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Last post 20 years ago by Homebrew. 24 replies replies.
You Folks ever Fire up Family Members???
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
I posted an email for Rick to read a few days back... about me catching Flack from Family also on GWB... here's the latest email I'll Share... TALK ABOUT PMS
I Gave my Sis some Facts on Wesley Clark and she sends me this in return LOL
Subject: Re: Westley Clark
I hope you really don't think that I have turmoil in my life over Bush. I am not afraid that GOD himself would ever present himself to me to justify GDUBBYA to me because I do not believe that GOD would be on his side either. Mr. Bush is currently an UN Elected Official and that is why I refer to him as the Resident. He moved into the White House even tho he was never Officially elected. Clinton on the other had was elected, so he can be called the President.

If you think Dubbya brought morality back to the White House or anywhere else, I am shocked. And who are we to judge others morals anyway? I'm sure you have had a few blowjobs from someone other than your wife. So that dead horse is really starting to stink. And why when I speak of Dubbya does Clinton's name ALWAYS come up. He is not running for President or even in the picture.

Bush is not fighting terrorists. He is more focused on the Oil. He is an Oil man Russ and if you want to believe that the Iraq invasion was over terror you go right ahead and think it, but where is the proof? None has been presented so far. When Bush speaks of Axes of Evil, he should be standing in front of the mirror. He is Evil and he lies and gets away with it. That really concerns me that "We the People" allow it to the extent it has gotten to.

I will continue to seek a qualified candidate for the White House, and I will continue to pray that you will be able to open your mind and eyes to the possibilities that perhaps your "fearless leader" might just be a big fat liar who has cost too many lives for what??? Not our freedom, not war on terrorists and certainly not for the better of our country. Over 800,000 jobs were lost since just last July under this administration. Where will we turn for help when all is lost? Bush will not be elected in 2004 if I can help it. You have my word on it.

Don't be so snotty when you talk to me either. This is a serious issue and one that should not be dealt with so arrogantly. All of our futures depend on it.

Grow up!!!!!!!

And you have a nice day too.

And don't put Tina's name on it either because this is between you and me!!!

Those 800,000 Jobs she speaks of.. Well she works for American Airlines... you know the one "We the People Bailed out after 911 and they in turn bought up 1 or 2 more Airlines at the time... well their leaving the Soils of America and Moving overseas to cheaper labor... thus creating a major job loss here in the US... I'll get the total figures by tomorrow when I get my reply back from my Sis... the one who's disgruntled with her Brother and her Job LMAO!!!!!


Oh and I let her know my Vote will Cancel her's out... and Tina's will Cancel whoever she can convince with her Emails LOL....
dkornaus Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 07-14-2002
Posts: 34
Ah, Wesley Clark. The NATO "yes man." Or should I say "Bill Clinton: The Return."

Those Clintons seem to like him. They might as well just come out and officially announce that they're campaigning for him. Needless to say, he wouldn't get my vote, and *not* just because he's a Democrat.

His resume sounds great until one digs a little deeper.

cwilhelmi Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
Posts: 2,739
And GWB’s resume is so clean? You’re all hypocrites if you want to talk down about Clark like this when GWB has a hell of a lot more skeletons...

Hog - do you soley blame AA for moving? There's a lot of reasons why it makes sense for them to move, and a lot more reasons why it's so easy for them... At some point we have to take responsibility for them being able to leave so easily, but in our current society it's ALWAYS someone else's fault! Now I'm showing a side you probably didn't expect...
Deriffe Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-30-2003
Posts: 522
Any of you serve in the Army when / where / with Clark? The Clintons like him for a reason. Birds of a feather and all that. He would sell out his own mother if it would advance his personal goals. He made a career of standing on the backs of others by taking credit for their efforts when things were going good and blaming EVERYONE around him when things went into the crapper. He would make a good politician.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,745
Russ, is this YOUR sister?

If so...did your parents drop her? A lot?!

You could drive a hummer(thanks for the loan Gov. Arnie!)through her by one.

Must be hard to live life with all that hatred bottled up!
Mrs. Usahog Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-06-2003
Posts: 405

It may not be appropriate for me to reply to this...BUT, being the hot headed red head I am....

She loves to stir $hit!!! Then when it all hits the fan, she stands back and acts like she is the innocent one. She usually ends up getting all the attention out of any argument blaming everyone else. Pretty sad if you ask me. Hell, just adding my name to the end of an email is enough to get her started...LMAO!!!!

Mrs. Hog
Robby Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
My whole family is very conservative and I'm right there with them.
tonester666 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 05-07-2003
Posts: 1,324
I hear ya - my brothers make me look like a liberal.
Gene363 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,958
Two thoughts:

One: Now they know how most of us felt enduring the 8-year rein of the “Ditch Carp of Democracy.”

Two: Most every family has some minor thread of insanity in the family tree.

Just don't take the bait.
dkornaus Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 07-14-2002
Posts: 34
It's just as hypocritical for a Clark supporter to bash Bush's resume as it is for Bush supporter to bash Clark's resume, so we're all in the same boat. Just different sides of the boat. Luckily the boat is big enough to accomodate us all...

...and the Republicans are at the controls!

Bah ha ha ha ha! :)

Seriously though, I think Clark is bad news even for the Democrats. I get the impression that most people don't even know who he is yet. His popularity is fleeting, I think. In the end, I bet Dean will overshadow him.

Clark's going to have to convince the Democrats that he's not a Republican, and the Republicans that he's not a Clinton.

jdrabinski Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794

I think I've got a little Platonic crush on your very wise sister.

usahog Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Mrs.Hog gets to see the rest of the emails and communication from my Sis...

John I'll just forward them to you then and you can talk with her LMAO!!!!

Doc... I'm not sure she's 5 yrs older then myself but I think she may have been dropped a few times... she does have bigger brests then Dolly so maybe she's not getting the full blood flow to her brain???

Anyone want to join the Wife and I for Thanksgiving???
we're going to try and make it out to Visit Mom, Grandma and Sis coming up for Turkeyday!!!!
the Poor Bird!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!

gotta love that Redhead!!!

rastusmcnair Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 03-01-2003
Posts: 1,845
Don't mean to step on any toes but I think some of Your Sisters' points are very good ones.
usahog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
My Reply to my Dear Sis....
Wow don't sugar coat it sis... tell me how you really feel? as far as me adding MY WIFE'S Name on the bottom of my emails... it is Customary for me to do so... for she is my Wife and a Major part of my Life...I must have struck a nerve with you when I only got to give you 4 facts on Bush...What you asked for??? and if you haven't noticed I have grown far as the Blowjobs... well "Never when I was Married" either time!!!! and like you said Hindsight...
you left enough open space in your **** reply I can drive a truck through it!!!!

How Much Oil has Bush taken out of Iraq??? where you getting your tidbit information at anyways the Onion??? I'm sorry your so bitter on one man so bad that you can't sleep good at night... but I feel a hell of allot safer with him running the White House!!!!
I think I've already replied to much to this email reply... like I stated before in the first one... it wouldn't matter if the Facts were sitting in your lap.... you would still be in Denial!!!!

"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments."
- James Madison
To Bad Clinton didn't believe in our Forefathers!!!!!

Russell & Christina Walls

btw how many Jobs is American Airlines Taking with them Overseas??? how many Layoffs??? and to think We the United States Bailed them out with Our Tax Dollars only to see them Kick their Own people out to the streets and open up shop in a foreign Country!!!! where they moving to Afghanistan???

usahog Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
CWil, What skeletons does GW have??? I must have missed this in the "Mud Slinging" during the 2000 elections???

and Hell Yes I Blame AA for their Moves... do you Not Blame ENRON??? MCI Worldcom??? No Wait... I gotta Blame the Dems??? I don't think So!!!! it is the Business deals AA failed on... even after "We the People" Bailed them out after 911!!!! they went out and bought up hmmmm was it Northwest Airlines and Southwest Airlines right after that Great Big Fat check our US Government Handed them for the relief after 911... and your Taxes went up??? Dammmmmmmn!!!!!!
Who do you Blame??

cwilhelmi Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
Posts: 2,739
Look at the trade laws that allow companies to farm labor out to third world countries at a fraction of the price, but nowhere in these trade laws does it state that these companies have to adhere to US standards such as minimum wages, health care or basic workers rights. WE THE PEOPLE let these companies do what they want in order to make more money, but then people come back bitching and moaning about them when they know someone who was put out of work because of it.

Until we regulate companies actions in foreign countries and level the playing field for American workers it will continue... You can't just blame the companies, WE THE PEOPLE get the blame as well for not protecting our workers...
cwilhelmi Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
Posts: 2,739
Skeletons you say??? The Rangers owners still owe the city of arlington 7.5million from when GWB was running them and decided not to pay it back. The lies during his election campaign about which education bills he supported when he really didn't. The coccaine habit that he will not discuss. And the countless shady deals from his oil days.

for full details---

This is an equal opportunity site, they list skeletons for everyone, but Clark's list is among the shortest!!
usahog Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
I Did Not Vote for Nafta Nor Gat!!!!

Our own Unions Pushed for Both of these Engines to Run!!!! Remember me telling all about the fallout I had with my BA... well allot of that was Backlash because being a Union Man I was suppose to Vote the Union Way!!! I Told them I Vote my Way... I Vote my Conscious (sp) They Didn't like that... what was it 1988?? 89?? hell maybe even 87 the big push for Nafta??? Well you'll never work out of the Hall.. the Dumb SOB was Right... Never Needed to I could always find a Job becuase there were contractors who would and did hire me in a heartbeat!!!! Hell to feed my Family I've even shoveled Hog **** and Horse ****!!!!
Drove Honeywagons, Clamped Bulls, Planted fields cultivated, Hauled Grain...There ain't much this ol'City boy ain't done... my Ex Father-in-law once said to me, in front of my Mom... you pick **** with the Reply... Yep yer right... and I keep my Baby's fed and clothed...

Nafta and Gat...Shafta and Got!!!!!

Homebrew Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
First pushed by Republicans, signed Slick Willie on, hey he wasn't stupid, he saw where he could make a buck. Sold our economy right down the tubes.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Homebrew Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
By the way,
I piss my family, because I dont kiss either cheek. I'm an equall opportunity offender, I piss both Liberals, and Conservatives off. I have both, in my family. I consider myself to be fiscaly conservative, but could care less, about enforcing Gods law," vengence is mine sayeth the Lord". **** mixing religion and politics, I also think GWB, has sold this country to the highest bidder, and then throws his holier than thou. bull**** at you, I wouldn't take pictures of him blowing my dog, and post them on the internet, not that he would do such a thing, but I don't think too highly of him.
Bush sucks, with his AWOL, landing a plane, while declaring a war that has just begun, over ass.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. Just on a drunken tear, that may be accurate, will check in the morning, whether or not this is accurate, but yeah, I Piss OFF everyone. Like I said I am an equal opportunity, offender.
tailgater Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Homebrew Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
LOL Tailgater,
I don't think it's unresolved issues, but an awakening. I realized that most politicians, are self serving ****, who care much less for our country, than the average American. The Dems want to tax us to death, and the republicrats, sell us out to the highest bidder, see campaign donations. Then look at the massive payoffs, for donations to the current administration. It's enough to piss off anyone, with half a brain, and a willingness to use it.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. And yes, I may have been drunk when I wrote the above, but I can sober up. Some people here are so intoxicated by their favorite son, that they can't smell the coffee, much less wake up.
dz130 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 08-22-2003
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One thing that I learned quickly during my 11 years in Northern Virginia-Democrat, Republican, or Independent, it doesn't matter who they were. They did whatever it took to stay in office to enjoy the perks, prestige, and parties. It is a whole different mentality "inside the beltway." You had to have lived down there to fully understand, but not neccesarily hate it.
tailgater Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
So we've determined that politician lie.
And they are self serving. They help their buddies who got them elected.

So we're REALLY not talking about individuals, are we?
Would those that hate GWB actually want ANY Republican in the office? Sure, there are those that will cry for McCain, but would he have handled 9-11 any better?

We cried then because the government didn't do enough to protect us.
We cry now because our proactive (pre-emptive in democrat speak)stance in the Middle East has resulted in lost lives and a country divided.

But isn't that the American way?
We cry for the water fowl in Alaska but hate dependency on foreign oil.
We hate taxes but want better services.
A nickle increase at the pump sends us to boycot Mobil, but we buy bigger engines because we like the acceleration.

We're the best damn country on earth and we feel guilty for it.

If the Politicians are hypocrits, then perhaps the really do represent the American public better than we thought.

Sorry for the thread jack Hog.
Homebrew Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Yep Tailgater,
Politicians Lie.
And you are right, the masses are Asses. I just think the current resident, of the White House, and Congress, wouldn't want to leave them out, Lie Too Much, about stuff that means way to much, for many of us to want him, or them, to have 4-6 more years. My only solution, to this mess, is to vote for the person running, with the lowest dollar amout raised, then we are assured that he has less people looking for favor, which means, he may have the best interest, of the country at heart, rather than the people who have paid him off through political contributions,

Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. Yes Bribery, and corruption, is alive and well, in American Politics, they have just found out how to make it appear legal.
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