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Last post 20 years ago by Tobasco. 15 replies replies.
"Mystic River"
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Mystic River, the new movie being released this Wednesday is starring Sean Penn and Tim Robbins who have been known to spew hate speech against our current President, assaulting his character for doing what he is attempting to do with the war
on terror, to protect Americans from further attack. Which has been very successful so far.

These 2 liberal actors have sided with Saddam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden and
against our own country, as demonstrated by Penn's going to Iraq prior to the war in protest of our pending attack to remove the terrorist regime of Saddam Hussain, saying that we have no right to attack innocent people and that it was the Bush
administration that is starting this war.

Let us not forget 9/11/2001. I figure I have no way to let the liberals in Hollywood know that they are just actors....and not representative of mainstream America, by myself. But if each one of us route this note to all of your friends who support our troops and the administration, and make sure that they do not go to this movie.

Encourage all you know......not to go to it. By doing this.....these actors won't be able to get a job. Look what it did for Alec Baldwin's career! He's a washed up actor that watches his mouth these days.

We have 2 days until this movie starts. Let the boycott begin. Route this to every loyal patriotic person you know and stay away from this movie with these anti-American activists. These are 2 very outspoken hate ministers and we can make a difference.

JonR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Hog: You know me and how I stand behind George W.Bush. You know how Rick and me get into it over GWB. And you know I disagree with Robbins and Penn. However I have to say they have every right to voice their opinions about GWB, after all that is part of what makes the USA the greatest country in the world. Also there are a lot of fine actors and actresses that also star in their movies and some that agree with our way of thinking. JonR
tonester666 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 05-07-2003
Posts: 1,324
They sure do and I have every right to boycott the film.
xibbumbero Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
Hog can say and do what he feels is right. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins can say do what they feel is right. So can I and eveyone else. GOD BLESS AMERICA! X
eleltea Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
Attaboy, X!
65gtoman Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
they wont get my money.

wekikther4wer Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-12-2003
Posts: 408
Sorry, I will choose to support or not to support the President in other ways. He'll either get or not get my vote when election time comes depending on his performance as President. Not because a couple actors spoke out against his policies. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins are damn good actors. I've seen the movie, it's pretty good.

As far as Alec Baldwin goes, he's not a super star, but he gets plenty of work. I wouldn't call him washed up.

I love the movies, I go a lot. If it's a good movie, I'll go see it.
billyjackson Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 08-19-2002
Posts: 2,860

I hear you! A good movie is a good movie...and so it goes with actors as well.

What pisses me off about celebrities making the news with their political views is that no one would give a damn if they didn't already have a spotlight at their disposal. People who are in the mix and have the intelligence, education and first hand experience in the issues (many of the troops to name a few) don't get press time.

And the other thing that I can't understand is how masses can get bent out of shape because some one like Natalie from the Dixie Chicks says something stupid. Even if it is her heartfelt opinion, so the hell what? All of the sudden people let her become important enough of a political analyst for her opinions to matter? (The best thing to come out of that whole thing was the nude cover shot of the Dixie Chicks on Entertainment Weekly.)

I smell McCarthyism!!!
Tobasco Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809

Billy, the reason that folks were upset by the Dipsy Sticks, is that they didnt have the guts to say what they felt on our soil. They had to spew crap on foriegn soil. Thats why people were pissed.


***Threadjack on***
Now answer the question I asked you, which you conveniently bypassed with a lame excuse, on another thread. How does a Christain lose his/her credibility as a believer, by sinning? And who is it that you refer to as the judge of this credibility? e-mail me with your answer. Magnafide(at)AOL(dot)com

***Treadjack off***

billyjackson Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-19-2002
Posts: 2,860
"Great Faith,"

Me lame? Maybe so. However, there is probably some magical defense you have on that keeps me from calling you lame for saying that God is the only one who has to know you believe. You are trying to get me to say that it matters what others think of you so you can give me some lame Sunday School lesson. Been there, taught that.

Is that lame enough for ya?
usahog Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Hell you guys don't have to worry bout threadjacking this one.. to be honest I just posted it.. then went to bed for the 4th time... Couldn't Sleep seems to be me these days...

But I agree with X God Bless America
and JonR for this does Make the USA the Greatest Country in the World!!!

Billy... I'm a God Fearing Christian.. I'm not saying your Not.. thats not my place to Judge that...I do not care how others view me the only thing I care about is how the Man Upstairs views me... he is the only one I have to answer to and then theres my Wife!!!! I also answer to myself sometimes but those days are getting shorter... I have respect for everyone I meet and greet but it is up to them to maintain that as it is my place to try and maintain their respect for me...something I have noticed with this new generation of Youth.. there is a Major lack of Respect out there and Morals have really deteriated (sp)with this I also notice **** work habits and soon it will take its toll and already has across this Nation of ours!!!!

just my .02 cents
timhampton Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2003
Posts: 166
Hi all,

For the first time I am going to try one of these political debates. Hopefully I will not make an a$$ of myself.

As for the actors, they have every right to saw what they feel. More times than not, IMHO they are showing what a$$es they are. Once they have done that I can decide if I agree with them or not. In this case I don't. That is my choice. Would I walk across the street to listen to what their opinion is? No. I don't think that most people in Hollywood have a clue what really goes on in the world. They live a life protected from everyone and everything else. I thought it was funny when all of them showed up at the Academy Awards with two or three bodyguards each. That shows you how important they THINK they are. We all have a right to our own opinion. We also must realize that we must pay the consequences when we voice it in public. No, I will not see the movie.

It is kind of like flag burning. A few years ago I heard of a man that attacked a man in a southern state that was burning the American flag. He was arrested and sent to court. He pled guilty and paid his fine. His fineā€¦. 25 cents. His debt paid to society. My feeling on burning Old Glory. I don't have a problem with it. All I ask is that you soak it in gasoline and wrap it around yourself first.


usahog Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
LMAO @ Tim... I always for sure make an A$$ of myself!!! LMAO!!!

xibbumbero Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
LMAO at Tim. Methinks I likes him. X
billyjackson Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 08-19-2002
Posts: 2,860
As far as whatever it is that is going on between mine and Mag's opinions...I have a feeling when all is said and done, we'd probably agree more than we disagree on the issue, although we may be coming at it from different directions. So why don't we skip to that part. Sorry for the offense.

Tobasco Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809
1st, I didn't call you anything personally. I said that your reason for not answering my question was lame, not you. I don't know you. Maybe you are lame, I cant tell.

2nd, you know the correct answer to my question. It's like Hog said. It's Gods view of each person that matters, at judgement time. Also, as I said before, we are all sinners. And you should know well, that God is forgiving if you are truly sorry.

I dont care what others think of me in a religious way, politically or whatever. They wont get me into Heaven will they?


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