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Cigar Boulevard cutter
1. Author: MraiaDate: Sun, 3/17/2024, 11:32AM EST
I’m so dumb. For awhile I’ve been having some unraveling at the cap. Finally realized it may be a dull cutter.
It was.
Mind you I’m a 58 year old guy smoking a long time and still using the same plastic pos I started with years ago. Meh.
Anyway, I got a Cigar Boulevard Perfect cutter on Amazon( about $25 ) and miracle of miracles no more issues.
Cautionary tip for our noob friends here. Keep your cutters sharp and invest in a good one.
Don’t be dumb like me. Be smart 😉
2. Author: MidnightToker( • )( • )Date: Sun, 3/17/2024, 12:43PM EST
Another sign your cutter is dull is if you start getting pieces of tobacco in your mouth. A dull cutter pulls on the tobacco making the cut rough and causes pieces of tobacco to fall out onto your tongue.
3. Author: delta1Date: Mon, 3/18/2024, 6:31PM EST
another sign of a dull cutter...wrapper under the cap cracks or tears when you cut the cigar's head. Might be better to use a punch the next time you smoke one of them.
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