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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
MACS Offline
#1601 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
Why the fk is everything gotta be a phobia? I'm not afraid of Muslims. I don't trust them as far as I can spit in a headwind, but I ain't afraid of them.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1602 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Right now...I'm more concerned with the close to 10 million illegals that have invaded this nation. They can claim whatever they want and suck off the US taxpayer but we were all told to NEVER FORGET 9/11. The Left never cared too much about it and learned nothing from it. Hence, their stance on a whole slew of issues that are counterintuitive to our laws and society.

Not really scared of someone that wants to live under Sharia Law and behave like we all have to abide by some whacked up 7th Century belief structure. Hell, I'm used to walking through a pack of Karens. So, that's a nothingburger to me.
Stogie1020 Offline
#1603 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,463
Always. Carry. Bacon.

1. you can ward off Sharia Law Enforcement

2. you always have a tasty snack
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1604 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Bidenomics Winning? Bankruptcies Spike As Consumer Confidence Falls To Five Month Lows

What was the core purpose of Bidenomics? Was it just a meaningless slogan so the Biden Administration could pretend they had an economic plan? Or, was there actual substance to the concept? One might say that there was indeed a purpose to Bidenomics, but it was not to solve the ongoing stagflation crisis. Rather, Bidenomics was a plan to hide or deny the symptoms of the crisis and misinform the American public on the country's fiscal health.

One method which Biden used effectively for around a year was the dumping of the Strategic Oil Reserves onto the global market as a means to drive down CPI, making it appear as if inflation was receding when it really wasn't. Now, this strategy has run its course with oil reserves at their lowest level in decades right as the US may be entering war in the Middle East.

The next tactic was to lie the administration's role in rising US jobs numbers, as Biden claimed that he had the largest increase in employment of any president in history. This was, of course, because Democrat controlled states kept lockdowns going for as long as possible, and when they were forced to reopen jobs numbers surged along with returning business functions. On top of this, trillions of dollars in covid stimulus created a short lived spending bonanza which is now starting to wane.

Another trick has been to misrepresent increased spending and retail numbers as if this is a sign of a strong US consumer; all while ignoring the fact that consumers aren't buying more stuff. They are buying less and spending more because of inflation.

Higher spending and plummeting volume is a bad thing, not a good thing. This is why consumer confidence has dropped to five month lows despite all the spin in the mainstream media about “recovery.”

It may be very difficult for the White House (or the Federal Reserve) to hide the effects of stagflation for much longer as increasingly dismal data for the year is released. The US Court System has published their annual statistics for bankruptcies from September 2022 - September 2023, and the numbers aren't good.

Total bankruptcy filings for the nation rose by 13% in 2023, with 433,658 cases. Corporate bankruptcies increased by 30% this year with 17,051 cases. Bankruptcies fell sharply in 2020 as the covid pandemic precipitated the $8 trillion+ stimulus package. Helicopter money and PPP loans stalled the advance of a growing trend of economic decline in the US, but helped trigger the stagflation crisis as a consequence. Despite the massive fiat money injection, the bankruptcy train is gaining momentum once again.

Expectations for next year are not encouraging. Global analysts are predicting a “fall of zombies” in 2024 as rising debt costs slowly squeeze corporations and small businesses alike. Businesses facing high debt costs after years of low rates will have to compete to secure enough cash in the biggest corporate refinancing rush seen for years, just as banks rein in risk ahead of stricter capital rules.

Failure to secure the cash they need at rates they can afford, could lead to mass insolvencies and layoffs in the near term. Can Biden keep the facade going until elections next November? It looks unlikely.

kick up 10% though
MACS Offline
#1605 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
Sad part is, the retards that voted for this POS can't see how he's effing things up... and they're convinced he is a better option than the mean tweeter who had the economy rolling and no new wars (even new peace treaties) despite being attacked at every turn by the left, the democrats and the media (same same).

And they can't see that the PLANdemic was instituted by the same people that were bent on getting him out of office. It was planned. It was funded. And it was unleashed on the world... and then we were fear-mongered every day from morning to night with "death numbers" that were "engineered" to look worse than they really were.

Lied to about masks. Lied to about the shot. And they're just doubling down on the lies... in the face of video evidence that they uttered them.

And people still don't see it. Frying pan horse Brick wall
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1606 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
MACS wrote:
Sad part is, the retards that voted for this POS can't see how he's effing things up... and they're convinced he is a better option than the mean tweeter who had the economy rolling and no new wars (even new peace treaties) despite being attacked at every turn by the left, the democrats and the media (same same).

And they can't see that the PLANdemic was instituted by the same people that were bent on getting him out of office. It was planned. It was funded. And it was unleashed on the world... and then we were fear-mongered every day from morning to night with "death numbers" that were "engineered" to look worse than they really were.

Lied to about masks. Lied to about the shot. And they're just doubling down on the lies... in the face of video evidence that they uttered them.

And people still don't see it. Frying pan horse Brick wall

Funny, You see it for what it is. Lefty wants to carry the water.

Every turn Lefty gets played and still wants to say "OrangeMan Baaaad" and looks worse for doing it. You'd think they'd stop, but NOPE. They wanna double down on the retardation.

Not a good look on them, but F#CK them. Look at them squirm.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1607 Posted:
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The man behind the curtain steps out and he’s planning to control the 2024 election

Joe Biden is in deep poo. His approval rating is in the mud, Bidenomics is wrecking the country and democrats are distancing themselves from it.

Cue the man behind the curtain- Barack Obama.

For a while, Obama kept a fairly low profile while amassing gigantic personal wealth. But now as crime runs rampant, inflation continues, the cost of food keeps climbing, interest rates going sky high, porous borders letting in terrorists and we’re mired in two wars people are resenting the old man’s idiotic policies.

Economic issues such as jobs, taxes, or the cost of living ranked as the highest importance for voters at 57 percent. Similarly, voters’ assessment of the economy showed that 52 percent believe it is in bad condition.

On “immigration, national security, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” voters by double-digit margins trust Trump to do a better job. However, voters trust Biden more to handle the abortion issue by nine points, as well as general “democracy” by three points.

The poll also indicated anxiety around Biden’s perceived frailty, with 71 percent agreeing strongly or somewhat that the 80-year-old is too elderly to be an effective president and 62 percent saying he lacks the mental sharpness for the role. On the other hand, only 39 percent believe the same about Trump’s age, 77.

But democrats really don’t care about any of those issues. What scares them is this: Trump is leading Biden in five swing states.

Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: “This is the first time, Jen, that I have felt like the 2024 election is in great trouble for the president and for our Democrat control”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 5, 2023

That’s the only thing keeping democrats from sleeping. Before the USS Biden slips completely below the waves democrats have asked Obama to step out from behind the curtain.

Few are likely surprised. Joe Biden is not mentally capable of carrying out the duties of the Presidency. He spends 40% of his time on vacation and cannot maintain a conversation with foreign leaders or face a press conference without cue cards and scripted questions and responses. He clearly has no idea what’s he posting on social media. It’s all propaganda put out by his staff, among them a paid adolescent sycophant who barely shaves. It’s widely acknowledged that Biden is Obama III, but Biden is screwing things up so badly that the powers that be summoned are the god of all things.

So, it’s no coincidence that Obama is speaking up, but what he is promoting is really scary.

The closet socialist wants to take down capitalism.

“But just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society,” Obama said. “Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”

He claims “we’re all complicit” in the Israeli-Hamas conflict and blames social media.

“The problem with the social media, TikTok activism, and trying to debate this on that is you can’t speak the truth. You can pretend to speak the truth, you can speak one side of the truth, and in some cases, you can try to maintain your moral innocence, but that won’t solve the problem,” he said.

The same social media that Biden’s handlers use to litter the ether. Obama’s antics are a prelude to a dark time in the future. He has been working on Artificial Intelligence “for Joe Biden.” (Wink, wink)

The former president, who helmed the nation during the onset of social media and the digital world’s Web2 transformation, embraced tech in his presidential campaigns, as well as during his eight-year tenure in the Oval Office.

Embraced tech. Like digital fingerprints.

“The need for us, for the general public, I think to be more discriminating consumers of news and information, the need for us to overtime develop technologies to create watermarks or digital fingerprints so we know what is true and what is not true,”

It’s not difficult to understand the ramifications of this and it’s all in the programming. During the last election, we saw the collusion between the FBI, CIA, and social media to suppress negative information on Biden and disseminate false information about Trump. This could easily go much further. This could lead to using AI to silence individuals and target undesirable news outlets under the guise of curbing disinformation and generating genuine disinformation about political opponents, especially if the kangaroo courts are unable to shut them down.

It’s all about the algorithm.

Anyone still believing Biden needs a 2nd term is mentally unwell, hates America and happy with what he's done to the World.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1608 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
"Too Favored To Fail" - Taxpayers Bailout Biden's Green Friends

While America struggles to buy groceries, President Joe Biden has a green slush fund worth billions of dollars, and he’s not afraid to use it.

Recent revelations uncovered that the CEO and lobbyists of Rivian, an electric vehicle manufacturer, held a quiet meeting at the White House with Biden’s Climate Czar, John Podesta. That’s right, the same John Podesta who served as chairman of Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated 2016 presidential campaign before being pulled from the ranks of profitable green consulting to oversee distribution of $369 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Biden selected a political operative with green company ties to dole out the goodies from one of the largest slush funds in history. Now green CEOs who are hemorrhaging cash are beating a path to his White House office, presumedly with hat in hand.

According to media reports, Rivian is deep in the red. Last year, they lost $6.8 billion. In 2021, it was $4.7 billion, which is in addition to the $1 billion lost in 2020. These massive losses happened as EV manufacturers enjoyed large subsidies both to build and sell their vehicles. In fact, President Biden went out of his way to praise Rivian in early 2022, even though their stock had already lost half its value on its way to losing 87% of its value since 2021. Losing over $12 billion in less than three years would normally be a problem in the business world, but in the upside-down reality of Biden’s green agenda, that gets you a meeting at the White House.

Tax dollars are flowing from the IRA so quickly that the Department of Energy’s Inspector General (IG) may be running out of adjectives. Earlier this month in testimony before the Senate, the IG said, “the current situation brings tremendous risk to the taxpayers.” Red flags about American dollars flowing to foreign companies or just being wasted here at home are going up, yet according to budget watchdogs, their concerns are met with deaf ears by senior Biden Administration officials. The IG notes there were “billions and billions of dollars lost or stolen” from federal Covid funds, and Biden’s slush fund is even bigger. To put it bluntly, the green vault is wide open and the grifters are lining up.

Here’s a particular galling example. One little known aspect of the IRA are so-called “green banks.” For greenies, the scheme is simple: regular banks will not fund their boondoggles, so they need a taxpayer backed entity to dole out cash. Unlike regular banks, these green banks do not need to make a profit to stay afloat because the government is their funder.

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was caught trying to set up a green bank without the trouble of going through the elected legislature. The board of the bank will be green non-profits who will be in charge because as the New Mexico climate czar put it, “We’re talking about hundreds of millions of dollars…This greenhouse gas reduction fund is a remarkable little beast.” Recently, Grisham announced the green bank anyway. The slush fund is open for business, and everyone has their hand out.

Congress is watching the “green bank” scheme because they know it is ripe for abuse. The problem is clear: The White House put a political operative in charge of what is nothing more than a political fund. For Barack Obama, they were too big to fail, but Joe Biden is taking it further. When it comes to his failed agenda, his green boondoggles are “too favored to fail.”

Fail they will.

Who needs another bailout?
RayR Online
#1609 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
^ This is called GREEN FASCISM.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1610 Posted:
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Pentagon aide part of ‘covert campaign’ to undermine Iran opposition: report

An Iranian-born Pentagon aide, who was revealed earlier this year to be part of a years-long, Tehran-backed influence operation, also sought to undermine the leading group resisting the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to a new report delivered to President Biden.

Ariane Tabatabai has retained her security clearance and position as chief of staff to the Pentagon’s assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict — despite a bombshell Semafor report in September detailing her ties to senior Iranian Foreign Ministry officials.

But Tabatabai and founding members of the influence operation, known as the Iran Experts Initiative, were also engaged in a “covert campaign” to smear the nation’s leading opposition group, known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), according to a recent report endorsed by former vice presidential national security adviser Lincoln Bloomfield and written by a University of Baltimore professor.

“By seeking to neutralize favorable impressions of the organization among Washington’s foreign policy elite, Tehran sought to take down an entity capable of aiding Western attempts to curtail the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program, malign regional agenda, human rights abuses, and fundamentalist inclinations,” writes Ivan Sascha Sheehan, an associate dean of UB’s College of Public Affairs.

“By brazenly targeting the highly effective dissident organization, the operatives hoped to leave US officials with the false impression that there is no viable alternative to the ayatollahs — and certainly not one with a pro-democracy record that remains committed to toppling clerical rule.”

Sheehan delivered his report to Biden on Monday, according to a copy of a letter obtained by The Post, and is planning a special briefing with members of Congress on Tuesday to underscore the alleged espionage effort.

The professor notes in his missive to the president that a former member of the European Parliament, Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, has also endorsed the findings of the report — and was almost assassinated in Madrid last week, an attack that Sheehan warned Biden may have been linked to the Iranian regime.

Roca was shot in the jaw in broad daylight by a motorcyclist wearing a helmet who immediately fled, according to reports. The Spanish politician is hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.

The Iran Experts Initiative — which was founded by Tabatabai, fellow academic Dina Esfandiary and Saeed Khatibzadeh, an Iranian diplomat who now serves as the regime’s deputy minister of foreign affairs — corresponded with the head of a think tank tied to Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Mostafa Zahrani, beginning in March 2014, months after the US began negotiations for a nuclear deal with Tehran.

An Iranian-born Pentagon aide sought to undermine the leading group resisting Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to a new

The academics traded drafts of op-eds with their Iranian associates that advocated for the Obama administration to sign the deal, known as the Joint Plan of Comprehensive Action, in which Iran agreed to reduce its uranium enrichment in exchange for sanctions relief.

According to Sheehan, the Iran Experts Initiative also wrote the op-eds to “smear” the opinions of “the regime’s democratic opponents” and sought “to discourage a shift in the U.S. government toward a realistic regime change policy in Iran.”

“These viewpoints included beliefs such as, ‘According to Khamenei’s fatwa, Nuclear bomb is not Halal in Shiite belief and therefore will not be developed by the theocratic regime’ and ‘the regime has no viable alternative and MEK is disliked in Iran, and therefore this regime has to and will stay despite any discontent,’” he writes.

Tabatabai, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies, in her professorial role sought “to reiterate what the regime’s club-wielding hooligans tell students and protesters,” according to Sheehan.

“Protests, discontent, reform efforts are all part of an inherent part of Iranian public life,” Tabatabai told attendees at a January 2020 terrorism panel at Georgetown University, the report notes.

“Now the question to me is, ‘Does the regime manage to control this discontent?’ So far, the answer has been yes,” she said. “If you go back to 2009, and then later in 2012, and then 2017 and 2018, people have been predicting that the Islamic Republic will collapse.”

“And, actually, there is a joke that goes around in Iranian families, which is, you know, ‘Inshallah, next year in Tehran.’ Right, but ‘Inshallah, next year in Tehran’ has been sort of kicked down the road for 41 years,” she added. “And so we shouldn’t be making policies based on what we hope will happen. We should be thinking about the political reality and dealing with that and making policies accordingly.”

Tabatabai briefly worked at the start of the Biden administration for then-Iran special envoy Robert Malley before leaving for the Pentagon.

The FBI is investigating Malley after he had his security clearance revoked in April over his alleged mishandling of classified information — which has received new scrutiny following reports that Iran helped plan and sign off on Hamas’ surprise attack against Israel on Oct. 7.

Bloomfield told The Post in a statement that many reports in Western media about the brutal assault, which killed 1,200 Israelis, have tried to “swallow and propagate” the Iranian regime’s narrative that denies their involvement — which he said was another example of how the influence operation works.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) is weighing his own subpoena of both Malley and Tabatabai to reveal the extent of their ties to Tehran.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and 30 other Senate Republicans signed onto a September letter urging the Pentagon to revoke Tabatabai’s security clearance and conduct an investigation of her regime ties following Semafor’s report.

A Defense Department official later informed the GOP senators that Tabatabai’s hiring had followed “appropriate laws and policies” and that her security clearance undergoes regular review, according to a copy of an Oct. 13 letter to the members reviewed by The Post.

Leftist students formed the MEK in 1965 as a radical alternative to the authoritarian rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had almost all of its members arrested and executed.

Remaining MEK members allegedly carried out assassinations against both Iranian officials and US military service members and civilians in the 1970s.

Massoud Rajavi, one of its surviving members, was briefly imprisoned for his participation but later released during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which deposed the shah.

Former Supreme Leader of Iran Ruhollah Khomeini seized power during the nation’s presidential election the following year, later ordering the military to open fire in June 1981 at a crowd of demonstrators who opposed him.

Khomeini’s forces rounded up as many as 30,000 dissidents in the following years, many of whom supported MEK and were executed in 1988.

Maryam Rajavi, the wife of Massoud Rajavi, co-led MEK after the couple went into exile. Her husband disappeared before the start of the Iraq war in 2003, and it is unclear if he is still alive.

The State Department listed it as a foreign terrorist organization until 2012. Tabatabai has repeatedly drawn attention to MEK’s radical past in her writings.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1611 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Biden Has to Be Helped by Jill During Press Briefing, Makes Bad Israel Comments Anyway

It was another bad day for coherence for Joe Biden at the White House.

He got back from yet another vacation in Delaware in the late morning.

His schedule rarely has more than one or two things on it. On Monday, however, he had three things on it, none of which seemed related to any of the pending crises having to do with the Israeli war and the hostages, the border, or the economy.

Most of the time he's just doing something ceremonial, as he did in one of the three events of the day. Biden welcomed the Vegas Golden Knights to the White House to celebrate their 2023 Stanley Cup victory.

That was a festival of incoherence.

Who is the president? Biden has no idea as he slurred his way through his comment, "President Harris is here to make sure we do this the right way."

BIDEN: "President Harris is here to make sure we do this the right way" 😬
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 13, 2023

The player with the long blond hair heard it and you could see him starting to smile/laugh just as the clip cuts out.

Then he spoke about the Philadelphia Eagles because his wife is a fan but I'm not sure what he's talking about here — don't have them leave? Is that like "Don't jump!" a joke he's always making that's never funny?

Biden tells the Las Vegas Golden Knights: "Don't get the Philadelphia Eagles to leave and go 'cause I'll get divorced if that happens"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 13, 2023

Then I have no idea what the heck Biden is talking about here, and I don't think he does either. Drafted or undrafted? Who knows? Certainly not Joe.

BIDEN: "John, the first true undrafted player in history! Off of the draft. To win the final, win that final MVP trophy"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 13, 2023

But then when he was questioned by reporters at his second event of the day — signing a Memorandum that will establish the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research — he needed help from his wife to answer. One of the reporters asked if Biden had spoken with Israel about taking any specific precautions regarding the hospitals in Gaza (before attacking Hamas who hide in such buildings). It sounds like the staff was trying to get the press out of there, but Jill Biden then had to help redirect him to the question as his brain seemed to wander off. "The hospital in Gaza," she says, prompting him.

REPORTER: "Have you urged Israel to take any specific precautions on the hospitals in Gaza?"

JILL, ED.D.: "The hospital in Gaza!"

BIDEN: "It is my hope and expectation that there will be less intrusive action relative to the hospital"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 13, 2023

"It is my hope and expectation that there will be, uh, less intrusive action relative to hospital," Biden said, saying he had been in contact with the Israelis.

"Also there's an effort to take this pause to deal with release of prisoners. And that's being negotiated as well, with Qataris are engaged. So I remain somewhat hopeful. Regardless, the hospital must be protected."

So, to walk through this: The Israelis have already blown up his fiction about "four-hour daily pauses" that the Biden team claimed to have negotiated. The Israelis said they have been doing situational pauses since the beginning of the war and nothing new had been negotiated. So unless he's talking about something new here, this is just blather and not true, something he's saying to pander to the left that wants a ceasefire.

Then, why is he calling "hostages" "prisoners"? Words have meaning.

Saying that the hospital must be "protected" is trying to tie Israel's hands and effectively it protects Hamas because they hide their people and their weapons in hospitals. How do you take them out then?

No one fights a war this way. The only one asked to defend themselves like this — with one hand tied behind their backs — is Israel.

This is what Biden calls being 100 percent behind Israel? He's trying to play both ends against the middle again.

Soooo much building back nothing because the entire world is now on fire.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1612 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Ladies and gentlemen...may I kindly introduce President Ron Burgandy!

China Decries Biden's Off-Script 'Dictator Xi' Comment As "Extremely Wrong" Political Maneuvering

Update11/16(0730ET): With the summit wrapped up, and Xi's plane headed back to Beijing, the Chinese government on Thursday issued its first reaction to Biden calling Xi a "dictator" - which it should be emphasized was said while Xi was literally still there in San Francisco (if not still in the same venue or building):

President Joe Biden’s description of Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a dictator is “extremely wrong,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Thursday at a regular press briefing in Beijing.

Mao slammed the remark as "irresponsible political maneuvering" - and likely there is much more condemnation out of China to come. This could be only the beginning.

For all the screeching about Trump allegedly destroying diplomatic relationships, I don't recall him ever doing something so wildly boneheaded as blowing up a summit with China by calling President Xi a "dictator," while Xi was still physically present in the US attending events!
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) November 16, 2023

Cameras caught Secretary Blinken's reaction in real time, which strongly suggests the White House was immediately sent scrambling to try and fix the mess...

Blinken looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole when Biden said Xi is a dictator.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 16, 2023

* * *

Update(2115ET): Hands down the biggest moment from Biden's post-Xi meeting, and which threatens to derail any positive feelings built through the day, was his off-the-cuff remark calling Xi a "dictator". Was he so far off-script that the White House will issue a clarification? Will the dictator comment stand? Watch the moment which is sure to rile Beijing, and immediately cast a cloud over whatever 'progress' may have been made after hours of talks...

"After today, would you still refer to President Xi as a dictator?" asks a reporter.

"Look, he is. He's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that's based on a form of government totally different than ours," says Pres. Biden.
— Last Call (@LastCallCNBC) November 16, 2023

Bloomberg observes that it was off-the-cuff:

The dictator comment is the sort of off-the-cuff comment from Biden that has stirred controversy in the past. His response came after the formal set of questions had been presented from the media. Reporters were shouting out questions to extend the briefing. Biden has made comments in the past about defending Taiwan and Russian “incursions” into Ukraine that forced White House staff to clarify what the president had intended.

As seen in the above clip, the press was ushered out of the room fairly quickly after the dictator comment from Biden.

The below also shows how careful Biden's staff was trying to be earlier in the day in trying to prevent any spontaneous interaction between the president and the press...

Biden advisors scream at press to leave the room after Xi’s statement😳
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 15, 2023

Bloomberg noted additionally:

The dictator remark will probably overshadow what looks like some cut-through on some very important areas, namely controlling fentanyl and on both militaries talking to each other. China may choose to ignore it... or not.

Certainly the CCP is not known to ignore such statements, especially as it's not the first time Biden called Xi a dictator.

China will also not be happy at the fact that President Biden put great emphasis on Washington's "Ironclad commitment" to defending Indo-Pacific allies while talking directly to President Xi.

* * *

The much anticipated Biden press conference from San Francisco is expected to begin momentarily, following the end of his closed-door, hours-long meeting with China's President Xi Jinping. While expectations are low in terms of a potential US-China breakthrough in relations, each side has specific and significant items they would like to see progress on.

* * *

Update(1530ET): Biden's opening remarks before going into the closed door session with Xi were to be expected:

Biden also emphasized that the leaders had to ensure that competition should not veer into conflict, which echoed remarks administration officials have delivered in the past over the countries' relations.

"I value our conversation because I think it's paramount that you and I understand each other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions or miscommunication," Biden said.

But Xi's introductory words were more interesting:

The Chinese president said his country's relationship with the U.S. has "never been smooth sailing" over the last 50 years "yet it has kept moving forward" with twists and turns.

"It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other, and conflict and confrontation has terrible consequences for both sides," he said. "The world at large is big enough for the two countries to succeed."


Meanwhile, "China is objecting to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation members incorporating sustainability and inclusivity into their trade and investment policies," Reuters reports.

A post summit live press conference is expected to happen late in the afternoon local time. The conversation is expected to take hours.

* * *

Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet with US President Joe Biden starting at 10:45am Wednesday Pacific time. The US side is giving a state visit-level reception for Xi.

The previously secret venue for the one-on-one meeting between presidents, on the sidelines of the summit of Asian-Pacific leaders, has as of Wednesday morning been disclosed as Filoli, a sprawling private estate located in Woodside, California - which lies about 25 miles south of San Francisco, seen below.

The lush, quiet and secluded estate will be scene of an expected some 4 hours of talks between Xi and the 80-year old Biden.

As we've previewed, topics are likely to range from Biden's efforts to restore military-to-military communications, Taiwan tensions, managing economic competition, Ukraine, Gaza, and also reportedly Fentanyl at the forefront - to be pressed by the US side.

So far, it's the optics which have proven most controversial, from the moment senior officials - including Janet Yellen - were gathered at the airport to greet Xi's huge Air China jet on Tuesday. Biden had this to say going into Wednesday's crucial meeting, via APF:

China under Xi has 'real problems', Biden says on eve of summit.

Red Dawn 2023
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) November 15, 2023

Amazingly, here's a partial list and summary of the "no detail too small" preparations for Emperor President Xi's arrival:

A presidential meeting at an undisclosed location. Students lining the streets waving Chinese flags. A $2,000-per-plate dinner with the most powerful business executives in America.

Every aspect of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to California this week has been highly choreographed, down to what he sees outside the window during a motorcade ride and what camera angle he’s recorded from, according to people familiar with the planning.

“There is no detail too small,” said Kurt Campbell, the White House coordinator for the Indo-Pacific.

Any meeting between two heads of state involves a degree of pomp and circumstance, but President Joe Biden’s long-awaited sit-down with Xi on Wednesday is the product of a painstaking process to accommodate China’s many requests. The behind-the-scenes effort is a sign of Beijing’s anxiety over the optics that could result from Xi’s first visit to the U.S. in six years.

Overall, China is looking for Xi’s trip to California to be seen as a “grand visit,” officials said.

Xi's motorcade flew past unusually pristine streets lined with students and supporters waiving Chinese flags, though there are reports of some sporadic protests popping up too:
Image via The San Francisco Standard: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s motorcade arrives at the St. Regis Hotel.

But here's the BEFORE...

This is Gavin Newsom's California when China's leader isn't in town
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) November 14, 2023

Here's the AFTER... with the Chinese national anthem ringing out...

This is XI arriving in San Francisco.

Notice, no American flags.

Don’t believe them when they say “China is our greatest threat.”

China already conquered
— Joey Meugniot (@realjoeymUS) November 15, 2023

The rapid and almost miraculous clean-up of San Francisco streets comes after a series of demands made by Beijing:

They insisted that the meeting be held before a broader gathering of Asia-Pacific leaders in San Francisco this week and at a location entirely separate from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit site, two current and former U.S. officials said. China’s request was designed to elevate Xi’s stature above that of the other world leaders traveling to California this week, the officials said.

And entire roads and intersections have been closed off for Xi's extensive security perimeter:

Time: San Francisco 23:06, Beijing time 15:06
Location: Roads around the St. Regis Hotel where President Xi stayed

Thank you to the San Francisco police for your hard work.👍
— ShanghaiPanda (@thinking_panda) November 15, 2023

Given the planned Biden-Xi meeting is scheduled to run for four hours, it remains to be seen whether the US president will be able to stay alert, awake and coherent for such a lengthy high stakes session.

Meet the new boss.

Just Joe...being Joe.
RayR Online
#1613 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Com'on MAN!
Bi and Xi sittin' in a tree...they love and lie to each other.
They are both leftist dicktators. They both have a phone and a pen and rule by executive orders.
RayR Online
#1614 Posted:
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Another commie love story.
A ménage à trois you might say, sharing their collectivist faith in the future.

Biden says Gavin Newsom ‘could have the job’ of president after calling him ‘one hell of a governor’

By Melissa Koenig
Published Nov. 16, 2023, 9:02 a.m. ET

President Biden openly touted California Gov. Gavin Newsom as a hot contender for the White House — telling world leaders the younger man “could have the job I’m looking for,” referring to his 2024 reelection bid.

“I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man,” Biden, who turns 81 next week, said of the 56-year-old fellow Democrat after he warmed up the crowd for him at a reception for leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference.

“Matter of fact, he can be anything he wants — he could have the job I’m looking for,” said Biden, who is currently the Democrats’ frontrunner for 2024.

Newsom was previously mentioned as a potential Biden primary challenger as he ramped up his national image.

He made headlines last month when he went on a week-long trip to China to speak with President Xi Jinping ahead of the APEC conference.

The governor told reporters the purpose of the trip was for “turning the page, of renewing our friendship and re-engaging (on) foundational and fundamental issues that will determine our collective faith in the future.”

At a press conference after the meeting, Newsom also said that he and Xi discussed ways to “accelerate our progress on climate in meaningful and substantive ways,” according to a report from CBS News.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1615 Posted:
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Sometimes, you just have to find out what you've been paid for....

Biden Admin Removes Restrictions on China Purchasing American Technology That Could Be Used Against US

Without sufficient explanation, the Biden administration recently removed trade restrictions on several Chinese companies connected to the Chinese Communist Party's surveillance and military programs.

Colin Aamot is an investigative columnist at The Daily Signal and an investigator within The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project. He was a psychological operations planner with the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command.

The Biden administration recently removed restrictions on 27 Chinese companies that prevented those companies from purchasing American technology that could potentially be turned against the U.S. A detailed examination by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project reveals connections between several of these companies and the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance and military programs.

The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security removed these companies from what is known as the Unverified List. The list was designed to prevent the potential misuse of U.S. technology and products by restricting certain foreign entities from purchasing items that could serve a dual use—in other words, that could have both civilian and military uses.

Export restrictions are applied to civilian technology that could be adapted for “military, terrorism or potential WMD [weapons of mass destruction]-related applications.”

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Bureau of Industry and Security became more active in applying restrictions on Russian companies to prevent Russia from procuring dual-use equipment. However, this was generally seen as too little too late, as Russian President Vladimir Putin had already procured significant amounts of dual-use equipment prior to the invasion.

With China, the Biden administration has been less than transparent with its justification for relaxing the restrictions. The administration said it removed the 27 companies from the Unverified List by establishing their “bona fides” through end-use checks of how they were using the equipment they purchased. However, no specific mechanism for conducting these checks or for how the administration would verify them has been made public.

Concerning Connections Unearthed

Heritage’s Oversight Project took a further look into these companies. Several have raised potential security concerns because of direct connections to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s defense industry while also showing a proclivity toward procuring technologies that have both civilian and military uses. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news and commentary outlet.)

Here, the Oversight Project highlights three companies that are particularly concerning:

Beijing Zhonghehangxun Technology (also known as Beijing Vistek Co. Ltd), a startup connected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Center for Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing, is known for its work on large-scale crowd surveillance systems.

The Hoover Institution further highlighted Vistek’s role in surveillance equipment used in the Xinjiang region against the Uyghur population as well as the company’s cooperative partnership with Hikvision. Hikvision is a known supplier of surveillance technology to the CCP in applications that are “widely used in state security affairs,” according to Hoover’s 2021 Eyes Wide Open report.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn previously called for the company to be added to the Unverified List following the release of the report.

Further, Nanjing Gova Technology Co. Ltd, identified as a Chinese defense contractor in its recent press releases, plays a role in China’s aerospace industry. That includes building pressure sensors and sensor networks for new-generation fighter aircraft, rockets, and weaponry since as early as 2011.

Shuang Xiang (Fujian) Electronics Company Limited, specializing in optoelectronics, has connections to other CCP surveillance technology vendors. In recent filings, it has shown a strategic emphasis on investments in technologies that have both military and civilian applications.

Shuang Xiang has been involved in the manufacture of optical lenses and related equipment that are used in surveillance networks and in the enforcement of social credit scores. Several of the company’s board members also have direct ties to core elements of the Chinese Communist Party.

In addition, Sino Super Conductor Technology, Hunan University, and Nanchang University are three other entities that were removed from the list that are of concern due to military-civil fusion programs and their overlap into classified defense research.

A Need for Clarity and Caution

The decision to lift Unverified List status on these companies coincided with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s visit to Beijing in August.

The connections the Oversight Project identified between these companies and the CCP’s broader military and surveillance ambitions necessitate greater transparency and justification as to why the Biden administration lifted the restrictions.

Such decisions have broader implications, not only for U.S. national security and foreign policy, but also for human rights within China, where the CCP utilizes surveillance technology to control its own population.

The Daily Signal has reached out to the Bureau of Industry and Security for comment but so far has received no response.

10% for the Big Guy?
RayR Online
#1616 Posted:
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The Economic Genius of Joe Biden

With that stubborn cloud of price inflation still circling over the U..S., without admitting any complicity in causing the problem in the first place, Joey B. pulls out an old favorite of the Progressive Left to place the blame - THE PRICE GOUGING CARD.

Biden says prices ‘too high,’ asks sellers to lower them after 18% inflation

Nov 27, 2023

"President Biden acknowledged Monday that prices are still “too high” and argued that companies should lower them after an 18% jump in consumer costs since he took office.

“We know that prices are still too high for too many things — that times are still too tough for too many families,” the 81-year-old said near the White House.

“We’ve made progress, but we have more work to do,” Biden added. “Let me be clear to any corporation has not brought their prices back down, even as inflation has come down, even supply chains have been rebuilt: It’s time to stop the price gouging and give the American consumer a break.”

The prices of some goods, such as food products, are expected to decline in the coming months, but periods of general deflation are rare in US history.

Biden previously used his bully pulpit to try to pressure oil companies to take action to lower gas prices last year."

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1617 Posted:
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Another Joe just being Joe story.


Biden Brags He Has Nuclear Code to ‘Blow up the World’

Scared yet? President Joe Biden bragged Wednesday of his ability to “blow up the world” through a special code his staff possess. The revelation came in Colorado as he made light of nuclear weapons during a visit to the world’s largest windmill factory.

The president went on to mistakenly call his predecessor “Congressman Trump” in an awkward appearance that saw him stumble from one verbal mishap to the next.

It began as he approached three yellow-vested workers at the facility in Colorado and one of them appeared to pose an inaudible question to the president.

Biden retorted: “Now look, my, my marine carries that. It has a code to blow up the world. That doesn’t, this is not….nuclear weapons is it….alright, ok…you think I’m kidding.”

The so-called nuclear football holds the codes the president would use to authenticate an order to launch nuclear missiles should he or she not be at the White House.

Officially named the “ Presidential Emergency Satchel, ” the bulky briefcase is carried by a military officer who is never far behind the president, whether the commander-in-chief is boarding a helicopter or exiting meetings with world leaders.

CS Wind is a manufacturing company headquartered in South Korea.

In the president’s address to the company after his stroll, he called Yoon Suk Yeol, the South Korean president, “Mr Moon”, apparently mixing him up with Mr Yoon’s predecessor, Moon Jai-in.

“I am friends with your leader, Mr Moon, you know,” Biden said.

Biden also attacked cuts he said “Congressman Trump and Boebert want to do.”
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1618 Posted:
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Biden Sending Millions Overseas To Address ‘Root Causes’ Of Illegal Immigration. It’s Not Working.

The Biden administration has sent tens of millions of dollars to Latin American countries for programs that address “root causes” of illegal immigration, all as southern border crossings hit record highs.

The Biden administration has spent at least $40 million on immigration-related projects in Latin America in fiscal year 2023 that are ostensibly supposed to help bring down illegal immigration from the region, according to a Daily Wire review of foreign spending data.

The projects have been part of the Biden administration’s strategy to pump money into the region with the goal of decreasing illegal immigration. As Biden has sent money abroad, Republican lawmakers have urged more funding for security measures at the southern border. Critics also have pointed to Biden’s loose asylum policies and revocation of Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy as key reasons for the skyrocketing border crossings.

Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a nonprofit that advocates for solutions to uncontrolled immigration, told The Daily Wire that the actual root cause of the illegal immigration crisis is the Biden administration’s immigration policy.

“The root cause of the surge of illegal immigration is the policies that the Biden administration put in place from day one, and continue to implement in spite of the fact that we’re seeing record numbers of people coming across the border. We seem to break a new record almost every month,” Mehlman said.

One initiative rolled out in fiscal year 2023 was the Alliance for Root Causes and Opportunities project, which is designed to address “the root causes that influence people from Central America to migrate to the United States through Mexico,” according to the United States Agency for International Development, or USAID.

Mexico was allocated $5 million in 2023 for the project, which was implemented through Chemonics International, a private international development company. Another $3 million commitment to Mexico was designated for “basic education,” and $2 million was for agriculture in Mexico.

In 2023 alone, roughly 670,000 Mexicans crossed the southern border into the United States.

Another initiative, described by USAID as the “Irregular Migration Project,” sent millions of dollars to Guatemala, from where roughly 226,000 illegal immigrants into the United States have come. The purpose of the project is “addressing the root causes of irregular migration in Guatemala.”

Two grants, one for $8.5 million and the other for $2.5 million were allocated in fiscal year 2023 for Guatemala in the “good governance” sector. Another grant under the project was $2.2 million for “conflict mitigation and reconciliation,” while a fourth was $500,000 for “civil society.”

All the money is distributed with the help of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations’ immigration organization that says it is “dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all.” The IOM feuded with former President Donald Trump by declining to seat his nominee to head the organization.

USAID also works with IOM on multiple projects under the “Scholarships For Educational Opportunities” banner.

“The project aims to mitigate irregular migration from El Salvador by increasing equitable access to formal educational opportunities for potential migrants and returnees to engender hope, prosperity, and positive self-worth in their lives,” the program’s description at USAID reads.

In fiscal year 2023, $4 million was designated for “basic education” in El Salvador while $2.9 million was allocated for “higher education.” There were also two grants for “private sector competitiveness,” both worth roughly $1.5 million.

Nearly 60,000 El Salvadorans illegally entered the United States in 2023.

Haiti, which has seen an epidemic of gang violence and civil disorder this year, was given two grants of $3.6 million and $2.7 million for “good governance” and “policies, regulations, and systems,” under the banner of “Humanitarian Assistance.”

The justification for the project was rooted in the fact that tens of thousands of Haitians have arrived at the U.S. border. In 2023 alone, roughly 69,095 Haitians entered the United States through the southern border.

“Since the end of August 2021, there are thousands of Haitians assembling in makeshift sites on the Mexican side of the border to wait while deciding whether to attempt entry into the U.S. carrying their belongings, the migrants have been traversing the ankle-deep river between Mexico and Texas. As of 17 September, there were about 13,700 new arrivals in Del Rio City,” the USAID project description says.

“The International Organization of Migration (IOM) aims to support the improvement of reception facilities to better welcome migrants upon their return to Haiti, both in Port-Au-Prince and Cap-Haitian. This will enable key stakeholders involved in migrant assistance to be prepared for repatriations and stand ready to welcome migrants even when informed in a very short notice,” USAID added.

The United States also sent millions to the region in general, under one project with the purpose of “Assistance for Informed, Safe and Dignified Returns of Vulnerable Migrants in Participating Countries of the Americas,” according to USAID. This project was worth $2.5 million and implemented alongside the IOM.

In total, the United States allocated $1,781,452,241 on all aid projects in fiscal year 2023 for Latin American countries where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants came from. This included $441,300,796 to Colombia (137,389 illegal crossings), $9,519,970 to Cuba (63,135 illegal crossings), $50,751,799 to Ecuador (106,635 illegal crossings), $145,002,715 to El Salvador (59,693 illegal crossings), $187,388,066 to Guatemala (225,998 illegal crossings), $331,549,853 to Haiti (69,095 illegal crossings), $151,007,802 to Honduras (213,853 illegal crossings), $112,633,591 to Mexico (671,128 illegal crossings), $27,111,714 to Nicaragua (16,690 illegal crossings), $119,346,269 to Peru (55,276 illegal crossings), and $205,839,666 to Venezuela (302,736 illegal crossings).

Neither the White House or the State Department responded to request for comment.

The $1.7 billion total is just slightly under the $1.8 billion per year requested by Trump over a ten year period to construct a border wall. While Mehlman said that funding for a complete border wall, more detention centers, and additional Border Patrol officers would be helpful, the number one priority needed to be taking away incentives to enter the U.S. illegally.

“The number one priority actually does not entail money, it is creating deterrence. The people who are coming are coming for rational reasons. They understand that if they get to the border there is very, very high probability that they will be allowed to remain here indefinitely. We need to change that perception,” he said.

House Republicans visited the border this week calling for the Biden administration to clamp down on the crisis and secure the border.

“We were shown firsthand how the President’s reckless open-border policies are devastating communities across the state,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said of the visit. “The Biden Administration is showing once again it is obviously their deliberate strategy to keep the border open and continue the chaos and humanitarian crisis their policies have created.”

I firmly believe that money should've been spent here at home first.

The Uniparty is alive and well too!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1619 Posted:
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Democrat Dean Phillips Blasts Biden’s Handling Of Border: ‘An Unmitigated, Embarrassing, Unforgivable Disaster’

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) ripped President Joe Biden during Democratic presidential event this week for the collapse of the U.S. Southern Border.

Phillips, who is a longshot candidate, made the remarks during NewsNation’s Democratic Presidential Forum on Friday with other longshot candidates Cenk Uygur and Marianne Williamson.

Phillips called Biden’s border crisis, which experts have said was directly caused by his policies, “an unmitigated, embarrassing, unforgivable disaster.”

His remarks came within the context of explaining numerous issues where he disagrees with Biden.

“The other area where I differ with him immensely is our southern border,” said Phillips. “I’ve been there twice. It is an unmitigated, embarrassing, unforgivable disaster, and Democrats, as Cenk said earlier, have to wake up to the truth.”

He warned that Democrats risked a Republican winning the White House in 2024 because his party has taken little to no action to fix what is happening at the border, saying that Republican presidential candidates are “actually listening” to voters.

“And I think it’s time that Democrats do, and I’m afraid that President Biden is at a stage where he has lost the ability to legitimately listen,” he said.

He also took a shot at Biden for refusing to participate in Democrat presidential events, saying that it was disrespectful to the voters and the country at large.


Yeah, that's really happening!
RayR Online
#1620 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Yep, that Biden guy sucks, big time.

It's kinda funny how some Democrats have suddenly remembered that Constitution thing.

Democrats fume after Biden orders Yemen airstrikes without congressional approval: ‘Unacceptable violation of the Constitution’

By Social Links for Victor Nava
Published Jan. 11, 2024, 11:58 p.m. ET

Several Democrats on Capitol Hill scolded President Biden on Thursday for launching airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen without congressional approval, arguing that the action was unconstitutional.

“The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east [sic] conflict,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) tweeted. “That is Article I of the Constitution. I will stand up for that regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House.”

“Section 2C of the War Powers Act is clear: POTUS may only introduce the US into hostilities after Congressional authorization or in a national emergency when the U.S. is under imminent attack,” Khanna went on. “Reporting is not a substitute. This is a retaliatory, offensive strike.”


DrMaddVibe Offline
#1621 Posted:
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They can't hide the "Uniter in Thief", even with a script in his hand...if anyone can screw it up...if Pedo Joe!

Biden Busted Again With 'Script,' This Time for Q&A During Mayors' Conference

Last week, I reported on Joe Biden''s horrible performance at the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting at the White House, a bipartisan event.

Biden said so many weird things, I had to focus on the ones I thought were the strangest/worst and break it into two stories. He was saluting at random people who weren't even military. He told a bizarre story about how you should marry someone who had five sisters so one of them could always love you. He called Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg "Secretary Booty-Judge." He also said, "My wife is gonna" and the next word sounds like "sh*t," or he cut off a word mid-way. Either way, it didn't come out right.

Then Biden mocked patriots and their gun rights. He also seemed to threaten Americans, saying they'd need an F-16 to defend against the government. He mentioned if Jill were there, she would be hushing him up. But she wasn't, so he was doing the weird whispering and yelling thing that he does. He even delusionally claimed that under him the country was in its most powerful position since World War II. He also confused Hamas and the Houthis and took credit for peace efforts achieved by former President Donald Trump. He couldn't remember the title of Vivek Murthy, his Surgeon General. He said he often wondered when he hears "Hail to the Chief" "Where is he." So do we all, unfortunately.

As bad as that was, there was a new piece of information about those Conference remarks that came out on Monday that makes it even worse -- he appears to have had a script for the Q&A with the mayors.

You can see the question that's going to be asked written out, in the case of the Wausau, Wisconsin mayor asking about lead pipes, then the answer written out with what Biden has allegedly done in regard to the issue. In this case, I wonder if the question was "asked" to give Biden a little assist, since he loves to talk about what he's doing about lead pipes.

So as bad as that all was when I reported it last week, he even had a script to follow, but we still got the mess that he delivered, which I detailed above. Imagine how bad he is if they have to go to all this trouble, and yet, as we've seen, he nevertheless seems to be getting more and more confused. On Monday, he confused his two cabinet secretaries, HHS Head Xavier Becerra and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

If they have situations where a script doesn't work, what will he do?

It's a question that should concern us all.

At least he contained his groping and sniffing up children!

RayR Online
#1622 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Biden has had too much exposure to lead pipes. He should have had something done about that.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1623 Posted:
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Swirling around the toilet bowl faster than Pedo Joe can mumble! Uhhiminauhwemerica, F@CK YEAH...Coming to save the mutha*****uing Day!

Biden Warns Trump: "Don't Mess With Uhhiminauhwemerica"

Joe Biden gave a speech during which he warned Donald Trump, “Don’t mess with uhhiminauhwemerica.”

Yes, really.

“We’ll teach Donald Trump un…err…arr valuable lesson,” said Biden, “Don’t mess with uhhiminauhwemerica unless you wanna get a…(the last word is totally undecipherable)."

Despite the embarrassment, Biden’s supporters cheered mindlessly anyway.

"Don't mess with uhhiminauhwemerica unless you want to get the benefit." - Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) January 23, 2024

The clip is perhaps one of the most blatant examples of how the president has rapidly cognitively declined over the last four years.

He’s literally reading it word for word from a teleprompter yet stumbles over nearly every word, most notably the word “America,” which isn’t exactly a hard one.

No wonder Democrats are so desperate to replace him on the presidential ticket.

Although Biden is clearly suffering from early onset dementia and his speaking difficulties are becoming awkwardly more apparent, it’s hard not to laugh.

And people on X did just that.

As we previously highlighted, despite Uncle Joe being ready for the retirement home, his campaign is hilariously questioning Trump’s mental stability.
RayR Online
#1624 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
^ It's really hard to fathom that many people still want to vote for Dementia Joe...ain't it? Think

Well... Workers of the World Unite! UAW president Shawn Fain declares that the UAW endorses Joe Biden because Trump serves a bourgeois billionaire class.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1625 Posted:
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RayR wrote:
^ It's really hard to fathom that many people still want to vote for Dementia Joe...ain't it? Think

Well... Workers of the World Unite! UAW president Shawn Fain declares that the UAW endorses Joe Biden because Trump serves a bourgeois billionaire class.

Even with Pedo Joe pushing the EV $hit...that would take more jobs away from the UAW and put them in traditional non-union states...they line up to donate their time, their voice and their money. FOOLS.
RayR Online
#1626 Posted:
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Posts: 9,006

The funniest one yet.
8trackdisco Offline
#1627 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Swirling around the toilet bowl faster than Pedo Joe can mumble! Uhhiminauhwemerica, F@CK YEAH...Coming to save the mutha*****uing Day!

Biden Warns Trump: "Don't Mess With Uhhiminauhwemerica"

Joe Biden gave a speech during which he warned Donald Trump, “Don’t mess with uhhiminauhwemerica.”

Yes, really.

“We’ll teach Donald Trump un…err…arr valuable lesson,” said Biden, “Don’t mess with uhhiminauhwemerica unless you wanna get a…(the last word is totally undecipherable)."

Despite the embarrassment, Biden’s supporters cheered mindlessly anyway.

"Don't mess with uhhiminauhwemerica unless you want to get the benefit." - Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) January 23, 2024

The clip is perhaps one of the most blatant examples of how the president has rapidly cognitively declined over the last four years.

He’s literally reading it word for word from a teleprompter yet stumbles over nearly every word, most notably the word “America,” which isn’t exactly a hard one.

No wonder Democrats are so desperate to replace him on the presidential ticket.

Although Biden is clearly suffering from early onset dementia and his speaking difficulties are becoming awkwardly more apparent, it’s hard not to laugh.

And people on X did just that.

As we previously highlighted, despite Uncle Joe being ready for the retirement home, his campaign is hilariously questioning Trump’s mental stability.

He's still a coinflip to win against his opponent. That says someting about both candidates.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1628 Posted:
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Penny for your thoughts on Year 3.

A Crisis For Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year

If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.

Congratulations, America — you’ve survived your third year of being bossed around by Joe “Big Guy” Dementia Biden. You might be poorer, more depressed, and more likely to end up drafted for a foreign war than you were when he hobbled into the White House three years ago last Saturday, but you’ve finally made it to the year you get to vote him out, if you’re smart enough.

In January 2022, we brought you “A Scandal For Every Month: The Biggest Botches, Failures, And Mess-Ups Of Joe Biden’s First 12 Months In Office.” Last January, there was another year of disasters to catalog. If you’re like me, you’re probably losing track of all the scandals and which ones happened when. If it’s making your head spin, just think how confused poor Joe is!

If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.

January: Classified Documents Scandal

It’s been a long year, but remember when classified documents were found in insecure locations everywhere from Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center to next to the Corvette in his garage?

The initial trove of documents from Biden’s time as vice president, including some reportedly “top secret” files, was found in November 2022. But in January of last year, the FBI found more “documents with classification markings and surrounding materials,” from his time as VP and senator, at Biden’s home (after cooperating nicely with the president). The scandal was quickly hushed up, despite the fact that Biden’s Justice Department had executed a dramatic raid on former President Trump’s home based on accusations of a similar documents snafu months earlier.

February: Biden Snubs East Palestine After Train Disaster

Joe Biden may not have been at fault for the derailment of a train traveling through East Palestine, Ohio, or the subsequent burning of toxic chemicals from it, but his administration went out of its way to react with incompetence and cruelty. As residents, plagued by severe health problems from toxic dust and smoke, were forced out of their homes, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg waited a week and a half before finally acknowledging the crisis. Eighteen days after the Feb. 3 disaster, Buttigieg responded to a reporter asking him to share a message with the “suffering” Ohioans by telling her he was too busy “taking some personal time.”

Buttigieg didn’t bother to go to East Palestine until Trump made a stop there in the weeks following the disaster to meet with residents and hand out clean water. Biden still hasn’t deigned to visit his East Palestine constituents. Instead, his Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio’s leadership that East Palestine wouldn’t be receiving federal aid — until the Trump visit apparently embarrassed FEMA into reversing course.

Honorable mention: February also saw the Biden administration allow a Chinese spy balloon to float across the continental U.S. before attempting to blame the security failure on the Trump administration.

March: Biden Admin Sympathizes with Transgender School Shooter

After a transgender-identifying shooter killed six at a Tennessee Christian school in March, Joe Biden could be seen cracking jokes in conversations with reporters about the tragedy while his administration made clear that it saw the shooter as the real victim.

Biden opened his remarks about the shooting with a joke about ice cream, continuing to joke that since GOP Sen. Josh Hawley thought “Christians were targeted in the Nashville school shooting,” Biden “probably” didn’t.

“No, I’m joking,” he said with a grin.

Meanwhile, three days after the shooting, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the administration’s “hearts go out to the trans community, as they are under attack right now.”

“We should be lifting up our trans kids, our trans youth, and making sure that they feel seen,” she added.

Biden, who has visited with shooting victims when their deaths don’t get in the way of his agenda, snubbed the families of the students and staff killed at the Christian school. But his VP Kamala Harris found time to go down to Tennessee to rub elbows with Democrat state representatives whose unruly behavior got them expelled from the house chamber in the aftermath of the shooting.

April: Biden’s Secretary of State Revealed to Be Behind Infamous Laptop ‘Disinfo’ Letter

When news broke just before the 2020 election that a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden contained not only compromising explicit photos of the younger Biden but also emails implicating him and his father in under-the-table deals, a coordinated campaign was immediately launched to shut the story down. Big Tech, in tandem with federal intelligence agencies and corporate media outlets, censored the story and worked to keep voters in the dark about the incriminating evidence. One of the major tactics used to mislead voters was a letter from 51 “former intelligence officials” who insisted the laptop looked like a Russian disinformation plot. Biden cited the letter in a presidential debate with Trump to shut down discussion of the story.

But in April 2023, former deputy director of the CIA Michael Morell, also a signatory of the letter, testified to the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees that Antony Blinken, Biden’s former campaign adviser who was rewarded with a position as secretary of state, prompted the letter. According to Morell, Blinken “reached out to him to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop story,” which “set in motion the events that led to the issuance of the public statement.”

May: Biden Rejects His 4-Year-Old Grandchild

When Joe Biden’s deadbeat son Hunter had to show up in Arkansas court in May as part of a paternity case regarding his out-of-wedlock daughter with Lunden Roberts, the country realized it wasn’t just Hunter trying to shut 4-year-old Navy out of his life — the entire Biden family went out of their way to deny her existence. Reporters realized the Bidens had never even acknowledged their seventh grandchild, but when they asked the White House about it, Jean-Pierre refused to answer.

“It’s not lost on anybody that Jill Biden wrote a children’s book and [dedicated it] to her grandchildren. She could have kept it at that, but she named every child except Navy,” noted Roberts’ lawyer. “They hung stockings for the dog at Christmas but not for Navy.”

Joe Biden doubled down, telling the Louisiana State University women’s basketball team that he had “four granddaughters.” In April, Biden had told the country he had “six grandchildren, and I’m crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day.” Later that summer, it was revealed that “White House aides have been told during strategy meetings that the president and first lady Jill Biden have six, not seven, grandchildren.”

It wasn’t until the end of July, after months of public pressure, that Biden acknowledged Navy for the first time in a statement to People magazine. The statement included no apology for ignoring his granddaughter for the first four years of her life.

June: Whistleblowers and FD-1023 Accuse Bidens of Influence-Peddling, Bribery

The Bidens may not have had any particularly good months this past year, but June was an especially bad one.

On June 22, the House Ways and Means Committee released testimony from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler alleging that the Department of Justice had engaged in “interference in the form of delays, divulgences, and denials” to protect the Bidens throughout the IRS tax investigation into Hunter Biden. The whistleblowers’ testimony also included damning records such as an apparent WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Chinese businessman Henry Zhao, in which the younger Biden used threats of his father’s political power to extort unfulfilled “promises and assurances” from Zhao.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” the message read in part.

June was also the mont Americans learned more details from the FBI FD-1023 form that documented a confidential human source’s reporting about the Bidens’ apparent bribery scheme involving the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland reported at the time, “Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed a foreign national — identified by individuals with knowledge of the matter as Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky — allegedly possessed 17 recordings implicating the Bidens in a pay-to-play scandal,” based on the CHS’s report in the FD-1023. The CHS also reported that Zlochevsky claimed to have been “coerced” into paying $5 million to Hunter Biden and $5 million to Joe Biden.

By July, Grassley released the FD-1023 to the public.

July: Cocaine in the White House

Just days into July, The Washington Post reported that officials had found a suspicious white powder in the West Wing, which “a preliminary field test indicated … was cocaine.” The president’s son Hunter, of course, had discussed his longstanding drug addiction in his memoir, had abandoned a laptop full of evidence of him doing drugs with prostitutes, and was suspected to be living at the White House at the time of the discovery. But for some reason, the security cameras, security checkpoints, and visitor logs were deemed useless, and the Secret Service told the country they’d just never be able to figure out the culprit in the cocaine caper. The investigation was concluded in less than two weeks.

Oh, and it totally wasn’t relevant at all, but Hunter Biden had just agreed to a plea deal that was contingent on him staying sober!

Honorable mention: Said plea deal fell apart after a judge’s questions revealed it to be an obvious attempt by Biden’s DOJ to give his son a slap on the wrist while quietly protecting both Bidens.

August: Biden Sunburns at the Beach After Maui’s Beaches Burn

After some 100 people died in a horrific fire that decimated the Hawaii town of Lahaina, Maui, and left 1,000 people missing, Biden offered the grieving community “no comment” from his beach chair at his Rehoboth, Delaware, home.

When Biden finally made it to Maui, he offered made-up stories, inappropriate snark, and self-centered anecdotes instead of comfort. As Greg Price summed it up on Twitter, Biden “joked about how hot the ground was, mispronounced the names of every Hawaii elected official, told a complete lie about how his house once almost burned down, joked about how he knows what they are feeling because he almost lost his corvette, fell asleep while meeting with Maui residents and is now going back on vacation.”

September: Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks New Record (Again)

Border agents reported apprehending 269,735 illegal aliens at the U.S.-Mexico border in September — the highest record for a single month ever. In total, more than 2.4 million apprehensions occurred in fiscal year 2023, with some 6.8 million illegal migrants apprehended at the southern border since Joe Biden took office in 2021. When factoring in “gotaways,” estimates jump to some 10 million illegal border crossers under Biden’s presidency.

October: Biden’s Party Shows Itself to Be Full of Antisemitic Terrorist Sympathizers

After Hamas launched a surprise terror attack on rural Israeli communities, killing some 1,200 people and injuring and kidnapping others, the Middle East devolved into chaos that, aside from the Biden administration’s disastrously executed withdrawal from Afghanistan, had not been seen since the Obama years. But even the Biden administration’s response — which was to lecture Israel about “democracy” and use the tragedy to ask for more money for Ukraine — was too kind for antisemitic members of his party like Rep. Rashida Tlaib and leftists who flashed swastikas in the streets and mobbed Jewish students on college campuses.

Honorable mention: Bidenomics continued to squeeze Americans’ wallets as the average mortgage rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage hit 8 percent, higher than homebuyers had seen it since 2000.

November: $40,000 Discovered from Communist China to Joe’s Bank Account

On Nov. 1, a report from the House Oversight Committee revealed that in 2017, $40,000 had been funneled from the Biden family’s CCP-linked business partners through a joint Biden-China venture, through entities of Hunter and James Biden, and finally from James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account into Joe’s.

“Following that money upstream reveals it originated from the Chinese ‘business’ partners Hunter Biden had threatened a little over a month earlier in a WhatsApp message,” The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland reported at the time.

December: Impeachment Inquiry Kicks Off

As more evidence of a Biden influence-peddling scandal continued to pour in — including revelations of dozens if not hundreds of emails Biden exchanged via aliases with Hunter’s business associate Eric Schwerin and “direct monthly payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden’s business entity” — the House of Representatives formally voted to start an impeachment inquiry into Biden.

Joe wasn’t the only Biden facing scrutiny on Capitol Hill last month, either. Hunter Biden, after flouting a congressional subpoena to appear for a closed-door deposition, still showed up outside the Capitol building to talk to reporters and portray himself as the victim. Worse, Joe Biden apparently knew about his son’s plans to defy a subpoena; Jean-Pierre told reporters, “The president was familiar with what Hunter was going to say today and, you know, look, he’s proud of his son.”
8trackdisco Offline
#1629 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
Guys to the right of me politcally. How concerned are you about the improvements in the stock market and the economy in general as we are nine months out from the election?

When Biden took over (January 22, 2021) the Dow was at 30,996.
As of January 22, 2024 the Dow was at 37,988.
An improvment if 23%.

Add to that inflation slowing, and the reality of people on election day vote with their wallets, it can be enough to get Biden over the top again.

I know...
-Biden's Woke agenda sucks.
-The border is a disaster.
-He's probably already dead.

I'm asking abou the reality based on the market and economy.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1630 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
8trackdisco wrote:
Guys to the right of me politcally. How concerned are you about the improvements in the stock market and the economy in general as we are nine months out from the election?

When Biden took over (January 22, 2021) the Dow was at 30,996.
As of January 22, 2024 the Dow was at 37,988.
An improvment if 23%.

Add to that inflation slowing, and the reality of people on election day vote with their wallets, it can be enough to get Biden over the top again.

I know...
-Biden's Woke agenda sucks.
-The border is a disaster.
-He's probably already dead.

I'm asking abou the reality based on the market and economy.

Reality? Do you need the money today or tomorrow? Investing or burying? Everyone has a different take on the "economy". It's ripping the nation apart and it all started by shutting down the XL pipeline. EVERYTHING is predicated on getting goods to market which takes fuel. Fuel the current administration of fools will have idiots believe needs to be Green powered. Guess what? There are billions on the planet that don't even have electricity! Cheaper fuel costs mean lower costs at the stores. That's easy "math" we all see, but some want to make hay about. They're called liars..

As for the Market...Most trades in the market today are computer generated. The entire Gamestop gravy train poked all the holes in the investment trade world to show everyone it was manipulated. Couple that with the Federal Reserve? Look out for the correction. Don't know how, don't know when but it's going to happen.

I don't see inflation slowing. I see more people using their plastic and intending to payoff the balances to cover what their checks used to. Personally, what I used to have leftover I'd put into a 401K each month...that amount is less than half of what I used to put in. That's me though.

The Biden Administration just announced last week they were spending 5 BILLION more dollars on...wait for it...bridges and roads. GMAFB. Our Legislative Branch is completely broken. They cannot even come up with a basic budget without all the unnecessary needless grift games. That's both parties!
Abrignac Offline
#1631 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,468
8trackdisco wrote:
Guys to the right of me politcally. How concerned are you about the improvements in the stock market and the economy in general as we are nine months out from the election?

When Biden took over (January 22, 2021) the Dow was at 30,996.
As of January 22, 2024 the Dow was at 37,988.
An improvment if 23%.

Add to that inflation slowing, and the reality of people on election day vote with their wallets, it can be enough to get Biden over the top again.

I know...
-Biden's Woke agenda sucks.
-The border is a disaster.
-He's probably already dead.

I'm asking abou the reality based on the market and economy.

Market indexes are more an artificial function of business climate. Artificial because when a company that is part of the index tanks that company gets replaced when it has a disproportional effect on that index. So those indexes don’t completely reflect changing market conditions.

Also, much of the value reflected is based on momentum. Few if any companies in any index could be liquidated for anything near total share value. So there are certain events such as elections that cause investors to exercise more caution when bidding up a stock price. Once that event passes investors tend to look for more opportunities. Think of an election as a point when investors stick their fingers in the air looking for the next direction then buy accordingly.

8trackdisco Offline
#1632 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Reality? Do you need the money today or tomorrow? Investing or burying? Everyone has a different take on the "economy". It's ripping the nation apart and it all started by shutting down the XL pipeline. EVERYTHING is predicated on getting goods to market which takes fuel. Fuel the current administration of fools will have idiots believe needs to be Green powered. Guess what? There are billions on the planet that don't even have electricity! Cheaper fuel costs mean lower costs at the stores. That's easy "math" we all see, but some want to make hay about. They're called liars..

As for the Market...Most trades in the market today are computer generated. The entire Gamestop gravy train poked all the holes in the investment trade world to show everyone it was manipulated. Couple that with the Federal Reserve? Look out for the correction. Don't know how, don't know when but it's going to happen.

I don't see inflation slowing. I see more people using their plastic and intending to payoff the balances to cover what their checks used to. Personally, what I used to have leftover I'd put into a 401K each month...that amount is less than half of what I used to put in. That's me though.

The Biden Administration just announced last week they were spending 5 BILLION more dollars on...wait for it...bridges and roads. GMAFB. Our Legislative Branch is completely broken. They cannot even come up with a basic budget without all the unnecessary needless grift games. That's both parties!

Does that mean you don't have the slightest worry/concern/apprehension that if the electorate in the middle of Sleepy & Manic likes the way the stock market and economy are progressing, and if it contnues to get better, that it will improve Biden's chance of re-election?
8trackdisco Offline
#1633 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
Abrignac wrote:
Market indexes are more an artificial function of business climate. Artificial because when a company that is part of the index tanks that company gets replaced when it has a disproportional effect on that index. So those indexes don’t completely reflect changing market conditions.

Also, much of the value reflected is based on momentum. Few if any companies in any index could be liquidated for anything near total share value. So there are certain events such as elections that cause investors to exercise more caution when bidding up a stock price. Once that event passes investors tend to look for more opportunities. Think of an election as a point when investors stick their fingers in the air looking for the next direction then buy accordingly.

Don't know if your are right of me or not. We seem to see things generally in the same vein.
People vote with their pocketbooks. And they look at their investments/ 401ks.

As the economy goes, so goes Biden's chances.

Abrignac Offline
#1634 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,468
8trackdisco wrote:
Don't know if your are right of me or not. We seem to see things generally in the same vein.
People vote with their pocketbooks. And they look at their investments/ 401ks.

As the economy goes, so goes Biden's chances.

I’m best described as being pragmatic. I don’t really fit in any particular place as I tend to look at each issue individually. As a result I’m all over the place.

Edit: Also when evaluating something I keep in mind I’m not the only person on the planet. There are others who have different opinions and whether I agree with or not I realize no one can have everything their way. There are plenty of kids in the sand box and all have to respect each other or before you know it the sandbox is empty.

One last thing. To quote James Carville when he was advising Clinton, “It’s the economy Stupid.”
frankj1 Offline
#1635 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
Abrignac wrote:
I’m best described as being pragmatic. I don’t really fit in any particular place as I tend to look at each issue individually. As a result I’m all over the place.

Edit: Also when evaluating something I keep in mind I’m not the only person on the planet. There are others who have different opinions and whether I agree with or not I realize no one can have everything their way. There are plenty of kids in the sand box and all have to respect each other or before you know it the sandbox is empty.

One last thing. To quote James Carville when he was advising Clinton, “It’s the economy Stupid.”

and as I've said so many times, nor should we want to get everything we want cuz then we'd be on the side oppressing the other half of the country. No such thing as a benevolent dictator.

I may be wrong but I kinda see myself the way you see yourself, and interestingly enough we arrive at different conclusions on many issues...and love discussing it with each other!
frankj1 Offline
#1636 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
I disagree about the pipeline causing the problems we endured with our economy.

I do agree that transporting goods is of critical importance though...
so that leads me to conclude that the bridges and roads must be a's been decades of ignoring them that has left them in shambles.

Seems inconsistent to respect the value of transporting goods yet being against critical upkeep.

last second edit.
8trackdisco Offline
#1637 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
Abrignac wrote:
I’m best described as being pragmatic. I don’t really fit in any particular place as I tend to look at each issue individually. As a result I’m all over the place.

Edit: Also when evaluating something I keep in mind I’m not the only person on the planet. There are others who have different opinions and whether I agree with or not I realize no one can have everything their way. There are plenty of kids in the sand box and all have to respect each other or before you know it the sandbox is empty.

One last thing. To quote James Carville when he was advising Clinton, “It’s the economy Stupid.”

People who ask questions are in short supply vs the masses that make statements based on them beliving their version of the truth and what is right and is absolute. Those types make better wanna dictators and poor policy makers and debaters.
Mr. Jones Offline
#1638 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,517
I'm pretty sure in know Joe stranosa's game plan...

Just keep deflecting any investigations until he gets full blown dementia...

Then he won't give a crap...

And docta' Jill will claim ignorance like Bernie madoffs wife did...
And hunter goes to jail for a short time...

Case closed...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1639 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
8trackdisco wrote:
Does that mean you don't have the slightest worry/concern/apprehension that if the electorate in the middle of Sleepy & Manic likes the way the stock market and economy are progressing, and if it contnues to get better, that it will improve Biden's chance of re-election?

Personally I don't see a single reason why Biden should be given a 2nd term. He has been an unmitigated flustercuck on how to destroy a nation. One weaker than ours would've imploded.

The only thing he has is he isn't Trump. That should've never been enough, yet a supposed 81 million morons felt exactly that way. There's nobody energized to tell anyone the great things this administration has done. There's nobody wearing a blue Build Back Better hat. There's only the angry mass murdering gun toting trans, BLM suckers, Hollywood elites, college students wanting free tuition, WEF stooges and stone cold idiots tooling around in EVs extolling the virtue of not liking the way America was a mere 4 years ago and that anything the DNC says is gospel so sayeth Saint Gretta and Pope Fauci.

The economy won't save Biden. We still have mandates rammed down nobody voted on, a constant stream of bodies coming from places that are supposedly worse than where they came from but the Free Stuff is just so damned hard not to pass on, military hot zones that have the potential to erupt into WWIII, going to a grocery store and walking out with 3 bags yet a mere 3 years ago you would be pushing a grocery cart to hold everything and the ever incessant droning stream of lies bubbling out of the used toilet brush that goes by the surname Karine Jean-Pierre. He has NOTHING positive to run all with an ever teetering on the edge of total collapse with the smell of dried poop wafting around him. He is EVERYTHING that they told us Trump would be...but he wasn't. He didn't line his pockets, his kids weren't compromised by foreign nations to the hilt, there weren't any new wars and everyone was doing well financially until...the plandemic. No, he has nothing and he deserves the consternation he gets.
frankj1 Offline
#1640 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
2 billion bucks to Kushner from our friends in Saudi Arabia...
8trackdisco Offline
#1641 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Personally I don't see a single reason why Biden should be given a 2nd term. He has been an unmitigated flustercuck on how to destroy a nation. One weaker than ours would've imploded.

The only thing he has is he isn't Trump. That should've never been enough, yet a supposed 81 million morons felt exactly that way. There's nobody energized to tell anyone the great things this administration has done. There's nobody wearing a blue Build Back Better hat. There's only the angry mass murdering gun toting trans, BLM suckers, Hollywood elites, college students wanting free tuition, WEF stooges and stone cold idiots tooling around in EVs extolling the virtue of not liking the way America was a mere 4 years ago and that anything the DNC says is gospel so sayeth Saint Gretta and Pope Fauci.

The economy won't save Biden. We still have mandates rammed down nobody voted on, a constant stream of bodies coming from places that are supposedly worse than where they came from but the Free Stuff is just so damned hard not to pass on, military hot zones that have the potential to erupt into WWIII, going to a grocery store and walking out with 3 bags yet a mere 3 years ago you would be pushing a grocery cart to hold everything and the ever incessant droning stream of lies bubbling out of the used toilet brush that goes by the surname Karine Jean-Pierre. He has NOTHING positive to run all with an ever teetering on the edge of total collapse with the smell of dried poop wafting around him. He is EVERYTHING that they told us Trump would be...but he wasn't. He didn't line his pockets, his kids weren't compromised by foreign nations to the hilt, there weren't any new wars and everyone was doing well financially until...the plandemic. No, he has nothing and he deserves the consternation he gets.

Maybe its best you just count the blessing for the Electoral College. In 6 of the last 7 presidential elections, the Republicans have lost the popular vote. As the judgments and convictions mount and the economy improves, it is going to continue to get incremntally darker.

The Right will lose yet another election, (as if 2020 and 2022 weren't stark enough lessons to learn from) but the Always Trumpers will get 1% less votes than Weekend at Bernies. But Trump supporters will have stood for their principles, which I respect.

There's always the 2026 mid terms to lose, and the Far Right can run the My Pillow Guy in '28.

Then we can all look to '32.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1642 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
And there's the guided wisdom the Founders had setting upbthe Electoral College.

Campaigns ran in Iowa and New Hampshire while Los Angeles and NY NY pave the win. Yawn.

Biden 2028. President forevermore.
frankj1 Offline
#1643 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
they'll both be in the rearview mirror by 2028...hopefully
8trackdisco Offline
#1644 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Biden 2028. President forevermore.

And until the Republicans recalibrate, the results will likely be the same.
To Franks point earlier, not everyone can get what they want 100% of the time. Its the All or Nothing game Trumpers are playing that continues to put them in the position of Nail while handing the Hammer to the Dems.

Reminds me of Bloody Spaniard. He and I ran headlong into windmills for a long time. The windmills, like the recent Dems are undefeated.

Like always in the last three years, I hope I'm wrong.

8trackdisco Offline
#1645 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
frankj1 wrote:
they'll both be in the rearview mirror by 2028...hopefully

I'm hoping they will both be in the rearview mirror in October.
8trackdisco Offline
#1646 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
rfenst wrote:
IMHO. America, in a close divide, sees this as a good-bye to Trump. Nothing more. Hope Joe makes it through his full term and that we have better choices to select from in four years. God Bless America!


This is post #2 on this thread. From 4 years ago.

Well Robert,
God answers all prayers. Sometimes, his answer is simply "No".
frankj1 Offline
#1647 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
8trackdisco wrote:
I'm hoping they will both be in the rearview mirror in October.

you want me and Drafter should converse with the parties involved?
8trackdisco Offline
#1648 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,129
frankj1 wrote:
you want me and Drafter should converse with the parties involved?

In the world of Be Careful What Yoiu Wish For, maybe not.

Kamala Harris vs My Pillow Guy in November. Maybe we'd appreciate Biden & Trump?
RayR Online
#1649 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
C'mon Man! 4 MORE YEARS

SENILE JOE: Biden Rants About ‘Eshpecta-Jeddy-Spection Machines’, Calls Trump ‘Sitting President’

Senile Joe Biden continued to spiral out of control in South Carolina over the weekend where he ranted about the border, US cemeteries, and called Donald Trump the ‘Sitting President.

’JOE BIDEN: Asay-Luh-mo, Asylo offishers... En-over 100 cutting edge eshpecta-jeddy-spection machines! To stop Fentanyl komma-shass-ah-ah southwest border!”

SCREAMING BIDEN: “Trump referred to those heroes as suckers and losers! He actually said that!!! He said that!!!! How dare he say that?!!?! How dare he talk about my son [gibberish] like that?!?!”

WATCH – Confused Biden rambles incoherently then calls Donald Trump the ‘Sitting President.’

“Midwest uh the kuh-kuh he wants-a-see the conomee crash this year... A sitting President! The say in-mah faith... Bless me father, for, I mean, come on...”

HockeyDad Offline
#1650 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
8trackdisco wrote:
Guys to the right of me politcally. How concerned are you about the improvements in the stock market and the economy in general as we are nine months out from the election?

When Biden took over (January 22, 2021) the Dow was at 30,996.
As of January 22, 2024 the Dow was at 37,988.
An improvment if 23%.

Add to that inflation slowing, and the reality of people on election day vote with their wallets, it can be enough to get Biden over the top again.

I know...
-Biden's Woke agenda sucks.
-The border is a disaster.
-He's probably already dead.

I'm asking abou the reality based on the market and economy.

How many of the voters that the Democrats are counting to show up even own stock in the Dow? We are growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up.

23% over 3 years is below average. If you take out the last three months of that it looks much worse. The market took off when it was clear that the Fed was done raising interest rates even though inflation isn’t gone. The Fed can’t dump the economy into a recession in an election year.

Did the folks who had less money at the end of the month when things were “transitory” all of a sudden get a bunch of money because the Dow is up or did the political and donor class get a bunch of money?
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