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51. Author: rfenstDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 11:47AM EST
Major Boobage wrote:
This Frank guy seems to be a moron. But I have to admit moron would be a step up or two for Ray

You have 180 degrees completely misjudged Frank. And, being a step-up of only two is just another another insult. More like 10x too.
52. Author: rfenstDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 11:49AM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
It’s not even the norm here in California!

It is already common here in Orlando amongst some older people and very common for those under like 25-30 years old. Edit: It is also becoming the corporate norm.
53. Author: HockeyDadDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 12:04PM EST
Well good for they!
54. Author: RayRDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 3:06PM EST
rfenst wrote:
It would be easier for you to just take it up the @ss and get used to it because it is already the norm, whether we like it or not.

That was another dumb immature Major Boobagee remark counselor.
55. Author: Major BoobageDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 3:04PM EST
Who hurt you Ray?
56. Author: RayRDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 7:20PM EST
Major Boobage wrote:
Who hurt you Ray?

Have you gone full woke?
What's your preferred gender pronoun?
57. Author: bgzDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 7:28PM EST

Resistance is futile.
58. Author: Major BoobageDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 8:45PM EST
Yea Ray that either makes sense or is just a common random response from your very limited mental tool box.
59. Author: frankj1Date: Thu, 7/21/2022, 9:39AM EST
tw says he's not the boobagerator
60. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 7/21/2022, 11:22AM EST
bgz wrote:

Resistance is futile.

That is essentially what Robert was saying, the woke gender pronoun people are taking over Orlando.
He seems quite happy to surrender to them.
61. Author: frankj1Date: Thu, 7/21/2022, 4:54PM EST
RayR wrote:
That is essentially what Robert was saying, the woke gender pronoun people are taking over Orlando.
He seems quite happy to surrender to them.

he's more likely to surrender to her.
62. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 7/21/2022, 6:38PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
he's more likely to surrender to her.

You mean a tranny, don't you?

63. Author: frankj1Date: Thu, 7/21/2022, 10:06PM EST
RayR wrote:
You mean a tranny, don't you?

no. I said "her".
But your fascination with such things is like that of a moth to a flame.
64. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Thu, 7/21/2022, 10:20PM EST
frankj1 wrote:
no. I said "her".
But your fascination with such things is like that of a moth to a flame.


Railing And Yammering Relentlessly.
65. Author: frankj1Date: Thu, 7/21/2022, 10:32PM EST
8trackdisco wrote:

Railing And Yammering Relentlessly.

rut he's gonna wish you to the cornfield with all the other commies.
He's like a growed up Billy Mumy
66. Author: bgzDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 1:23AM EST
Oh sh*t, 8 a leftist commie now.
67. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 6:31AM EST
Better yet……

I apologize. Just showed myself to be a hypocrite. Regularly, I pound the drum of getting Americans together. Respect and be kind to each other vs deepening the divide.

That post of mine is something I should have kept off of the boards.

This morning, I’m seeing America took another step toward the edge with an attack on a politician in New York.

I’ll get back up on my medium (not high) horse and try again to be better today.

Have a good day and I respectfully challenge you to be a better person today than you were yesterday.
68. Author: RayRDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 7:37AM EST
8, don't be such a softy and feeling shame for what you said. I'm not in the least bit sensitive to insuting remarks, especially since you were probably inebriated when you said them.
See BGZ, he's always drunk or high and always making insulting remarks and I'm not fazed by him one bit. BTW, I think he just called you a leftist commie.

Ya, speaking of drunks, yes Lee Zelden was attacked on stage by a mentally ill drunk Democrat with a kitty head keychain with 2 little knives for ears.
Just more evidence that America is headed toward the abyss.

Anyway thanks for the challenge, but I'm naturally confrontational and nasty Frank says.

69. Author: bgzDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 8:33AM EST
Hold on, back up...

How you get...

RayR wrote:

Just more evidence that America is headed toward the abyss.

Out of...

RayR wrote:

Lee Zelden was attacked on stage by a mentally ill drunk Democrat with a kitty head keychain with 2 little knives for ears.
70. Author: RayRDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 8:38AM EST
I'm agreeing with 8 when he said "This morning, I’m seeing America took another step toward the edge with an attack on a politician in New York."

You don't see it that way?
71. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 7/22/2022, 8:40AM EST
it was a tour
72. Author: bgzDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 8:41AM EST
RayR wrote:
I'm agreeing with 8 when he said "This morning, I’m seeing America took another step toward the edge with an attack on a politician in New York."

You don't see it that way?

No, with all else that happened ?

Just another day at the beach.

Haven't read about it yet, but must have been a Trumper that got attacked, otherwise you would be cheering it and saying the world is moving in the right direction.

So I have to take anything you say with a grain of salt.
73. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 9:13AM EST
RayR wrote:
8, don't be such a softy and feeling shame for what you said. I'm not in the least bit sensitive to insuting remarks, especially since you were probably inebriated when you said them.
See BGZ, he's always drunk or high and always making insulting remarks and I'm not fazed by him one bit. BTW, I think he just called you a leftist commie.

Ya, speaking of drunks, yes Lee Zelden was attacked on stage by a mentally ill drunk Democrat with a kitty head keychain with 2 little knives for ears.
Just more evidence that America is headed toward the abyss.

Anyway thanks for the challenge, but I'm naturally confrontational and nasty Frank says.

Will attempt to unpack some of your responses from above.

Softy & Shame: apologizing when you are wrong isn’t being soft, it is being accountable. It is being a man. Big difference. Shame is too strong a word. Disappointment in my self is a better word. I fail everyday in my quest to be a better Christian. Sometimes I make good on it for a minute, half or maybe a full hour. I never make it a half day before I fall. Then I try again. Everyday.

You were probably inebriated: I was not. No drugs or alcohol in my system then or now- unless you want to count caffeine. This is where you can be a better person. You prejudged and are wrong. What you do with that information is now up to you.

BGZ always drunk or high and always making insulting remarks: Untrue. You’ve got hyperbole and rush to judgment down. Do you also admit when you are wrong? Try it. It is freeing. Look at BGZ’s last ten posts. Are they all insulting?
His Commie call on me is him showing his sense of humor and a preemptive heads up to what he expecting would be your wrath. You may consider him a commie leftist because the real communists, progressives, leftists, socialists, moderates and some moderate conservatives have all left the boards, to the detriment of the boards. And I’m guilty of pushing a couple off myself.

Just like only one person can be the most Woke, only one person can be the most conservative. If someone is to the right of you, you are the soft, shamed, drunk, high commie.

Lee Zelden attacked by a mentally I’ll drunk Democrat: How do you know he was a Democrat? Another rush to judgment. You didn’t mention war veteran. Mentally ill? Maybe. Drunk, based on reports- yes. Having friends who were in the military, talking with them, and they’ve only probably shared 1% of their pain, mental illness among vets is off the charts bad. We cheer them onto battle, support them, and when the wars are over, we civilians walk away. Politicians care even less. One of the nicest guys I ever met was a friend of mine for about ten years. A West Point graduate, married, two great kids. He shot himself in the head one morning. He was all used up.

I do agree with your assertion the USA is headed for the abyss. I’m asking you not step on the accelerator.
Truth of the matter is I was once much more angry, hateful, vengeful and conservative than you are now.
We can all change.
74. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 7/22/2022, 9:49AM EST
I might have exaggerated the size of my p3nis.
75. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 9:59AM EST
frankj1 wrote:
I might have exaggerated the size of my p3nis.

It's bigger, isn't it.
76. Author: bgzDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 10:14AM EST
Something you have to see the movie for... is if you follow the 3 tracks, you think you're following r2d2 driving backwards.
77. Author: Major BoobageDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 10:55AM EST
You misunderstood. Frank doesn’t have one he is one.
78. Author: RayRDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 1:15PM EST
Major Boobage wrote:
You misunderstood. Frank doesn’t have one he is one.

There you go...insulting Frank again. Shame on you
79. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 7/23/2022, 3:48PM EST
RayR wrote:
There you go...insulting Frank again. Shame on you

nah, no prob.
I'll send them a copy of the movie on Beta.
80. Author: bgzDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 4:33PM EST
Send the reel to reel... that way you get the rhythmic fapping sound from the tape.
81. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 7/23/2022, 10:22PM EST
82. Author: Major BoobageDate: Sun, 7/24/2022, 2:07PM EST
All I can’t is my **** cigars and instead I have to deal with you dickweeds
83. Author: BrewhaDate: Sun, 7/24/2022, 5:36PM EST
Major Boobage wrote:
All I can’t is my **** cigars and instead I have to deal with you dickweeds

You know - a Lady should smile more….
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