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Last post 23 years ago by tailgater. 8 replies replies.
21 weeks
tailgater Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
That's the age of the "fetus" in the photo at this site: The "fetus" that is somehow able to grasp the doctors finger with its' perfectly formed hand. But wait a minute! At 21 weeks, if the mother "chose" to terminate her pregnancy in order to stay in school it would not be considered killing a human being. Lucky for this "thing" that at 21 weeks, a doctor performed a procedure because it had Spina Bifida. The doctor performed the operation on the fetus while it was still in the uterus. During this amazing event, the baby reached out and grabbed the doctors finger, as if to "hang on for life". As amazing as this photograph is, most people will never see it. You see, the LIBERAL MEDIA would not want America to see for themselves that a baby is a REAL PERSON even at 21 weeks. And if you use common sense, you'll realize that those fingers and that hand are attached to a little persons body. I am not from the religious right. I am not on a campaign to reduce womens rights. I understand two sides to an issue. But I don't understand why people see no wrong in the killing of innocent lives. Over the battle cry of "choice", when in fact it should be called "CONVENIENCE". And if you still consider the dastardly task of killing the unborn as legal, please do it with your own money. Don't take mine. Don't ask for MY taxes to pay for it. Don't ask for MY healthcare provider to pay for it. And don't damn MY President when he chooses not to support it either. For to do so would be unconstitional.
shooter Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 05-11-2000
Posts: 150
WELL SAID!!! Thankyouverymuch.
unklebill Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
The grasping reflex is a 'reflex' action, not one accompanied by thought. Even at birth babies are not able to grasp at will, only by reflex. By this logic, does a vine, "hang on for life"? Undoubtedly a fetus has the potential to be a baby. But then again so does sperm.
tailgater Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Have you had recent problems with sperm hanging onto your finger? If so, please ask gonz for another forum because it's not political (at least not since Bubba left town).
BrentM01 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
After just finishing my time at the maternity wing of a large local hospital, I can tell you that yes, the grasp of an infant even a 40 weeks is a reflex indeed. tyvm, Bill. They also have a reflex called teh "extrusion" reflex where they tend to spit out food, not out of digust at its taste but a very nice reflex to defy aspiration of food. I suppose the other question here is what if that were your daughter's fetus, who happened to be raped by an excaped convict who also happens to have the AIDS virus? Would you bring that child into the world also?...inquiring minds want to know....Brent
tailgater Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Brent, inquiring minds should read the original post (titled Abortion, not this one). Your arguement FOR abortion is the oldest in the book, and one which is very easily handled. In cases of rape or incest, an abortion should be conducted without delay. Because I am not into this subject for religious purposes, I can say that in some cases it is acceptable. Rape, incest, and harm to the mother. Other than that, I can't think of any. When the "choice" is for no other reason then timing of the would be baby, then it's wrong. To say otherwise is cowering to the politically correct. Look again at that hand. That's not a weed. That is a person.
aberdeen Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-11-1999
Posts: 741
the question of when a fetus or baby becomes conscious, and or aware I think is impossible to understand. One moment the fetus is an organism, a life form yes, but has no capacity to be aware of itself, but somewhere along the line, it may even be some time after it is born, it becomes aware, it fights to live on a conscious level. If that point could ever be determined which I doubt possilbe, the argument would
aberdeen Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-11-1999
Posts: 741
the question of when a fetus or baby becomes conscious, and or aware I think is impossible to understand. One moment the fetus is an organism, a life form yes, but has no capacity to be aware of itself, but somewhere along the line, it may even be some time after it is born, it becomes aware, it fights to live on a conscious level. If that point could ever be determined which I doubt possilbe, the argument would be sovled
tailgater Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I'm not sure if it would solve the problem. On one side you have the religious right who abhor birth control, let alone abortion for ANY reason. On the other side, you have the "politically correct" who like to call it "choice". Using awareness can not be a solution, since you correctly indicated that a newborn baby becomes aware several days AFTER birth. Other babies, with diseases, may not become aware for months or longer. That doesn't make it a "choice" to eliminate them. Why doesn't this country hold the mother to the same level of responsibility as the father? A mother can "choose" to get rid of a baby, while a father can not prevent her from having it, nor can he walk away either, lest he be branded as a deadbeat dad. RESPONSIBILITY is LOST in this age of convenience. And we call it choice...
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