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Stogie on the Warpath
1. Author: LeeBotDate: Sat, 6/18/2022, 10:54AM EST
Stogie bombed the chit out of me for simply passing my turn to him in the non-elitist PIB Wants. My understanding is that doing so is against the rules, and he’s done it twice, once to me and once to Palama, so I think we need a commission to investigate this too.

These are some fantastic treats, Jeff, and I plainly am not worthy. Most of these are nh, and the ones that I have had, like the EZ, you know I really like. I am sincerely grateful and totally looking forward to all of these. Thank you and gracias! Your generosity is only exceeded by your deviousness.

There will be retribution. When you least expect it. Gloves are off. Spanking

La Mission du L’Atellier 1959 (nh)
4 Kicks Capa Especial corona gorda (had one and loved it)
Las Calaveras El 2021 LC50 (nh)
Joy de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 (always a fave)
Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua Leaded Maduro (funny, I had one, love it, so Marcus sent me a couple that I have been saving for the perfect time. Gonna start firing these up now.)
Class 34 No. 9 (nh)
Stolen Throne 3 Kingdoms (nh)
Stolen Throne Call to Arms (nh)
Stolen Throne Crook of the Crown (had one and loved it)
EX 9th Year Anni (excellent cigar)

You and Marcus have totally trashed my delicately balanced storage situation. Looks like I’m going to have to clear out some of my yardgars and put them in the sock drawer a la Frankie.

Boo hoo!
2. Author: Jakethesnake86Date: Sat, 6/18/2022, 11:35AM EST
Nice one stogie!
3. Author: PalamaDate: Sat, 6/18/2022, 12:29PM EST
Stogie is like a runaway freight train - he can’t be stopped! Gonz

Nonetheless, nice hit Jeff! Applause
4. Author: Stogie1020Date: Sat, 6/18/2022, 3:28PM EST
No good deed goes unpunished gents...

Also, the las calaveras didn't make it into the bag... My bad.
5. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Sat, 6/18/2022, 3:36PM EST
False advertising OUTRAGE!!!!


Just kidding, Stogie. Be cool. I never sent nuthin to ya, remember? We're aaallll good here
6. Author: Telecaster52Date: Sat, 6/18/2022, 5:57PM EST
Seems like we are going to have to join forces and retaliate against this sneak attack.
7. Author: Stogie1020Date: Sat, 6/18/2022, 11:02PM EST
Telecaster52 wrote:
Seems like we are going to have to join forces and retaliate against this sneak attack.

it WAS retaliation, no re-retaliation necessary.... Break the cycle of violence, man... Break the cycle.
8. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 6/18/2022, 11:16PM EST
LeeBot wrote:
Stogie bombed the chit out of me for simply passing my turn to him in the non-elitist PIB Wants. My understanding is that doing so is against the rules, and he’s done it twice, once to me and once to Palama, so I think we need a commission to investigate this too.

These are some fantastic treats, Jeff, and I plainly am not worthy. Most of these are nh, and the ones that I have had, like the EZ, you know I really like. I am sincerely grateful and totally looking forward to all of these. Thank you and gracias! Your generosity is only exceeded by your deviousness.

There will be retribution. When you least expect it. Gloves are off. Spanking

La Mission du L’Atellier 1959 (nh)
4 Kicks Capa Especial corona gorda (had one and loved it)
Las Calaveras El 2021 LC50 (nh)
Joy de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 (always a fave)
Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua Leaded Maduro (funny, I had one, love it, so Marcus sent me a couple that I have been saving for the perfect time. Gonna start firing these up now.)
Class 34 No. 9 (nh)
Stolen Throne 3 Kingdoms (nh)
Stolen Throne Call to Arms (nh)
Stolen Throne Crook of the Crown (had one and loved it)
EX 9th Year Anni (excellent cigar)

You and Marcus have totally trashed my delicately balanced storage situation. Looks like I’m going to have to clear out some of my yardgars and put them in the sock drawer a la Frankie.

Boo hoo!

put them in the sock drawer alphabetically:
ankle socks
argyle socks
Class 34 No. 9
dress socks

9. Author: Telecaster52Date: Sun, 6/19/2022, 1:21AM EST
I'm a very slow learner. Ya know being from deep in the hills an stuff.
But it seems like some of these burners ain't even trying.

Sorry frank.
10. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 6/25/2022, 5:20PM EST
Comrades favorite saying: Rules? we don't need no f****** rules...we make the rules!
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