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Last post 21 years ago by rastusmcnair. 15 replies replies.
To those who argue with Mag
jdrabinski Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
For those of you who argue with Mag (Mike), you might want to know this tidbit.

Mag is pissed because of a dispute some time back (more than one), and when I posted this morning, he decided to 'get back' at me by sending my posts to the Chair of my department and my colleagues at work. He went on to the internet and found their email addresses, and then emailed all of them with the sole aim hurting my professional life.

I hope the Admins read this and see it as grounds for banning Mag from the board. My chair and colleagues couldn't care less what I do in my spare time, but such an attempt to sabotage my professional life is pretty low and vicious. For others, the situation might be different and he has now shown that his bbs enemies will be seeing their Cbid posts in their boss' email.

Thought you all should know this. Not because I am trying to embarrass Mike or start another fight, but because this could be, for some people in some professions, a serious concern. Argue with Mike with this forewarning: Your employer might be harrassed with emails from Mag trying to harm your career.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
I'm trembling!
choner Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
That is just wrong and dirty! What's posted on the boards should remain on the boards, and no where else.

If these allegations are true, then I must say I'm disgusted. No matter how much you differ in ideology with someone on this board, you never take it out of here and try to harm someone's life and career.

I hope its not true, but if it is, then its a sad day for this board. We are all brothers of the leaf.

Robby Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
I'm no different in meetings than I am here on the boards so no one would be surprised or offended. I'm just as bombastic and pompous in meetings as I am here. I once showed up late for sexual harassment training, took a seat up front and said, "I'm sorry I'm late, but I didn't want to come prematurely"... One day, it will be my undoing. And speaking of being undone, don’t you have to be done first? And perhaps it’s worth it, depending on who’s doing you?
limoric Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-08-2001
Posts: 623
It's not a sad day for the board, only for a particular individual. But I cannot pass judgment without the facts. The last scirmish I had with certian individuals resulted in us bombing each other, I think we smoked each other. ahhh that was nice, hope to fight with them again.
choner Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
Very true limoric, hopefully that individual will resolve that problem.

Robby, I think you missed the point. My co-workers and boss could care less what I do or say, but I bet some people in other jobs can't afford that luxury. But what was the purpose of sending the e-mails out? It had to be bad intentions. If someone takes a swing at you and misses, does that mean you are okay with it since you didn't get hurt. Hell no!

I hope this is resolved with all parties making amends.

sketcha Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 03-26-2003
Posts: 3,238
Keep fighting the good fight Robby. I'm with you. I do my best with my waitresses.


Did you say you "smoked" each other? I thought you were married man. Must be a Canadian thing. Gets to cold and lonely up there I guess. =)
sketcha Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-26-2003
Posts: 3,238
Did I say waitresses? I meant "servers" (snide inflection). No, I meant waitresses.
Tobasco Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809

John your attempt to make me look bad again isnt right.

Guys, the reason I did this is because on this public forum John accused me of being a bigot. He had absolutely no proof, in fact he posted it 3 times to try and make his point and to make me look bad in front of you guys. He claims that on a personal e-mail he received, that I called his wife a(the "N" word).

Calling someone a bigot and then telling everyone that he hopes this gets around, so that you will think I'm prejudice isnt right. Especially since it is just a guess on his part.

I e-mailed him personally more than once to explain to him that I'm not prejudice in any way what so ever. I also asked him to send me a copy of this e-mail so I can help figure out who it is, he wouldnt.

A university professor should have more brains than that. To post these unproven accusations, and expect me to take it is unrealistic. I did try to resolve this privately, but with no progress.

My only thought was to e-mail the head of the facaulty and explain my side of it and tell them that he isnt representing the University in a professional manner.

John had plenty of chances to end it. He even today still accuses me of being prejudice. I wont stand for it. Its one of the worst accusations EVER directed at me. Thats why I did what I did.

jdrabinski Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
I'd appreciate an explanation of this from you, Mike:

What does a dispute here on Cbid (which, truth told, encompasses about two or three dozen people out of 260+ million) have to do with the Chair of my department?

I don't 'represent' the university here. I am John (or, even more accurately, 'jdrabinski). Not my university. Not my department. In fact, I haven't ever posted my university's name (to my knowledge).

The matter of bigotry is passed. I just let it go. But the fact is, Mike, you've tried to sabatoge my career. How can you justify that? Lucky for me, my colleagues (if they ever track down the email and reference) will just tease me about it and laugh it up. A joke, a chance for them to give me some crap at a bar. But you could have messed with somebody's livelihood, Mike, and that is really serious. People have bills, homes, children, family to support, and so on. This is WAY over the line and you should admit it.

SteveS Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
It might be good if this problem could be mediated instead of continuing in the direction it's going.

Is there someone who'd be willing to serve as a neutral mediator ... someone that both Mike and John could agree upon, who'd be willing to help put an end to this ??
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
I say that in Life you get what you deserve.

John has been stirring the pot since he got here. You did state where you teach, and you have used your position to "elevate" your "points".

What you did to Mag was way over the line. Accusing him of the things you said were unprofessional and should've been taken offline ASAP, but that's not your style. You like to "paint" people into corners and belittle, well I say you got yours...suck it up!

You stated before that you weren't going to post here again...take your own advice and stop. You wouldn't have to put up with any of this and we wouldn't have to "watch" this soap opera!
Tobasco Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809

Then quit making these type of false acusations on public forums and you will have no problem.

Calling someone a bigot in public is a serious thing. You asked for what you got.

And you arent over it. On your e-mail this morning to me proved it.

Your e-mail address has the iniversity's address as part of it. I didnt go out looking for it. You use it on the trades board. Thats how I got it.

jdrabinski Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794

Not sure what there is to mediate. Mike tried to sabatoge me at my workplace. No problems on my end, in the practical sense (my boss doesn't care), but the intention and the act broke with a trust I'm sure many of us have: that what we say here is not a matter for our workplace's scrutiny.

Did I 'deserve' this? What if it had genuinely hurt me, resulted in some sort of financial penalty or more? What if I was fired? (Two months before my son is born, by the way). Does anyone deserve that? Just for posting at a bbs? You may dislike me, maybe severely, but you can't really think that obnoxious bbs posts should result in penalties in the workplace. And that's what Mike was trying to do. (If you weren't trying to get me fired or reprimanded, what were you trying to do?)

Mike, I didn't say I am over the email that was sent to me. I said I let it go. That's what I meant by it is 'passed.'

If everyone agrees that your workplace life/professional contacts are fair game in these forums (I doubt many do), maybe we should put together a contact list with superiors, managers, bosses, etc., so that everyone can 'enjoy' this sort of thing.

Penguin13 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 07-26-2002
Posts: 1,546
I don't understand?!? There was name calling, libel, etc...why didn't one of you contact C-Bid customer service? The rules clearly state, "...disparaging an individual, a race or religion, a company, or website. In the event that certain Forum postings are questionable, the posting will be taken down, and offenders may have their privileges removed." The post would have been yanked and or someones privileges removed. It wouldn't have gotten to this. I quick phone call or email could have stopped this open forum demeaning of each other. If the other party kept posting about you, just keep asking for it to be taken down. It clearly bothered both of you so I would expect Cust. Service to honor your request to yank the post. Now, if you did call cust. service, and they told you to suck it up, then there are bigger problems here. I hope this can all get worked.

rastusmcnair Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 03-01-2003
Posts: 1,845
Mag, I wonder how You would feel if Your customers were e-mailed with the opinions You express among Your friends? I think You were wrong.
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