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Last post 20 years ago by grizzly. 29 replies replies.
Something to think about!!!!
rck_1 Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-28-2003
Posts: 656
I came across this blurb in an article on CNN this morning.

Marijuana is recognized as a controlled substance by the federal government and its use for recreational purposes is banned in most jurisdictions. The federal Office of National Drug Control Policy labels marijuana, along with other addictive drugs, as having "a high potential for abuse," lacking "accepted safety for use," even "under medical supervision."

"a high potential for abuse," lacking "accepted safety for use,"????????????

So what about cigarettes and Nicotine?????
What this is saying is that cigarettes are "NOT" Lacking accepted safety for use.

What is this country coming too?

Happy Herf`n

plabonte Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
Posts: 2,131
Same thing with alcohol. But there is to much tax revenue being generated from them to get rid of them.
rck_1 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-28-2003
Posts: 656
imagine the tax revenue that would be generated if they legalized the happy smoke!!!!
johnfs Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-01-2003
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Yes, but would it be hand rolled, or machine?

Better yet what kind of regulation would be on personal cultivation?

Presently there are limits to how much one can brew beer and make wine. I beleive that for beer it is 5 gallons a week perperson with-in a household.
usahog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Imagine the Jobs you would be cutting out by Making it Legal... you have tons of special agents,police,fbi,cia,nsc,across the board 1000's would be out of a job tracking and keeping a running tally on the stuff...

you have to weigh one against the other and see what you come up with... in the mean time every time a Polititian wants to raise taxes the first thing hit is the Sin Taxes!!!

there isn't a tax on Sex yet but when they figure out how to do it you can bet a piece of a$$ is going to cost you double!!!

#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

it is no wonder the youngsters 15 to 18 or thereabouts
(IS THAT A WORD)don't trust anything the government proclaims. they see their folks tipsy or drunk with alcohol, and i don't mean over indulging, i mean light party drinking, so what is wrong with an occassionall toke. grass is not habit forming and for normal adults there is no constant craving for more. that it can lead to harder drugs depends upon the crowd you hang with, not the grass itself.

i think it is common knowledge that cigarettes, which are laced with all kinds of crap that the mfg put in, are the most addictive, over the counter and available to anyone, product made. it is not banned like marijuana, nor regulated by the fda or the dea or any other government body because "it is not food or a drug"

lie to your kids at your own stupidity and peril, you will lose their trust.
choner Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
Marijuana is not physically addictive, unlike Nicotine and alcohol. Its more of a mental addiction, which is similiar to so many things like food, sex, alcohol, etc, etc. You pretty much can't overdose on marijuana. The reason Marijuana is looked at like a really evil sin is due to cultural, traditional and institutional effects.

I hope no one thinks I'm a big pot head, I'm not. But I do believe if Cigarettes and Alcohol are legal, Marijuana should be too.

cwilhelmi Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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Hog - maybe they can start using those 1000's of people for something more productive, they don't have to be out of a job... Marijuana should be legalized and taxed just like tobaccos.
Homebrew Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Maybe the money, and agents saved on enforcement, would be better spent on homeland security. Then the agents could still have jobs, and our country will be a safer place. As a recovering addict, clean since Mar. 15th 1984, I can say that marijuana, didn't lead to my cocaine addiction, but it being illegal, introduced me to the people who had the cocaine I first tried. They were out of pot, and wanted a buzz, they offered me cocaine, and I never looked back. That is where the numbers, concerning marijuana being a gateway drug, are drawn. I don't believe marijuana, led to my cocaine addiction, but that because it was illegal, I had to go to the streets to buy it, and was therefore introduced to cocaine. I don't know. Just rambling my .02
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
usahog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Chris, that was sarcasim (sp) not an intentional thought about it...

tell me to lighten up???

plabonte Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
Posts: 2,131
I read an article in Maxim magazine awhile back that talked about Marijuana growers in the US. Its very popular in some of the southern states and whole Counties are employed by the growers because there is no other work (or at least that pays so well). So perhaps legalizing it would actually lead to an increase in least legal ones.
rck_1 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 01-28-2003
Posts: 656
Would you believe that they tried to pass a bill in NC to make it legal for the farmers to grow hemp? It got squashed because most of the politicians that run this state let their religious beliefs control their political decisions. And most of them were not educated enough to know that you would have to smoke an acre of the true hemp plant in order to get a buzz, and then you`ll probably only end up with a headache anyways!!!!!

Happy Herf`n
Cigarick Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
Marijuana's illegal, but it's everywhere--just another way for the government to create jobs by diverting our tax money to pay for the jobs they've created. Cigarettes and alcohol are much worse than pot in terms of personal and public danger, but they're Big Business with lobbies and campaign contributions.

When is everybody going to realize that switching back and forth between Republiklan and Demoncrat isn't going to make one bit of difference in how this country is run?
Homebrew Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Gotta agree with you cigarick,
I'm a Libertarian.
Fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Let them have their weed, aint no skin off my nose, besides, all those marijuana growers, help my buisness, especially this time of year, harvest time.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i think what should be obvious, we all should be running the country.

we seem to have a better grip on reality. maybe there is something about occassional pot smoking that clears the brain.
tailgater Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Why do all pot smokers want to legalize hemp?

As for legalization, there is little comparison to cigarettes since they don't make you high.
The comparison to alcohol is closer, but no cigar...

I believe in moderation when it comes to alcohol. I can go out after work and have a couple drinks and safely drive home.
The same could not be true if I took a couple tokes.

Sure, responsible use should be OK, but when you compare alcohol and pot, realize that there IS a difference.

And PLEASE answer the hemp question.
rck_1 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-28-2003
Posts: 656
Why do all pot smokers want to legalize hemp? Hmm, I cannot answer this question as I dont smoke pot.

Also, I was not comparing the affects of cigarettes or alcohal to pot. I was simply stating the reasons why it is deemed illegal by our government. It has "a high potential for abuse," and its lacking "accepted safety for use" If thats what our goverment uses to illegalize something then cigarettes and alcohal should be on the top of the list.

Happy Herf`n

Homebrew Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Cigarettes don't get you high??? If you don't smoke cigarettes, take this test. Take a full flavor cigarette. smoke the entire cigarette, inhaling every drag. Tell me if you catch a buzz. I don't smoke pot, but I did for a couple of years. At that point, in my life, I didn't drink. I was the driver for the group, yes I drove stoned, though very carefully, and very slowly, as I could tell I was impared. Never had a wreck, until I started drinking, then I had one, and quit drinking before driving. It is just as dangerous to drive after 2 drinks at the club, as it is after smoking a joint. I don't smoke marijuana any more, and only drink, if I have a non-drinking driver. So I think that the comparison is fair.
Just my .02
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Homebrew Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
By the way, on the Hemp legalization. Hemp is a reliable renwewable resource. There is more CO2, converted to oxygen, by an acre of hemp, in a years time, than 10 acres of pine trees. Over a 40 year period, there is more fiber, for paper making etc. created on one acre of hemp, than 10 acres of pine trees. The oil from hemp seeds, can be refined into a combustable fuel, which can be burned in a diesel engine, with very little modification. The list goes on. I do not smoke Marijuana, and I am for legal hemp, for enviromental reasons.
A little more of my .02.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
choner Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
Tailgater, why can't Alcohol and Pot be compared? Is some cases, alcohol is worse then Pot

Both change your physical and mental states.

Alcohol can be physically addicting and mentally addictive, yet pot is only mentally addictive.

Alcohol causes liver problems. The facts about the long term use of pot are still inconclusive.

Alcohol has caused tons of deaths on highways, and caused violence in our homes, streets, sporting events, and many other places. Pot rarely makes you violent.

You can die on alcohol overdose or alcohol poisoning, but none that I know of has died from a pot overdose.

65gtoman Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
I would like to just ask where it would stop. Say if we legalized marijuana, now the coke heads come out and say they want cocaine to be legal, same with the acid heads or heroin. After all heroin has been used for illnesses in the past.

People die from alcohol so how is that any different then heroin?

Where does it stop?

Also it seems the same people that want to outlaw smoking are the same ones that want to legalize pot.

I don’t have any problem with pot, but if you make it available at the local 7/11 in packs of 20 joints. Im sure there would be hell to pay.

The only thing I think should be changed is the marijuana possession laws we sure is hell don’t need to fill our jails with potheads….

sketcha Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 03-26-2003
Posts: 3,238
Don't even get me started.

In a bookstore one sunny day, I happened upon a medical reference book about 4 inches thick, no pictures. Being a teenager at the time, I immediately opened it up to the drug section where there was a list of negative side effects for each drug. Gonj had listed about a half a page while alcohol took up 2 1/2 pages, all bad.

Do your research before you spout. Being a Santa Cruz resident, I know many an ex pothead. People who literally smoked ALL DAY FRICKIN' LONG. Obviously that would be termed as abuse.

When these people finally grew up and wanted to quit, they did. Yeah, maybe they jonesed for it for a few weeks, but they got over it and rather quickly. Try doin' that with cigarettes.

Many people do use Marijuana as relatively safe pain medication much less addictive than any of the other prescription opiates like Vicodin.

Bottom line? Politically, I'm an independent with some liberatarian leanings. I believe in freedom. If someone wants to ruin their life, it's theirs to ruin. Just don't expect me to pay for it. But the fact is, MOST marijuana users are perfectly functional and may be doing better as a result of its use as in the cases of violent or pain ridden people. I know perfectly successful business men, doctors, lawers and the like who regularly use dope. As a private pilot, I choose to keep my brain as clean as possible for obvious reasons but I also know successful pilots and flight instructors that take an occasional toke from time to time with no apparant ill effects.

The drug war is too costly and has been a complete failure. There are more people using drugs than ever. From what I understand, we HAVE managed to curb drub use a little in our nation's kids. That's the real trick, but like Chris Rock said, "People want to get high. You never hear a crack dealer goin', 'Man! How'm I gonna get rid a' all this crack?'"

I could go on and on as I have been privy to much information on the subject, but I gotta' get to work. This damn forum is far more addictive than ANY drug!

BTW... There is a Medicinal Marijuana referral service just down the road from me. They're phone has been ringing off the hook following the recent Federal Supreme Court's decision not to hear the Bush Administration's case.

Put that in your pip and smoke it. = )
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

you have correctly listed almost all of the products hemp can be used for. this sight is excellent. a very thorough article about hemp
sketcha Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 03-26-2003
Posts: 3,238
I've seen a pre-WWII U.S. propaganda film thanking farmers for their Naval ship, hemp-rope production used for anchor and dock lines. "Keep producing that hemp!" the film exclaimed.

Not long after DuPont invents nyolon. A year or so later...


"Big Money goes around the world!"
sketcha Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 03-26-2003
Posts: 3,238
Grammar, damnit! Grammar.

That should've read...

Not long after(,) DuPont invents (Nylon.)
HockeyDad Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
Just a thought....If pot were legalized, would the large cigarette manufacturers plow under some portion of their tobacco crops and plant marijuana in an attempt to corner the marketshare while driving prices down or would they ignore pot since it would be difficult to compete with the backyard home growers?

Can you picture the Marlboro Man wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt?
tailgater Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Missing my point, which may have been my fault.

I realize the "bad" things alcohol does. It ruins lives way too often. But it is possible to drink responsibly.
Tokin' on a joint affects you much more than one or two drinks (depending on your size).

As for Hemp, I've read all the good things about it and agree it should be cultivated for such.
But why do pot heads always push for it to become legal?
Do they also only buy cotton vs polyester? Or organic foods?
I think not, because you'd have to smoke more than an acre of cotton to get high...
Homebrew Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Just a question tailgater????
Have you ever smoked marijuana?? While not otherwise impaired, to make such a statement, or are you making an uninformed statement?? I may be a lightweight, but 1-2 drinks does impair my ability to drive more than, I remember pot doing, unless I drank before smoking it. But It has been awhile since college so I may be wrong. Besides, I hear pot is stronger now days.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Homebrew Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
By the way,
the above post was not meant as a disparaging remark toward tailgater, whom I would open my humidor to maybe the tap to my keg of homebrew, and chew the fat with anytime.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
grizzly Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 04-04-2003
Posts: 78
hey sketcha, I totally agree with you when you said "This damn forum is far more addictive than ANY drug!" good luck

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