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Last post 20 years ago by jjohnson28. 17 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

A leading conservative trope these days seems to be a genuine (although I wonder how genuine) puzzlement over liberal anger. For reasons we'll get to shortly, the Fourth of July strikes me as a very appropriate occasion on which to explain that anger's sources. Permit me, then, as a certain famous American document once put it, to submit these facts to a candid world.

Here, distilled into four paragraphs, is the liberal interpretation of the last 10 years. After a long and in some ways well-earned stroll in the wilderness, Democrats finally elect one of their own to the presidency. He is a prodigiously talented man. He has flaws, to be sure, and some of them are important. But far more important is the way the rules of the game change upon his ascension. On election night, the nation's leading Republican goes on television and snorts that the victory is illegitimate; from that point on, a campaign is waged to destroy -- not tarnish or discredit or soften up, but destroy -- the new president and his wife. This campaign has no precedent in American political history. (Please spare us the Alexander-Hamilton-and-his-mistress parallel; the 1790s are not parallel to today's world, and Hamilton was attacked by one yellow journalist, not a network of operatives with tens of millions of dollars to spend.) Finally, he is caught in flagrante. Even then, the public asserts directly and repeatedly that it does not consider the offense a high crime or misdemeanor.

But no matter. Against the clear will of the people, impeachment proceeds. It fails, but the hounding, again mostly over pseudo-scandals (like a West Wing ransacking) that never happened but are endlessly hyped by a frivolous media, continues. And in its way, this technique succeeds: What was objectively a bountiful and comparatively humane period in American history -- prosperity, peace, low crime, reduced poverty, international goodwill; an era that should have demonstrated that Democrats knew how to run the country and left the GOP badly marginalized -- is successfully tarnished.

So the vice president seeks the presidency. He runs a soggy campaign, true. But again, it's beyond dispute that the majority of Americans who go to the polls intend for him to be the president. Yet he loses -- according to the rules, at least. But somehow the experience of the previous eight years has left us with the distinct feeling that, had the situation been reversed, other rules would have been found to ensure the same result. We are admonished to "get over it" by people we know would not have gotten over it if things had gone the other way.

The Republican takes over. For eight months, he convinces precious few who didn't vote for him that he's the man for the job. But then unprecedented tragedy occurs. Americans, the vast majority of liberals included, rally around their country; by and large we support War No. 1. We have serious reservations about War No. 2. But by now something more disturbing than a mere policy dispute has occurred. By now, simply asking questions, or refusing to accept the government's assertions at face value, is denounced as something tantamount to treason. We find this, um, troubling: Open debate and vigorous dissent, we were raised to believe, were once considered the quintessential American values. Now, they are taken as prima facie evidence of anti-Americanism. (We note also how ardently the other side seemed to believe in vigorous dissent when its members were the dissenters.) In Georgia, a man (and sitting senator) who sacrificed his body for his country is labeled unpatriotic. The president has it well within his power, by simply uttering a few morally forceful sentences, to put an end to this madness. But the demonization of the other side is what keeps him afloat politically, and he refuses to do so -- and, in the Georgia instance, goes so far as to implicitly play along.

Sorry, folks. We have a hard time interpreting all this with equanimity. Liberal anger is not based on the fact that George W. Bush is "stupid," or that Florida was stolen, or that Rush Limbaugh is a big (if no longer fat) idiot who feeds a daily diet of lies to his listeners. At bottom -- and this is why Independence Day is relevant -- the anger is about the fate of the country. Conservatism is one thing; it is a legitimate way of seeing the world, though one I obviously disagree with. But the contemporary radical right is another thing altogether. Its project, top to bottom, is to remake the country in ways that, well, let's just say they want to turn America into a place we won't recognize.

For example, here comes Ann Coulter with a new "book" rehabilitating Joe McCarthy. OK, it's only Ann Coulter, and she's a nut. But actually it's not only Ann Coulter; liberal anti-Americanism is the theme of several recent right-wing books (by Mona Charen, Sean Hannity and that 13-year-old boy pundit). Furthermore, wait two or three years for a "scholarly" book or documentary (written or made with right-wing funding) to come out "proving" that McCarthy was a wronged man. And finally, watch The New York Times, in the interest of being either "fair" or mischievously counterintuitive or both, give it a thumbs-up.

So yeah. We're pissed. And being counseled to cool it by conservatives doesn't make us any less pissed. It rings with all the sincerity of a husband smacking his wife for a few years and then lecturing her that anger won't solve anything.

Even so, one part of the right-wing critique is, alas, true: Anger doesn't win elections. Moderate voters don't share our anger, and they're more interested in hearing about what kind of country we want to make. This doesn't mean the anger isn't legitimate. It is legitimate. Given the radical right's plans for the country, well, somebody needs to be angry, and for a lot of people, it's a dandy motivator. But it does mean that we don't need to wear it on our sleeves when we're talking to people who don't feel it themselves.

JonR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
BLAH BLAH BLAH BAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. JonR: " Hey Marcia come here quick it's another Maven cut and paste job, hurry or you might miss it " ! Marcia: " Oh JonR dont be silly, if you seen one of Mavens cut and paste jobs you seen them all ". Jonr and Marcia " ha ha ha ha ".
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
why do you bother reading it. it clearly says political.
Spiny Norman Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-04-2002
Posts: 899
"""For example, here comes Ann Coulter with a new "book" rehabilitating Joe McCarthy."""

Truly a match made in heaven!
Intel Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
Posts: 546
This one time at liberal camp.
eleltea Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
Looks interesting, Rick. I will save this to Notepad and read it over a cup of turpentine tomorrow morning.
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

strangly enough and this is the truth, i am doing some painting and had to buy a new gallon of turp.

where have you been? i have missed your responses to my posts, many of which are to read your responses. (damn, i lined those words perfectly)

did you see the movie, on dvd, "the experiment?" toby and i had watched "gangs of new york" the night before and i thought of pete hamills main character in his new book "forever."

gangs was nothing of interest, unless you want to see vioolence. experiment, was somewhere between "twilight zone" and "siege"
tailgater Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Who wrote that?

Some flaws and half-truths, but overall a well written (albeit bitter) explanation for liberal misery, er, anger.
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

sorry i don't remember his name. i do remember i never heard about him and i believe he writes for the boston globe.
Charlie Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
But you post it, like it is one of the 10 Commandments?

Liberal leanings and all!

#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

old quote from a 1940's movie


my post, not your response.
Robby Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
Rick, Clinton isn't qualified to carry Dubya's jock strap. His administration was replete with scandal. The writer of this drivel ignores the litany of Clinton’s scandals, which were far more than his dalliances with twenty something interns in his employ and attacks the messengers (the Republicans).

You could write a similarly sympathetic simile on Hitler. You could extol his virtues on "making the trains run on-time" and dismiss his shortcomings as character flaws. All the while blaming his detractors as shrill and single mindedly seeking his downfall without giving credence to his great accomplishments...

It's all BS. Clinton was douch"E" bag "period". And no matter how you want to dress it up, spin it, twist it, in the end, he's still a douch"E" bag...
Robby Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
By the way, I'm in Georgia, and Max Cleland was a whore. And he blew himself up when he disengaged the pin from a grenade while getting off of a helicopter... Not exactly Audy Murphy. He served, yes, but he was dirt bag of a senator and would do or say ANYTHING to get elected and then reverse field and support his liberal buddies. His record reflected that. This is why the media and his detractors excoriated him and ultimate voted out of office. He held up the president's homeland security bill for purely partisan political purposes and I for one PERSONALLY helped vote him out.
Homebrew Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
I'm not Liberal, but I don't care for Bush much. Didn't care for Clinton either. Clinton had 8 years for the republican machine to dig through all of his buisness dealings, as governor of Arkansas, and his private life. spent 500million dollars of taxpayer money in doing so. What did they find out, That he lied about getting a BJ. In the process, they destroyed several lives, some of the people I know personally, I live in Arkansas. I remember all the BS that these people had to go through. Some of them, not all mind you, had to take out loans to pay lawyers, to prove their innocence. They had done nothing wrong, except maybe knowing the Clintons. I personally knew a woman, who had a nervous breakdown, after being questioned for several days by that b-tch Ken Starr. She was a bartender, at a hotel in Little Rock, and had served a few rounds to Bill and his cronies. This has cost her way more than she makes, so guess who picks up her medical expenses. Thats right we do.
The Patriot act, is the most facist document ever produced in this country, sounds like something ol A. Hitler himself might have dreamed up. Never expected to hear of an "AMERICAN" president trampling on the constitution like that.
But I digress.
Bush Sucks, but Monica spits.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S.Glad Bill isn't in the white house. Glad Al isn't in the White House. I wish Ralph Nader would have won.
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i'm sorry i stopped at your first reference to clinton.

what the devil does he have to do with any thing i posted. why is his name constantly brought up. what is this fixation with a former president.
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

"The Patriot act, is the most facist document ever produced in this country"

and ashcroft would have been right at home during the inquisition.

i believe i have expresed my loathing of w.

ashcroft, i fear.
tailgater Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
YOU brought up Clinton.
Reread your original post on this thread.
Memory OK?

I try to avoid using the "C" word whenever possible.
Or his wife. (the other "C" word....)

jjohnson28 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
I'm going to have to go with Blah,blah,blah,blah.

If Richard has had more than two coherent thoughts concerning W in the last three years,I must have missed them! Keep on truckin' Rick,sooner or later eveb you'll believe your own crap!

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