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Last post 20 years ago by xibbumbero. 31 replies replies.
Liberal Bias
Robby Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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I'm watching the awards show on Fox. And it's almost unbelievable the bias toward the left and against the right... It's right out there, not disguised. I know that most of the Hollywood types are liberal and slant toward the left, but for the love of God! They bashed Fox news for their war coverage? And then Arnold?. What's up with that? It's a fricken Emmy awards show!? Why in the Sam Hill should they bring politics in to it?
usahog Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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Because it's spotlight? and it show's their Intelegence??? (sp)

I don't even care to watch crap like that for that simple reason... all those people could give a rats ass about the Military Service Members!!!! they feel doing a Movie they paid their due's!!!

dz130 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 08-22-2003
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It's just another opportunity for them to get their "15 minutes of liberal fame" across to a nationwide audience. Unfortunatly, the public, in general, are willing to be spoon fed whatever the current popular stars of the liberal media want them to eat. I agree with hog. I never watch that crap.
cwilhelmi Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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I don't even know which awards show your talking about... it's more of a pampered lifestyle thing than a liberal thing. Those stars only care about themselves, their money and their fame...
Tobasco Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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The show is the Emmys

You know that for a fact Chris? You know what those people think? I dont think any of us can know whats its like to be one of them. Thats just a bunch of guesses on your part.

Besides that, I think you are wrong, the liberals in Hollywood are some of the most outspoken, yet undereducated folks out there.

I watched a show which highlighted the most outspoken Hollywood stars education levels. You would be hard pressed to find ANY of them that got passed high school. Most that did, dropped out of college. Its a total joke.

The average US citizen has a higher education than most hollywood types. But they make the most noise, because of their fame.

cwilhelmi Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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Mag - Domn't you think their outspokenness has something to do with their ego as well? You really want to argue with someone, don't you?
uncleb Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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I watched bits and pieces of the show while channel surfing. I did see the Jon Stewart bit about the news coverage of the war with Iraq and some of the rediculous takes the news media has had. Watch out for the Hispanic Muslims!! Thought it was funny and pretty accurate. He also threw in a bit about Howard Dean that was pretty funny. Last time I checked, he was a liberal Dem.

Also saw the Darrell hammond impersonation of Arnold. Thought it was OK but not great.

So... I thought I would check the education level of Jon S. And Darrel H. to see if Mag's theory is correct.

Jon S. graduated from William & Mary with a BA in psycology.
Darrell H. graduated from the University of Florida at Gainesville. Not sure of his major.

My personal opinion is that I don't judge a person's intelligence level, usefulness, goodness, intentions or anything else on whether they have a college education or not. I do not have a college education but I do consider myself to be intelligent enough to not judge people by a piece of paper. I judge them by how they treat others and their actions.

Mag- Couple of questions- What is the "average US citizen"? Is everyone in Hollywood a liberal? Is everyone in Hollywood outspoken or just the uneducated ones? What is the percentage of outspoken celebrities vs total celebrities? How many generalities are there in your reply?

I think cwilhelmi may have hit it on the head in that you are just looking for an argument.


xibbumbero Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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Liberals as well as conservatives use whatever platform they find suited to meet their needs. Conservatives whine when the hollywood Libs use the Emmy's,Oscar's,etc as a platform. The Libs bitch about the Conservatives using the news media. Just people expounding their views,nothing more. BTW,there are uneducated Conservatives as well,LOL. X
Tobasco Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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Chris & UncleB,

What part of my post gives you the impression that I want to argue? Was I rude? Was I ripping on you? Was it because I said that I feel you are wrong Chris? Be specific here, I really want to know.

Now UncleB, the show I was watching was the O Rielly Factor. They brought up the subject and gave out the education levels of the most outspoken Hollywood stars. I didnt make this up.

These so called stars have ripped on the Bush administration as if they were experts at what they are talking about. They actually called Bush dumb, and said his secretaries under him were unqualified for their positions too.

When you go public, and start ripping on the Commander in Chief, on TV, during a War. You should be brought back down to earth, by reminding others, that these famous people arent any smarter than you and I.

And even though a lot of people look up to these folks, that thier political opinions mean no more than yours or mine, and not to emulate them and to think on your own.

Wow, was I arguing? Huh, it didnt feel like it to me...


ducati996 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-02-2000
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I think the liberals in Hollywood were just angry the Packers got their a$$ kicked. I know I was.
uncleb Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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How many celebrities did they divulge educational records on? You made the statement "the liberals in Hollywood are some of the most outspoken, yet undereducated folks out there". That is a pretty broad statement to make. Was it based on the records of 5, 10, 100 celebrities? How can you label all those in Hollywood (Hollywood types) as undereducated based on such a limited amount of info?

My point is that I don't care if they have a 3rd grade education or a PHD. Education level does not limit a person's right to speak their mind and voice their opinion, particularly in this country. And it does not diminish the validity of your words if you happen to have not completed a certain grade level. Intelligence has nothing to do with Education level. By your definition, if you aren't at least a high school graduate, you should sit in the corner and keep your mouth shut. I'm glad I stuck it out through High School or else I wouldn't be able to debate this issue with you.

I enjoy and gain education from hearing opinions and views from all different sources including liberals, conservatives, celebrities, relatives, strangers, BOTL on this forum and many more and feel it is very dangerous to say that a certain segment should keep quiet and not voice their opinions as they please. That, to me, is limiting one our truest sources of gaining intelligence and insight.

"There is no need to EDUCATION. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with EDUCATION. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

"Never let formal EDUCATION get in the way of your learning."
Mark Twain


Robby Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Christopher Robin, and the Funky Unkie, is it your contention that the Hollywood Celebs are equally divided as are the American population? approximately 50/50? conservative/liberal?

You can’t POSSIBLY expect to retain any shred of credibility if you espouse that viewpoint! The liberal left leanings of the Hollywood elite are common public knowledge! You can’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining…
dz130 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-22-2003
Posts: 781
Regardless of the percentage of educated/uneducated, liberal/conservative, etc., I think the one point that everyone may be making is that the general public, i.e. you and me, are tired of these rich, pampered celebs. taking the oportunity to spout off IFO millions of people on TV. Do we garner this much attention? No. Only if you go crazy and take hostages. Even then, your opinion won't be heard because then you are considered a nutcase.
Tobasco Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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Answer my 1st question, then we can continue...

uncleb Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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The first sentences of your first reply you say "You know that for a fact Chris? You know what those people think? I dont think any of us can know whats its like to be one of them. Thats just a bunch of guesses on your part." Then you come right back and assume you know the education of all celebrities based on miniscule information. This lead me to agree with C.

Now, by all means, continue.

Robby Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Didn't answer my qstns...
Tobasco Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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UncleB, the question I'm speaking is why you think I want to argue? That question. I dont even think you read the whole post.

Also, I'm telling you about something I saw on TV. If you think its just me that is concerned about the uneducated bigmouths in Hollywood, that dont know what they are talking about, but are idolized, then you are wrong.

There are MANY other people besides me that are concerned, or the show wouldnt have aired. You must agree with these peoples views to care this much about them right?

Now, please answer the first question...


Tobasco Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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This should be read this way sorry...

UncleB, the question I'm speaking of is, why you think I want to argue? That question. I dont even think you read the whole post.
uncleb Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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Mag- I did read your whole post and responded to your question as to why I agreed Cwilhelmi.

Where in any of my posts did you get the impression I agree or disagree with the views/opinions of any of the so-called uneducated celebrities?

As I CLEARLY stated in my posts, my issue is with the contention that because someone may not have a high school or even college education, then they should not have the right to express their political opinions.

Answer my question. How many celebs did the news show refer to? And what about the "uneducated Hollywood types" that have come out and voiced their support of the current administration? Shouldn't they also be slapped down for being ignorant, stupid big mouths?

Let's take it a step further. Shouldn't anybody on this forum (Liberal or Conservative) that did not have the decency to at least make it through the 12th grade be banned from posting?

Robby- Again, where did I EVER, in any of my posts, contend that there was a 50/50 split in hollywood? Did you read what I posted? I may not be able to piss down your back and tell you it's raining, but I might be able to **** on your head and tell you it's snowing.

"Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught."
George Savile, Marquis of Halifax (1633-1695) English statesman and author.
Tobasco Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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Sorry UncleB, but I think you are confused. I want to know why you think I'm trying to start an argument? Is this question so hard to answer? I'm also waiting for Chris to respond. I havent tried to start anything, I just disagreed.

Your response isnt an answer to that question.

Next, Its you that have put words in my mouth on every post you've made about my remarks. For example, I never said that its not ok to voice your opinion, whatever your education level. Show me where I ever stated that.

My point was that people shouldnt take famous peoples opinions as being correct all the time. In many matters, especially political ones, the Hollywood looneys try and use their fame to persuade others. They are extreme in many cases.

Now, to answer your BURNING was about the top ten outspoken celebreties. Now before you go and say, its only ten, remember, this was the O
Rielly Show. He has more than one topic per evening, so he couldnt have had more. But believe me, there are many, many more.

The topic is getting boring, later...

cwilhelmi Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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My whole point is that if you listen to these celebs for political or any other type of direction then you're a dolt. It's like going to an accountant to have your car worked on, or going to a mechanic to have your taxes done. Wrong place, wrong person!

I don't care what they have to say except for when they're acting, hence why I don't even watch those stupid awards shows...
plabonte Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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The "Hollywood" types don't talk any more politics then people do on this board. The only difference is people are listening to them when they talk. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they don't get an opinion. Just because their education isn't as high as someone elses doesn't mean they don't get an opinion. This is the USA everyone gets an opinon and has the right to voice it. That is the freedom of speech thing.

Do I think its appropriate that they do their political ramblings at an awards show? No. Thats why I don't watch them. I like them in the movies but I don't watch them do interviews on Oprah, I don't read about them in magazines, and I don't watch them on awards shows because I could care less about them outside of the movies, or TV, or whatever entertainment business they are in.
xibbumbero Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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Iffin you listen to and believe Chris O'Rielly you're a dolt as well,LOL. X
uncleb Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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Your post summed up what I was trying say but couldn't clearly get across. Thanks.

Robby Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Unc and Chris, here you go;

Chris said,” it's more of a pampered lifestyle thing than a liberal thing.” This is a clear illustration of the opinion that Hollywood is not liberal or left leaning and is off base.

Unc said “He also threw in a bit about Howard Dean that was pretty funny. Last time I checked, he was a liberal Dem.” This is what I was referring to with my 50/50 comment. I was reading between the lines here, but the writer has by implication said, “yes there were political digs, but they were at both sides”. As a point of fact yes, but if someone punches you 10 times on the right side of your face, and once on the left side, they can’t then imply that they hate both sides of your face equally…

Unc also said, “Is everyone in Hollywood a liberal? Is everyone in Hollywood outspoken or just the uneducated ones?” Again, very skilled, did you say? No, not exactly, however much can be said without specifically saying something. The subtleties of implication and inference come across very clearly (at least to me!).

To borrow a line from Bob Dole, “you know it, I know it, and the American people know it”. Hollywood is LIBERAL!! And if there is an occasional conservative actor who speaks out, they are typically shunned and ostracized (eaten by their own kind). Case in point, Tom Sellik (SP) did an add for the NRA. He was compensated for a commercial. Rosie Odonnel “crucified him” on her talk show for taking money for doing a commercial because she did not agree with the topic, 2nd amendment rights, which oh by the way is a “conservative” position.

Ever hear of Barbara Strisand? (sp) She’s one of the most vacuous talking heads out there but there are a bevy of other brainless dolts, Sharon Stone, Alec Baldwin, that whacko from the left wing, George Kluney, Gennine Garaffelo. I know I butchered some of these names, but you know who they are.

The simple point I made at the beginning of the thread was that it bothered me to watch them prance around like prima donnas honoring each other and at the same time, kicking the president, the war effort, and my beliefs. It’s almost inconceivable to me that a vendor would intentionally insult their customers. It speaks to the pompous nature of these liberal left wing whacko’s…
Tobasco Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
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Excellent points Robby. Maybe Chris & funkie unkie will understand this time around...

xibbumbero Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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Hmmm..I always thought the right wingers were the wackos,LOL. X
uncleb Offline
#28 Posted:
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Robby Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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heh, yeah, I guess it's all perspective. I'm sure Sadam and Uday and Kusay and Oh da doo da day thought we (great white Satan) were the bad guys. I don't hate liberals, I hate the sin "the act of being liberal", but love the sinner :-)
eleltea Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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Bo Derek, Kelsey Grammar, and that lady who plays Everybody Loves Raymond's wife are the only conservatives in Hollywood. They try to play it fairly low key so they can get work, but Kelsey says he might run for Senator, as a Republican, one of these days.
cwilhelmi Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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Let me say this as plainly as possible, I don't care if they're liberal, conservative or whatever else, I don't look to them for political information and I don't care what their point of view is. I think they spout off this stupid crap because they can, and because they have so little else of importance going on in their lives that they think they'll make a difference with their "pet projects"...

99% of stars might be liberals, I DON'T CARE!!! If someone loses work for their political beliefs I think that's wrong as well.

One correction, Sharon Stone has a genius level IQ, you may not agree with her but she is very intelligent. I found that at Mensa....
xibbumbero Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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Mensa...that means dumb biatch in Spanish,LOL. X
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