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Last post 20 years ago by Homebrew. 36 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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eleltea Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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Thinking about Maurice's BBQ makes my mouth water!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Confederate and conservative...hmmmmmm.

That goes together like fiscally responsible and liberal.
Homebrew Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Watch out DMV,
Don't want to anger Bush's southern voting Bloc. Most southern white supremicists, tend to vote republican, or choose the Republican party, to run for office. Do you remember David Duke, ex Clan leader, and Republican from Louisiana. He was almost the Gov. of Louisiana, but got beat in a runoff election, with Edwin Edwards, who was a confirmed crook.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. Bush couldn't carry the south, without them.
jdrabinski Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Confederate IS conservative in the South, DMV. You live in Florida. You should know that.

Conservative means preservation of the old ways. The old ways, as it turns out, are confederate!

I know, I know...many conservatives have repudiated racism. Good. I'm glad. But Homebrew is right...this is a sizable and 'important' voting bloc.

By the way, Trent Lott loves these guys. So does Bob Barr. Maybe the two things go together comfortably?

65gtoman Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
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I once read that most child molesters voted democrat.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Confederate = somebody that doesn't like the United States. Period.

Get off the soap-box Johnny, you might hurt yourself.
xibbumbero Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
Fiscally responsible and Democrat=budget surplus.
Fiscally responsible and Republican=The largest budget deficit since Reagan...Hmmmmmm,LOL. X
jdrabinski Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
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X, enough with the facts already!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Sorry X, I missed the legislation that was introduced to enable that to happen by the Democrats, but I do seem to remember supply-side economics.
Homebrew Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hey DMV,
Come on up to Arkansas, I know a bunch of Bush Supporters, who would invite you to their next cross burning, unless you said what you just posted, Confederate= doesn't like the United States. Then the would brand you a liberal, and you might be the fuel for the burning cross.

Yes the national HQ for the Klan, is about an hour and a half drive from here, in Harrison, Arkansas. Most, if not all, of them, consider themselve Republican, and true patriots. My Mother, a huge supporter of Bush, is a member of the daughters of the confederacy. I'm just saying, you take away the white supremacists, and the confederate sympathizers, and Bush's support is non-existant, in the south.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Homebrew Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hmmm GTO65,
Irrelevant to the topic at hand, but an interesting comment. Maybe it needs it's own thread. But here it is just a red herring. Def. A Red Herring, is a propaganda technique, used to distract from an arguement, which one side is losing, by bringign up, a totally unrelated arguement, to draw attnetion away from a losing arguement. The origins of the term Red Herring, comes from fox hunting, when opponents to the hunt, would drag a red herring, fish, across the foxes trail to cause the dogs to take off on the wrong trail, thus spoiling the hunt.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
DrMaddVibe Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Not into the KKK thing.

Sheets are for bed, not for wearing around the neighborhood.

My point was the CSA was about seceeding from the Union. They felt that they were being represented and wanted to start their own country. Lincoln saw that this was a challenge to everything the USA was and is. So much that he sought to use military force to qwell this rebellion.

Now, some revisionists will champion that this was about slavery or some other misguided issue. They played a part in that, but they were NOT the deciding factors for an all out brother vs brother war that tried to absolve the USA.

That's exactly why, when I see that Stars & Bars battle flag that it angers me. It's not heritage. It's seperatist thinking.
Homebrew Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Hey DMV,
I agree with everything you said, about the Klan. I also agree with you about the confederacy. But, it still remains, that they are the majority of Bush supporters, and Republicans, in Arkansas. And without this voting Bloc, no Republican, can carry Arkansas.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S.The stars and Bars, don't anger me, but saddens me some. And yes, I have read the history, but also know, though it was not about slavery, it was about states rights.
Homebrew Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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By the way DMV,
If your ever in Arkansas, let me know you are coming, my humidor, and bar is open to you at anytime. Would love to debate in person.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
jdrabinski Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Homebrew, I'd forgotten that origin of 'red herring.' Thanks for the reminder.

65gtoman Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
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Look by you saying (Don't want to anger Bush's southern voting Bloc. Most southern white supremicists, tend to vote republican)

That’s nuts man, I was just pointing out how crazy that sounds. Most republicans that live in the south are racists) so I said most child molesters vote democrat. Not that it’s true, I just pulled it out of my ass, kind of like what you did on your statement. Why does some always pull out the race card? I just can’t stand that, sorry

GTofMurphy Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
Posts: 341
This is just political rhetoric B.S. We have a two party system in this country and both parties pander to and include plenty of “scumbags” to get elected. So the “lame” premise here is the Republican Party has more scumbags than Democrats. Both parties have extreme elements that do fit in with “mainstream” America. Please give me a freaking break
65gtoman Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
thank you!
GTofMurphy Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
Posts: 341

The Republicans have a hard time in “Slave States” like Arkansas. Arkansas. Is a poor state that has a large population that are “Economic Slaves” to the State and Federal governments. Here is how Democrats succeed in states like yours. Put out the message that the Republicans if elected will take all the free things you currently get from State and Federal agencies and the Democrats offer the only hope for protecting your “entitlements” If they succeed in scaring the people they continue to win.
HockeyDad Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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"I'm just saying, you take away the white supremacists, and the confederate sympathizers, and Bush's support is non-existant, in the south"

Florida Voter Registration: 2002 General Election

Republican: 3,599,053
Democrats: 3,958,910

There are more Democrats than Republicans in Florida.
Florida is a democrat state by registration.

All five members of the elected Florida cabinet positions are Republican.
18 of 25 US House members are Republican.
26 of 40 state senators are Republican.
81 of 120 state representatives are Republican.
Florida went to Bush in 2000.

Based on these numbers, Florida Democrats are not voting party line and are joining ranks with Republicans. Based on your broad sweeping statement, many Florida Democrats and Florida Republicans are white supremists and confederate sympathizers, otherwise Bush's support would be non-existent.

You're declaring a fairly large amount of people to be white supremists unfairly just because they live in the south and voted for Bush. Is there a word for incorrectly calling someone a racist?
Homebrew Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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I agree with you on the Slave state, I'm sure you mean right to work state. It is hard to make a living here. But most do it. I do it, by working 2 jobs, and running a small buisness on the side. As for democratic pandering to the poor, it does happen. As for scumbags, in both parties, I agree. There are scumbags, in both parties. But, if you walked into a Klan meeting, and asked for a show of hands, I doubt you would find a single person there, that votes, anything but a straight Republican ticket, except for the occasional Nazi party member. I have even been invited to a Klan rally, by my local republican state representative. But in most other degenerate groups, you will find a mixed bag. Yes this arguement is in generalities. But I myself am only talking about Arkansas, and their politics, and have no statistics, to back up my arguements, except for my own observations. Kinda hard, since that kind of data doesn't exist.
But none of this really matters, to me, as much as going down to celebrate my fathers 72nd birthday, tomorrow, he doesn't look a day over 55. Which is where I am headed, when I finish this. You guys, have a great weekend, and I'll be back posting tomorrow evening, or Sunday
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Homebrew Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Just one more thing,
Before I go. I don't consider Florida to be an accurate measure of the South. It is in the south, but how many residents there, were born in the south?? I believe that there are too many northerners, in Florida, for that state to be used as a portrayal of the "Southern" US.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
phenix007 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2002
Posts: 245
Homebrew...I respectfully disagree with your analysis of the KKK voting tendencies....Being in Tx it is not without personal experience...and is not meant to disparage your beliefs....but they are overwhelming Libetarians....
65gtoman Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
(but they are overwhelming Libertarians), i agree! now that’s hitting the nail right on the head!!
#26 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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do you pull things out of your ass on a regular basis?

how do you know what you are going to get, or do you use the lean over a mirror trick, invented be some girl named nonica or something like that.

i scratch my ass a lot and pick my nose, remembering you can pick your nose and you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friends nose.
eleltea Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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Are the Cubans in south Florida who overwhelmingly support Bush white supremists? Is Condoleeza Rice a white supremist? I have voted Republican on occasion, but not always. Am I therefore a part time white supremist? When I am not busy white supreming, what the hell AM I up to? Answer: about 6' 2".

Is ex Ku Kluxer Sen. Robert Byrd an ex white supremist? When did he officially change from Republican to Democrat? Al Gore's father voted against the Civil Rights act in 64. Was he a Republican then? Are all present day southern Republicans white supremist ex-Democrats?

Is assuming that all southerners are bigots a form of bigotry, or just another fine example of progressive tolerance?
jjohnson28 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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So Rick do you pick your nose "after" you scratch your ass? Thats just sick man.
65gtoman Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
rick why dont you try to pull something out of your ass.

why not try YOUR HEAD!!

phenix007 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2002
Posts: 245
OK all...this is getting totally out of hand and has dropped to a very low level discussion....think before you post and hit the 2cents
65gtoman Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
This was a low level discussion from the first post. (the website link)

Rick im sure I can find many ridiculous websites to just post on this forum, but I chose not to and I use my own words to speak. Too bad you can’t do the same…. You seem to just want to start trouble all the time..
#32 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i was making a joke. i guess my sense of humor doesn't appeal to you.
Homebrew Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Hey Guys,
Just popped in to say on many occasions, I may get carried away, on a arguement, I believe I may have with this thread. I believe that there may be some Libertarian White Supremesist. But in my 2 short years as a party activist, I have not met any open WS peole in the movement, at least in Arkansas, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I do know several, WP, my neighbor, for one, who is openly Both WS, and Republican.
But I realize, that all political parties, have supporters, they would rather not have, ie Log Cabin Republicans, but we are stuck with them. Hey Guys, I am openly anti Bush. I am openly anti Democrat. I am a Libertarian, and proud of it. I vote Libertarian, when given that chance, not that often in Arkansas, we haven't had one on the presidential ballot here, YET. But you can bet I will not be voting for Bush, in the next election, I did last time.
Sorry if I ruffled a few feathers yesterday, I think I may have had a touch too much coffee. Ya'll have a great day, I've got to get back to my Dads birthday celebration, and my nephew wants his computer back.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. This horse has been beat to death, and then some.
phenix007 Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2002
Posts: 245
Homebrew...just stated who you would not vote for but not who you would vote. Your privacy respected but wondered if you would state a positive
tailgater Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Your neighbor is a white supremacist?
How rabid is he? What would happen if you invited a black friend over for dinner?
I'd find it very disturbing to be situated so close to such a biggotted extremist.

Ask him a question for me: "what make him so much better than folks of different color?"

Tell him 'Gator wants to know.

Then tell him MY President doesn't need his vote.
Homebrew Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Hey Phenix,
Not sure yet, but I'll be sure by election day. Right now leaning toward Clark, but not really made up my mind, hate to ruin a perfect voting record, never voted for a Democrat for major office, just school board.
As far as the white supremacist neighbor, he knows how I feel, and has learned to quit trying to win me over, with his arguements. He out of respect to me doesn't make a scene, if one of my ethnic brothers shows up, while he is there, just quietly gathers his things, and goes home. It's only happened once. I don't hang out with him much, unless we are doing something neighborly, like collecting mail for each other when one of us is out of town. I don't like hate. of race or of religion. But as a neighbor, I have to get along, or move. We just agree to disagree, on certain subjects. We wave, and are friendly, but don't play cards together, or actually hang out, but have visited over the fence, about people, who have stopped at my house, while I was away, neighborhood watch, and the other things that concern neighbors.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Homebrew Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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By the way Tailgater,
I'll pass on the word. As far as why he thinks he is better, than other races? I really don't want to know, he tryed to tell me one other time, but I really wasn't listening, he was trying to pull it out of the Bible, and it was convoluted Bull ****, in my opinion.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. I meant his trying to use the bible to support racist views, Bull ****, not the Bible.
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