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Last post 20 years ago by Sylance. 18 replies replies.
3 options for the war
65gtoman Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858

Ok here we go, there are 3 options for the war.

One is that we pull out (will not happen)

So that leaves only 2 options

One we will stay with our current plan. (That’s not working)

Two, we increase the troops, increase the violence, and start a bombing campaign one step below going nuclear. Also take over the oil and use all the money for problems here in the USA

That’s what will happen, give or take the oil part.

How long are we going to pussyfoot around, before knocking them out, is the question. Bush wishing them a happy ramadad the other night sure is hell isn’t the proper way to go about things.

We need to end this crap in a 48hour intensive bombing campaign and take them back to the freaking stone age, then it would be over, we help them rebuild alittle but not too much.

That’s more then likely what will happen, it has to, if not only to set an example to tell other jerkoffs DON’T MESS WITH THE USA

Also during this 48hour war window, we pass a 2-3 day “act of war law” type law so we can round out all these terrorists or even suspect of being possible terrorists here in the USA. Hold them in camps to we sort this out.

thats how you win a war.

xrundog Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
What a great plan for liberating the Iraqi people and starting them on the road to self governance! You may want to send the White House an e-mail.
Sylance Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592
That's a pretty good idea, but we already won the war. Can you tell me how to win the peace?

These bombings are acts of desperation. They cannot hit hard targets, so they hit soft targets: such as hotels and the Red Cross. In every war, there are multiple fights happening. One of these is the PR war (which Israel sucks at.) I can say that bombing the Red Cross is not going to win the PR war.
65gtoman Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858

After an intensive air strike for 48hours, we walk in and go door to door basement to basement in any hotspot, root out all the terrorists in the towns with massive troop force. (Keeping in mind the troops can work like soldiers not police)
Hold public UN trails with hangings

With the right number of troops, resistance would be slim to none.

Then let the UN and France rebuild and police the show over there. They want to do that anyway.
spence28 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2003
Posts: 143
Did you know the world is round?
How about that women can vote?
How about that gay people don't have to hide it anymore?
How about that minorieits have the same rights as you?
I bet all of these things really piss you off!

I don't know if you say my post on the cigars and related titled "which hand do you use?"....but your answer should be: "neither, but I should use one of them more"
plabonte Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
Posts: 2,131
Great plan. While we are at it can we burn all the witches we find too?
spence28 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2003
Posts: 143

minorieties = minorities
say = saw
Sylance Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592
I think your plan is what we're trying to do. The challenge is that terrorists typically don’t wear bright orange overalls with huge white letters on them that say "terrorist." We are looking for them.

It bothers me when people say, “Why haven’t we found Saddam or Bin Laden?” when we can’t even find fugitives in our own country, with our fancy technology, when the entire population is cooperating with law enforcement. Compare this to working in another country, with no technology, and the people don’t cooperate… it’s difficult.
65gtoman Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
Did you know the world is round? YES

How about that women can vote? IM ALL FOR IT
How about that gay people don't have to hide it anymore? THAT’S FINE WITH ME, just don’t push the gay ways onto my children.

How about that minorieits have the same rights as you? NO they have more rights with this affirmative action which I see as reverse racism.

I bet all of these things really piss you off! None of these things upsets me.

But I don’t see what these have to do with the war.

its a plan for a war, thats how you win a war.

65gtoman Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
I think your plan is what we're trying to do.

It is but we need more force and to make the troops safer, a good bombing campaign is what I would do. Bush is getting stuck in the political red tape. He needs to get tougher,, is all im saying, bush is doing much better then any demonrat would have done. Im just pointing a mistake bush is making from a military point of view. We are being held back. IMO

He will get tougher but I hope its sooner then later

Sylance Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592
I totally agree. I'm very thankful that Bush is our President during these hard times, but what do we bomb? What target do we give our pilots?
65gtoman Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
That’s what military intel is all about, as for the bombing its strictly for morale! Air strikes diminish enemy morale and any hope in winning, air strikes really make the our troops feel safer and gives them something to cheer about, 24hours warning can be put out to civilians to GET OUT on the towns the intel says are real hot.

You keep them running, you get the weapons they can’t carry out of the towns.

Im sure there’s a guy over there, that’s got this all planed to a tee, he waiting for the call to come in.

More force, more force, more force!!

timhampton Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2003
Posts: 166
I would like to put my 2 cents in. Fire at will if you like. I can take it.

1. Putting more troops in Iraq would just give them more targets to hit. It would also give the enemy a physiological boost. (We are winning, they needed reinforcements.) Yes, we are losing a few every few days. My heart sinks every time I hear of one. But, how of our own population died last night in the United States due to violence. Many, many more than we are losing on this war. People are going to die in war. Period. The more we put our thumb on the whole population of Iraq the more they will resist. If the police came to the door every night to make sure you were not smoking pot, you would get pissed. We can't knock on everyone's door in Iraq everyday. Sooner or later they would get pissed. All of them. Not just the few we are trying to weed out.
2. We can't just go in and bomb them back to the Stone Age. Sounds like a great idea, but we can't. There are such things as war crimes. Things like bombing people just because they are there. Shooting someone just because they might shoot at us. These things would not set well with the world at large. We have to live in this world together. If every one hates us or are afraid of us. We would have a lot more enemies.
3. These people have no idea what the world is like outside of Iraq. If they did, I don't think they would be fighting us. Most of them anyway. All they have been taught all of their lives has been lies. They have to be reeducated. This will take some time.
4. Killing thousands and thousands is a big deal. Even if they are the enemy. You have to kill the right ones, not just everybody. We have to live in this world. Killing thousands and thousands of people just to make it safer for our forces over there is not the right answer. What is the right answer? I don't know, I am just an American going to work everyday, trying to make a living for my family. I'm not a solider or sailor any more. I don't have the need to know as far as the government is concerned.
5. We elect our government to make the best choices that they can with any given situation. If we don't like the choices they make, we change them. The higher ups have a plan, we just don't know what it is. If we know, the enemy knows. We are doing a lot better over there than some give credit.
6. It takes longer than 10 months to change a people's way of thinking. It's going to take time. In the mean time, we will lose more American lives. This is war, again people die in war. God bless them.
7. Finally. Have you ever killed anyone? I have many, many times. Let's not put that on anymore of our troops than we have to. It takes years for someone to get over that. Many years. Like to movie said "When you kill a man, you take everything is got and everything he will ever have." This is true. It all so takes a big part of you too.

Ok, so it was more like 25 cents. Just my own opinion.


spence28 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2003
Posts: 143
my response was in your idea to hold public hangings, which in a way is an extremist view....Hmmmm....dare I say you have some things in common with bin laden? kill those that you hate because they don't share the same opinion or view?
Get a brain.
choner Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
"Bush wishing them a happy ramadad the other night sure is hell isn’t the proper way to go about things."

I don't find any fault in this action. We are fighting against the terrorists, and not the religion. The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorist. Its like judging the USA through David Koresh. You should respect other religions.

65gtoman Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
I said UN hangings, for war crimes. Hang saddam hang bin laden, but give them UN lawyers and a fair trail. Then hang them in public if found guilty

As for the bombings let me put that a different way.

Use air strikes on some of them mountainous places they maybe hiding, and use a lot of them. Also bomb the hotspots in towns after 24hours warnings, the air attacks work very good to make the enemy see they have no chance. It also makes it easer and safer for the troops to walk in. it weakens the enemy.

We are going to fight this war anyway, air strikes make it go faster. We could probably do this all with the amount of troops we have in there now, if they would let them move around more.

IMO we are playing to much politics (which always gets troops killed)and not getting the job done the correct military way
Or let me put it this way, theirs a high ranking person in the military that has the perfect plan. But the plan is not being put into use, because of the political BS that is going on. There is a better military plan. And within that plan are more bombs and more aggression.

That’s what im trying to get at, im not a military planer so I cant give a step by step with targets etc. But more force is needed if not more troops, im not sure how many troops we need, the only thing I can see is that it shouldn’t be that much more if any, given the great weaponry we have.

IMO I see our military at this moment in the war, being forced to police and not Soldier, it’s like having a hand tied.

Im not saying we are doing a bad job, but its time to get more aggressive. Not time to stay the same or pull out.

Just more force.
usahog Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
I agree with what Tim has said here... but it takes a Nation Joined in the Cause not one Divided!!!

GTO... we've made Mole Hills out of Mountians in Afganistan many times here... pushing Earth with the Air Strikes and the Contenious Patrols on the ground and in the air are wearing on our Boy's!!!!
we got **** that will penetrait 100 ft of Earth and 20ft of Reinforced Concrete and have used these... but these guy's know their caves and tunnels and Ground and we don't learning yes... but they see US before we see them... unless they F&ck-Up big time!!!!

same for Iraq.. less people as Targets with the drive to get the Job Done!!! Their, there and doing just that... no matter what the Media is saying!!!

#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i agree and disagree with everyone. i especially like USAHOG'S "it takes a Nation Joined in the Cause not one Divided!!!" sounds like hilary clinton.

my plan to win the peace is load all the troops on ships, planes, whatever and come home. we declare victory. now we have peace.

i wish so many iraq people had not been killed, but we did get saddam out of there. now let them do whatever they want for their country.

if we discover a new despot taking over with plans to hurt us, we do what they do in israel, we kill him before he can do damage.

too simple? perhaps, but i am a simple man with simple ideas.

i am however smoking an isom monte #2 and my blood pressure today was 120/70.
Sylance Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592
So... if America packs up and leaves tomorrow, Saddam won't come back to power?

/sarcasm on/
I'm sure Saddam now realizes how evil he was and will just step aside as Iraq turns themselves into a peaceful, productive democracy that actually contributes something to the world. If given the chance, I’m sure Saddam will pick up a shovel and start digging up his mass graves so he can give his victims proper buries.

And… lets follow Israel’s methods because they’ve realized such peace with theirs. Since they’ve started bombing cars in the streets, there hasn’t been any terrorism acts in Israel. Israel is now a place where you can walk the streets without fear, and Muslims and Jews go off a pick flowers together.
/sarcasm off/
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