kavanaugh’s concurring opinion in the original application to vacate the stay of the CDC eviction moratorium (June 29, 2021), where Kavanaugh wrote “clear and specific congressional authorization (via new legislation) would be necessary for the CDC to extend the moratorium.”

Whether Kavanaugh has the courage to apply his convictions is another matter.

So the DNC plan is to not pass legislation but ram it down with agencies NEVER designed for this activity per current law and people are STILL okay with this?

You are watching your God given rights being evaporated before your eyes and most of you are willing servants in giving them away and helping them.
60. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 9/15/2021, 11:12AM EST
More than half of U.S. states vow to fight Biden’s vaccine mandate

President Joe Biden speaks at Brookland Middle School, Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 in Washington. Biden has encouraged every school district to promote vaccines, including with on-site clinics, to protect students as they return to school amid a resurgence of the coronavirus.

Twenty-seven Republican governors or attorneys general have vowed to fight the latest executive order issued by President Joe Biden mandating that over 80 million private employees receive COVID vaccinations or undergo weekly testing, or their employer will be fined.

The executive order directs the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to require private businesses with more than 100 employees mandate that their workers receive both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine or undergo weekly testing. Noncompliance would result in fines of $14,000 per violation.

The governors who’ve expressed opposition include those from Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Republican attorneys general from states with Democratic governors who also vowed to fight include Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and Louisiana AG Jeff Landry.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, with whom Biden has sparred over mask mandates and vaccine passports, said Florida would fight back.

“When you have a president like Biden issuing unconstitutional edicts against the American people, we have a responsibility to stand up for the Constitution and to fight back, and we are doing that in the state of Florida,” he said. “This is a president who has acknowledged in the past he does not have the authority to force this on anybody, and this order would result potentially in millions of Americans losing their jobs.”

Texas, which is already embroiled in several lawsuits with the Biden administration, vowed to sue. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said after hearing Biden’s announcement that “Texas is already working to halt this power grab” and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Texas would be suing the Biden administration “very soon.”

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said, “OSHA cannot dictate personal health care decisions for Missourians. Missouri is not under an OSHA state plan, and Parson will not allow state employees to be used to enforce this unconstitutional action.”

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster vowed to fight Biden, saying, “The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.”

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said, “Governors don’t report to Joe Biden. Governors don’t report to the federal government, the states created the federal government, and Joe Biden has stepped out of his reach,” Ducey said. “These mandates are outrageous. They will never stand up in court. We must and will push back.”

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita indicated he was working with a group of AGs to file a lawsuit. “My team and I, along with other like-minded attorneys general, are reviewing all legal action on how to stand against these authoritarian actions by the Biden administration,” he said in a statement.

The Republican National Committee also announced it was suing “to protect Americans and their liberties” if the proposed rule change were to go into effect.

In response to Republican pushback, White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond, a former Democratic congressman from Louisiana, told CNN the White House expected the opposition.

He said, “… those governors that stand in the way, I think, it was very clear from the president’s tone today that he will run over them. And it is important. It’s not for political purposes. It’s to save the lives of American people. And so, we won’t let one or two individuals stand in the way. We will always err on the side of protecting the American people.”
61. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 9:12AM EST
Leaked Zoom Video Exposes Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics

A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

The media outlet National File said it obtained the recording from an “internal source” at the Novant Health System that includes New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina.

National File posted the video on its Twitter feed on Sept. 10.

National File and other local media outlets that reported on the leak identified the people in the video as Mary Kathryn Rudyk, a physician at the medical center, who is asking Carolyn Fisher, the hospital’s director of marketing, how to inflate the number of people classified as COVID-19 patients for the purpose of generating fear in the unvaccinated.

“I think we have to be more blunt, we have to be more forceful - we have to say something coming out - if you don’t get vaccinated, you know you are going to die,” Rudyk said in the video.

“Let’s just be really blunt to these people.”

The video begins with Fisher explaining how her department is communicating “meaningful numbers”—the percentage of the unvaccinated, vaccinated, and percentage of deaths in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)—to the public.

Rudyk then asked how post-COVID cases can be included in the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19.

“My feeling at this point in time is that maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary for the public,” Rudyk said.

“There are many people still hospitalized that we’re considering post-COVID, but we are not counting in those numbers, so how do we include those post-COVID people in the numbers of patients we have in the hospital?”

Fisher asked if she meant every patient who has been in the hospital “since the beginning of COVID?”

Rudyk answered, “Well, that are still in, and that’s something I can take to someone else, but I think those are important numbers: the patients that are still in the hospital, that are off the COVID floor, but still are occupying the hospital for a variety of reasons.”

Also on the Zoom conference call was Shelbourn Stevens, president of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, who said those patients are classified as “recovered.”

“But I do think, from our standpoint, we would still consider them a COVID patient because they’re still healing,” Stevens said.

Rudyk said she thinks those patients need to be “highlighted as well, because once they’re off isolation, they drop from the COVID numbers,” prompting Stevens to say that they can later talk offline about “how we can run that up to marketing.”

In response to questions asking for confirmation on if people in the video were employees of New Hanover Regional Medical Center and what the context of the video was, a spokesperson for Novant Health told The Epoch Times that staff involved in the excerpt of the video are seeing the “highest levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths so far in this pandemic, despite having safe and effective vaccines widely available.”

“This was a frank discussion among medical and communications professionals on how we can more accurately convey the severity and seriousness of what’s happening inside of our hospitals and throughout our communities,” the spokesperson said. “Specifically, the data we have been sharing does not include patients who remain hospitalized for COVID-19 complications even though they are no longer on COVID-19 isolation, so it does not provide a complete picture of the total impact of COVID-19 on our patients and on our hospitals.”

The hospital continues to be concerned with misinformation, the spokesperson said, and that it strives “to be transparent and tell the whole story.”

Follow the science?

Pull the plug. We've been lied to.
62. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 9:47AM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:

Follow the science?

Pull the plug. We've been lied to.

Yup, to these administrators, it's all about maximizing the federal COVID subsidies no matter how many lies are needed.
Follow the money.
63. Author: bgzDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 9:56AM EST
Is cap'n cut'n paste your new protégé or something?
64. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 10:05AM EST
bgz wrote:
Is cap'n cut'n paste your new protégé or something?

You only wish you could cut'n paste, but you'd have to read stuff first instead of inventing all that stuff in your head.
65. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 9/16/2021, 10:32AM EST
It’s the cheese Domino’s uses man….
66. Author: bgzDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 11:07AM EST
RayR wrote:
You only wish you could cut'n paste, but you'd have to read stuff first instead of inventing all that stuff in your head.

Oh you know you love it. Who else is going to throw you the twisted arguments I do?

Just have to eat Dominoes once or twice a year apparently... and you can have free flowing thoughts too!
67. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 12:10PM EST
.... a doctor ....
68. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 9/16/2021, 12:17PM EST
RayR wrote:
Yup, to these administrators, it's all about maximizing the federal COVID subsidies no matter how many lies are needed.
Follow the money.

Yeah, that's why there are so few dedicated covid nursing home/skilled care units here in Orlando. My wife's facility gets patients from unrelated, for-profit, facilities that want covid patients out of their buildings.
69. Author: MACSDate: Sat, 9/18/2021, 10:04PM EST
The left: "showing ID to vote is racist!"
Also the left: "Show us your vaccine ID!"
70. Author: HockeyDadDate: Sat, 9/18/2021, 10:40PM EST
MACS wrote:
The left: "showing ID to vote is racist!"
Also the left: "Show us your vaccine ID!"

In my county you have to show you Covid papers AND a state issued photo ID to go to McDonalds.
71. Author: RayRDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 8:54AM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
In my county you have to show you Covid papers AND a state issued photo ID to go to McDonalds.

Do you smell the freedom in the air HD as Cali keeps looking more and more like East Germany?
The name of the game is to use fear to keep the sheeple free from freedom.
72. Author: BuckyB93Date: Sun, 9/19/2021, 9:33AM EST
RayR wrote:
Do you smell the freedom in the air HD as Cali keeps looking more and more like East Germany?
The name of the game is to use fear to keep the sheeple free from freedom.

Can we build a wall around it and have snipers in place to shoot anyone that tries to get out?
73. Author: BrewhaDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 10:18AM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
In my county you have to show you Covid papers AND a state issued photo ID to go to McDonalds.

But I sure it makes you big evening out worth wild.
74. Author: HockeyDadDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 11:18AM EST
RayR wrote:
Do you smell the freedom in the air HD as Cali keeps looking more and more like East Germany?
The name of the game is to use fear to keep the sheeple free from freedom.

The beauty of it is our mask mandate and ‘Rona passport mandates have NO exit criteria.
75. Author: HockeyDadDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 11:21AM EST
Brewha wrote:
But I sure it makes you big evening out worth wild.

Going to the San Francisco Giants game today. Need masks on the concourses but not in the seats. I don’t need the Covid passport but I carry it anyway because I would need it if I wanted to go into the restaurant across the street from the stadium.

This virus is wicked.
76. Author: RayRDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 11:26AM EST
BuckyB93 wrote:
Can we build a wall around it and have snipers in place to shoot anyone that tries to get out?

I suspect one day California will dissolve, that intrastate secession movements will break it up, but there will remain a Communist section that will have its own snipers in place to shoot anyone that tries to get out.

77. Author: RayRDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 11:46AM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
Going to the San Francisco Giants game today. Need masks on the concourses but not in the seats. I don’t need the Covid passport but I carry it anyway because I would need it if I wanted to go into the restaurant across the street from the stadium.

This virus is wicked.

Could it be that going to a Giants game has less authoritarian requirements than going to a Buffalo Bills game? If so, they'll need to fix that. According to the county dicktator here, it's NO JAB, NO FEETBALL FOR YOU for fans over 12 years old. No no medical or religious exemptions are allowed.

Erie County, Buffalo Bills will require vaccination for home game attendance
78. Author: HockeyDadDate: Sun, 9/19/2021, 2:52PM EST
RayR wrote:
Could it be that going to a Giants game has less authoritarian requirements than going to a Buffalo Bills game? If so, they'll need to fix that. According to the county dicktator here, it's NO JAB, NO FEETBALL FOR YOU for fans over 12 years old. No no medical or religious exemptions are allowed.

Erie County, Buffalo Bills will require vaccination for home game attendance

SF Giants don’t because s it’s outdoors. And windy and foggy. ‘Rona hates fog.
79. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 9/22/2021, 10:43PM EST
Hey... the protected need to be protected from the unprotected... by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Can't make this stuff up, folks...
80. Author: Smooth lightDate: Thu, 9/23/2021, 12:01AM EST
81. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 9/23/2021, 6:52AM EST
MACS wrote:
Hey... the protected need to be protected from the unprotected... by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Can't make this stuff up, folks...

Fauci did though.

82. Author: BuckyB93Date: Thu, 9/23/2021, 8:41AM EST
MACS wrote:
Hey... the protected need to be protected from the unprotected... by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Can't make this stuff up, folks...

Of course you can't. Is science. You don't just make up science.
83. Author: tonygrazDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 8:21AM EST
Just think how much time and effort you anti-vaxers could save if you just shut up and got the vaccine. My state is now the most vaccinated (%wise) and lowest in new covid cases. I guess that's just an unfortunate coincidence to you.
84. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 8:52PM EST
MACS wrote:
Hey... the protected need to be protected from the unprotected... by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Can't make this stuff up, folks...

Don't think critically, the technocrats got this. All you have to do is trust the science.
85. Author: BuckyB93Date: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:00PM EST
tonygraz wrote:
Just think how much time and effort you anti-vaxers could save if you just shut up and got the vaccine. My state is now the most vaccinated (%wise) and lowest in new covid cases. I guess that's just an unfortunate coincidence to you.

Me thinks those who didn't get the vax used much less time and effort than those that did.

Didn't get the vax: go on with life as normal.

Did get the vax:
1) Make an appointment.
2) Show up for appointment, maybe wait in line somewhere to get the shot
3) Undergo some mild (or some not so mild) side effects, discomfort or even be bed ridden for a few days.
4) Make appointment for the second dose.
5) Go to step 1.

Want a booster every 6 months? Go to step 1

Apparently logic isn't your strong suit.
86. Author: tonygrazDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:14PM EST
Didn't get the vax:

1) got the covid
2) go to hospital
3) get put on ventilator
4) expire

All done
87. Author: BuckyB93Date: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:29PM EST
Got any statistics on how often that happens?

I'll help you out, more than than 98.2% of those that CATCH it do not undergo your hypothetical scenario. Much less since not everyone catches it.

We can add statistics along with logic as not being one or two of your strong suits.
88. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:29PM EST
^You're not following the science... 98.85% of people who actually get the covid DO NOT DIE.

You and fkn Brewha are screaming like chicken fkn little... willing to relinquish freedoms... and wanting to force others to do the same because you're lemmings.
89. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:30PM EST
HA! Buckmeister... beat me to it by a few seconds. lol
90. Author: BuckyB93Date: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:35PM EST
We can cut him some slack, maybe his strong suits are his leisure suits from the 70's disco days.

(you missed a nine, MACS)
91. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:35PM EST
I’m almost certain I have Covid right now because I’m fully vaccinated and have no symptoms.

I’m going to go to Mexico for a week and find out on the return trip.
92. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:36PM EST
BuckyB93 wrote:
We can cut him some slack, maybe his strong suits are his leisure suits from the 70's disco days.

That haven’t been dry cleaned in a while.
93. Author: BuckyB93Date: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:37PM EST
^ Don't drink the water. You'll polly die which will add to the COVID death charts.
94. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:39PM EST
BuckyB93 wrote:
^ Don't drink the water. You'll polly die which will add to the COVID death charts.

I think Montezuma’s revenge is a Covid symptom.
95. Author: BuckyB93Date: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:48PM EST
Just a side effect. It's it's been accounted for in the in the COVID model... the one that's almost vanilla-like.

The chocolate or mocha one wasn't explored, that would be racist.

I'd show you the data but you wouldn't understand it so it's best if the experts keep it close to the vest.
96. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:50PM EST
I’m partial to strawberry and cherry.
97. Author: bgzDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:52PM EST
People still gaf about that covid thing?

That was so last year.
98. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:52PM EST
Funny thing is in Mexico I won’t be under a vaccine mandate like I am here. Prolly gotta wear masks because masks work better than the vaccine anyway.
99. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:53PM EST
bgz wrote:
People still gaf about that covid thing?

That was so last year.

It’s mostly a black and Hispanic thing out here. Kinda like abortion.
100. Author: BuckyB93Date: Fri, 9/24/2021, 11:53PM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
I’m partial to strawberry and cherry.

Strawberry, not so much... but that Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia is to die for.
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