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Last post 20 years ago by Homebrew. 62 replies replies.
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A grim outlook of the future
65gtoman Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
we are facing a long hard war. I have a very dark outlook on this war, one is that we will win the war on terror or two we will lose the war on terror then everything you dream of is gone, so there is no option we MUST win the war on terror, so how do we win the war on terror?

Well we can do it the way we are doing now, peace meal and being shot to pieces from our own enemy within, that every time we fire a shot off, these (democrat liberals) in the country takes a pot shot at the administration for conducting the war on terror. WHAT EVER the administration does they will say is wrong,
A HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND and I remind you all if we had the same divisions in 1939 you would be speaking German or you would be a bar of soap today.
So I have a very dark vision for the future and I don’t even know of I want to share it with you..

WE WILL WIN, we will prevail in this war against radical Islam. Radical Islam smells blood, radical Islam smells weakness, and radical Islam now thinks it has the numbers and the money to take over the world, convert the world over to Islam. That’s the story in a nutshell, that’s why they took this shot in 2001. After 8years of a crippled weak degenerate presidency they seen the sex, they seen the drugs, they seen the selling of the Lincoln bedroom, they seen there was no morality, they seen there was no core.

So they took a chance, they took a shot like any opportunist parasite will do.

How we win this war, is the question

JonR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Here's how you win the war in Iraq. First round up all the bleeding heart liberals in America and send them to France and then bomb France to dust. Then everytime one of ours is murdered in Iraq, put one hundred of theirs in front of a firing squad. Then finally any terrorist caught in America execute by beheading on public television and bury naked in a muslim prayer position with his ass facing mecca. JonR
jdrabinski Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
That is about the most reactionary post I've ever seen. Very little of it is even true!

...Democrats have let GWB conduct this war without question from day one. Only recently, with the lies and deception concerning WMD and the like, has there been dissent. Hell, the dems funded the Iraq cost! Where's the dissent?

...radical Islam is not trying to take over the world. They want Western forces out of Islamic countries and Israel destroyed. While I don't agree with any of their agenda, you are flat out lying when you say they want to take over the world.

...we are losing what is important to us under the PATRIOT act, which robs us of basic, valuable freedoms. Hell, even my library card isn't safe from government surveillance! Ashcroft is an enemy of our freedoms.

...we have to respond to terrorism within the boundaries of international law and within the boundaries of our freedoms. That's what the dissenters of GWB are concerned about. That means that they are concerned with the meaning of being an American. You don't have a corner on that.

...GWB has hardly been a moral pillar. I don't think I've seen your implicit theory before...that this is all Clinton's fault because he got blowjobs in the White House.

The future is not grim. But the future is full of difficult decisions, all of which need to be thoroughly examined by all of us. Careful thought is needed. A blank check to go and kill wontonly is a terrible solution to this problem.

65gtoman Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
These all facts, if you knew anything about radical Islam you would know this, im not going to debate this with a yellow belly fascist trader like you. But thanks for typing in here.

LOOK everyone this is the enemy within, this is the evil that lives among us. Take a good hard look him and how he thinks. Is this what you want for our children? This is the face of our enemy within. He wants to uproot anything in America. He wants to go against anything that you think is right no matter if it’s the war or child molesting. Take a good hard look.

xrundog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
Just a historical note: In 1939, the country was VERY divided. In fact isolationist thinking held sway over foreign policy. That was the reason for the lend/lease act with Great Britain. It wasn't until after Pearl Harbor that people really got onboard with the war. The main difference here is: This is a war on terrorISM. As such, the players and boundaries are ill defined and there is lots of disagreement over the best course. Getting bogged down in Iraq may not be it. But once the oil gets flowing, it may be a temporary boost to the economy. I'd like to see the money spent cleaning house in THIS country. And our immediate neighbors, Canada and Mexico.
mrsanmrfox Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 01-10-2003
Posts: 133
Hey jdrabinski.

Lets get our facts straight here. The Dems did not fund the war. The AMERICAN PEOPLE did, always have, and always will. Dont give credit where credit isnt due.

jdrabinski Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794

Give me a break. Of course that's what I mean...the Democrats helped pass the bill, as representatives of the american people, and so on and so on and so on. We the people fund it. And so on.


I am the 'enemy within'? You are really out of your mind, using terms like that. Frankly, that kind of language is dangerous...not to mention indicative of a paranoid condition. I am a citizen in a free country, free to speak my mind and advocate for what I want and see as right. We do not live in a totalitarian country. Sorry. I'm sure that disappoints you. Your choice to serve in the military does not make you a superior person to me or anyone else.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
1) "Democrats have let GWB conduct this war without question from day one. Only recently, with the lies and deception concerning WMD and the like, has there been dissent. Hell, the dems funded the Iraq cost! Where's the dissent?"

"Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons." - Impeached President Clinton

Hardly recently. 12 years of UN inspection. There is proof that he used chemical weapons on his own people, what did they just fly in for a visit?

2) "radical Islam is not trying to take over the world. They want Western forces out of Islamic countries and Israel destroyed. While I don't agree with any of their agenda, you are flat out lying when you say they want to take over the world."

Really? Yeah it was those peaceful muslims that boarded 4 american airplanes and crashed them into buildings and an open field.

3)"we are losing what is important to us under the PATRIOT act, which robs us of basic, valuable freedoms. Hell, even my library card isn't safe from government surveillance! Ashcroft is an enemy of our freedoms."

Only if you're a criminal. I haven't had my trash rifled through. Nobody has stopped me at gunpoint and asked for my papers? You're library card is the least of your worries! I'm safer now that we're looking for these "peaceful people".

4)"we have to respond to terrorism within the boundaries of international law and within the boundaries of our freedoms. That's what the dissenters of GWB are concerned about. That means that they are concerned with the meaning of being an American. You don't have a corner on that."

Why? History shows that the US doesn't use force lightly. Diplomocy is the key. 12 years of UN foot dragging led to Saddam's removal of power. If someting is rotten in your fridge you throw it out, the same thing applies here. You don't let it fester and stink the whole home up, or ignore it and hope it goes away or somebody else takes care of it! Inaction in this matter would only make things worse for the entire region.

5)"GWB has hardly been a moral pillar. I don't think I've seen your implicit theory before...that this is all Clinton's fault because he got blowjobs in the White House."

You could learn a LOT from him. And yes, 8 years of no foreign and domestic policy led this country to a recession and let "hot spots" all over the world fester. While you can't put this all on Clinton, remember that he did spurn international cooperation in regards to arresting Osama Bin Laden and Mohammad Atef.

6)"The future is not grim. But the future is full of difficult decisions, all of which need to be thoroughly examined by all of us. Careful thought is needed. A blank check to go and kill wontonly is a terrible solution to this problem."

The future is what you make of it. You can curl up in a fetal position or you can take charge of a situation. There is no preordained destiny for your life. It's what you choose to do and how you're equipped to handle a situation.

Nobody's asking for a "blank check" either. To leave these people to their own devices would be what the French and Russians have in mind. Some other thug would usurp power from the people faster than you can blink. The world knows that we're there for them in the long haul. Even after WWII, Japan and Germany weren't left to fend for themselves.

Once again...Think about what you're writing. Its a lot of gobbledeegook that at best is touchy-feely with a bunch that won't do a damn thing right here on our own shores. That much is apparent!
billyjackson Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 08-19-2002
Posts: 2,860

You sound like a preacher who doesn't know his ass from a whole in the ground...

...well, I'm not 100% sure about the preacher part.
eleltea Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
A statement such as "radical islam doesn't want to take over the world" cannot be proven. You can hold that opinion if you want to. The writings of radical islamists assert the opposite. They passionately desire that islamic law rule the world. The only question is can they pull it off. By the way, they would kill atheists and Bhuddists first, then the "People of the Book" who do not convert.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
LLT, did you read the links I posted?
65gtoman Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
I too am a citizen in a free country, free to speak my mind and advocate for what I want and see as right.

Also not that I mind being called names, but you call me 65-I-GOT-A-MAN, that implies im some kind of homosexual, so my question to you is that your attacking homosexuals or your predigest against them? That’s funny coming from one who supports the ACLU and wants to some how pass yourself off as a liberal. That must also explain why no TRUE liberals on the board never ever take your side.

You are a fascist little Hitler, which twists and turns other people’s beliefs, NO HIDES behind beliefs that suit your agenda at the present time.
I know what your all about sonny boy, you are full of hate for this country, probably because you are unsuccessful in you life. That’s why most people like you hate this country. You fell down the stairs and you want to blame the stairs for your fall.

You want to turn everything people love and cherish in America upside down.

You’re not fooling anyone on this board, your not who you say you are, you’re a wolf wearing a sheep’s skin.

I may be harsh and rough, but im honest and I say what I mean.

Homebrew Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hey GTOman,
I am enjoying the lashing you are giving to Jdrabinski, but I believe that he is extreme ,Left wing, or Liberal, not facist. I don't see him as facist, which I see defined as: an exponent or supporter of Fascism or (loosely) anyone with extreme right-wing nationalistic, etc views.
Dave (A.K.A. Homewbrew)
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

disagreeing is one thing, but resorting to name calling destroys any point you might make. it is childess at the least.

if you can't make a valid point without the nasty language, you are of very little interest to most people.

incidently, i haven't liked anything you have had to say.
65gtoman Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
That’s funny coming from you rick, as many names as you call people, and pull the race card out at the drop of the hat.
Some people will never truly understand the problem our country is facing, you take your pot shots at the administration every chance you get. But I never once heard you come up with any ideas of how to fight this war on terror. You only bash bush.

I would love to hear any liberal ideas on how to fight the war on terror. But the fact is you guys have no ideas.

What is the liberal plan to fight the war on terror??? Maybe you can explain it to me.

You must agree that a war to fight terror is needed, but yet you have no idea how to fight a war on terror.

jdrabinski Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Am I the only one who is reading 65's posts and thinking of that crazy dude on Seinfeld, who Elaine accidentally promotes to copy writer for J.Peterman?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
"what a total and complete **** you have to be to make that kind of remark."
JonR Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
I still feel my way is the best way. JonR
jdrabinski Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
DMV, I will confess that that remark did, in fact, come from the part of me that is an ****. We all got one. But it was time with this guy.
65gtoman Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
I would love to hear any liberal ideas on how to fight the war on terror. But the fact is you guys have no ideas.

What is the liberal plan to fight the war on terror??? Maybe you can explain it to me.

You must agree that a war to fight terror is needed, but yet you have no idea how to fight a war on terror.

65gtoman Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
What is the liberal plan to fight the war on terror???
65gtoman Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
Just as I thought, you guys kick and scream, bring the troops back, recall bush, bla bla bla

But the fact is, if you fools somehow got into office, you would not have a clue what to do. Terror would run ramped, more 9/11s would happen.

I seen your little 300 people D.C. gathering on c-span last night, I couldn’t stop laughing, all that yelling but no one had any ideas on how to protect this great land. I hope the CIA profiled all those demonstrators, they should make a few good arrests from that, im sure a good bit of them where terrorists LOL

(also let me point out that they don’t give a dam about the troops, their the same people the spit on the Vietnam troops, their using the bring back the troops line as a pawn!!)
65gtoman Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
jdra-bin-ladenski wrote: "I will confess that that remark did, in fact, come from the part of me that is an ****"

what part is that your mouth? LOL

eleltea Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
DrMV, Yes I did. Pretty scary.
xrundog Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
Liberal plan? No there isn't one. There doesn't seem to be a conservative plan either. Things certainly haven't gone the way the current admin. predicted. This is really just a furtherance of a foriegn policy that was begun in the Ford administration. Many of the Republican players are the same. The policies of the Reagan and Bush1 years initiated by these guys (Rumsfeld and Cheney to name 2) is what has been a major impetus of terrorist attacks going back to the Labanon Marine barracks attack. No, Clinton didn't really do anything to alleviate the situation. Maybe it was too late. The current plan to remake the Middle East in our image is doomed to failure. I would like to see efforts concentrated on terrorist organizations and NOT nation building. Why haven't we captured Bin Laden or Saddam? Maybe it's to someone's benefit for them to remain at large.
65gtoman Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858

Of course, the plan we have now is not working, we need more force and for the democrats to put aside the disagreeing to disagree crap.( im an independent myself)

Also please go more in to detail about what you said here, im intrigued

remake the Middle East in our image is doomed to failure-- and-- Why haven't we captured Bin Laden or Saddam? Maybe it's to someone's benefit for them to remain at large.

xrundog Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
Okay, to be fair I want to say that this is my OPINION. It's based on things I've heard and read over the years. The people in the Middle East are not like us. To expect them to behave as we do is naiive and a bit arrogant. Let them figure out how they want to be governed. As long as Saddam and Bin Laden are at large The admin can have the military kicking ass all over the Middle East in furtherance of their "vision" for the region. Terrorism is the main issue as sold to the American people. In fact it may now be simply a subsidiary issue in the overall master plan. Looks like Rumsfeld is currently running foriegn policy from defense. Colin Powell is out of the loop. Condy Rice is mouthing some scary stuff too! It's the responsibilty of this generation to remake the middle East. I gotta disagree with her.
#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
let us suppose we did not go to war against saddam.

#1 we would not have lost any american lives.

#2. we would not be stuck in iraq, a country that will never become anything except what it was, an unimportant part of the world as far as we are concerned.

#3 there is not nor will there ever be any truth to the BS that the attack of 9/11 was either instigated by iraq or that they assisited the saudi's that committed the murders on that day.

#4 the argument that saddam was a cruel despot and gassed the kurds is true, but why didn't his people rise up against him. it's their country.

ghandi got rid of the british rule without firing a shot.

martin luther king helped pass the civil rights act without firing a shot.

we fought for our independence and people died winning it.

#5 why is israel able to find individual terrorists, even as they ride in cars, and eliminate them and we can't.

i refer you to breslin's column.

October 23, 2003

Herewith is the latest list of American soldiers killed in Iraq. The Pentagon stresses that they were killed in "Operation Iraqi Freedom." We are giving Iraqis the freedom to kill us. This list of 13 is for less than two weeks, ending Oct. 21. As I fail to find these names in other public prints, I run them here on the notion that if they have died for your country, the least we all should do is read them and perhaps even remember some of them.

The names today raise anger on two levels, because they died so young, and for so useless a reason. "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is another preposterous lie by the Bush government. Why not say the facts: "Iraqi Oil."

And our troops should be out there enforcing a New York custom that we have lived by for generations.

The patrol guide for the police department of the City of New York has the code 1013. "Officer needs assistance." When this call goes out, the police of the city stop. There ensues a large rush to a hospital to give blood, and a sprawling, frantic search for the person or persons who committed the assaults or killing of a cop in the city.

The search is of such intensity and the cops involved so widespread that comparisons are drawn with the investigation of assaults on normal citizens, which show the thinnest of blue, a detective or two.

Back in March, detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin were shot to death on Staten Island. A 1013 went out. Within minutes, the Island was covered with a layer of blue. They caught the shooters.

That is the way the police of this city always have worked.

Today, we have 23 dead police from the World Trade Center bombing. There is no 1013.

The actual killers are dead, including 15 Saudi Arabians.

But the master of the attack is loose. He is Osama bin Laden and he lives on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

If we know where he is, why haven't we caught bin Laden, the cop killer?

Why haven't they followed the New York tradition and put all the men you need, tens of thousands, tens of thousands more if needed, and nobody stops until bin Laden, the New York cop killer, is caught.

If you want to fight terrorism, then fight terrorists. Get bin Laden. Bin Laden is not in Iraq where the soldiers on this list were sent.

George Bush stood in the World Trade Center ruins and said he would get bin Laden. Get bin Laden as a sheriff would, smoke him out, shoot him cold dead. All the poor cops cheered. What a thrill to have a good tough guy as president! That was over two years ago. Now you never hear bin Laden mentioned.

And the cops who have lost their own do nothing. They are the most extraordinarily gullible of people. They support with all fervor the idea of our president sending troops to Iraq and not where they could capture bin Laden. The cops say nothing about their dead. They are afraid to demand that their government honor the tradition of the 1013 and catch this common cop killer, bin Laden. They are afraid of anybody in authority. They have their dead bodies and they don't have the guts to shout. If they yelled with the emotion used when pushing around a peace demonstration, or anything made up of blacks, their prep school hero, Bush, would quiver and I say he makes bin Laden the goal again.

What is this, bin Laden has killed cops and we don't even catch him, but now we have to listen to tapes of bin Laden threatening to attack us again? Why do we put up with this?

i have not listed the dead soldiers he listed because many of you feel it is an insult to them to be mentioned publicly and recognised for what they did.

#6 why are we pouring money into iraq as gifts to those people instead of loans?

#7 why did halliburtan get so many no bid contracts
for reconstruction?

#8 why is there no impeachment hearing to find out who in the government violated the law and outed a cia agent?

#9 if we are worried about no. korea's nuclear cpabilities, why don't we do what israel did to iran, take out the sites that endanger us, now, before there are too many.

#10 why are we holding those people in cuba and trying to extract information from them. they have been out of the loop, assuming they were ever in it, for a few years. they don't have any idea what is going on. if our military men were captured and held in the same condition they are, we would be doing anything we can to free them.

10 is enough for today.
jdrabinski Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Rick is clearly another enemy within. God knows that we can't have people asking questions.
usahog Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
and I have Answered every one of these on this BB with Facts to you Rick...

1. Why are you so narrow minded you can read what you want to read and overlook the facts?

2. your not alone there are others who like to over look the facts and raise the same questions over and over again and when answered honestly they side step the issues, and persue the orginator of the info given an idiot...or other choice words not given...

3. meanwhile I am more concerned for your Operation about to take place rather than go over and over with you as to the "Why" or "What If's"

4. some of what you posted about Isreal are in good question and have rose to my concerns also a time or two.. but we are not Isreal.. and I am not at the Ranks to ask these questions down channel...

5. I hope your smoking a good one today!!!!

6. have a nice day ;0)~~~

Tobasco Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809

JD, I'm thinking your use of "God knows" is just an adage correct? Since you dont believe in God. Just curious.

65gtoman Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
let us suppose we did not go to war against saddam.

LETS NOT. Lets get back to my question, maybe you don’t understand English Rick,

What is the liberal plan for this war, homeland security, and to make this country safe and Israel too.

That’s what I want to talk about.

What is the liberal plan to fight the war on terror?
What is the liberal plan to keep from another 9/11

So you pull out all our troops stop the war, you get rid of the patriot act.
You stop the racial profiling, OK


WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS, SO I CAN TELL MY family their going to be ok?



is that clear enough?

After you stop the war, end the patriot act and stop racial profiling, then what? What do we do then, what is the plan?

Im all open to new ideas, we could say we are sorry, and maybe then they will leave us alone, do you think?

Whats the liberal plan?

I want to know, why is this such a hard question?

65gtoman Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
lets just start here ok::


mr. liberal what would you do for our HOME LAND SECURITY do you have any thoughts, what would be fair?

rayder1 Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
65 GTO. Obviously this was posted in order to start another name-calling board fight. There was no point to it. And point in fanning the flame.

Regardless of one's stance in this, nothing will change because of a B.B. fight on Cbid.

The regulars who tossed in their 2 cents should know better. We have had posts (especially from SteveS) regarding this type of stuff. Man ,it's easy to get sucked in. I read the whole thread looking for an opening to toss in my 2 cents.

The only thing keeping me from doing so was a little dose of restraint. I know that no matter what I said, it wouldn't change the opinions of anyone here.

Stop adding to this mess...go have a cigar and a nice cold one. Come back and don't open this thread again. In 2-3 days it will drop off the bottom and never be seen again.
rayder1 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
65 GTO. Obviously this was posted in order to start another name-calling board fight. There was no point to it. And point in fanning the flame.

Regardless of one's stance in this, nothing will change because of a B.B. fight on Cbid.

The regulars who tossed in their 2 cents should know better. We have had posts (especially from SteveS) regarding this type of stuff. Man ,it's easy to get sucked in. I read the whole thread looking for an opening to toss in my 2 cents.

The only thing keeping me from doing so was a little dose of restraint. I know that no matter what I said, it wouldn't change the opinions of anyone here.

Stop adding to this mess...go have a cigar and a nice cold one. Come back and don't open this thread again. In 2-3 days it will drop off the bottom and never be seen again.
rayder1 Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Sorry about the double post. My computer had a glitch.
xrundog Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
First we need to catch Bin Laden and Sadam. Put them on trial. That's the payback for 9/11. Okay, Sadam would only have to stand trial for crimes against humanity as we can't really prove a link from him to 9/11. Then we could leave the middle east to their own affairs. In very short order, they would be so busy fighting each other, they would lose interest in the U.S. Hell, the Arabs would turn their fury on Israel. Of course then, we would probably not have access to their oil. And that would make our foreign policy of the last 50 years a complete waste. The Republicans will never go for it.
65gtoman Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
Like I said, I just want an answer to my question, is it that tuff?

Im an independent I would become a liberal if I knew you guys had a better idea, a better plan for home land security?

Im just trying to understand the liberal mind.

Now I just want to know, what is a good liberal plan to prevent a repeat of 9/11?

nothing more just an answer.
65gtoman Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
Xrundog, sorry I didn’t see you answered before I posted last
65gtoman Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
That sound like a good idea, but the only thing I need to ask is this

Before 9/11 happened, where we not doing just that, leaving them alone? Do you really think they would leave us alone if we pulled out now, (again)? They came at us on 9/11 before this last war started. You see what im getting at here?

Tobasco Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809
65, yea right! You are an independant conservative, with an attitude. Thats not a bad thing, but every now and then you get a little over excited. So do I. I'm a Rep/Conservative.

You may agree with a liberal/Dem view if they accidentally got something right. But I couldnt see you joining the party. Just my opinion.

65gtoman Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
Also, would it be ok to just leave all them people alone to die as they shoot each other over there? I thought the liberals didn’t want the death of innocent people. So liberals just don’t want the death of our people? Correct?

Not that im being a smart ass here. Just trying to better understand what liberals are really about.

It does not sound that bad if you don’t mind them killing each other, but I still would need to know what the liberal party would do for our home land security. What about the terrorists still in this country. They still might give us some trouble. We would have to get better boarders and stop letting people in here. You would agree with that correct?

Even profile the Islam that live among us? Would that be ok?

These are all the questions I always wanted to know about.

thank you

xrundog Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
Warning: Your repeated attempts to incite may qualify you as a troll.
65gtoman Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
No, im just wondering man, you said:

Then we could leave the middle east to their own affairs. In very short order, they would be so busy fighting each other, they would lose interest in the U.S. Hell, the Arabs would turn their fury on Israel

That’s not that bad of an idea. But the ones still in this country might try to get us is all im saying. I would need a good plan to safeguard this nation. Im not Jewish or Islamic so I don’t really care what goes on over their. As long as no nukes are being built. And of course will kill bin and saddam

Like I said I just need a good homeland security plan.

Steve*R Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 07-23-2001
Posts: 1,858
Of course 65gtoman is a "put-on" and troll.

Wasn't the Magnum P.I. reference in another thread a clear enough sign?
65gtoman Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
Steve please don’t come after me, all I want is a better understanding of liberals, I can see calling names and little remarks does not make for nice readings.

I just want to understand some of your views, and I have seen we might not be to far apart, lets all work together here, if you start explaining liberal views to me, I can better understand where some of you are coming from.

Steve*R Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 07-23-2001
Posts: 1,858
I've got to confer with T.C. and Rick.
#48 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

RE homeland security. we've never had it. the cia and the fbi and the president don't talk to each other.
ashcroft is not interested in anything except power. he has rejected the idea that the sale of guns to anyone at a gun show need not be recorded. so the next time a terrorist wants something better then a box cutter, guns are available to him. there were so many7 warnings about an attack and no one in authority paid any attention to them.

we need better intellegence and coordination between the fbi and the cia, and more attention paid to both by the president and his staff.

we need spies in foreign countries. we don't need citizens spying on each other in this country.

i refer you to some of the "schemes" ashcroft proposed.

#49 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

"maybe you don’t understand English rick"

that is the kind of snotty answer that pisses people off.
#50 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

sorry chap. you are overlooking the facts. one of them being, you might be wrong.

no we are not israel. are they smarter? i don't think so. are they more determined to protect themselves. yes.
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